I'm back...well sort of. I just wanted to give you guys a little preview so I posted the first chapter. Things are a little different with this installment; the most noticeable will be the shifting of POVs. I'm going to be getting into Peter's head as well as a new character's. Each shift in point of view will be denoted by the person's name so hopefully it's not too confusing.

Also this story is rated M because there's a lot of angst/drama/sex so be aware of that. This first chapter has some in it. It's in Evi's last POV so you're welcome to skip over that if you don't feel comfortable reading it.

So here were are! Test of Time: Separate Ways...

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"Turn your anger into lust. I'm still here but you don't trust at all...And I'll be waiting. Love and sex and loneliness. Take what's yours and leave the rest, so I'll survive. God it's good to be alive!"

Singing my heart's delight and bouncing on my toes, I toss my gym bag onto the counter. My stomach rumbles at me in anger for not eating before my intense workout so I raid the fridge to make myself a sandwich, still singing loudly to myself with my iPod drowning out all other sound in my ears.

"I'm torn in pieces. I'm blind and waiting for, my heart is reeling. I'm blind and waiting for you!"

"EVI!" I feel a pair of hand clamp down on my waist and I shriek, my scream echoing all throughout the kitchen but is soon drowned out by Finnick's laughter.

"You fucking asshole!" I yell, punching him in the shoulder while I clean up the lettuce that I spilled on the floor.
"Have you considered singing lessons, darling?" his laughing subsides somewhat as he presses a kiss to my cheek, taking the bread from me to make my sandwich for me.

"Ha. Ha," I sneer, wiping crumbs from my hands.

Almost a year.

A year since I came back from Narnia.

Sometimes it feels like that was so long ago and I barely even think about it. Other times it's all I can think about and I desperately want to get back.

"Where did you go this morning?" he chuckles, passing my finished sandwich back to me.
"Clearly," I point down to my obvious workout clothes.
"I thought I smelled something rather ripe," he teases, garnering a frown from me.
"Unlike you, I wasn't blessed with my Narnian body when I came back," I sink my teeth into the bread, my stomach grateful for the sustenance.

When I came back it was like everything was squeegeed clean from my body, no scars, no wounds and unfortunately no muscles. So I've been working my butt off trying to get back in top-Narnian shape.

"I had time before the party," I add, wrapping the ear buds around my iPod.
"What party?" Finnick frowns but then smiles with another laugh as he dodges my fist once more.
"Keep it up, smart ass," I shake my head.
"Or what?" he smirks and I turn with a mischievous grin, "Or you'll do what, Evi?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out," I taunt but then let out a shriek as he tears up the stairs after me, hauling me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Finnick!" I laugh and wiggle as he tickles my sides, bringing me into my room where he throws me on my bed, pinning me down with his hands and legs. With his own impish smirk he leans over my lips getting closer and closer but pulls away every time I move to connect.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" I let out a frustrated sigh.
"I don't know. You threatened me. I don't think you deserve it," he says with mock indignation.
"I think I deserve a break since it's my birthday," I smirk.
"Oh! Well in that case, if it's your birthday...I think you deserve a lot more than a kiss," he sexily growls with a smirk, his mouth finding mine.

I nip and bite at his lips, my tongue sliding and fighting with his, making him smirk against my lips. Kissing me back with equal fervor, Finnick presses my legs open with his knee to settle himself firmly between my thighs and roll his hips over mine. His movement entices a small groan from my lips and a shudder to spread through my body. My body tingles with anticipation as he bends my right leg around his body, his fingertips grazing against my calf and tantalizing the sensitive skin behind my knee.

His hips roll over mine once more and I throw my head back into my pillow in a more audible groan. His lips and tongue working in a perfect tandem down the length of my neck, eliciting a more whimpered moan from my throat as they ardently work over the sensitive spot just under my jawline.

Savoring the feeling of his mouth pressed to my neck, I let my head fall to the side, my eyes opening for just a brief moment. In that brief moment, though, I catch sight of the time: 4:11.

