I'm back! And I hope your excited for the sequel. Hope you guys had an amazing Halloween! Did you guys check out the trailer to The Beginning of a Love Story? What did you think? I know, I suck at video editing but I wanted you guys to just have a glimpse of the story and a glimpse of Isabella's personality. Can I just say, it was so much fun write in Isabella's point of view. Anyway, here's the first chapter. Let me know what you think and if I should continue.

Summary - You thought Katherine was your only problem? Think again. Isabellas here and all hell is about to break loose. Alex, Stefan and Damon are going to have to put their heads together and not stop one psycho ex but two and not only that but some old faces come back that could jeopardized Stefan and Alex's relationship...maybe even Alex and Damon's

Chapter 1

"But…But," Elena mumbled as she shaked uncontrollably and slowly took a couple steps back while I kept taking more steps towards her with my right hand still on my waist. It amused me that she was so scared of me. She started at me with those doe brown eyes. I simply cocked my head at her. Studying her. She was so interesting. An exact duplicated of Katherine but not in anyway like the evil bitch Katherine was. "You're…you're," she kept on stuttering. "Suppose to be dead"

"I was dead," I said. Her eyes opened wider. "And then I was reborn and now…I'm still technically dead. God, do you know nothing about vampires? I thought your cousin would have told you everything by now"

She then planted her feet on the ground and gave me a stern look. "Alex told me you died in 1863. They found your body in the ocean. That's what Torri told-"

"Oooh Torri," I cut her off. "I knew all that knowledge would kill her one day"

"You knew Torri?"

"Of coarse I did. Who do you think killed her?"

"You killed her?"

"Well, not me physically. My little henchman, you know the one your bitch vampire mother compelled to give you a message well, just so happened he was strolling by when he was on his way to Mystic Falls and I had to give him my personal message to get Torri to shut up," I could hear the sirens of the ambulance coming from the distance. "Now," I said clapping my hands together. "I have to finish up this little…chit chat. What should I do with you?" Elena's eyes opened wider. Her eyes were about to pop out of her sockets. "I can't kill you because they'll know I was here and…and just because…hm…,"

I looked down at the sliver necklace around Elena's neck. I pointed at it. "There it is" I ripped off the necklace, dropped it on the ground and grabbed Elena by the neck and pinned her against the wall that was part of the stairs. I then started to compel her. "You will not remember my visit"

Elena started blankly at me. "I will not remember" she said.

"You won't remember that I came back in the first place or that I'm alive. You came home, found John and found out one of the tomb vampires were in here and attacked John. That's all you remember"

"That's all I remember" I quickly put the necklace back on Elena's neck and ran out of the house.

We pulled up front of the house to find an ambulance and police cars in front of the house. I returned from the hospital. I went back to the school and couldn't find my dress or bags anywhere. Somebody took them so; Stefan picked me up and drove me to the hospital. We went to go see how Caroline was doing. She was in really bad shape and they weren't sure if she would make it.

Elena phoned me in a panic and told me that one of the tomb vampires were in the house and they attacked John and that Jeremy drank some of Anna's blood and tried to kill himself, so that he could become a vampire. We ran up to the house and saw John being pulled out of the house by the paramedics. We took a step inside only to be stopped by a police officer. "Excuse me," I glared at him. "I live here"

He started pushing us out.

"It's ok" we looked up and saw Elena standing at the top of the stairs.

I pushed pass him and ran up the stairs with Elena to Jeremy's room with Stefan following. "What happened?" Both Stefan and I asked at the same time.

"He said," Elena said looking at Stefan. "That Anna gave him her blood and then he took these pills and now…I mean…he looks fine but so do you. I just…I don't know"

Stefan leaned down in front of Jeremy and grabbed his face and examined him. Jeremy started looking away. "Look at me" Stefan said.

"I'm fine, okay?" Jeremy said as he pushed him off. "I feel exactly the same" he said as she stood up.

I walked up to him. "Just sit down and shut up" I said as I pushed him back down to the bed.

"Should I call a paramedic?" Elea asked. "What should I do?"

Stefan kept on examining Jeremy. "No," Stefan said. "He's fine" Stefan stood up and stood beside me.

"You mean I'm not a vampire?" Jeremy asked. "Damn it"

Elena looked at Jeremy with a shock look. "Don't say that Jeremy," she said. "Jer, why would you want that?"

