Rated M for violence and the raunchy sex Kaiba and Joey are gonna have. And not just them ~_0 Just a heads up for you readers, I started this because I read a jou/kaiba fic that was just terrible. Whenever I read a Kaiba/Joey fic there are a few things that irk me.

1. Joey somehow eventually ends up calling Kaiba, Seto. Cannot tell you how much that bothers me. I feel like that whole Seto thing is so corny. (If I decide to do it won't be until waaaaay later in the story.) I'm not totally against it but at least wait until the feelings run really super deep you know?

2. I always hate it how they make Joey and/or Kaiba really girly, feminine, or bitchy. For the fuck what? They weren't that way on the show, why turn them into a stereotype?

3. The age-old story of Joey's father rapes/beats him up so he's a weak bitch that needs saving. Hahahahaha. Oh, the places the human imagination takes us are unparalleled.

4. I also hate it how they change their sexual orientations. Why do people think that straight people can't fall in love with the same sex? Why do authors always have to make one of them gay as if that were the only way romance between the characters is even possible? And don't even get me started on mpreg. Rape I can handle, unfortunate as it is. Mpreg? Now that's whimsical. That's the shit they make kaleidoscopes out of. Anyone who envisions mpreg is on a flight of fantasy they are never coming down from.

5. Cockblockers. The entire show of Yu-Gi-Oh would be a raging orgy sex party if there weren't so many cockblockers: Friendship, sibling love, and the biggest cockblocker of all, duel monsters. My friends have never stopped me from getting laid but if I had a friend like Anzu, I'd be a virgin till the day I died. Joey and Kaiba are big brothers and I respect that but if I read one more story about how they care more about their siblings than getting laid or anything else, I'm gonna rip my hair out. "I love you, Mokuba! I love you, Shizuka! And absolutely nothing else matters, not even air–" Someone hand me a barf bag. Legit. I don't love MY brother like that. Who thinks shit like that? It's not real, it's not even natural. Sibling love has a time and a place, people. Duel Monsters. Don't get me wrong I love the card game and I love its use in the show, but depicting Kaiba's obsession with them is so cockblocking, I can't even go into it.

6. I hate using the English names. I prefer the Japanese names but for the sake of this storyline to keep up the everloving punchline of Joe the mechanic I think I have to use the English names. (This is the one I'm considering changing the most as I absolutely hate saying Tristan, I'm more comfortable saying Honda. However Otogi's kind of weak, Duke Devlin is way sexier. I'm will be debating this aaaaaall fic long. Don't be surprised if you come here one day and all the names are changed back to Japanese. I'm kind of skitzo like that.)

Disclaimer: Don't own any of these characters but I want to. Guess that's why I started this story… Actually I own all the characters that were not on yu-gi-oh. You know, my own personal OC characters.

Even though the main couple of this story is jou/kaiba there are two other couplings I will make and go in depth in this story. I hope you guys enjoy the fanfic and even if you don't please review. It's the only way I feel like I'm not wasting my damn life. Ready? 3, 2, 1, action!

Joe the Mechanic

"Son of a–!" Kaiba stepped out of the black '67 Mustang and slammed the door behind him. Anger hit him like a tidal wave as he saw gray colored smoke coming from the hood of the car. This was the third time Seto had used this car in his whole life and for the third time the car had stalled and broken down. Luckily he already knew the signs and had parked into some mechanic shop he saw right in the nick of time. In that moment, he wished he had never promised to pick his brother up from the airport in that piece of shit Mokuba called a car. Kaiba pulled out his cell fully intending to give that brat a piece of his mind.

"Dude, where are you? I just got off the plane. I'm about to get mauled by these crazy fans, I don't think I have enough security with me…" Mokuba answered the phone on the fourth ring without even so much as a 'hello' or 'what's up?'

"You want to know where I am? That's what I'd like to know! I pulled into some random exit all because your piece of shit car broke down-AGAIN!" Kaiba rubbed his temple as he was pierced by the screams of Mokuba's followers and their fanatic wails. 'There he is! Kaiba's talking to his brother! He's so hot!' Their dribble was getting louder and louder by the minute.

"Shhh," Mokuba said to someone other than Kaiba and the noise died down considerably. "It's because you don't know how to treat her."

"Just because I've forever spoiled you doesn't mean you can lecture me on cars. I was driving while you were still in diapers."

"But you're only four and a half years older than me."

"Exactly my point. Mokuba, I know how to drive, okay? I drive less reckless than you. The problem is that this car is junk and you know it's junk. So just give it up and get a brand new one– or better yet take one of mine."

"Don't talk about her like that, she'll hear you. That's why she doesn't like you." Kaiba rolled his eyes vigorously while Mokuba pouted. "Besides, that car is a chick magnet on wheels. You would think that with the billions of yen at your disposal you could hire a decent mechanic." There was a swirl of noise again.

Kaiba reached into the car for his briefcase. "I did. Twice. With the best that money could buy. There's no getting through to you, is there? The point is, because of this car I can't meet up with you which means I took the day off for nothing."

"Awww, but I really wanted to see you, Seto. It's been a while, I miss my big bro and all." Mokuba said with a sigh. "So how's my baby?"

"Which one? Saori, Madison or Kumiko?" Kaiba leaned against the car and pulled out the morning paper. He immediately went to the business section.

"The car, smartass." Mokuba instructed Roland to call for more security.

"I don't know. Naturally the hood is hot and there's smoke coming out of it. I think that's a bad thing. I pulled into the first mechanic shop I saw." Kaiba looked up at the sign. 'Joe the Mechanic' it read. "It doesn't seem like Joe the mechanic is in and you know I'm very tempted to just leave it here. Besides I already called the limo to pick you up, it should be there soon."

"You did what? Dude, it's about getting laid while NOT looking like a snob." Mokuba raised a hand to his other ear. The fangirls were responding very loudly to what he had just said.

"Classy, you are." Kaiba retorted.

