Hi Everyone, well, as a little thank you for waiting patiently for the next FB chapter, I thought I'd post this little one shot that popped into my head... I hope you like it... Review and let me know...


My Lucky Day...

"... I can't help it if I'm better than her," Stan droned on and on from the other side of the table. "She needs to get over herself before she finds herself in the unemployment line." Stan was my second in charge and the biggest pain in my ass I'd ever experienced. He was the big boss' nephew and someone I was saddled with. I was just waiting for the day when he'd stuff up and I could use it as a reason to transfer him.

I nodded my head absentmindedly without looking up from my nearly finished lunch as he continued his monotonous whining over the feud between him and a woman that worked in accounts. I'd tried to slip out for a quiet lunch but before the doors to the lift could close, Stan slipped inside and invited himself to join me.

"If she thinks that she can just..."

His voice trailed off into background noise as I looked around the room hoping for something a little more interesting than lettuce to help drown out his ramblings. Seriously, if he didn't shut up soon, I may find other uses for the butter knife currently sitting beside my right hand...

My eyes went to the restaurants front window and immediately landed on the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

Hair so dark drown it was almost black, but in the sunlight I could see strands glinting a deep shade of red. It hung in soft waves unencumbered down her back, coming to an end just above her waist; I could almost feel the silky strands running through my fingers. Unconsciously, my tongue came out to wet my suddenly dry lips as my eyes took in the rest of her body.

Sleek, muscular and deadly sexy. I knew from personal experience that a body like that didn't come without work. My mind was instantly bombarded with images of my hands rubbing and massaging her hot, sweaty skin after I'd put her through one hell of a workout. The bare skin of her waist that showed in between the top of her skin tight jeans and the tight black shirt was all it took for my mind to wander; leaving me to imagine all the other skin I couldn't see.

"Hey dude... you listening' to me?"

"Yeah..." I said, my eyes not leaving the vision that stopped at the florist shop across the street.

"Well, what do you think?" Stan asked me.

"I think you should go with your gut." I had no idea what he wanted my opinion on, but this answer seemed as good as any... It seemed to make him happy, he just kept talking.

I had to swallow the pool of saliva that had suddenly flooded my mouth as I watched her bend over to smell the flowers that where sitting in the buckets at street level. I could easily picture my hands firmly in place on either side of her shapely hips as I pulled her naked body back into mine.

My daydreaming was unceremoniously interrupted by a low whistle. I finally tore my eyes away from the exotic beauty outside to the annoying leach in front of me to see that he'd finally found what had taken my attention away from him.

"Wow... That's one fine ass, I could totally tap that." I couldn't help but scoff and shake my head before looking back out the window. "She's smoking hot."

She most certainly is... I thought to myself. I lifted my glass of wine up from the table and let the sweet aroma fill my senses.

"What about Meredith, aren't you supposed to be getting married in a couple of months?"

"Yeah, I may be getting married my man, but I'm not dead..."

"I'm not your man, dickwad." I mumbled under my breath before taking a calming sip of wine.

The brunette beauty started picking out flowers of all different colors and obviously satisfied with her choice, she went inside to pay for them.

"I wonder how hard it would be to have a woman like that." Stan said. In his case, I would expect it to be impossible. "I mean, it's not like I haven't had my fair share of beauties in the past, but I couldn't imagine living day in and day out with other guys drooling over my girl all the time and someone like her would be hit on by every male that passed her by."

True... I thought as I watched her walk out of the florist, her face buried in the now wrapped up bouquet. She walked back to the buckets of flowers, turning her back to us once again and before either one of us could say anything else, the exotic beauty looked up from where she stood and turned, giving me a glimpse of her profile... Stunning...

I couldn't help it; I was suddenly getting a little uncomfortable in the confines of my suit pants. A tall blonde girl walked up to her smiling and they greeted each other with a kiss before wrapping their arms around each other's bodies. I watched as their hands rubbed up and down each other's backs...