"Did you hear about Anna," he said as he stood up from the bed. "What happened to her tonight? She's dead"

"Jeremy, Jeremy. Come here, sit down," Stefan said as he grabbed him and placed him back on the bed. "I'm sorry about Anna but it's very important that you listen to me right now. Every passing moment Anna's blood is leaving your system. If you try to kill yourself right now, you could really die" Jeremy wasn't looking at him. "Hey," he tapped him on the face. "Do you understand me?"

"Stefan," I said. "I know the kid's dumb but cut him some slack"

Jeremy glared at me and then looked back at Stefan. "Yeah," he said. "I understand"

"Good" Stefan said as he stood up straight and backed away.

"What about the pills that he took?" Elena asked.

"He didn't take enough to die so Anna's…blood actually hilled him of that"

There was a knock on the door. We all turned around and saw a police officer standing at the door. "Miss Gilbert?" he asked.

"I'll be right there" Elena told him. He gave her a nod and walked back down stairs.

"You two need to go to the hospital" Stefan told us.

"But-" Stefan cut me off.

"No, no, no, I'll stay here with Jeremy"

"That's not what I was going to ask about-"

"No," Jeremy said. "I don't need a babysitter"

"Yes," Elena said. "You do"

"Come on, Elena," I said as I grabbed her hand. "Let's go" I then started pulling her towards the door and down the stairs.

"Bonnie," I called to her as we walked up to her standing beside the front desk. "How is she? What's going to happen?"

"She's weak," Bonnie said. "They don't know if she's going to make it"

"What?" Elena said. Bonnie walked up to Elena and gave her a hug.

"Bonnie," I said. Bonnie let go of Elena and looked at me. "Maybe there's something we can do like…like a spell. I can ask Justin to look in some spell books and maybe you can look in the grimoire-"

"Alex," Bonnie cut me off. "I ca-"

"She doesn't know how," Bonnie was cut off. We turned and saw Damon walk up to us slowly. "Do you?"

"No," Bonnie told him. "I don't"

"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that"

"Yeah, well I can take down a vampire. That spell was easy to learn"

Damon rolled his eyes at her and then looked at me, inches from my face. "I can give Caroline some blood"

"No," Elena said. "No way"

Damon ignored Elena and kept his yes on me. "Just enough to heal her, she will be safe in the hospital and it will be out of her system in a day, she will be better, Alex"

"No, Alex," Elena grabbed my wrist. I looked at her. "It's too risky, you can't agree to that"

"Do it," Bonnie said. We both turned to her. She looked at us with pleading eyes. "This is Caroline. We can't let her die," She looked back at Damon. "Do it"

"I agree," I said. "If it'll make Caroline better then we have to do it"

Damon looked at me and then turned his head to Bonnie. "If I do this," Damon said. "You and me, call truce?"

"No but you'll do it anyway, for Alex" She said with a smile.

I glared at Bonnie. "Bon-" I said but I stopped when she walked pass us and left the three of us alone.

"I know," Damon said looking at Elena. "This is probably the last thing you want to do right now but we should talk about what happened tonight"

"I agree" I said.

"We should probity talk to John," Elena said. "Ask him if he knew one of the tomb vampires that attacked him"

"What?" Elena and I turned to Damon who had a puzzled look on his face. "When?" I gave him a funny look. "What are you two talking about? After I left?"

"You were there?" Elena asked.

"Come on, Elena. You know I was"

"When were you at the house?"

"Really? Earlier…on the porch, we were talking, exposed our feelings. Come on, we kissed, Elena!"

"Excuse me" I said turning to Elena. "You kissed him?"

"Yeah, you came after" Damon said. I turned around and looked at him.

"What? No I wasn't"

"Yes you were. Come on, don't tell me you don't remember too"

"Ok, I don't have time for this, Damon," Elena said. "Come on, Alex. We should go see Caroline"

I walked pass Damon but Damon grabbed my arm. "If you two want to forget what happed, fine…but I can't"

"Elena," Both Elena and I turned and saw Aunt Jenna walk up to us.

"Excuse me," Elena said as she walked up to Aunt Jenna. I quickly pulled my hand back from Damon and stood there ease dropping on Aunt Jenna and Elena's conversation. I have a feeling Damon was doing the same as well. "Jenna. Where's Uncle Jerry and Auntie Theresa?"

"They went to go see how John's doing," she said. "We came as soon as we got your message. How is he anyway?"

"Where have you three been?"

"At the fire department, I had to fill out a report," Elena looked at her with a puzzled look. "We told you earlier"

"No you didn't" Elena said.

"Yes I did"

"No, Jenna, you didn't"

"Yes I did"

"Oh," We all turned to Damon with his eyes wide open. "Oh, you got to be kidding me" This time he was mad he looked at all three of us and then walked away.