"Oh my God!" I gasp, abruptly throwing Finnick off of me and jumping off the bed with a graceful landing, "I need to get ready!" I panic, sliding into my bathroom.

"How do women turn it off so fast?" Finnick grumbles from the floor and I can only assume he glances down at the tent he's pitching in his jeans.


I think it's pretty obvious that Finnick and I reconciled.

For a while after I came back, I refused to let myself give in to the temptation he posed. I still believed I could get back to Narnia somehow and if I slept with Finnick, I'd only regret it if I ever had to face Peter again. Only...time went on and I grew accustomed to living in the 21st Century again and accepted that I am probably never getting back to Narnia. So Finnick was there and opportunity struck. We first slept together some months ago falling into a sort of "friends with benefits" relationship. I say "sort of" because I still believe Finnick loves me even if I don't love him. I guess it's my way of clinging on to Narnia...and I know it's not that respectable to use him in that way but it just happened.

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"What's your name, hun?"

I blink at the squat, elderly lady who's expectantly smiling at me.

My name?

Unsurely I rub the back of my neck, looking for some hint in my surroundings but I appear to be in some kind of underground cavern, a line of oddly dressed people behind me, stopping just short of a...a...canyon? Perhaps?

"Sir, I need your name," she repeats, her smile faltering.

My eyes fall on a...box, a man next to me is holding, good letters emblazoned on the side and I look to the woman saying what I read, "Micah."

"One moment please," she grins at me again turning to another sort of box. This one is much larger and made of a completely different material than the black one the other Micah was carrying. She's intently peering at it and I wonder what should could possibly be looking at.

When I'm about to ask her, she slides a funny sort of paper to me all kinds of numbers and letters printed on it. How did she produce it so quickly?

"Your train will be here shortly. Have a nice day," she nods her head, beckoning the woman behind me to come forward. As she passes, I notice her eyes quickly wander down the length of my body with a wide smile on her lips. Awkwardly clearing my throat, I walk off as I feel my face warm with embarrassment.

Many other people are standing by the canyon but I'm hesitant as I take a few steps closer. When I'm close enough to peer down into it, I find that it's not a canyon at all. It only drops down maybe the length of my body. The bottom, though, only confuses me more. It's lined with oddly-shaped metal bars extending in either direction to a long and dark tunnel.

Then the ground begins to shake and a sharp screeching sound comes from one of the tunnels. It must be some kind of beast! A dragon possibly? Oh, how I wish I had my sword at my side. Blast these foreign clothes I'm wearing!

But as the screeching becomes louder and louder as the beast looms near, it's not a dragon at all it's a...well...I'm not entirely sure what it is. Some sort of transportation device because the people all lined up by the canyon—or that's what I'm going to call it since I have no other proper name—all walk into the device. A group of people behind me ushers me into the device as well and I have no choice but to board, collapsing into one of the seats.

How strange this place is!

All I wish is to go home...wherever that is.

Some minutes ago I awoke in that underground cavern with no name or memory...or rather, very few of them. I remember Narnia and very faint things about her grace and beauty. And I remember that I was a soldier, a rather important soldier. Alas...that is all. I awoke, finding myself in foreign clothes and carrying a burning desire to reach a place called Long Island.

"Hey...you're one of them!"

I frown at the man, who was suddenly shouting at me.

"One of those terrorists! Look!" the man roughly grabs my hand, pulling back my sleeve to reveal a mark on the back of my hand. Odd...I hadn't noticed it until now. Only, I don't have time to examine it further because now everyone around me is closing in.

"I'm no terrorist," I shake my head, "Honestly."

"Somebody! Get security! We've got one of them!" the man yells and I panic as I evade lunging arms from those around me. The device shudders to a stop and the doors open, presenting me with an opportunity to escape. My speed and dexterity from being a soldier seem to be with me as I slide through the doors and dash up the steps into the blinding sun scrambling into an entire new world I never knew existed.

