Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the other characters.

Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing my recent story, Dying In Your Arms. I'm pleased that so many like it. I always appreciate new ideas and thoughts on the way the story's going. Thanks again and enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Fifteen

(Kagome's POV)

(WARNING: Lemon!)

Pacing back and forth in Sesshomaru's huge library, I couldn't get the heat from radiating from my cheeks. He practically molested me and I let him! He stated that he wouldn't hide what was mine and he didn't. He flaunted it, knowing that I was inexperienced, but…it was exciting. I liked knowing that all that pure maleness was mine if I wanted it and he was making me want it.

Thoughts and sensations bounced randomly inside me. He haunted me, followed me around with his hard chest and sculptured abs. My mind wanted to wonder and think about what went lower, but I wouldn't allow myself to be drawn to that certain part of his anatomy. No matter how attractive the rest of his anatomy presented.

Sesshomaru had been bold and so direct. Not his normal behavior, I noted. And he had asked if I planned on leaving him. He must have seen me talking to Sango and the thought of me running away had bugged him enough that in the middle of his desire he had asked the question.

He cares for me.

The thought stopped me on my endless pacing and I stood staring at the door as if he would magically pop up there. So the beast learned to love. It reminded me so much like Beauty and the Beast that it was unnerving. Of course, Beauty's life hadn't been drained away and the Beast didn't ever mark her, but the main story line was about the same. Beast learns to love and Beauty learns to see beyond what lied on the surface.

Though, on Beauty's mind at the moment was entirely focused on what laid on the surface of her current Beast. He was breath taking. Mind consuming. So damned sexy!

Stomping my foot, I huffed and walked towards the door. No man should ever be able to conquer a mind like that. Berating myself, I asked for hot water from the demon girl that seemed to help me the most and decided that a bath will help clear my mind.

Walking towards Sesshomaru's bedchambers, I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in to see if the coast was clear. Sighing when I saw that the tub was free and Sesshomaru was nowhere to be seen. Closing and locking the door, I slowly walked towards the tub, waiting for when the girl brought up the water.

Nosing around, I opened the wardrobe and noted the new pretty kimono's that was to one side of long masculine kimono's that were Sesshomaru's. He had bought them for me and never told me about them. Sneaky demon.

The girl arrived and made sure the water was at the temperature that suited me and quickly left, leaving me with my thoughts. Determined to push my morbid thoughts away, I undressed and draped my worn kimono over a chair and padded naked towards the tub. I covered my breasts and kept looking both ways, almost expecting Sesshomaru to pop up out of thin air.

Sinking into the lushes' water, I sighed in content. Ducking my head underwater, I wet my hair and looked around for the small bottles of shampoo I had seen earlier. To my dismay, they were returned to a shelf that was more than my arm's length away. Huffing, I grabbed the edge of the tub preparing to rise to fetch them when a pale arm reached out and grabbed a hold of the lavender bottle.

My hand slipped and I feel into water and came up sputtering, blinking water out of my horrified eyes up at Sesshomaru. "What are you doing?" I asked in a shrill voice.

He simply smiled and walked over to me, shirtless and dressed only in a simply pair of baggy black pants. His hair was tied back in a simple ponytail, leaving his abdomen and face open. Remembering last minute, I hastily crossed my arms over my breasts and crossed my legs, hiding my essentials.

"I came in to grab a towel, but found something much more interesting then returning to boring old practice," he murmured, holding out the bottle of shampoo.

Blushing, I kept one arm across my boobs and reached out for the small bottle. "Um, thank you. You can leave now. Sorry," I mumbled, tugging the shampoo from his grasp.

He smiled and pulled up a small stool that had been hidden in the corner of the room and sat behind me. I turned and kept him in sight, mortified that he was going to stay there and watch me bathe.

"It's not proper for a man to watch a woman bathe," I blabbed, hoping he would take the hint since he did not take the outright motive to leave.

"I've seen you naked before, Kagome, and I've washed your silky hair as well," he rumbled, bending to swipe the shampoo from my death grip.

"What?" I squealed. I had completely forgotten that! He had touched me and washed me and seen me…oh lord.