"Damon," I said. "What's going on" I called as I ran after him.

Damon told us that it had to be Katherine who was at the house earlier and attacked John. We pulled up to the house and we walked threw the front door and saw Stefan lying on the ground "Stefan?" I asked as I walked up to him. "What the hell just happened?"

"Katherine happened" Damon said.

"Alex," I turned around and saw Mom and Dad walked threw the front door. "What the heck happened in here?"

"Uh," I turned to Damon, Stefan and Elena. "What did happen in here?"

"Just," Damon looked at my parents with a smile. "A little…brotherly roughhousing"

"Oh yeah," Dad said as he crossed his arms over his chest. I looked back at him. "'Roughthousing' I can see why. If I found out that my brother dd that to me I'd give him a little punch too"

"Dad," I said. "What are you talking about?" "Forget about it," Mom said as she put her hands up. "Alex, We know your friend is in bad shape so were staying until she gets better but I want you to get your stuff packed so it's ready when we go back to New York" her and Dad then started walking to the kitchen.

"Mom, Dad," I said as I walked into the hallway and looked at me. They turned around. "I have…something to tell you" They looked at me with a puzzled look.

I turned to Damon, Elena and Stefan and gave them a nod. Elena gave me a nod back. "I think it's time I tell Jer" Elena said.

"You do that," I said. "I'll…talk to them here"

"What's going on?" Dad asked.

"Stefan, Damon?" They both gave me a nod and made their way to the kitchen. I looked back at Mom and Dad. "Let's sit down on the couch"

"So, Stefan and Damon are both vampires and were turned by this woman named Katherine who looks exactly like Elena?" Mom asked. I nodded. "And she's now here in Mystic Falls and she was the one that attacked John?" I gave her another nod.

"And Damon was supposed to marry this girl named Isabella who looked exactly like you?" Dad asked. I gave another nod. "But she's dead?"

"Yes," I said. There was a long pause. "This is why," I said. "I had to tell Elena. She would have found out anyway after all these vampire problems because she looks like Katherine. Jeremy didn't know. It was just my anger got the better of me earlier. Mom, Dad please. I love Aunt Jenna but she can't know about this. This is only to protect her"

Mom and Damon looked at each other and took a deep breath. "Alright," Dad said. "We won't"

"And another thing…please let me stay. I've built a life here. I've made friends. I have boyfriend that I love truly"

"Then why-" Mom said but she was interrupted when Elena walked into the room.

"I told Jer" Elena said.

I gave her a nod and looked back at Mom and Dad. "Alright," Mom said. "You can stay"

"As long as you keep in touch with us and let us know every thing that goes on here" Dad said.

I gave him a smile. "I promise" I said as I got up and gave them both a big hug.

"Well, were going to go back to the hospital and pick up Jenna," Mom said as she rose from her seat. "We'll be back later"

"Ok," I said. "Love you"

"Love you too, Miha" she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Dad got up and gave me a hug. They then left out the front door.

Elena and I walked into the kitchen and saw Stefan and Damon standing by the kitchen counter, talking. They stopped when they saw us entering the room. "I told Jeremy" Elena said.

"And I told my parents," I said. "We can't keep these secretes any longer and," I turned to Elena. "They promised not to tell Jenna" Elena gave me a nod with a small smile.

Stefan turned around and walked over to me. "Are you alright?" he asked as he stopped n front of me.

"No," I said. "I'm not. It was all fine and dandy when all the tomb vampires packed up and left town and I was hoping things would get better"

"I know. We all did"

"Katherine was in this house," Elena said. We all turned our attention to her. "That means she's been invited in. What are we going to do?"

"Move" Damon said. We all turned at him as he plastered on a smile.

"Thanks for the help, Damon" I said.

"Katherine wants the both of you dead, there's zero you can do about it, you'll both be dead but you're not," I rolled my eyes and took a seat in the chair beside me. Elena took the one beside her. "So, clearly she had other plans"

"Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process," Stefan said. "What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?"

Damon raised his eyebrow and thought about it. I gave him a glare along with my eye brow raised. "To risk another frown lining crouching on your very crowded forehead," he walked around the counter and stood by the edge of if. "We…kissed" My mouth immediately fell open. "And you really thought it was Elena?" I asked. "What, you seemed to enjoy it too"


"We kissed, Alex. Remember?"

I shook my head. "What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan asked. I turned to him and saw him giving the death glare to Damon.