"Hey. Classy's your deal, not mine." Mokuba took off his sunglasses and exited the airport not really mindful of the swarm of people following him as he looked for the limo. "I abandoned classy a long time ago when I hit puberty and stopped following your coattails all the time. Besides I think I'm entitled, considering the women you date."

"Hey those were the good old days and what exactly is wrong with the women I date?" Kaiba turned to world news. News on what happened on Mokuba's tour was front page.

"I mean don't get me wrong, Seto. You have dated some fine looking babes and I totally dig the office chick look but they're all ice cold bitches who usually end up hating my guts. Kind of counterproductive on the whole 'happy family' front. I mean who is it you're dating now? Saeko, right? The girl's downright mechanical and she only smiles when you're around."

"What can I say? I guess I just have that effect on people," Mokuba held back a snort. "I just happen to like intelligent women. They know if they have a problem with you and that's when they have to go," he said absentmindedly as he turned to the last page. "You know it too." Kaiba had finished reading the paper. Kaiba Corp's stock increased 30% this week and Mokuba finished his world tour but that much he already knew. "Besides, it's not like you have any right to talk about my girlfriends. I have one, you have three, at the same time I might add. And two of them are just sloppy."

"Whatever man," Mokuba raised an eyebrow slightly intrigued to know which one of his girlfriends avoided Kaiba's ridicule but not intrigued enough to ask him about it. "Just try not to date chicks that are as uptight as you are and you'll be fine. Live a little, it's healthy. You're 22 not 50 so act like my big bro and not my grandfather." There was a honk. Mokuba grabbed the hand of the best looking fan he could find and pulled her to him. "I think I see the limo. I'll call you back."

Mokuba closed the flip and looked at the girl who was gushing at the fact that he was holding her hand. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Wanna ride in my limo?" The girl nodded graciously as Mokuba opened the door for her and ushered her in. He blew his fans a kiss before coming inside. He looked at the girl, who looked positively ecstatic to be sitting in a limo next to her favorite singer of all time. While the girl could have died from the sexy look Mokuba was giving her, he was mentally preparing himself for an intense makeout session, among other things he intended to have with her. "The name's Kaiba, but you can call me Mokuba." He put a hand on her lap and brought his lips to her ear. "So, what's your name?" Just another day in the life of Mokuba Kaiba.

Kaiba was at a loss of what to do. He could instruct the limo to pick him up but he was sure that Mokuba would be up to something pretty disgusting and he didn't want a front row seat. He could always ask another limo to pick him up or a chauffeur to bring another car but he didn't really like riding with anyone other than the regular chauffeur or Roland and both of them were at Mokuba's beck and call at the moment. "This is ridiculous," he mumbled to himself and decided to look around for a bit. The fastest way to get anywhere would be to just get the car fixed. Again. "Hello?" he called out to no one in particular, stepping into the somewhat dingy garage.

When Joseph Wheeler woke up that morning, he had no way of knowing that it was the day he would finally see Seto Kaiba again. Not that he wanted such a reunion with the biggest jerk he had ever met in his life, but it had been four years since he had seen him last and they left with the same harsh words they always had for each other. They were fighting over something trivial when Joey told Kaiba he was a pompous rich asshole and Kaiba responded with his timeless question of 'Is animal control aware that you escaped from the pound?' For some reason that morning he was feeling nostalgic of those times.

Of course he hadn't seen his friends in a while either. Not since graduation at least. Yugi traveled with his grandfather to Egypt for some archeological dig. Tea entered a performing arts school in New York halfway across the world from Domino, Japan. Even Tristan, who Joey had believed would always be around, managed to get into some college pursuing god-knows-what. And Joey? It was just him. He and his father lived on top of Joey's mechanic shop that Joey opened a few months after graduation. There wasn't much the world had to offer Joey. He wasn't smart or motivated and the only thing he knew how to do is fix cars. That being what his father did before he became an alcoholic. His dad taught him all the tricks to cars when he was a kid and thanks to that Joey had managed to make some sort of living.

It was kind of a lonely prospect. Once in a while, he would meet some girl and spend the night with her. He tried getting into a few relationships but they never really worked out after a couple weeks of seeing the kind of life Joey had. So Joey no longer had girlfriends. He became a fan of the occasional one night stand, a far cry from the moralistic charmer he was in high school. When he was first starting out and he had blown all his savings in buying the shop, money was so scarce he even used to escort. Of course this was way before he had tried to get into any kind of serious relationship. Joey praised himself for having not gone THAT far off the reservation.

Sometimes, women paid just to have his company, something that Joey didn't mind doing at all. They were usually older, with more life experience, lonely just like him. Often they would get drunk and fall asleep against his chest, telling stories of their past failings in life and love. However, most of the time he was paid for meaningless sex, nights of romance with women that he felt absolutely nothing for, giving them one night long fantasies and getting paid for it. He didn't think anything of it at the time but if you asked him how he felt about it now, he would tell you that he felt cheapened and disgusted by it.

Looking back, it wasn't exactly something he could be proud of. In those days, his indifference is probably saved him from losing his mind. The fact that he didn't care about his image or his welfare helped Joey do what he had to do so he and his father could eat and so that the bills were paid. That's all he needed to justify himself. After 2 years he had enough clientele at the shop to sustain himself. He also found himself two other jobs: He worked at a construction yard on a come and go basis when he had time and needed the extra money. A friend of his also allowed him to work in his restaurant one or two days a week.

Still mornings like this when he woke up and there was no one beside him, when his dad was passed out drunk in the other room and not trying to beat him up, he really missed the simpler days of high school where he didn't have to make so many decisions or think about so many things. A place where he could just hang out with his friends, play cards, and be a kid a little while longer. Even if it was that rich jackass snob, Seto Kaiba, he missed when the worst that could happen is losing to him at duel monsters and hearing his jeering taunts.

