(A/N) Hello, everyone! I FINALLY got around to posting this for my new niblet story! In case you don't remember or are not reading my story Barely Legal, here's what it is: When I get writer's block, I write what I call 'niblets', or nibbles of stories. Little one-shots, varying from AU, Semi- AU, or the actual show. Some are regular stories and some are those challenges. They're to help me get my juices going.

Well, I have some saved and some written down begging to be typed up...So, I thought I would do this story! Each chapter will be a different story, though some may co - exist together.

I want this one to be the first chapter because of the summery. The rating will vary with each chapter, but the story will remain M as a whole. I will post a new chapter every so often, maybe sooner if you guys ask for them. ;D

This chapter is a Semi - AU. This is rated T.

Gave Me You

Harvey sees Mike for the first time long before the interview at the Hilton Hotel. Mike is barely in his twenties, just starting out on his own. Harvey is about to turn thirty and so far away from the mail room and from anything Mike is at that he can pretend it never happened and actually believe it to be true.

Harvey is enjoying his time at Person – Hardman and doing his best to push the memories from his two years at the D.A. out of his mind. As far as he's concerned, those two years don't exist, and he's even asked Jessica to leave it out of his bio for the firm, despite it looking better for him if it's added. He would delete and burn every newspaper and article there was about him being part of the D.A. if it was possible. It's not, so instead he dyes his hair dark and gets himself a better haircut and better suits and just pretends that it never happened.

Jessica grills him at the firm. He hates it and he's always tired but he knows it's going to be worth it one day when he can make senior partner. He has his eyes on junior partner already and is butting heads with the rat like man Louis Litt for the promotion, even though they are both still pretty far away from Jessica even considering one of them.

Harvey is busting his ass at the hospital because their doctor client was getting blind – sided by his co – workers and being framed for malpractice that he didn't commit himself. Harvey was having a hell of a time proving it until he found a off shore bank account that lead to the real culprits, but he still needed to ask his client a few questions. Because their client had been suspended until the case cleared up, Harvey had to track him down, going from his condo, to the coffee shop he liked, to his grocery store, to the local park where he liked to read, and finally, – Harvey honestly could not believe this – the hospital. He must have talked to at least ten of the doctors close friends and none of them mentioned the man's father was in the hospital.

Harvey searches through lunch and finally got the answers he needed. It's about time for normal people to be getting off of work but Harvey knows he's going to be pulling in long hours for this, so he stops at the small bakery in the south wing of the hospital for something to munch on and a quick coffee for the road. That's when he sees him.

The kid is sitting off alone in the corner, cup of coffee forgotten on the table. He's crying over a bagel and trying so hard not to let anyone else see him. It must be working, too, because everyone else is just moving about their daily lives. No one seemed to see him. Harvey isn't sure what it was that pulled his attention to him, but for some reason he can't look away. The kid's clothes are dirty, and he has a little more then one would call stubble. Harvey realizes he must be there for someone, and it didn't look like he's gone home in days.

Harvey's about to look away, get his stuff and leave, when a man suddenly pulls Harvey's attention to him. He's wearing a suit, much like Harvey's, and talking on his cell phone and being so loud Harvey can hear him yelling at his secretary from where he's standing. The man obviously doesn't care about anyone around him and when he actually has to move around someone's chair, he glares at them. He rushes off in a hurry, bumping into the young man's table and knocking over his coffee. He leaves without glancing back.

The blonde looks up, shocked, and then wipes the tears from his eyes. He drops the bagel on the table and tries to clean up the mess with the napkins that he has. Suddenly, there's more napkins on the table and he's left watching the back of a man wearing an expensive suit with slicked back hair walk away.

Harvey goes back to work without lunch and without coffee.

A year goes by before Harvey sees Mike again. This time he's charming a client's son in a bar, though he doesn't really consider it charming. The son doesn't appreciate the finer things in life like his father and decides to spend his time in an almost run down bar wedged at the corner of a street next to a laundry mat. Harvey has removed his jacket and tie and rolled up his sleeves but still feels awfully overdressed. Most of the people in the bar probably don't even own a suit, let alone been near one as expensive as his.

For once, he's ignoring everyone who comes his way looking for a booty call because the client comes first, no matter how much of a douche bag of a son he has. Harvey is on edge the entire time, feeling like any second he might blow up at the barely legal enough to drink kid to just shut the fuck up and listen. He feels himself bubbling over the top when a sleazy looking girl who Harvey suspects of having every type of herpes climbed her way over to the son's lap. Harvey watches for a moment, disgusted, as the two play tonsil hockey.