"You know," Damon said. "When two lips pucker and then," he then puckered his lips. In an instant, Stefan rushed over to Damon but Damon rushed over to where Stefan stood moments ago. "Don't be obvious, Stefan" he said with a smile.

Stefan stalked over to Damon but I immediately stood in between them. "Stefan don't," I said. "This isn't going to solve anything"

"Alex," Stefan said. "Did you really kiss him"

"No, Stefan I would never betray you like that"

"When did you kiss 'Alex'?" Elena asked Damon.

"Right after you…or I mean Katherine walked into the house"

"When was that?"

"Around…9:00…maybe a bit before that"

"At nine," I said. "Stefan picked me up from the school and we were on our way to the hospital," It then clicked. "Do you think," I turned around to Stefan. "She's alive?"

"No," Stefan said. "It can't be. She died in 1863. They found her body. She has a grave"

"Well, maybe-"

I was interrupted when the door of the basement busted open and Justin and Max came out. They stopped when they saw us all staring at them. "Whoa," Max said. "What happened? What did we do?"

"How long have you two been down there?"

"We came home," Justin said. "Half an hour ago maybe. Stefan was here with Jeremy"

"Quick question. Did you use the spell Edgebono Utoosis, the duplicating spell, on me recently?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

I turned around at Stefan. "It has to be"

"I'll tell you what," Stefan said. "How about we keep an eyes around, to see if she really alive and here

" "If that's not the case," I turned around back to Justin and Max. "I think we should check to see if any of our old 'friends' have come back to see us. They could of easily used that spell on me"

"Like our old foes?" Justin asked. "As in?"

"People like Ronald, Dr. Evilini, just about everyone we've piss off in the past" I turned back to Stefan. "Look guys, we can't stand here and bicker about this. John has to know something, anything"

"I agree," Elena said. "There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him"

"She's Katherine," Damon said as he leaned against the edged of the kitchen door frame and crossed his arms over his chest. "She love to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're going to find out what she's up to before she wants you to know"

"No, I the girls are right," Stefan said. "John could know something threw Isobel," Stefan looked at Elena. "Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk"

"I got a better idea" Damon said.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "And what is this great idea?" I asked.

"I'm just gonna ignore the bitch," he said with a wink in the eye and a smile. "See ya" he said as he pushed off the wall and started walking out the kitchen. "

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"If Katherine thinks she's benign ignored it will lure her out, she'll make a move"

"Yeah? And then what?" Stefan asked.

"Stake her; rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see" with that, he walked out of the kitchen and started walking towards the front door.

It was planned. It was the next day and the plan was that Elena and Stefan would go to the hospital and talk to John. Caroline was getting better thanks to Damon's blood. Damon was going to go to the get together at the Lockwood's for the celebration of life for Mayor Lockwood. Damon only went to see if Katherine would show up and to see if Isabella would show up as well if she was alive. Justin, Max, Harper and I were going but first we had to do some research on our old foes which took the whole morning. A couple hours later, Elena came home and told us that Stefan was going to the Lockwood's to search for Katherine and she told him she would be coming with us later when we were done.

My plan was working out perfectly. They didn't have a clue I was alive. My plan was almost ruined when the Russo brothers caught me in the basement looking at their spell books the night before. Thank god I knew where the oldest brother wore his vervain so I was able to rip it off for a couple of seconds and compel them both to forget my visit and quickly rushed upstairs and out of their sight only to see the bitch Katherine back fighting with Stefan. My god he had changed since 1863. I quickly made my escape out the back door only to notice Katherine did the same moments later. Thankfully, she didn't catch my scent.

I knew Katherine would come to the Lockwood mansion to make an appearance so I decided to bet her there first and hang around for a while before she came. I walked up the steps of the Lockwood mansion only to be greeted by the Lockwood boy. "Hello Alex," I gave him a small smile and extended my right hand. He grabbed it and shook it. "Thanks for coming. Come on in"

I gave him a nod and took my steps into the house. I ventured off into the mansion. I spotted Damon a couple of times. I first spotted him talking to the Sheriff and then spotted him talking to the witchy bitchy friend. What was her name…Caroline…no…Bellatrix. Am I high? No…what was it….Bonnie! That was her name. Bonnie. She was still mad at the vampires because of what happened to grandma witch. I made sure to stay clear of that one. I knew if she touched me, she would surely know what I am. I didn't want Damon to know I was here just yet.