In fact somewhere deep down, he dare say that he missed him. Well, miss wasn't the word and him definitely not. Definitely didn't miss being pissed off at him or seeing his looks of superiority and arrogance. Maybe his aura? There was something about him that always made Joey feel like they had something in common. All the money, power, and fame in the world couldn't beat the scent of loneliness. Joey saw that in him, maybe that's why they could never stop bothering each other. The rare moments they weren't fighting, Joey saw something in his eyes that made him think 'we really could have been great friends.'

Joey loosened his uniform before entering the school building. He had heard the bell ring 10 minutes prior so he already knew he was late. It's not like he really gave a damn. Being on time was not going to change the fact that his grades suck and were it not for his friends he'd probably give up school entirely.

Besides, he had a great reason for not being on time. However, he knew he would never say it. Not that he could. How cool does 'I was getting the tar kicked out of me by my drunken dad' sound? Or rather 'My dad and I were beating each other up so we lost track of time.' Joey whistled noisily down the halls, shoelaces untied, collar open with his book bag slung lazily over his shoulder. 'Better go look at the new shiner and make sure it's not too bad,' Joey thought as he headed for the second floor bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, he praised the god he barely believed in that it was empty. Joey stood in front of the mirror and noticed that there was a fresh new bloody cut on his cheek, 'eh, doesn't really hurt' and moved his collar with a small yelp, revealing a large bruise right above the left breastbone, 'holy fuck, yeah that hurts, definitely going to leave a mark…' First things first, he washed the blood off his lips and face.

"Roland, I don't care what you have to do or say. Fix it by the time I get back or I'll fix it myself and I'm sure you don't want that." Kaiba entered the bathroom promptly hanging up on his diligent servant to find Joey staring at him like a deer caught in the headlights. "This is a public bathroom. What's the look for?"

"Uuuh nothing, nothing." Joey turned away quickly and smirked. "I just thought that school bathrooms were beneath you. You never seemed like the type to piss and shit with the rest of us."

Kaiba crinkled his nose at Joey's vulgarity. "Haha, very funny mutt. They're not beneath me when I'm only using them to talk on the phone or wash my hands." Kaiba went to the sink, looked at Joey in the mirror from the corner of his eye and stopped. "Wheeler, what happened to you? You look terrible. I mean worse than usual."

"Gee, thanks."Joey replied in false appreciation.

"And you're bleeding." Kaiba said as he continued stating the obvious.

"Oh, don't be a girl about it, Kaiba. I just got jumped that's all. You should see the other guys, they look worse…" Joey laughed reaching for a paper towel.

Kaiba grabbed Joey's arm and whirled him around to face him. He examined Joey's face very closely. Joey's hair was slightly wet and matted around his moist visage. There were other small bruises starting to form. "Yeah you would be the one to get into a fight this early in the morning. What? Nine o' clock is the canine cocktail hour?"

"Don't you ever tire of being a jerk or is it part of your morning mojo?" Joey scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Don't move." Kaiba pulled out his handkerchief and started wiping down Joey's face. He winced under Kaiba's touch causing Kaiba to be gentler than usual.

Joey opened one brown eye. Kaiba's face had an air of concern? He laughed inwardly. 'Yeah right. To what have I earned the concern of the great Seto Kaiba' he thought with peculiar sarcasm. "Kaiba, I can do it myself. I get into fights all the time, what makes you an expert?" He tried to take control of the handkerchief himself putting his hand on top of Kaiba's.

Kaiba pressed on Joey's cut particularly hard causing him to yelp for the second time that morning. "I'm an expert because I said so. Is there some code of conduct you look for in people who try to help you out?" Kaiba reached into his pocket. "Applying pressure will stop the bleeding and you can use this before it leaves a mark."

Joey felt him place something in his hand. "Ointment? Why are you carrying this around?" Joey asked him raising a brow.

"Believe it or not I'm pretty used to taking care of the beaten and banged up. Mokuba comes home like that every time he gets into a fight at school. He picks a fight with anyone who insults me even though I tell him not to."

"Kid loves you a lot, obviously. If it were me I'd do the same."

Kaiba shrugged. "Knowing you'd do the same thing doesn't make me feel any better about it. I don't need a 12 year old fighting my battles just because he loves me. Of course it doesn't happen that often cause then I've got to go there and make the crazy kids wish they had never been born," Now it was Joey's turn to crinkle his nose. He didn't even want to IMAGINE being on the receiving end of Kaiba's revenge tactics at such a young age. Kaiba was interrupted by a call on his phone. It was from Roland. "Anyway, keep that. It should help with the bruises, especially the one on your chest." Kaiba tried to keep his poker face intact but as he was turning around for the door, Joey could swear he saw a smile that Kaiba tried to hide.

"Why the hell am I thinking of Kaiba this early in the morning? Him of all people?" Joey asked himself sitting up and crawling out of bed.

"And the Kaiba brothers are taking the world by storm as they once again make headlines." Joey's ears perked up to a newscast that was playing on the TV. There were separate pictures of both boys side by side, Mokuba smiling like an idiot, and Kaiba giving what Joey considered at this point to be a friendly scowl. "The younger of the Kaiba boys, after four consecutive number one singles, released his debut album "The Renaissance" about 3 months ago. From there he started his world tour. We caught up with the 18 year old heartthrob to ask him a few questions."

They switched to a scene of Mokuba singing on stage in front of a sold out arena somewhere in Paris, France. Whoa Mokuba, that's a shit ton of people, bet you're just loving all the attention, Joey thought. They now turned to a scene of Mokuba acting like a lunatic backstage. He lazily snaked an arm around his guitarist's neck and held up the piece sign to the camera. "Bonjour, oui oui, and all that good stuff." He said running a hand through his shoulder length shaggy black hair. "Paris has been very kind to us!"

"You're drunk Mokuba," the guitarist stifled his laughter, leading his precious guitar away from the intoxicated band leader.