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"Peter! Pevensie!"

I wince at Mum's strict tone. Edmund is sniggering in the corner and I throw him a sharp look as Mum frantically examines the horrid black eye marring my face.

"Edmund! Upstairs, now!" she shrieks at him and I feel a sense of satisfaction hearing him sent away.

"What would your father think? Peter, I just don't understand what's gotten into you," she shakes her head, trying to busy herself with a pack of ice for my throbbing head, "You're getting in fights, you're earning poor marks in school..."

"It's nothing, Mum," I take the pack of ice from her with a roll of my eyes.
"I just...I just don't know what to do with you anymore," she spins on her heel, turning into the sitting room.

Slightly wincing as I press the ice to my eye, I turn to stairs, ready to face all the criticism I'm about to hear. Ed will, of course, enjoy my moment of weakness. Lucy will only silently stare at me with a sad, disappointed look in her eye. And Susan. Susan will rattle off a lecture about how reckless I've been.

Bloody hell, I shouldn't have to deal with the lot of them like this.

I'm a King!

High King Peter, The Magnificent.

I had wealth, power, respect, and lo—

Stop it, Peter.

My hand inadvertently tightens around the icepack as I resist the urge to punch the wall. The urge passes, being quickly replaced with longing and unhappiness.


Nothing I do erases her from my mind. Everything and I mean every bloody thing reminds me of her. I can't get her out of my head. To this day I can hear her sweet laugh, see her unforgettable dark blue eyes, feel her in my arms. Ever since that kiss, that one last kiss, I've been haunted by the taste of her lips, the way they felt against mine, and how I was so positive she was in love with me. I loved her so much I thought it was just natural that she loved me just as much.

I loved her...no...I love her.

I never stopped.

Even after she said that she was in love with Finnick.

I was a right foul git and I regret it to this day...I was just so angry. I'm still so angry, that much is true...but there were so many other ways I could've handled it.

"Proud of yourself?" Susan's standing in her doorway, arms folded, eyes condescendingly staring at me.
"Shut it," I frown with a shake of my head, not bothering to stop.

I'm not in the mood to get in a row with Susan. But when I enter my room, I groan suddenly remembering that I share with Ed. Ignoring his somewhat amused stare, I fall face-first onto my bed.

"Right good shiner you've got there, Pete," he smirks.
"Sod off," I mutter into the pillow.
"I hope you at least gave as well as you got."

He must really be keen on pissing me off.

"Ed, honest to God, if you don't shut your damn gob—"
"Right, right, right," he dismissively waves his hand, crossing the room to pull out a book from the shelf before relaxing into his bed.

Flinching at the pain again, I sluggishly roll to my back, absentmindedly staring at the ceiling.

"You're not the only one who lost something," Edmund suddenly says.
"What are you talking about?" I lazily reply with my eyes close, willing the throbbing to stop.
"Evi, was my friend. Lucy's too. We left her behind too, you know."

I sharply glare at him, annoyed that he dared to bring her up.

"You didn't love her," I hissed.
"Maybe I wasn't in love with her but I loved her just as much as you," he frowns, throwing his book at me before leaving.

Good riddance.

But I'm not alone for long.

"Come to tell me how beastly I've been lately?" I turn my head to the doorway—ice still pressed to my eye—to find Lucy timidly hiding round the corner. She shrinks back into the hall once she realizes that I was speaking to her.

"I'm sorry, Lu," I sigh, "Come here."

Once she hears the softened tone of my voice she comes running in, sidling up next to me in my bed. It takes her a moment to get settled and I'm forced to restrain my annoyance as the black eye twinges with her movement.

