Chapter 1 Innocence

"Hey Luddy!" a German called from the kitchen. He had silver-white hair and bright playful crimson eyes.

"What Gilbert?" the other German answered. This one was slightly taller and had blonde hair, slicked back and sky blue eyes.

"I made dinner!" Gilbert said happily. Ludwig walked in the kitchen, looked at the table, and sighed.

"You didn't make dinner," he pointed out.

"Ja I did. See?" Gil protested, gesturing to the table.

"Nein, this is pizza you ordered," Ludwig said copying his brother's gesture towards the table.

"Well I half made it," Gil muttered.

"Okay okay," Ludwig caved, taking a slice if pizza.

"Ja! So Ludwig," Gilbert said chewing on pizza "What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't know," Ludwig was caught off guard by the question.

"But your turning 17!" Gil yelled.


"Und that means your almost 18!" Gil finished.

"So what?" Ludwig had no idea what his brother was getting at.

"That means your almost a legal adult, like me!"

"Gilbert, your 22, but you act like your five sometimes."

"Hey! Being immature is awesome!"

"Sure sure."

"Ja," Gil said checking the clock "Mein Gott! It's like one in the morning!" Ludwig spun around to look at the clock. It read 9:30pm.

"Gotchya," Gil smirked at his own little joke. Ludwig shook his head at his brother's light-hearted mood.

"Did you finish doing your homework and all that shit?" Gil asked.

"Ja ja."

"Good. Well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. Night," Gil gave Luddy a quick hug and headed to his bedroom in the basement. Ludwig decided he would head to bed as well. He had school the next morning anyway.

"Morning!" Gil said brightly. Luddy rubbed his eyes groggily as he walked into the kitchen.

"I made breakfast," Gil said. Coffee and a pop tart. Coffee was one of the only things Gil knew how to make.

"Dank," Ludwig mumbled as he sat down at the table. He sipped his coffee and stared at his elder brother. Gil always seemed so bright. Even early in the morning. Maybe that's why he never did any actual work. The clock chimed eight in the morning.

"Gott, you better get dressed and stuff, Luddy. The train leaves in fifteen minutes," Gil hurried.

"Ja okay," Ludwig got up and went to put on a pair of jeans and a clean T-shirt. Gil glanced around and ran a tired hand through his hair.

'Today's going to be a hell of a day,' he thought. In ten minutes Ludwig was back, dressed for school with his hair slicked back like usual.

"Alright. I'll see you after school," Luddy waved at the albino, who ran over and hugged him.

"Bye Luddy! if you want a ride home, call me!"

"Okay bye." Ludwig walked out the door and to the train station to go to school. Gilbert sighed and looked around. Cleaning has to wait, like always. Gilbert went into the basement and brought up a small plastic bin. He set it on the kitchen table and opened it. Bills and forms were stacked up inside, along with a pen and a checkbook. Gil ran and got the laptop from the living room. He didn't have to work until 4 so he decided he'd get some work done here. Gilbert was losing sleep because of all this. He worked three jobs, took college classes online, and paid the bills as well as take care of Ludwig. The albino rubbed his scarlet eyes and proceeded to open the checkbook. His eyes widened as he saw how much money they had spent that month. That was three quarters of his total pay! The majority of it went to his own tuition for college. They were barely making it by with this much money. Gil had to make a decision now. Tell Ludwig about the financial situation and have him worry too or drop out of college. Gil's head dropped to the table. He logged on to the college courses on the laptop. He opened a few windows until he got to the 'Drop out' page. He felt a twinge in his chest as he clicked the red button. No more college. That will have to wait. A single tear rolled down the German's face. He wanted to get that degree in medicine. But keeping a house and getting food for the both of them was more important. Gil looked at the mortgage.

"Jesus, it's getting high," Gil muttered to himself. He wrote out a check for the mortgage on the small house and sealed it in an envelope. Gil jerked his head as he heard a loud metal song start playing. He looked at the time. Almost 2. Probably Luddy.

"Hallo?" Gil answered his phone.

"Gilbert? Can you pick me up from school?" Ludwig's voice asked.

"Sure. I'll be there in a few minutes," Gil said and then hung up the phone. He quickly shoved all the random assortment of papers and bills into the bin. He took the laptop and bin down to his room to work on them later. He set them on his bed and grabbed his car keys.