"But it's legal here so it's all good…" Mokuba responded. Mokuba then accosted the cameraman causing the frame to shake. "You see that? I'm larger than life, I rock worlds…" At this point even the cameraman had trouble containing his composure as Mokuba's speech of arrogance continued "I kick down walls, knock down doors, and believe me nothing's impossible to Mokuba Kaiba!"

"The only things you're knocking down are the drinks," Yuuki said tuning his guitar in the background.

"No, shaddup I'm awesome and you know it. I will come back to Paris every year of my awesomeness." With that he kissed the shaven part of Yuuki head. "Are you coming back with me, Yuuki?" he slurred looking at the guitarist with attentive drunkenness. "Or am I gonna be awesome by myself?" Yuuki looked at him for a second before the two men burst into hysterical laughter.

It then switched to a very personal interview between him and a beautiful young brunette woman who appeared to be the same anchor giving the news coverage. Apparently she and Mokuba had just seen the Paris footage and he had his hand over his eyes, blushing in embarrassment. "Well, you certainly are quite entertaining," the interviewer started. "What do you make of that?"

Mokuba laughed and then shrugged."Yeah, I guess I was born to entertain. That was actually part of the behind the scenes bonus footage off the concert DVD that's coming out really soon. We had just had this amazing live; the people of Paris were really cool and very into it which kind of surprised me seeing as how we're a Japanese band, singing mostly Japanese music. So to celebrate we kind of went out and partied a little bit, but I always party harder than the rest so…" Mokuba trailed off.

Joey continued to watch the coverage barely believing that Mokuba, younger brother of the most uptight man under god's hot sun, somehow grew up to be so wild.

"Well I'm sure that you're aware that your debut album, "The Renaissance," is topping the charts. I guess what people are curious to know is what does it all mean?"

"Between you and me, it means whatever you want it to mean." Mokuba kissed the woman's hand before continuing as she had pretty much fallen for his charms. "No, I'm just kidding. Believe it or not Japanese people do know about the renaissance. It's the French word for rebirth, which is obviously why our world tour befittingly began in Paris. My album doesn't refer to the European revolution but to the rebirth of music itself. I guess what I'm trying to say is, now that I'm around, music will never be the same again."

The woman seemed to be enthralled with every word that came out of Mokuba's mouth. "Now we all know you have an incredibly famous older brother," the woman began.

"That I do. Seto's been famous for most of my life."

"How does he feel about your rock stardom, I can't imagine he accepted it right away?"

"Well he wasn't thrilled about it, but he wants me to be happy. He's not the grouch that he portrays himself as. He's actually the coolest older brother anyone could ever ask for. I grew up believing that and I still do. And we've had our fights about it but I usually win. He basically raised me and spoiled me to the point of no return so he's gotta deal with the fruits of his labor. Which would be the me you see right before your eyes," Mokuba flashed her a smile.

"But I'm sure he wanted you to take over the family business."

"Yeah. I always thought that was what I was gonna do, but I feel like I would've just been following in his shadow my whole life. Kaiba Corp is really Seto's legacy not mine. I'm pretty much a free spirit. I mean when I can drive him crazy with clips like the one you just saw, just imagining the look on his face, there's nothing like it. Clearly, I was born to do this. Besides, he's going to be running Kaiba Corp for a very long time, I mean I won't have to take over until I'm 70 with one foot in the grave. By then he and I will have grandkids and crazy tykes running around that corporate ladder, so he's warmed up to my life choices."

"And is there any particular reason why you've chosen this kind of life?"

All joking aside, the interview was starting to take a very serious turn. "Seto and I have talked about it and there's one thing that drives me to do this more than anything else. It's not the money or the fame, I grew up with that. You know, my brother's always believed in me. His faith in me has never wavered before." Mokuba said quietly but firmly. "But when I told him my main reason for doing this, he said to me 'Mokuba, that's impossible. You can't do that. It's just impossible.'"

The interviewer jotted down some notes very quickly. "Impossible? Why does he think that?"

"Don't get me wrong, I think my brother believes in me more than anyone else. But he's a very logical man, perhaps even to a fault. Yes he's gifted and ambitious but he always measures a situation between reasonable and unreasonable, rational and irrational, possible and impossible. Every fight we've ever had has probably started with that word. It irritates me a little bit, because what he doesn't realize is that I wipe a monkey's ass with the word impossible." Mokuba crossed his arms defiantly. "Because I'm a guy that makes the impossible possible, there is pretty much nothing that's impossible to me. After all, my brother and I have gone through a lot. We've been to hell and back and we're still standing. Many people told us it would be impossible to get to where we are but we've proven wrong in every single way. That's why I've grown up with the philosophy that the word impossible simply doesn't apply to us."

The woman seemed to be in awe of Mokuba's view of the world. "Wow, that's a fascinating way of looking at things. What drives like this? What could be so important that it seems like nothing else matters?"

"This career of mine is very significant to me because I need to find someone. Sometimes she's all I think about. I lost her, but I know she's still out there, waiting for me. This could be the only way to let her know that I'm still here, waiting for her. Seto doesn't think I'll ever be able to find her but if she listens to my music, I can tell her what's in my heart." Although Mokuba was talking about such a sad separation he didn't seem sad at all. As he thought of her, he could help but smile with excitement of their eventual reunion. "She'll know that this heart of mine still beats strongly with the hope of seeing her again. Nothing can deter me, because I'll never give up until we meet again. I'll write down how I feel and through singing I'll express those feelings. If people dig it, they dig it. If they don't, who the hell cares they think?"

The channel 11 brunette news anchor was back on the screen. "People can catch the rest of his full exposé tonight at 8pm. It was a very interesting interview to say the least. He's a captivating and charming person with so much talent. Although he would not say who the lucky lady is, he was a lot more open than any of us expected him to be. He talks about parts of his childhood, growing up in the public view, how he fell in love with music and the formation of his band, Thermo. His brother has never spoke of anything that personal, and speaking of which Seto, the older of the Kaiba brothers, has sealed the deal with the German video game delegate of Leicaleitz enterprises, Abigail Spitzweig. It's becoming known as the collaboration of the decade, causing the Kaiba Corporation stock to rise 30% in just 24 hours and that's only just the beginning."