"That'd be right..." Stan huffed. "Pillow munchers..." I turned back to the loser opposite me, my anger spiking... I knew he was a douche but seriously...? It took all of my self control not to punch him into next week! "Hey, looks like they're coming over here."

I turned away from him, barely keeping myself in my chair and sure enough, the two beauties where standing on their side of the road waiting for a break in traffic so that they could cross over. The closer they got, the harder my heart beat. The brunette beauty was absolutely breathtaking. I could see her deep brown eyes glistening in the sunlight as she tilted her head upwards as she laughed at something her friend had said. Her smile infectious, making my own pull at the corner of my mouth.

"Why does it seem like it's the 'new thing' for hot chicks to be into other chicks? It never used to be like that..."

I ignored his stupid ramblings and kept my eyes on the woman who had taken my breath away. I could see in my mind's eye, pulling up to the garage at the side of my house, turning it off and getting out, walking inside the house... "Honey, I'm home..." The exotic, brunette beauty walking through kitchen doorway with a smile on her face... Then I'd take her into my arms and kiss her plump, deep red lips until we were both breathless.

"Get your mind out of the gutter man." Douche bag extraordinaire said, bringing me out of my fantasies. ""You pull me up for looking... You're the bloody married man here and you look like you're about to run out there and eat her for lunch; right there on the sidewalk."

Yeah, that'd work... I only barely kept the smile from my face as I watched him stand up from the table.

"This one sided conversation has been fun and all, but I can see your mind is elsewhere." Just then he looked up behind me and by the look on his face, I knew that the two girls must be walking towards us. "Oh God... she's even better up close." He said quietly.

I turned slightly to look over my shoulders and sure enough, they were headed our way.

"Hello ladies." Mr Douche said grinning.

"Hello." I heard just behind me. I looked up to see the two stunning women come to a halt beside our table. The brunette turned her attention from Stan to me as her friend smiled and shook hands with my uninvited lunch guest. It may have been my dirty mind but the smile she gave me screamed 'I'm up to no good and you're about to find out what I can do'...

"Hello there." She said to me in a rather breathless voice.

"Hello." I said smirking.

"It's a shame you're nearly finished, we could have joined you two gentlemen for lunch."

"Oh, that's fine," Stan said quickly. "...you two lovely ladies can still join us, can't they Dimitri? We've still got plenty of time before we need to head back."

"Oh, we couldn't possibly interrupt." The brunette said.

"Nonsense, it's no interruption at all. Let me just move this..." He smiled. I sat in shock as he quickly moved his plate over to the empty place setting beside me. He then pulled out the chair he'd previously been sitting in, in invitation; obviously he didn't want her sitting next to me. She didn't move straight away though, instead she glanced to me and her smirk became more devious.

"What do you say Liss?" She asked her friend.

"Sure, I don't see why not..." The blonde said with a small shrug.

"My name's Rose." Rose... I felt my brow lift as I watched her walk around Stan to sit in the chair that was opposite me.

"My name's Stan, nice to meet you Rose." Douche said as he pushed her closer to the table. He quickly ran around to the empty chair beside me and held it out for the blonde friend. "Please, excuse my friend, his mind has been elsewhere lately."

"Really?" Rose asked as Stan called over a waiter. "Anything important?"

"Extremely..." I said seriously as I locked eyes with her.

"Can we get two more place setting here please?" He asked the waiter.

"Certainly Sir."

Stan came back to the seat beside me and immediately turned on his version of charm. Leaning forward over the table, his eyes going backwards and forwards between the two girls as he went on and on about the injustices of office politics and how his position was so 'vitalĀ“ to the company. I could see them feigning interest but as my eyes had not left Rose's since she'd sat down, I knew she'd looked at me every ten seconds or so.

I couldn't help but smirk at her rising irritation in Stan's incessant babbling but when she pulled her bottom lip in-between her teeth and smirked back at me, I knew she was definitely trouble. What are you up to? I thought to myself...