I grabbed a glass of red wine they were serving and observed the premises and watched for Damon and Endora. I took a ship of my glass when I heard someone call out, "Alex," I turned around and saw Stefan walking towards me with that smile. It reminded me of the good old days. "Hey, I thought you were at home with your brothers and Harper. You said you guys were going to look up if any of your old foes were here"

I gave him a smile. My plan was in action. It would be better if Stefan found out I was alive instead of Damon. Things would've taken the wrong turn if it would have been the other way around. "Hello Stefan" I said.

Stefan gave me a funny look. "Uh…hi. So, did you find any of them in town"

I shook my head. "None of the old foes are here"

"Then…who is it?"

I gave him another smile. "It's been a while"

Stefan's smile disappeared. He wasn't angry he was…shocked. "Isa…Isabella?"

I smiled. "That's right"

"But…But they said you died in 1863. They found your body in the ocean"

"Well if you want people to think you died you just kill somebody around your age, wait a couple of months for it to be unrecognizable and then, plop, into the ocean they go. Gross process but the only way to get people to stop looking for you is to fake your own death" I said after taking a ship of my wine.

Stefan shook his head. "But how…what about Alex"

"What about Alex?"

He glared at me. "How does Alex look like you"

I felt a surprise "o" appear on my mouth but I was sure to quickly get ride of it so I wouldn't ruin my plans. "Oh, that. Well, that conversation is better if we take it outside. We wouldn't want any prying ears listening onto our conversation" I walked over to the door that lead outside. I turned around and saw Stefan plant his feet into the ground, cross his arms over his chest and glare at me. I cocked my head and raised my eye brow. "If you want answers you better hurry. Your psycho ex should be arriving soon"

He let out a deep breath and followed me to the back by the pond. We walked around the pond. "So, you were at the Gilbert's last night" He said.

"Yes I was" I said.

"Did you hurt John as well?"

"No...I just played around with his daughter. You know the hunting trick. You play around with them a bit. Make them scared and then at the right moment, you feed. Except last night, I didn't get to feed"

"But Elena didn't say-"

"It was because I compelled her to forget" I interrupted him.

"How? Elena has vervain on her"

"I have my ways" I said with a smile.

Stefan shook his head and let out a deep breath. "Now, answer my question, how does Alex look like you?" He asked.

I let out a sigh before answering his question "That's a very long and confusing process that took me years to scramble together and I'd rather not discuss about it"

"Fine, I'll ask a different question," I rolled my eyes again. "How do you know Katherine?"

"An old friend of mine knew Katherine back in her human days and knew Katherine came here in 1864 and thought since I was engaged to your brother, whom was also from here; I could track her down and keep track of her until the time was right. I've now successfully completed my mission by tracking her down to the last possible place I could think of, Mystic Falls. I've been traveling the world for years looking her. Getting leads here and there and then, while watching Alex, I find out the…the cousin who looks like Katherine lives here so I knew it would only take a matter of time before Katherine showed her face in town"

"Watching Alex? You've been watching Alex" I didn't say anything. Just simply smiled at him "For how long?"

"Not telling. It'll just ruin my plans"

There was pause. "What are you here, Isabella?"

I gave him a smile while I took a step towards him. Inches from his face. "That's for me to know and for you todot, dot, dot," his mouth dropped open in shock. I could just imagine what he was thinking. How did I know? I slowly started backing away. "Oh, your ex is here and looks like she's gone off on the wrong foot with the Wicked Witch of the West. You better go fix it, before she loses a head. Oh, and one more thing…don't double cross me"

"What make you think I would double cross you?" He said with a smile.

"Because I've been watching all of you for months now and I've seen your dirty work. Here's a heads up, I slipped some of my blood into the red haired freak friend's drink earlier before"

Stefan's smile disappeared. "Harper," I smiled. "Right, that's her name. Now, if decide to double cross me, I'll snap her neck so fast you won't even see it and guess who will have a new vampire minion. Moi. See you later, sexy" I laughed as I quickly ran back to the house where no human could see me and went back to watching Katherine.

"Who was that?" I asked as Elena got in the car and took the seat beside me.

"Bonnie," Elena said. "She's just wondering where I am. She sounded…worried"

"What would it be about?" Elena shrugged her shoulders.

A couple minutes later, my phone started buzzing. "Hello?" I said as I answered it.

"Alex," It was Bonnie. "Are you and Elena here?"

"No Bonnie. Elena just called you a few minutes ago. We're not Superman. We'll find you when we get there" I then hanged up the phone.

We arrived at the Lookwood's with Mom, Dad, Harper, Jenna, Jer, Justin and Max. We parked the car and walked to the steps of the mansion.

"Looks like the whole town has turned out" Jenna said.