"Does it hurt?" she quietly asks, lifting up the ice to peek at the bruise.
"Not as badly as it looks," which is a bit of a lie.
"I'm sorry you're hurting," she says.
"Really, Lu, it's not that bad," I chuckle, my pride preventing me from saying how much it really does hurt.
"I don't mean about the bruise, Peter," she looks me dead in the eye. I turn my head away from her, my smile fading to a frown. Why do my siblings feel the need to keep bringing this up? I don't want to talk about it. I don't need to talk about it. I'm fine. I'm dealing with this!

"I'm all right, Lu," I manage to say, looking back at her.

She's still looking at me.

Even Lucy can see through the lies I'm spinning: the ones to everyone else and the ones to myself.

"Is it, Evi?" she innocently asks.
"It's more complicated than that," I shake my head, offering her a small smile.

How could I explain to my thirteen year-old sister everything going on in my mind when I don't fully understand it?


What a rut I've fallen into with my habitual lies.

I know what my problem is...I love Evi.

I just don't have the courage to admit it to anyone.

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"Grab somebody sexy tell 'em hey!" Finnick suavely pulls me onto the dance floor, singing to me and dancing his hips up against mine. For a while all I'm able to do is laugh, thoroughly impressed with how fast he's picked up modern dancing and how fast he learned the lyrics to the song.

"Excuse me, excuse me but I might drink a little more than I should tonight. And I might take you home with me if I could tonight. And baby I'm going to make you feel so good tonight."

So subtle he is.

The song ends and he surprises me when he pulls me into his chest, laying his lips on mine in a brief but fervent kiss.

"You're all sweaty!" I laugh.

Finnick laughs, running his fingers through his now shorter hair, and watches as I undo a couple more of the buttons on his black shirt.

"If you want to undress me, we might want to go upstairs," he tugs my elbow, speaking directly into my ear.
"Why? It's more fun with all these people to watch," I walk my fingers up his chest, biting my lower lip, thoroughly enjoying the stunned look on his face.
"You're joking, right?" he breathes.
"Yes!" I laugh, playfully pushing his shoulder but he grasps my hand, starting to pull me up the stairs.

"Come with me," he beams, a sudden excitement possessing him.
"Where are we going?" I chuckle at his enthusiasm, letting him pull me away from my friends and my party.
"Patience," he urges, bringing me into his room and sitting me on his bed.
"Finnick, I don't have much patience," I sigh, waiting while he rummages through his dresser for something, "Especially if yo—"

I gasp and I'm instantly on my feet again, my hand covering my mouth. In Finnick's hands, gently laying in his palm is the necklace Peter gave me in Narnia, the very same one I thought I lost coming back to New York.

"How did you...where did...is it real?" I stutter, afraid that it might be a dream.
"I snatched it from your neck, remember? I've been waiting for your birthday to give it to you. I know how much it means to you," he chuckles and I tentatively reach out to touch it, a shiver running down my spine when I feel the cool gem touch my fingers.

"Finnick, I...don't know what to say," I breathe, tears brimming my eyes, the sound of my raging party downstairs faintly in my ears. I watch him carefully place the necklace on the top of his dresser before he takes my face between his hands, sweetly pressing his lips against mine.

"Don't say anything," he whispers, his lips brushing mine when he speaks, "Happy Birthday, Evi."

He barely gets the words out before I bring his lips back down onto mine. I trace my tongue against the seam of his lips, my want from earlier today flooding back to me. Sensing this, Finnick parts his lips, his tongue sweeping over mine and his fingers travelling through my hair as his arm circles around my waist bringing me against his firm, lean body. I shiver, lost in all these sensations, Finnick's hands cradling my face and tilting my head so he can kiss me deeper.

I know where this is going...and this time we won't be stopping.

With this thought in mind, I moan into his lips, my fingers threading through his hair and my hips unconsciously grinding against his. A gasp escapes his mouth and then turns into a deep-throated growl as his hands slide to my ass and lift me into the air, my legs naturally curling around his body. Lust glazes over Finnick's eyes as he fumbles with the buttons on his shirt but he curses when his trembling-with-anticipation fingers cannot maneuver the last few. I bark out a laugh but am quickly subdued when Finnick tears his shirt off and collapses us onto his bed.