As she nodded, 'ah-ha'd' and 'Oh Dear'd' in all the right places, I saw her slowly slide down in her chair an inch or two. If I hadn't been looking so closely, I probably would have missed it. I couldn't help the small gasp that escaped me as I felt something at my crotch. I quickly looked down and sure enough, bright red painted toe nails looked back at me. I looked back up at her with wide eyes and wondered how in the hell her legs were reaching over to me.

"You alright man?" Stan asked me. I dropped my hand away from the stem of my wine glass and grabbed a hold of the foot belonging to the vixen in front of me.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just bit my tongue." I looked back to the smiling face of Rose just as the tip of her tongue ducked out and licked her top lip. Oh crap...

I shifted back slightly in my chair, hoping to make a little space between my now complete erection and her wriggling, probing toes but it didn't seem to make any difference. Just then, the waiter came over with a trolley and proceeded to place knives, forks, plates and wine glasses in front of the girls...

"So, I'm gathering you two work together?" The blonde asked me.

"Yes." I said a little too quickly.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little flushed." Rose said smiling.

Flushed? Okay... two can play at that game. I thought. I smiled back to her and shifted once more; opening my legs a little more and let her foot go. If she wanted to be naughty in a restaurant full of people, who was I to stop her.

"I'm just peachy; it's just been a 'hard' morning so far today, that's all."

"So I see." I clenched my jaw as she pushed her foot hard against me, barely keeping my enjoyment of what she was doing to me, to myself.

"Yeah, Dimitri's actually my boss. I don't know how he does it really. His ability to keep his cool under pressure is almost super human at times." Stan said.

"Oh really, that's good to know." Rose said as she kept up her teasing. "I've often wondered just how much 'pressure' a person in your position could actually take before they couldn't take anymore and would finally blow their load."

Oh, she didn't...

I looked down and faked a coughing fit as her toes suddenly gripped me... I didn't know how much more of this I could take...

"Oh, he can take heaps..." Stan said before I could open my mouth. I turned and glared at him, willing him to shut his mouth. "Well you can... You deal with crappy clients that have nothing better to do than make our lives harder and then you have to deal with Celeste and all of her sexual..."

Suddenly, a loud thump was heard and the tableware shook as Rose's foot pulled away from my crutch. Obviously her knee had just whacked the underside of the table. "Sorry, just lifted my leg a little too high." She said. The smirk was now gone, as was her foot...

Bloody hell... Stan and his big friggin' mouth...

"Yes well, if you stopped flirting with her Stan, she'd probably leave you alone." I looked back to the woman opposite me and was pleased to see the smile returning to her beautiful face. "I hope you didn't hurt yourself, but we really need to be getting back to the office. Please, stay and enjoy your lunch ladies, it's on me."

"Well, thank you Dimitri." Liss said as I stood up, adjusting myself as covertly as possible as I did so.

"You're welcome."

I placed my napkin onto the table and then pushed my chair in before walking around to where the dark vixen sat smiling. Bending down so that my mouth was inches away from the side of her face, I spoke while looking up at Stan.

"You'll pay for that tonight my love... now, behave and enjoy your lunch."

I smiled wide at Stan's confused face as the two girls laughed. Rose turned in her chair and placed her hands either side of my face and turned me to her.

"Promises, promises husband of mine..." she said a second before crashing her lips against mine. I kissed her back, pushing my tongue into her hot mouth. I would carry her taste with me back to the office; hopefully it would sustain me until I could get home later tonight and taste more of her.

"Vixen..." I growled against her lips before pulling away and standing up. Stan's eyes darted between Lissa, Rose and me wildly before he realised he just been played...

"Husband... Rose is your wife..." Stan said rolling his eyes. I gave her one last peck on the lips before I walked back to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah..." I said quietly, "That smokin' hot, pillow muncher is my wife."

Stan's face immediately drained of all color as I walked away smirking. I think he just pissed his pants...

"Who's a pillow muncher?" I heard Lissa say behind me.