Country: Northern Italy

Human Name: Feliciano Vargas


Math- B

Comments: He understands simple concepts but fractions he seems to be able to exceed the entire class. On tests or homework he always labels them...oddly. Example: 1/4 cup of tomato sauce, or 7/9 pan full of pasta.

Conquering- D

Comments: He conquered one place. One. And that was Ethiopia who only had colonial military weapons! Any other attempt he has attempted to do something like conquering another country he gets sent packing. Or he has to call Germany to assist him like in the case of Egypt.

Cooking- A++++++

Comments: What he lacks in conquering is easily made up in his food. The boy moves like nothing I have ever seen, though he makes a mess at times. He could cook circles around even the best chief.

Language- C

Comments: He speaks his own language well obviously, but when I tell him to write a foreign language all his writes is "Vee~" on the paper. I don't get why honestly or understand it. Example: Q:What comes next in the sequence of uno, dos tres, quatro, cinco,_. A: Vee!~

Drama Club- A

Comments: He can pull of a crying part very well, the tears actually look real! He can also pull of cheery roles very easily; just offer him pasta after the performance and he is a runaway hit!

Gym- B

Comments: The child can run as if his life depends on it, I recommend him for the football team highly… Just send Russia to chase him and he will run laps around him. The only reason this is a B is because he lacks upper body strength and refuses to try and build it. Instead of climbing up the rope he got a ladder-

Art- A

Comments: He is a very skilled artist and can sculpt nearly anything, too bad he only chooses spaghetti or a slice of pizza…You ask him to paint a bowl of fruit and you get a bowl of piping hot mastaciolli...(Type of pasta.)

Science- D-

Comments: I do not get it. He can mix two cooking ingredients fine. But ask the boy to mix two chemicals and it is like asking him to perform brain surgery on an elephant. The kid is an enigma.

Fighting- F Comments: If I gave grades on how fast you could run away from a fight, I would give him enough A's so that he could graduate.

Country: South Italy

Human Name: Lovino Vargas

Conquering- D+

Comments: He is more violent than his brother, but this still results in the same thing, a very lackluster military. The boy should stick to sculpting tomatoes and baking pizza.

Sex Ed- B+

Comments: It was Spain who made him join and because of Spain that he's passing. He is often volunteered by Antonio for examples in class quite frequently which results in my classroom being filled with Italian profanities.

Cooking- A

Comments: He is the same as his brother but is more of a…how you ass. Example: Teacher: Lovino, make sure to stir the suace- Lovino: I get it ya cheddar dick.

Debate- B

Comments: He can argue…a lot. He sometimes gets a 'bit' to mad and goes overboard. And by overboard I mean he throws the podium at them. But he can usually argue until he is blue in the face.

Geography- A

Comments: He is very well aware of his surroundings and the area around him. Though whenever I give him a map of Europe he just crosses out Germany and hands it back to me.

Foreign Language- A

Comments: He sort of has an edge since he takes Spanish as his foreign language, which his brother wasn't wise enough to do. Since their language are so similar, it is like second nature to him.

Gym- D

Comments: You can only get him to do ANYTHING by sending Russia after him who is usually after Italy. Or if you manage to egg him on by having a certain blond German do it. Then you can have him do just about anything, except go near him. He is afraid to catch..."Potatosis..."?