Another whimpering moan passes my lips as he places himself hard between my thighs, his primal need ringing clear with the swelling in his jeans. Everything Finnick does is setting my body off, lusting for more. His ragged huffs of breath, the desperate way his fingers sink into my skin.

His hand travels the length of my body, pausing at the bottom of my dress to play with hem before he dips his fingertips under the fabric and his hand travels back up the length of my body in skin on skin contact. With the other hand on the other side, Finnick repeats the motion, lifting the dress over my head, brisk air trying to cool my heated body. For a moment, Finnick's eyes drink in the sight of my bare chest, his hand teasing the curves of my breast. Desire blazes in his hazel eyes and my want for him only increases as I feel his fingertips feathering my skin down my chest to my navel and down farther still until they trace the lacey pattern of my panties.

My head falls back into the pillow and my eyes close, my body in agony and throbs with an animalistic need to feel him inside me. His fingers dance all around the inside of my thighs, slipping inside and out of my panties, absolutely tormenting me.

When I open my eyes I find him smirking at me and I sneer, taking him off guard when I roll us around so that I have him pinned beneath me. At his attempt to regain dominance I force him back into the mattress, reclaiming his mouth in a hard kiss, my tongue dominating his. A tortured moan fills the room as he kisses me back, my hand smoothing over the bulge in his jeans.

I pull back, "You take too long," I smirk, ripping his belt from his jeans and sliding them down his legs.

"Do I?" he smirks back, knowing that I caught him in his ruse, "I had no idea."

Never breaking eye contact with him, I bend down and slowly, torturously peel back his boxers and throw them somewhere behind me. Finnick's fully exposed body sends a deep shudder throughout my body ending somewhere between my legs and he tries to flip over again but I push him down with my whole body, my legs straddled over his lower half.

"Wait your turn," I purr in his ear, feeling his hands melt onto my hips.

Both my hands on the center of his chest and his hands guiding my hips, I move down, bit by bit, onto his hard length, biting my lip to conceal a moan while listening to Finnick's echo into the air. Not until I felt his length inside me do I let the moan slip and let myself fall forward on to his chest to kiss him fully, his hands still guiding my hips over him. Slow and steady we go, the pleasure building and building as the sweat drips our bodies. At some point Finnick's hand find's the place where our bodies are connected, his thumb swirling over the sensitive tissue in time with my thrusts. I capture his mouth in mine once more biting and pulling at his lips then smoothing them over with gentle laves of my tongue.

Finnick rolls his hips to change the angle I'm coming down on him and he perfectly hits my sweet spot, the moans tumbling from my mouth now loud and whimpering. My pathetic pants must drive Finnick mad for the motions he's making with his thumb are harder and faster, his pace increasing. My pathetic pants continue and all I can focus on is the building of ecstasy between my legs. Harder and faster he moves until I'm finally crying out his name, my body clenching around him and that's when he rolls us over, biting his lip trying to resist the urge to finish with me. Forearms holding him up, Finnick thrusts desperately into my body, my legs bending around his body.

He's close, so desperately close. His fingers sink into my hips allowing better leverage to violently pound into me, my stomach exploding with pleasure as I feel myself, too, coming to the edge. Fingers curling around his shoulders, my legs clamping tighter around his body I come undone for the second time that night, the waves of my orgasm pulling Finnick with me in my journey of ecstasy. My body quivers feeling him finish inside me and he clutches me as the sensations fade.

Finnick's exhausted body collapses onto mine and I'm forced to push him off to the side, his face burying itself in his pillow, the sweat still pouring down his back. Lifting his head slightly, he gives me a crooked smile that I laugh at, rolling back so that my chest is on top of him.

"Told you that you take too long," I bite my lower lip with a smirk, provoking him to laugh, his arms encircling my body closer to his as I bow down to soundly but sweetly kiss him.