They switched to a press conference that took place the day before. Cameras were flashing every other second, and many reporters wanted to ask them the type of questions that was beyond the scope of Joey's understanding. "I think Japan has been trying to get their products into Germany for a while now but weren't sure how to do it," a lady with a thick german accent, that Joey could only assume was Abigail began. "Mr. Seto Kaiba was the first person to impress me with his plans for the future, collaborating would be beneficial for both of our companies and I feel very safe with him at the helms. He is a very capable young man." The young petite woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and high cheek bones shot Kaiba a friendly wink.

"Mr. Kaiba," one of the journalists had been given permission to speak. "We all know that companies all over this country have been trying to work with Miss Spitzweig for a long time. How did you convince her?"

Kaiba needed to be applauded this time. Although Joey would never understand the depth of this achievement, Kaiba had done something nearly impossible. He had managed to get Japanese products into xenophobic Germany in the masses. The prime minister of Japan had actually even given Kaiba a call to thank him. It was about more than just Kaiba products bringing in national profits, this opened the door to better political trade agreements with them and gave Japan an avenue to access and blend some of the top of the line technology Germany had been producing. A 30% stock increase in the span of 24 hours is record breaking and once everything becomes finalized this could garner astronomical profits over the next few years.

"Miss Spitzweig is a very simple woman, as the best always are. I showed her a profitable arrangement and she gladly accepted." Kaiba smirked and raised his folded hands to his face. "Kaiba Corp will continue to climb to new heights every day. I will not slow down for anybody. Anyone who wants to get to the top will either have to join me or get through me. Miss Spitzweig made the smarter choice. I believe we can work again in the future."

Joey turned the TV off in disgust. "Well that explains why I was thinking of him, I must have heard news about him in my sleep. He still has that superiority complex I see." Joey got up and got undressed. Bathroom time included the works, showering, brushing teeth, and the routine of trying but failing to comb his hair which had grown just a little bit longer than the way he had it in high school. Things were so much easier when Tea was around to cut his hair. He was running the towel through his hair when he stepped out and saw his father passed out on the floor. He heaved a sigh and went back to his room to get dressed.

Joey listened to the messages on his work phone as he put on a white shirt and some jeans. "Hey Joe, it's me Megumi Ogawa. I'm just calling to remind you that I'm going to pick up my car today so I hope you've finished it, I've wired four grand in American dollars to your account. Please get it done." Beep.

"Hi Joe, it's Leila, I just wanna thank you for the work you've done on my car, it works great. Maybe I could treat you for a drink sometime, just let me know when you're free. I'll be looking forward to it." Beep.

"Joey, this is Takeshi, I'm dropping off my car today, there's something wrong with my breaks, fix it, I will pay whatever, thanks man." Beep. That was the last of his messages hearing the final beep before he tied the shoelaces to his worn out sneakers and put on his blue faded denim jacket.

His father's lifeless carcass was still there to greet him when he got to the end of the bedroom hall. "Come on, old man. It's 10 in the morning and I got a lot to do today." He hoisted his dad's arm to the other side of his neck and lifted the elder man from the floor. He sat him at the kitchen table and slapped him gently trying to wake him. He put yesterday's takeout in the microwave.

"It's my fault," James Wheeler babbled in his sleep, slowly stirring. "It's all my fault." Tears brimmed his closed eyelids.

"No it's not, it's mine. Wake up if you wanna put the blame on me. Sorry to say, I don't have the time to kick your ass this morning. Come on, I've got at least two cars to work on." Joey tapped his father again and saw his eyes slowly open. "I'm going to work, old man. Try to eat something. I left it in the microwave." Joey held his belligerent face to examine the extent of how conscious he was. Eh, he'll live. At least till I come back I hope. "Hey, look at me, look at me old man, if you're not too plastered when I get back we can go another round. So sit, eat, sober up, and try not to kill yourself or anyone else while I'm gone."

James somewhat startled pushed his son to the floor. "Get off of me! What do you think you're doing?" He stood up only to sit right back down after feeling the effects of his crippling headache.

"Yeah, good talk." Joey added with a hint of sarcasm. He got up, took one last look at his father who was eyeing the now empty liquor cabinet before closing the front door behind him.

Miss Ogawa came to pick up her car around one o' clock. She was a younger woman, in her early 20s looking like a spinster of sorts with her dark hair locked a tight bun and the crispness of her work dress suit all packed neatly into a nervous lady. She checked her watch and reminded Joey that her break was over in an hour and that she wanted to get there early. Joey was underneath the car putting in the final touches. He had been working on the car for a number of weeks and it was finally in mint condition.

He swore inwardly at the fact that Megumi didn't seem to appreciate that he basically had to rebuild the car from scratch as it had been in a terrible wreck and on top of that he had even given her a decent discount at Duke Devlin's request. Apparently she worked at the Dungeon Dice Enterprises that Duke was CEO of. The accident occurred on her second day when the moron had slammed into her passing car as he was trying to swerve out of his CEO parking spot as if he were the big man on campus. How she still continues to work for the green eyed bastard is to the complete amazement of everyone who's heard the story. No doubt that they were clearly romantically involved although Joey never thought that the endearing, sincere, hardworking, and naïve office girl was Duke's type. Or maybe he started dating her to distract her from the fact that he nearly killed her.

"Okay, I'm done." Joey said from underneath the car. He rolled out and stood up, taking off his work gloves and wiping his sweaty face with a handkerchief labeled "SK" on the bottom right. He handed her the keys and instructed her on all the additions he had made to the car. She paid very close attention and nodded earnestly to everything he said.

"Well, thank you very much! It looks like nothing ever happened!" she pushed up her glasses and her blue eyes came to life as she shook Joey's hand fervently in newfound appreciation of which Joey had mistakenly thought she didn't possess.