"Yeah, well he is," Elena said as she caught herself. "He was the mayor"

"Why don't they save this for the funeral?" Jeremy asked.

"That's what people do, Jeremy," Mom said. "This family was here for us when we loss our family members and now, we will be here for them" Mom said as we all walked up the stairs.

"Guys," Jenna said. "I'll be quick; we'll drop off the food and pay our respects and go"

"In and out? It sounds like a plan" Jeremy said.

I saw Damon standing a few feet away from Jeremy. He was staring at me too. "Uh…you guys go in. I'm just going to stay here for a bit," I said eyeing Elena. Elena gave me a nod and her and the rest of the family walked inside. I walked up to Damon. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Great, Alex," Damon said. "Walking on sunshine, thanks for asking"



I rolled my eyes and gave him the look. "Come on, lets talk about this. We're…close enough as friends for you to open up to me. I really care about how your feeling"

"I kissed you. You kiss me back. You don't want to confess to it. How do you think I'm doing"

"Damon, for the last time. It wasn't me. I swear," There was a pause. "I understand if you're hurt"

"No, I don't get hurt, Alex"

"No, you just don't like letting people know your hurt. Your way of showing it is when you get angry and cover that up and go off and do something stupid"

"You're scared. You think Katherine is going to send me off the deep end don't you? I don't need her for that," He walked pass me and walked towards the house. "You know what," I heard him stop. I turned around and looked at him. "What is this such a surprise that I would kiss you?"

"I'm not surprise, Damon. I'm just...If it were real…I wouldn't have kissed you back"

There was a pause.

"Now I'm hurt" He was telling the truth, I could see it in his eyes.

"Alex!" Bonnie came running in with a worried expression.

"Bonnie, what's wrong?" I asked.

"She's alive"

"Whose alive?"


5 minutes earlier

I watched Katherine leave with Stefan out to the garden by the pond. The Bennett witch walk out of the room in a panic. I quickly tried to get out of the room but then I heard somebody call, "Alex!" I turned around and saw the witch walk up to me. "Hey," she said. "You would not believe what just happened. Katherine just attacked me"

I popped my eyes out of my head and my mouth dropped open. Pretending like I cared. "Oh my god," I said. "Are you ok? Did she hurt you?"

"A little but I'm fine. Stefan came and stopped her," I gave her a nod. "Where's Elena? I called you guys a few minutes ago and you guys said were on your way"

"Elena…went to go help Jenna with the food, I'm going to go find her and give her the heads up on Katherine" I turned around and started walking away.

"Wait!" she called and I felt her hand grip onto my hand. I felt the electricity go threw me to her and then back to me. I turned and looked at Bonnie. She stared at my hand for a couple of seconds. She felt it too. Crap! Now she knew what I was. She then looked back at me, let go and started backing away. "I'm...going to go find Tyler. I haven't paid my respects yet"

"Ok," Bonnie then quickly left the room. I quietly followed her to the empty room she was in before with Katherine. She dialled her phone and called Alex after she hanged up I made my entrance with the loud sounds of my heels hitting the hard floor and me clapping my hands slowly. Bonnie turned around right away and looked at me, scared. "Bravo, Bonnie," I said. "You managed to meet two twins in one day" Bonnie's scared look then turned to a glare. "We'll, I guess this is where I introduce myself. I'm Isabella"

Bonnie's eyes opened wide. "Isabella? But, Alex told me you were dead"

I let out a loud sigh. "Yes, that's what you all thought but it's obviously not true if I'm standing 5 feet away from you," Bonnie started at me. Not taking her eyes away from me. All she did was stood her ground. "Now, let's see if I got this right. Your Elena's best friend and recently became friends with Alex. Jenna's the Aunt, Jeremy's the cousin and Elena is also the 'cousin'. Matt is charming ex-boyfriend of Caroline, the annoying twit. I know who Harper is, I know who Max is and I know who Justin is and I know you have feelings for Justin...am I missing anything…oh yes, you're the witch that wants to kill every single vampire in existence. Am I right?" I said with a smile.

Bonnie turned around and I immediately stood in her way. "Where you going?" I asked. "The party is just getting started" Bonnie started at me. She was trying to do the vampire spell that sends vampires down immediately. I put my hand on my hip and raised my eye brow. "Really? You're gonna try and pull that on me? You already tried on Katherine, what makes you think it'll work on me?" Bonnie took a couple steps back. "You know, I'm feeling kind of hungry" I said as I formed a smile on my face. I pinned Bonnie against the wall and went in for the bite.

