Dying young.

- November 2011 -

Funny. How one moment you feel completely fine and the other you feel like throwing up the entire content of your stomach. It's like wanting to run but 2 min into the run you want to give up. You feel weird, powerless... and frustratingly out of breath.

This is how he felt. Seto Kaiba. Which would be funny, right? THE Seto Kaiba, his skin now in a whiter shade of pale, sitting in a chair, shivering while waiting for the next throw up-session. A lot of people would indulge into the mere fact of knowing. For he was arrogant and conceited and for he had a selfish disdain for the feelings of others. It made him realize how ironic life could be. Of course no one knew about HIS past and the way he decided to cope with it because it happened to HIM Not them. They wouldn't understand anyway, so why bother?

But somehow, along this ironically 'funny' way, someone did understand. It was the last person he would have thought of. For days he could find himself thinking over and over again 'why HER?'. Why not Mokuba? Or hell, even Roland.

Heh.. Funny... yes indeed.

Because if you really think about it, carefully... Does anyone deserve dying from cancer?

- 3 years ago. November 2008 -

Kaiba Corp. 8:30 am and it was irritatingly warm for the time of the year. In his somehow oval office sat Seto Kaiba typing furiously on his macbook wanting to finish whatever he was working on. He had been feeling slightly feverish for the last few weeks but he brushed it off. Anyone can get sick with this type of weather.

"Sir, Mr. Nagamouri on line 1. He said it's urgent. Should I tell him to wait?", said his secretary through the speakerphone.

"Put him through", Kaiba said. He picked up the phone and with his famous all-knowing, I'm-gonna-get-this-deal smirk he answered "Mr. Nagamouri, what seems to be the problem?".

"Good morning Mr. Kaiba, listen..."

An hour later Kaiba got the deal and sat back in his chair, sighing. 'Finally', he thought. During the call he began feeling way to warm, which made it obvious to him he was developing a persistant fever. He decided to get up and then what happened, happened real fast. He stumbled over his extravagant chair and fell face-down on the ground leaving him laying there knocked-out.

His love-struck secretary heard this of course and immediately called an ambulance. By the time Kaiba regained conciousness he was laying in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and his little brother holding his hand.

Meanwhile in another part of the hospital, stood surgical nurse Anzu Mazaki, catching up on unsigned charts. She had heard some rumours about there being a famous person in the hospital but she didn't really show any interest. You would think 'why is Anzu a nurse and not dancing somewhere on broadway?'. Well, here's the thing. That's exactly what she did.

After finishing High School she was discovered by a dance company who mainly directed shows on broadway. So she took her chance and danced. After 2 years she broke her ancle and that was that.

She was devastated. But eventually, slowly, she got over it and started studying to become a surgical nurse.

While she walked through the hallways she could hear everyone whisper about this mistery celebraty guy laying in the hospital. Rolling her eyes she thought sarcastically, 'Jezus, people, give it a rest. Difficult to grasp, I know, but famous people get sick too, ya know?'.

"Anzu, have you heard? The so-called mistery guy is Seto Kaiba! Didn't you go the high school with him?", Kiara said teasingly smirking.

"What? What is Kaiba doing here?", she asked frowning. "Has he been hospitalized?".

"Well, yeah, obvious much?", Kiara said rolling her grey eyes. Anzu mildly glared until she remembered something. She grinned.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but...", she paused, knowing she was about to make her friend panic, "weren't you supposed to be on rounds 20 mins ago?", Anzu said with an sweet evil smile. Kiara looked at her watch and screamed, "WHAAAAT? Anzu, I'm gonna kill you! Couldn't you have told me, I don't know, TWENTY MINUTES AGO?", Kiara said, clearly panicing.

"See you later, Kiara", Anzu sing-a-songed. She giggled as she saw her friend running like a possessed person. Two minutes later she found herself frowning again and thinking 'I'm gonna check out what going on here.'

A/N: Well, this is my second story. Hope you'll like it :)