A/N: This is my first Fanfiction that I have I written I Hope you'll will like it.

Pairings: Cargan/Kames

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush nor the guys from the show.

Chapter 1

Logan's POV

I can not believe me and Carlos have been dating for the past 2 years since we were 16. Today is our Second year anniversary and I have something special planed for both of us. Right now he is down by the pool with our friends doing the stuff he likes doing like doing cannonballs in to the pool and jumping from the roof in to the pool.

While I was in the kitchen I heard voices outside of apartment door I was hoping it was not Carlos because my surprise for him was going to be ruin if it was him. Then I heard the voices inside the apartment and went to see who it was that came in to the apartment. When I went to check who it was it was James and Kendall laughing and holding hands. Kendall and James have been dating longer than me and Carlos they have been dating the past 3 years. So Kendall had already proposed to James last week so It was my turn to propose to Carlos.

"Hey what all are you'll doing here?" I asked them.

"We wanted to come and check if you needed any help for tonight" Kendall said " you know because I come up with the best plans better than any body in this group".

Well that is true he does come up with the best plans when it comes to getting us in to trouble and out of trouble.

"No I am fine Kendall I want to this by myself I am the only one that knows my Carlitos the best" I told him.

" Come on Logan let Kendall help you. They will be no way Carlos will not say "no" if you let him help" James said.

"Guys I think I can handle this by myself for once. And James we all know there is no way for you to say "no" to Kendall if you wanted to."

"Well that is true, but Logan look at him who the hell would want to say "no" to that." James said.

"Okay, but please let me this by own"

And with that they both left and let me get back to my plan to propose to Carlos tonight at dinner.

I hope Carlos likes the ring that I got him him from Jared's Jewelry store . It was the most expensive I could find because Carlos is worth every cent that I have. He is the best thing that has happen to me my whole life. And if he say's "yes" I will be the happiest man alive in the world. I really have to get this dinner ready before my Carlitos come back to the apartment. I was making his favorite for dinner corn dogs. I knew the Carlitos better than James and Kendall knew about him.

I knew all his favorite sports teams professionally and in the college level sports. Even though in some sports we did not like the same teams. In basketball his favorite team is the Houston Rockets even though he is from Miami if you ask me it did not make any sense to me. In the NFL his favorite team is also the Houston Texans . Also that does not make any sense to me. My favorite basketball team is my home town team the Dallas Mavericks and also the same goes for my football team the Dallas Cowboys. But in one team we both did agree is on our favorite college football and basketball team the University of Texas at Austin. We both enjoy watching both sports during the season.

I got distracted again when the apartment door opened this time I really thought it was Carlos, but it was not it was Mama Knight and Katie back from their shopping spree that they had today.

"Hey you'll are back early" I told them

"Yeah we ran out of money" Mama Knight said " and we also came to check if you needed any help for the big night tonight."

"No. I have everything in control." I told them "but I am a little nervous what if Carlos says no to my proposal. What if he needs time to think about. I do not think I be able to lose Carlos."

Than out of no where I felt some one slap me it was Katie who slapped me.

"Hey, what was that for?" I asked Katie.

"You are over thinking this to much. Carlos loves you he will not say no to you." Katie said "Its the same thing with James and my brother he can not say no to Kendall"

"Well that is true"

" Okay Katie we should let Logan finish up what he was doing for Carlos tonight." Mama Knight told Katie' Good luck sweetie we know he is going to say yes.'

I told them thank you. And we that they both went into their room and left me alone again getting ready for tonight dinner.

TBC. The next chapter will be Carlos POV