You know, she'd be kind of cute if she wasn't such a klutz. And she seems a bit naive but she grows on you. Joey smiled. "Yeah well take care of it this time. And say hi for Duke for me."

Her face grimaced instantly. "S-s-say hi? What makes you th-think I talk to that jerk?"

"That jerk happens to be YOUR boss and MY friend," Joey reminded her. When her face fell even further he laughed and put his hands in the air. "But he's still a jerk all the same. The stories I could tell you about that guy are endless."

"I think he's playing games with me. I mean he tries to kill me, only to ask me out the day I get out of the hospital." She bit her lip. "I rejected him of course. Twice already. I didn't even accept his help in paying for the car. I mean look at me, do I really seem like his type? He probably wants to just make fun of me."

"So why are you still working there?" Joey asked.

"Climbing the corporate ladder this young is not easy. Dungeon Dice Enterprises is the closest I've ever been and I don't want to give that up," she said, fixing a strand of her hair. "Who knows, someday I might have his job, or better yet, maybe I can get into the Kaiba Corporation! It's always been a dream of mine."

Joey snorted at the mention of 'Kaiba.' "Yeah well good luck with that." Joey's skepticism was apparent. There's no way someone as arrogant as Kaiba would ever approve of hiring someone as ditzy as Megumi. Again with Kaiba? Is it an omen? Why am I thinking about him? "About Duke, I happen to think he's serious about you. I'm not sure if he wants to date you, but even jerks like him have a heart. He probably just wants to make it up to you for almost killing you and wrecking your car. You should give him a chance. You may learn something about him that you didn't know before. How's that for insider information?"

Megumi blushed furiously and bowed before getting in her car. As she was exiting, Takeshi pulled up with his car driving in painfully slow. It came rolling to a stop and Takeshi came running out of the car frantic.

"Something is wrong with my brakes," he said in a panicking manner.

Joey raised a brow. "I'll say. What the hell was with that entrance about? You think you're the only one on the road?" Joey stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles preparing for the new work that just came in.

"Just check it, please! I was on the highway and I couldn't stop, I almost got into an accident! I could have died!" Takeshi was legitimately freaked out. He shook his head and shoulders while checking his phone.

"Calm down, buddy. I'm sure you've been as reckless with the Integra as you've always been." Joey quickly put his gloves back on and after raising the car he went under. He came back after 15 minutes looking incredulous. "Uuuum Takeshi? What is this? I don't want to get involved but is someone trying to kill you?"

His eyebrows raised in surprise. "What are you talking about? Did you find something?"

"The brake lines are broken and it doesn't look like wear and tear. These lines are made out of metal, and were cut. With something sharp…" Joey looked at him and then looked back at the car half scared out of his mind.

Takeshi was very confused however his look of confusion slowly changed into some kind of recognition of what was going on. He then laughed running a hand through his jet black hair. "Why would someone want to kill me? What did I do to anyone? Maybe my wife knows something about this." He opened his phone and started dialing.

"Why would she know?" Joey rolled his eyes at him. That's Takeshi, always joking around even in a serious situation. "Maybe there's someone after your money. Is there anyone who would want you dead? I can't believe I even have to ask you that. Takeshi, you should call the police. I've never done anything like this before. I mean I can fix the brake lines, sure, but won't that get rid of any evidence of foul play?" Joey was at a loss of what to do.

"No!" he nearly screamed, startling Joey. "Don't worry." he said regressing a bit. "It's fine, nothing is going to happen to me, just fix the car. The money you need is in the trunk, take as much as you want and just fix it."

Takeshi Miura was a young 28 year old merchant that Joey had met by chance a little over three years ago. He sells products to numerous companies of all kinds. Joey had saved the man from muggers and since then he had helped Joey get out of some tight jams. He found the shop Joey bought and gave Joey the rest of the money to buy it which Joey begrudgingly accepted. When Takeshi found out the Joey was having a hard time building clientele he told all his rich friends about 'Joe the mechanic' and directed them to the shop. It took some convincing as rich people usually just buy a new car and don't bother to get it fixed. He also owned the restaurant that Joey worked at and even gave him the job. Takeshi had been one of Joey's only friends since high school.

"That's not necessary. It's only it's a 50000 yen job. I'm sure that you carry that around in your wallet. Besides I'm not charging you for it." Joey looked at him curiously as he started walking out.

Takeshi laughed. "Hahahaha, you know me too well for too long. How long have we been friends? Few years?" He looked back at him for a moment. "Fix that car. Everything about that car. And protect that car till I come back. Then take however much you want from the trunk. When the time comes you'll know what to do. I'm sure of it. You'll know what to do." He gave Joey a wink and left the garage.

Joey was a bit stunned for a while, having an apparent delayed reaction to the serious tone Takeshi had taken. "Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? You're scaring me." Joey noticed that he was no longer there and scratched his head out of frustration. "Damn it! What should I do? He's not taking this seriously enough."

Joey stood up from where he had been sitting on the floor in back of the silver Acura Integra. He walked to the table and grabbed his handkerchief. This was the handkerchief he had every day for the last 6 years. He used it for various things and cleaned it when he had the chance. Mostly, he used it to clean himself up after fixing cars but once in a while when he was hurt after fighting with his father or anyone else the handkerchief was always used as a band-aid of sorts. It's not like it was important to him, it's just that he never noticed that he had held onto it all this time. He hadn't even remembered where it came from, that is until today. Joey took a good look at the piece of cloth he was holding and his eyes widened in realization. 'SK' the corner read. This was Kaiba's, from a long time ago. Joey had no idea why he had kept it.

"Don't move." Kaiba pulled out his handkerchief and started wiping down Joey's face. He winced under Kaiba's touch causing Kaiba to be gentler than usual.

Kaiba pressed on Joey's cut particularly hard causing him to yelp for the second time that morning. "I'm an expert because I said so. Is there some code of conduct you look for in people who try to help you out?" Kaiba reached into his pocket. "Applying pressure will stop the bleeding and you can use this before it leaves a mark."