Growling, he gets up to get himself a drink, not used to being the third wheel of anything. There is music playing somewhere, the device to small to notice but with big enough speakers that it reached everywhere in the bar. Harvey rolls his eyes at the Brittany Spear's song. He doesn't know it was her, but recognized it as something she would do. There were a few choice people dancing in the area between the bar and the tables, drunk and sloppy and oh so hilarious that Harvey can't help but smirk as he walks by.

When he finally makes it up to the bar, he realizes with annoyance that they wouldn't have anything actually good there. Harvey has grown to like the finer things in life and wasn't too happy about when he has to convert himself back to the old life he pretends didn't happen. When the bartender offers him a beer, he frowns, because it isn't even good beer. It's cheap beer. The beer his kind of beer eats for breakfast! Harvey takes a glance over to the client's son, who has by now started to get a lap dance by the sleazy girl – and while this was in no way a strip club, Harvey is not at all surprised -, and then accepts the drink rather grudgingly.

He has drowned half of it in one gulp when someone runs into him, almost making him spit what was in his mouth all over the bar. Harvey, however, doesn't do something like that. He does shoot the person a glare, though. A man obviously younger and even more obviously drunk was – barely – keeping himself up, his elbow resting against the bar. Harvey just rolls his eyes at the stupidity of people and is about to turn back around and get another beer(It was better than nothing and people were seriously pissing him off) when he hears a voice that makes him pause.

There is nothing particularly special about the voice, nor is it different from any other voice he'd heard in the city. It isn't especially deep or high pitched, isn't at all seductive or scary. It's just a normal voice that just so happened to be pointed in his direction. Harvey isn't at all sure why it makes him stop, or why he bothers to keep looking.

"Trevor," The voice screams out, annoyed, "come on, man, I gotta get home. I'm visiting Gram in the nursing home tomorrow, remember? I don't have time for this."

Harvey instantly remembers him as the guy who cried into his bagel, but doesn't feel like it was at all special. For a moment he wonders if the kid might remember him, but quickly brushes it off. He hadn't even seen his face, and if he had it had only been for a second. What were the chances he would remember him?

"She's...she's...Isn't s-she settled y-yet?" Trevor asks, stumbling over his words, "She's been t-there for...for a y-year!"

"I still have to visit her, jackass." The kid responds, grabbing him by the jacket with the intent to yank him from the bar when he looks up at Harvey. Mike glances between Harvey and Trevor and then sighs, "He ran into you, didn't he?" Harvey's eyebrow raises, and it was all Mike needed for an answer. "For the love of God, Trevor!" He scolds, and then looks at Harvey apologetically, "When he gets this way, he forgets he's straight."

It only takes Harvey a moment to put the pieces together, "He was trying to pick me up?" The run into and spill something all over the other person was so...lame.

The kid just smiles at him, and Harvey finds himself being just a little bit less annoyed than he was five minutes ago. This kid isn't bad, at least doesn't seem bad...Better than anyone else he had seen in the bar. It is a shame he has to go, really. Suddenly very annoyed with himself for thinking that, he turns his head to look back at the client's son who is now having dry sex with another sleazy girl while the first one was passed out next to him, almost completely naked.

"Take him to Carlito's," The kid's voice pulls his attention back to him.


"Carlito's," He says again, pointing over his shoulder, "two blocks that way. Order him a mint mocha express with a double shot. He'll snap right out of that. They're open all night."

Harvey only grunts in response, not sure if he would listen to him or not. Just then, douche bag son comes running towards him, babbling about his 'score'. Harvey isn't paying attention, instead focusing on the kid in front of him as the douche runs into him. This time Harvey isn't prepared and knocks over his beer, the liquid running over the bar and making a mess.

He turns to glare at the son for a moment, unable to help himself. When he turns back in order to get the bartender's attention, Trevor and the kid are gone and a stack of napkins are in their place. Harvey catches sight of the back of Mike's head just as he's shoving Trevor out the door.

Harvey does end up taking the douche bag to Carlitos, orders two of the mint mocha express with a double shot. Both Harvey and douche bag are ready for anything after that and Harvey ends up signing his father under a new contract the next day.

The third time Harvey sees Mike is actually only a couple of months later. He's impressed Jessica like no one's business and has been invited to a huge special party. He wasn't expecting all the partners and rich clients to be able to party so hard, but Harvey doesn't trudge into his condo until after three in the morning. His alarm goes off just after five and all he wants to do is go back to sleep but he crashed on the couch and is forced to get up and walk to his bedroom to turn it off.