I sank deeper into the water and gasped when he gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head back, wetting my hair again. I rose a bit for him and honestly didn't know what to do or say when he squirted a good amount of shampoo into his hand and tenderly started washing my hair for me. His fingers rubbed into my scalp and ran through my hair, making sure every strand was lathered.

Moaning in delight, I closed my eyes, letting him guide me lower into the water so he could rinse out my hair. His finger teased and touched my face, shoulders, and the swell of my breasts that I still kept hidden from him. It was nice having someone else care for me. To be pampered and...loved in a way.

His lips met mine briefly before he tugged me higher out of the water. I opened my eyes and watched silently as he grabbed a wash cloth and lathered it with another kind of soap that smelled of wonderful flowers and dark moon light. Taking hold of my arm that wasn't covering myself, he washed it from fingertips to armpit, though I squirmed a bit when he reached that point, earning a small smile from him.

His eyes as he washed me were intent and focused, though every once in awhile they would flash up to my face and showed me the heat in their amber depths. Soon, he had my other arm washed and both my legs, though I made sure that my parts were covered and it seemed to amuse him. So what if he had already washed those parts. It was different when I was up and alert of where he hands were going and what they were washing.

"There's no need to be shy or fear me, Kagome," he murmured, as if sensing my quiet dread, "but I need to wash something special if you don't mind."

I did mind and I was still nervous, but I let my arm drop and rose a bit out of the water. Reaching for the towel, I was determined to wash those parts myself, but he simply shook his head and held the cloth away. Great. He wanted to wash those parts more than I did.

I closed my eyes and knelt in the tub, tensing when the cloth rubbed my collar bone. He rubbed in slow circles that soothed my muscles, relaxing me inch by inch. I gasped when I felt something moist lock on to my nipple and looked down to see that it was his mouth, his hand rubbing my lower ribcage in small bubbly movements.

My body acted on its own and I found myself pressing my breast into his mouth, a moan escaping my lips when he took more of me into his mouth. I felt him groan in response, his free hand snaking into the water to run up my inner thigh, his fingers asking permission to explore.

I hesitated but gave in when he switched to my other breast and bit down gently, causing me to cry out in pleasure. Moaning against my skin, his fingers tenderly touched my nether lips and found a spot that made me trash against him. He dropped the cloth into the water and placed his arm around me, holding me to his mouth and still enough that he wouldn't hurt me as he swirled my pleasure bud.

"Sesshomaru," I moaned, my hands holding his head against me as something built inside me, winding tighter and tighter.

Suddenly, he stood with me in his arms and gently laid me down on the floor. Alarm went through me, but quickly disappeared when he pulled away from my breast and his mouth locked onto bud. I let out a small scream and bucked underneath him, trying to push him away but not wanting him to stop.

"It's too much," I moaned, biting my lip as his tongue swirled against me, making my stomach tense and my legs shake. He was going to make me burst.

"Sesshomaru!" I cried out his name when the pressure that had been building up burst inside me the moment he sucked my into his mouth, his devilish tongue flicking against me expertly.

He held down my abdomen with one hand and gently inserted a single digit into my womanhood, causing the ripples that coursed through to intensify. I screamed and let him move his finger in and out of me, tears of pleasure brimming me eyes and I babbled incoherently.

Once the ripples subsided, he pulled out of me and raised his head, his mouth glistening in my juices. His eyes were outlined with red, desire printed on his features. His fingers brushed against my core one more time, making me moan and squirm underneath him before he stood and grabbed a hold of his erection.

"If I do not leave now, my miko, I will have you tonight," he growled, his chest heaving slightly as he licked his lips, "My apologies, but you are a temptation that shatters my control."

With that, he left while I lay on the floor in a bubbly haze, a satisfied smiled permanent placed on my lips. He the first to ever touch me in such a manner and I didn't regret it. He gave me pleasure and excepted now for his own. Now Beauty was falling for her Beast.


hope you liked that little, um, flame. Hehehe ^^ I couldn't help it. I had to get another chapter out there for you! Please feel free to send me your thoughts and reviews! –Dee Zuki