"Anyway, keep that. It should help with the bruises, especially the one of your chest." Kaiba tried to keep his poker face intact but as he was turning around for the door, Joey could swear he saw a smile that Kaiba tried to hide.

"That asshole is nice to me ONE TIME on a whim and I keep his little gift? What the hell is wrong with me?" He threw piece of cloth back on the table and turned back to the Integra. "I'm not sure about this but you know I can do right now?" He went to the toolbox and grabbed a wrench checking the clock on the wall. 2:30. "What I can do? I can fix this car. Besides, I never know when Takeshi will be back for it." He rolled under the car and went to work.

"Sorry Joey," Takeshi said to no one in particular. "It's because I trust you, completely and implicitly. I trust you with my life. Things are about to get real nasty. I know you'll protect that car with everything you have, just in case I don't make it back." He lifted his foot off the shop wall stepping onto the sidewalk. Pulling out his cell phone he dialed the woman he had wanted to call before. "Hello honey. You're surprised to hear from me, aren't you?" The 28 year old sighed and put a hand in his pocket, brown eyes twinkling in amusement and he cracked a grin. "I found the little gift you left in my favorite car, kind of goes against our marriage vows don't you think?" The woman on the other line responded rebukingly and Takeshi tsked at her. "What a shame. I survived, and you're gonna wish I hadn't. Becoming my wife should have taught you, if you're gonna do something, do it right. Leave no mistakes or they will haunt you. Although I do have something that might interest you, we need to meet up. Where are you?"

Joey replaced the brake lines in no time at all but there were a few other things wrong with the car. Someone had rigged a lot more in the car than just faulty brake lines. Someone had placed salt in the engine and sugar in the gas tank. If this is a prank, it's a bad one. If it's not, then what a roundabout way to try to kill someone… Joey thought. A plethora of things could have occurred, the worst being that the car could have exploded with Takeshi inside of it. Both had to be replaced immediately. Joey was baffled as to how the car made here in the first place. He began to feel increasingly uneasy about the whole affair. Was it wrong of him to worry about Takeshi when he found all these booby traps in his car? Just who was he anyway? Wasn't he just a simple merchant? Although it is very possible that someone just wants him out of the way to get to his money but why would they go to this extent to kill him when there simpler ways? He was a good guy. He helped Joey out with a lot of things. Joey was even starting to look up to him as an older brother of sorts and he reminded him so much of Tristan. Joey's concern increased tenfold when he called him only to receive the answering machine. "He better be okay or I will fucking kill him."

He would have to order a new gas tank but luckily had had enough to parts to comprise a new engine to replace the faulty one. This took a considerable amount of time and something that would not be able to be fixed in one day but he had fixed 80% of the new engine by the time he took a break. The rest of the engine required tiny intricate additions which required a decent oiling first. He went all the way to the back to get the oil which he slightly misplaced much to his embarrassment. What kind of mechanic loses his reserve of oil? He did find it eventually but he stopped all of a sudden. Was someone calling for him? He could have sworn-

"Hello?" Kaiba stepped into the garage and looked around. "Joe the mechanic? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here." A figure from the back, obviously the source of the voice, responded.

"I'm having car trouble it's kind of an emergency. Can you take a look at it? I will pay you whatever you want."

"What is with people and the 'I'll pay you whatever you want' line? You're rich, aren't you? Just because you're rich doesn't mean you shouldn't save your money." Joey scoffed slightly irritated as he stepped into the light and made his way back to Takeshi's car. Wait a minute. That voice… He stopped dead his tracks and nearly dropped the bottle of motor oil at the unbelievable sight of Seto Kaiba in his dingy garage. "Kaiba?" Joey asked incredulously.

"Joey? Joey Wheeler?" Kaiba asked with equal surprise. "I don't believe it. YOU'RE Joe the mechanic?" Kaiba didn't know whether to be amused or disgusted.

Joey sighed and opened the hood to the Acura, his eyes narrowing into thin slits. His patience for life's mysteries was wearing him thin. "Today clearly isn't my day, and the hits just keep on coming," Joey's tone became weary and he was moderately uncaring of Kaiba's presence. "So, what the hell are you doing here?" he inquired disinterestedly.

Kaiba watched Joey apply the motor oil to the engine of some expensive looking car and rolled his eyes. "So this is what you did after high school? You didn't get into a school like the rest of the geek brigade?"

Joey slammed the hood back down as he rolled his eyes. "Come now, Kaiba. We both know I'm not smart enough for that. I've been fixing cars all my life. This is the only thing I know how to do." Joey pulled out the stick next to the engine to check the quality of the oil. "Not everyone has billions in their back pocket like you. People like me can't just do anything. I'm sure you didn't track me down to ridicule my life choices, what the hell does the great Seto Kaiba want from me? And I'm warning you, today has been kind of trippy and I'm slightly annoyed so I might just be as eager to help you as I was 4 years ago, which wasn't very eager at all."

"You think I tracked you down? I had no idea you were here. In fact, I'm here on a fluke. My car broke down." Kaiba looked around at the repulsive scenery. "I would never come here otherwise. Where are we anyways?"

Joey would have to get under the car to figure out how he would remove the gas tank and whatever other problems there might be. This would require him pushing the car into the inner garage and mechanically lifting it using something stronger than what he had used to lift the car when he had replaced the break lines. But he was tired and spent from the day's events which included a good friend of his being the target of danger and this unexpected meeting he was currently dealing with. Joey had suddenly lost his energy and motivation. He took off his gloves and wiped sweat from his forehead using the back of his hand before dividing his attention towards Kaiba.