He hurries up and gets ready, taking some aspirin and drinking some coffee but it doesn't help. He has a hangover the size of the Taj Mahal and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He knows he can't be late to work and showing up with a hangover isn't going to impress anyone. Grumbling, he calls Ray, who is already waiting downstairs for him. Harvey hurries up and tells him where to go, ignoring Ray's raised eyebrow.

Harvey hurries into Carlito's, thankful that there isn't a line. It's right in between the late night goers and the early risers so the only person there is the worker. The pain in his head has gotten worse now so he doesn't realize just who it is behind the counter. "Can I get a mint -,"

"Mint mocha express with a double shot." The person says, smiling as they turn around. Harvey is surprised to find it's the kid from the bar and the hospital but at the same time, he's not. He was half expecting to run into him again at some point, but thought it would be later. He's surprised he didn't recognize the back of his head. Harvey just kinda nods as he grabs his wallet out from his back pocket. He's not the biggest fan of the taste, but it gets the job done.

It's silent as the kid makes the drink, and Harvey instantly takes a long swallow as he hands over the money to pay. He glances at the kid's name tag before he can tell himself it doesn't matter. "See you around, Mike." He tells him, already on his heel and heading towards the door.

"Wait, s-sir!" Mike called after him, holding up his change. Harvey had given him a fifty to pay for a seven dollar cup of coffee.

"Keep it."

Right outside Pearson – Hardman, a car almost runs into them. Ray stops in time but Harvey is just taking a sip of the mocha, effectively getting some of the chocolate on his upper lip. It was then he notices Mike had wrapped four napkins around the cup before he handed it to him.

Harvey walks into the firm fifteen minutes before he's meant to be there, feeling great and looking even better. Louis can't stop staring at him for the rest of the day, obviously jealous, and Jessica smiles at him as she walks by his cubicle, obviously impressed.

After that, Harvey goes into Carlito's every couple of months whenever he needs a pick me up after a long night, or whenever a client is flat out on their ass. Sometimes Mike is there, sometimes someone else. Mike disappears after some point, Harvey imagines he quit, but never questions it to anyone.

Both men knew who the other was when they saw each other, though Harvey refuses to admit that for a moment, he thought he was wrong. They know nothing about each other, really. Other than what they learned from their few and short meetings, their lives are a complete mystery. Harvey mentally kicks himself for never seeing that Mike had the memory he did. If he knew, he would have brought him in as a consultant long ago.

Three months of them working together goes by, and neither of them have even hinted at the fact that they remember one another. Harvey is surprised by this because Mike seems so intent on proving he cares and the napkin thing from the hospital would prove that he isn't as cold as he pretends he is. But then, Harvey thinks that maybe the napkin thing was all a coincidence and Mike didn't know that it was him that day. Harvey is both happy and upset about it.

It isn't until one of their late nights that Harvey leaves when Mike is so caught up in everything he's doing and returns with food and two mint mocha express with double shots. It's kind of stupid, really, but Harvey is dieing to know. He needs to know.

Mike takes a sip without looking and then looks over at Harvey who sits down on the couch beside him when the flavor washes over his taste buds. Harvey just hands him a napkin and takes a sip himself. He's waiting for Mike's reaction and feels his heart drop when Mike looks out the window, calculatingly. Harvey thinks maybe he made a mistake, maybe Mike doesn't want to remember it all for one reason or another, and then Mike speaks.

"Do you ever think that we have no real control? That this is someone else' world and we just live in it?"

Harvey frowns, not really understanding what Mike was getting at, but goes along anyway. "If so, they must hate you. Look at your life."

"I think they love me."

"How do you figure?"

Mike smiles, "They gave me you."

And that's all the invitation Harvey needed. Mike can see him move forward in the reflection of the window and turns around to face him. Harvey's lips meet his and the files Mike was working on meet the floor. They stay like that for a while, lips moving slowly against one another as they test the new waters. Harvey trails his tongue over Mike's bottom lip and grins against his mouth when Mike moans, allowing him access. Harvey sits his coffee down on the side table just in his reach and wraps his arms around Mike, fingers tightening around his hips. When Harvey pulls him closer, almost pulling the younger on top of him, Mike is so surprised he drops his mocha and spills it all over the floor.

Harvey just hands him more napkins and kisses him again.

(A/N) Well, I hope you all liked it!

And my little ironic piece of dialogue I made there. Like I said above, I will post every so often, unless you guys want more. Tell me what you thought! I absolutely love your guys opinions! I'm sorry for any mistakes I didn't catch.

Oh, also, for those of you waiting for a Barely Legal update - I'm going, I'm going! I'm moving out of state in two days so I'm a little busy right now. I'll get it up asap. :D

With Love,