"Damon, for the last time. It wasn't me. I swear"

I stopped when I was inches from the neck. Alex was here. Crap! I couldn't see her just yet. I let go of Bonnie and backed away. "Looks like it's your lucky day," I said. "You'll have Alex to thank for this one" With that I vanished out of the room.

"She just left you like that?" I asked.

"Yeah," Bonnie said. "She heard you, got scared and left," l let out loud sigh and buried my face in my hands. Just thinking. "Alex," I looked back up at Bonnie. "It was so weird. She was you. Not look like you. She was you. It's like she studied you for mouths. She has your movements, you feelings, even your facial expressions. Katherine's no different"

Elena ran up to us. "Elena," I stood up from my chair. "What's wrong?"

"Stefan," She said. "Katherine attacked him"

I looked at Bonnie. "You guys stay here in case Isabella and Katherine show up. I'll be right back" I ran outside to the pond where I found Stefan sitting on a bench with his stomach covered in blood.

Stefan saw me coming and stood up right away. "Alex," he said. "Is-"

I cut him off. "Isabella's alive. I know. Bonnie told me"

He stared at me. "All this time, I thought she was dead"

I gave him a nod. "She had us all fooled," I looked down at the wound. "Sit down and let me help you clean up" Stefan sat down on the bench and I saw beside him. I grab my wand from my purse and pointed at my hand and a damp wash cloth appeared in my hand and I started helping Stefan clean up.

"Will you be ok?" I asked as I started cleaning the blood off his stomach.

"Yeah, it will heal" He said.

"Stef, you know what I mean"

"I was trying to figure her out. Well…both of them. I was playing along and I let both of them get to me," I gave him a nod. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. For thinking you were the one who kissed Damon"

I gave him a small punch in the shoulder. "I forgive you but next time you doubt me, I'll send you to the moon" He gave me a small smile.

"I tried track both of them down," I turned around and saw Damon walk up ot us. "but they're gone," Damon said. "Oooo," he closed his eyes and turned his head. "Cover up, Fabio. We have two crazy exes on the lose," Damon looked at me with a smile. "You better watch out, looks like both Katherine and Isabella are trying to steal your guy"

I rolled my eyes.

"That's not what's happening" Stefan said.

"Isn't it? I mean it's only fair since I went after your girl"

"Ok!" I stood up and put my hands up. "Bill and Eric. I'm going to go check on Elena. Don't have each other's heads when you're done" I walked pass Damon and went back inside.

I laid on the couch examining my nails as the door opened. Katherine walked in and stopped in her tracks when she laid eyes on me. "I was wondering when you were going to show," I said. She ran over to me but I was already standing were she stood seconds before. "Aw, did I piss the Kitty Kat off" I said with a smile.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Who are you?"

"Isabella Giordano. Born in 1847. I was to be married to Damon in 18-"

"I know who you are," Katherine cut me off. "I want to know what you want with me."

"I'm just helping a friend out. That's all. I've been looking for you for a very long time. I know everything about you but yet it took me this long to find you"

"You don't know anything about me"

"Oh, I know everything…Katerina"

Katherine's eyes popped open. "How-"

"I told you I know everything" I grabbed my jacket and started walking to the door. I opened it and walked threw. Before leaving, I popped my head in. "Oh, and remember to lock your door at night. You don't know what crazy people are out there" I said with a smile and closed the door.

I went to the Grill to have a drink and then a meal and then went back to watching Katherine. I hid beside the house out of sight as I watched Katherine walked out the front door and vanish. I heard everything. I heard how Damon confessed his love for her and how she just broke his heart telling her she loved Stefan and how it would always be Stefan.

I moved my position to the landing in front of the door and leaned against it. Damon opened the door and closed it behind him. He took a step forward and stopped when he laid eyes on me. "So it's true," he said. "You're alive"

I smiled. "Hi Damon," I said. "It's been a while"

"Yeah, 147 years"

I smiled. "Always so precise"

"What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd pay a visit since I've paid everyone else one but you…also, I was following Katherine"

"You heard everything in there?" he gestured to the house. I nodded. "You heard how I gave my heart to her and shattered it into millions of pieces"

I gave him another nod.

There was a pause.

"Was it true?" I asked.

"Was what true?" Damon asked.

"When I asked you how you felt about me last night. Was it true?"

There was another pause.

"Yes…because the first day I laid eyes on you," Damon took a couple steps towards me, inches from my face. "I wanted to hold you, love you, protect you, and be with you every single day of my life. I wanted the privilege of calling you my wife," I didn't say anything. "Why did you leave? Why did you change yourself?"