"Congratulations Kaiba, you actually made it out of your comfy mansion to visit us little people. This is groundbreaking. Unfortunately, you're still in Domino City. You've just never been here, to the Domino slums. Or at least the entrance to the slums. Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, I've seen places far worse than here. It took me all my life just to get to the entrance, and where I come from that's a dream." He opened the front door and inspected the interior. There were still a few adjustments that could be made but he'd save them for another day, maybe tomorrow after his lifted the car. "Although, I have fulfilled too many dreams as of late," he closed the door, grabbing his handkerchief and wiping his hands.

"Yeah?" Kaiba crossed his arms. "And just what's that supposed to mean?"

"Many people around here dream of seeing your signature misshapen trench coat and your trademark look of condescendence. I know it all too well and seen it all too many times. Lucky me." Joey remarked placing the piece of cloth on the table once again before remembering who it originally belonged to. Momentarily nervous and caught off guard, he then took the handkerchief to the back where it could be concealed in the clutter.

Kaiba was starting to get angry. Were things always this bad between them? He had not seen the dog in four years and the first thing Joey does is bite his head off for simply being there? Who did he think he was? "Look Wheeler, I've had just about enough of your mouth." He grabbed Joey's arm roughly. "Are you going to help me or not?"

"Or not." Joey ripped his arm away and scoffed. "You haven't changed, have you? You think that just because you are Seto Kaiba means that everybody's just gotta do what you say? Well you know what? You can go screw yourself." Joey paused. In that moment, he heard a harp playing. Its symphony started in his head and then traveled through his body, opening the doors of his heart. A choir rejoiced, a bright light shown behind Kaiba, and a great wind blew Joey away as the zephyr ran through Joey's blond locks.

Of course none of the above had really taken place; it's just that Joey had taken notice of the car directly behind Kaiba. Kaiba was watching Joey warily. Wariness turned to concern when it looked like Joey was about to drool. "Hey." He snapped his fingers in front of Joey's face but to no avail for Joey's eyes had already transformed into stars and he could no longer see anything but that car. He was transfixed on it unaware of his apparent stupor. Exasperated, Kaiba shook the young man until he somewhat returned to some semblance of reality.

"This is your car? THIS IS YOUR CAR?!" Joey asked frantically. Kaiba nodded slowly. "It's a Mustang– an ACTUAL Mustang. They stopped making this type in the late 70s, how in the world did you get your hands on one of these?" Joey put his hand up to stop him from responding. "Wait don't answer that, I guess money is really good for something after all. This is one of the first models it's totally vintage." Joey opened the door and smelled the interior leather seats. "This is definitely the '67 model. Why would someone as uptight like you be driving something as awesome as this?"

"Truth be told, I hate the thing. It's not mine, it's Mokuba's." Kaiba crossed his arms. "He adores collecting classic cars like these. I wouldn't even be driving it if Mokuba didn't want me to pick him up from the airport in that. It breaks down all the time, I've been trying to convince him to turn it into scrap metal but I'm starting to think that the car is his lover or something."

"Scrap metal? Never." Joey flashed him a dirty look. "Figures you would say something like that." He finished inspecting the interior of the car. "Well, I will say this," Joey backed up so he could get a better view of the car. "Your brother's got style." He smiled, his mood had picked up considerably.

"I'm so thrilled you think so." Kaiba replied derisively. "So are you going to fix it?"

"Fix it? I'll do better than that, this car won't break down again for a long time." Joey finished his inspection of all the obvious faults it could possibly be. The engine was rusted and the carburetor needed to be replaced completely not to mention that the wheels were completely worn but he hadn't gotten beneath the car yet so he couldn't be totally sure the full extent of the damages.

"There's extensive damage I see already and I haven't even checked the bottom of the car yet. There's no way this will be finished by today much less this week." Joey checked the clock and it was almost seven. "It's almost closing time too."

"Never mind that. How much?" Kaiba inquired impatiently.

"Well it's looking to be a 500,000 yen job but since I hate your guts, you can pay 3 times that much." Joey said proudly.

"Fine." Kaiba shrugged. He walked to the Mustang and opened the trunk pulling out a titanium suitcase. He shoved the suitcase at Joey's chest. "This is 2,000,000. Keep the change, just get it done as soon as possible."

"Whoa whoa, Kaiba I was just kidding. This is too much money. And what is it with you rich folk and keeping money on you? I expected a check, not for you to be carrying this much money in the trunk of your car. I know mechanics want a decent tip but this is ridiculous, it's like a 300% tip…" He tried to give it back but Kaiba wouldn't take it. "Kaiba, I've never seen this much money all I once. I can't accept it."

"Keep it. You haven't checked the bottom right? It could be worse and the estimate can change." Kaiba said satiating Joey's pride a bit. "Besides you can use the money right? After you get everything you need and take care of everything you have to in this place, you can give back the rest if you want." Kaiba pulled out his cell phone ready to call for another chauffeur.

"Wait." Joey smiled. Truth be told Kaiba had just covered months worth of bills. The loan sharks and debt collectors would be satisfied for a while. He was really tight this month and he would have been in some deep financial trouble if Kaiba hadn't come along. He couldn't help but be happy. Even if it was Seto Kaiba, scum of the earth, he had to thank him. After all, he was grateful. "At least let me buy you a drink. You know as thanks?"

"It's not necessary." Kaiba said flatly. Kaiba checked his watch, he figured that it was time to go.

"Or do you not want to be seen with me?" Joey asked quietly. "After all these years, you're still too good to drink with me?"

Kaiba stopped. He went through an array of emotions all of which he didn't really display. He was angry at Joey's insinuation as well as slightly hurt that Joey had such a little opinion of him. However all of those ended with Kaiba smirking in amusement at the challenge of it all. "Fine. Let's have a drink then. But only if I drive."

19 pages: So that is the end of chapter 1. A bit long? I had to cover everything, I also edited and revamped it. This is like the third time. Forgive all the spelling mistakes I have very bad eyesight horrendous even, so I usually end up missing all my grammatical errors. Please review, tell me what you think, I love to hear from you guys. I've already started chapter two you guys should DEFINITELY look forward to chapter three. It's going to be a doozy. I will try to update as soon as possible.