Silent Guardian


Mary Winchester looked in from the door of the room of her son trying hard not to break down again. It was hard enough with the pregnancy making her overly emotional without her breaking up over this. It was not her fault but it was hard to see her son lie there, in bed, burning up. John told her so yet she couldn't help the feeling.

"How's he doing?"

Mary turned to see her husband and love of her life John looking at her. She replied, "He's sleeping now. Maybe the doctor will be able to do something in the morning."

"And you?"

Mary placed a hand on her abdomen and looked down. She sighed, "As well as can be expected. I just hope that… I don't know what we'll do…"

John pulled Mary into a hug and did his best to comfort her. He glanced over at his son for once sleeping albeit a bit fitfully. He gave a kiss to Mary and said, "Don't worry Mary. Dean is as strong as they come. He'll pull through this. Come on. You need your sleep." He pulled Mary away and shut the door. He would check on Dean later.

Once Mary was settled down, John went back to Dean's room. He noticed that the window was open and the curtains were billowing. He gave a slight frown and went to shut it. He then heard Dean rustle under the covers, "Daddy?"

John smiled and replied, "Hey Dean."

"Owies n thirsty."

John knew right away what his son was saying and went to get a glass of water and some aspirin for children. He sat with Dean until he went back to sleep, stroking the flushed head. He couldn't believe that it was pneumonia but that was what the doctor ad said and he had given instructions on keeping Dean comfortable. In the morning Dean was due for a checkup and for the results of some tests that had been taken. Seeing that Dean was asleep, John gave him a kiss on the forehead and wished him a good night and to sleep well. He went to the door and took one last look and closed the door.

Mary awoke early in the morning and went to check on Dean. Upon opening the door, she found Dean sitting up in bed playing with a stuffed animal that she never remembered seeing before. That didn't matter though. What mattered was that Dean was awake and he didn't look feverish at all. He was lively, talking to the stuffed animal and being very animated. Mary could hardly believe it.

Dean sensed that someone was in the room and turned to see his mother. "Mommy, owies are gone!"

Mary felt the tears prickle in her eyes. She went to her son's bedside and sat on the bed. She stroked her son's dirt blonde hair. There was no trace of fever. It was a miracle. Then her eyes lighted on the stuffed animal. She asked, "Who's this Dean?"

"He's Xander. He is a superhero dog."

Mary smiled at her son. "Why that name sweetie?"

"Pwotects me from being sick. My sleeps tell me so." Dean went back to playing with the toy dog.

Mary took a moment to look at the little dog and saw that it was a German Shepherd… just like a dog that… Mary then looked at the window. It was closed and locked. Could it have been? Mary searched the house for other signs but found none. She was certain that it was… She was distracted by John telling her that Dean was ready to go. Mary pushed it to the back of her mind as they left to go to the doctor's office.

Sitting in the office, Mary listened to the doctor's amazement at Dean's recovery. John was asking questions but Mary sat in silence. She said nothing but thanked the doctor. Mary watched her son hold the toy dog that he refused to be parted with. She knew now for sure how her son recovered. She gazed out the window of the car as John drove them home. In the reflection of the glass, she could see a memory of a time long passed. She turned to see Dean sitting in the back seat holding his dog, then to John and smiled, and then back out the window. She whispered, "Thank you."