"Both of those questions where not my decision and that story is saved for another time"

"Was the kiss real?"

I let out a deep breath. "Damon…you have to know…I never felt that way about you"

Damon nodded. "But you did for Stefan?"

"The truth is…I never loved either of you. You were forced to marry me and Stefan was a silly boy who fell in love too easily," I saw the tears fill up in Damon's eyes. "The other reason I came here," I said. "was to give you something," Damon gave me a funny look. I pulled the ring off of my figure and placed it in Damon's hands. "You told me the day you gave this to me that the ring was the one your father gave to your mother. I have no right to keep this," I placed a kiss on Damon's cheek and started walking down the pathway. I stopped and turned around and looked at him. "You'll find somebody to give that to. You just gotta give it time" With that, I vanished.

I walked into my room and saw Damon sitting on the bed. I jumped back. "Holy!" I said. "You scared the crap out of me"

"I'm just doing my part," he said staring blankly into space. "in the neighbourhood watch"

I gave him a small smile. "Um….thanks…you know…for…for looking my family and I"

"That's me," he said still not looking at me. "The trusty bodyguard. Calm, cuisses"

I let out a sigh. "You're drunk, aren't you?" I put my hand on my hip. He looked at me and squinted his eyes. Along with pinching his fingers. Slightly apart from each other. "And you're upset. We'll this s going to turn out great"

"No, I'm not upset," he said looking back at the wall. "Upset is an emotion specific to those who care"

"Damon, come on. Like I told you before, we're close, you can tell me anything. I know you care"

Damon looked back at me and glared at me. "You're surprise that I thought you would kiss me back? You can't imagine that I believed you would want to"

"Damon don't-"

"All we've been doing here means something. You're the liar, Alex"

"Excuse me?"

"There s something going on between the two of us and you know it," he got up and walked towards me. Staring at me with those ice blue eyes. It was like he was piercing into my soul. "And you're lying to me," I shook my head. "And you're lying to Stefan and most of all you're lying to yourself," I gave him a funny look. "I can prove it" he whispered.

"Wh-," But before I could finish my sentence, Damon grabbed my face and kissed me. He was kissing me! I pushed him off. "Damon, stop! What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Am I lying about this?" he asked as he leaned in again but I pushed him off.

"Damon. Be the better man. Know you can be"

"That's where you're wrong" he leaned n again but this time I pushed his face away instead of his body.

"Damon no! Damon stop! No! Look I'll confess! I care about you. Really, I do but...it can't be you. Stefan. I love Stefan…it'll always be Stefan"

"What's going on?" Harper knocked on the door. "Alex?"

"It's nothing, Harper," I said. "Can we talk later, I'm busy with something here"

"No, it's not nothing," Damon said. He turned his body to face Harper. "How could you leave your human friend behind and expect her to sit on the side lines. I can fix that"

Harper and I gave him a funny look. "What are you getting at Damon?" I asked. Damon then at vampire speed pinned Harper against the wall. "Damon!" I screamed at him.

"Stefan told me you have vampire blood in your system. It's so easy. To live forever, to have this feeling. To turn off the pain whenever you want. The part of you that cares just goes away, all you have to do is flip the switch and snap!" he then snapped Harper's neck and she feel to the ground.

"Harper!" I feel to me knees and quickly crawled over to Harper. She was dead. Lifeless. The tears streaming down my face. I tried shaking her. Trying to wake her up. Maybe she wasn't dead...but it was useless. I looked up at Damon with glaring eyes. He glared back at me and walked out of my room.

Seconds later, I heard foot steps running up the stairs and Justin and Max stood at my door. "What happen?" Justin asked. "We heard-" he stopped when he saw Harper's lifeless body on the ground. "Who…who….who did this?" I didn't say anything. All I did was cradle Harper's head. She wasn't just my friend. She was my sister. "Was it Isabella? Katherine?"

"It was Damon!" I blurted out loud. "It was Damon. Damon did this to her," there was a pause. "Justin, she has vampire blood in here system. Isabella slipped some into her drink before"

"What can we do, Alex? She either comes back a vampire…or we kill her"

"Nether," Justin and Max gave me a funny look. "Because we are going to fix this"

Hope you guys like the first chapter. So, what do you think? Continue? If you want me to continue, who do you think Alex should be with? Stefan or Damon? And what do you think of Isabella? Should she stay, or go? And, should Harper live? Or, should she be a vampire? Let me know. Clothing on my profile and I found some manips related to the chapter and that will also be on my profile

Review if you like it!