This is a WIP with EXTREMELY short chapters as it's being written as a fill on the Glee Angst Meme.

The original prompt: there is a school shooting at mckinley high school, i picture the shooter being Jacob ben israel, most people get out of the school, they find out that there is still fifteen people left in the school including a teacher, i want there to be a mixed range of people to be in the building, i picture the glee club all together outside worried about there members that are still in the building i picture Artie, Brittany, Santana and Kurt still Being in the building, they would pick up people who are still in the building, needs to be hurt Kurt.

Still several chapters from being finished.

The worst part was that Kurt was in a separate class when it happened. NO one had believed it when they heard the first shot. A car had backfired, something had fallen. The second shot and the scream that followed was a little harder to explain. Finn was on his feet and heading for the door in an instant. Blaine could practically hear Finn's thoughts.


It was a reaction they shared enough that rushing to get between Finn and the door to stop him from rushing out into the hall left Blaine's lungs empty and eyes full. His weight pushed the door closed and he found and clicked the lock into place.

"Blaine!" Finn shouted. Blaine felt the word like a blow and leaned heavily into the door.

"Kurt would never forgive me if I let you get shot looking for him." Blaine's voice was eerily calm. He didn't have the energy to express his terror. The reality of the situation set in and silence stretched over the room. For a moment, Blaine let the door hold almost his entire body weight. Then the tension grew and he realized his mistake - He'd drawn attention to himself. Everyone would be looking to him now. He pushed himself up, afraid to look around. Reaching out, he closed the blinds over the window and requested "Ms. Weston, shut the other blinds please." Having a teacher scramble to obey him felt like it twisted Blaine's very existence. He took a long, deep breath in a desperate attempt to steady himself and turned around.

Finn hadn't moved, and Blaine was suddenly a little too close to him. Their eyes met, and Blaine silently begged for Finn's support. He watched the emotions flick across Finn's face. Fear, anger, uncertainty, finally agreement. Finn nodded and backed away. Blaine looked around. As he'd expected all eyes were on him. "We should sit on the floor." he suggested with a glance at the teacher, hoping every second she would take this sudden authority from him. He was a charismatic figure, but not a leader. She made no move to do so, and in fact seemed to hang on his every word as much as the students. So he just took charge. "Across the room from the door and windows, as far from them as we can get."

They did as Blaine said. While they weren't calm, his managing to appear so kept them quiet. There were tears, hand holding, prayer whispering. Blaine sat by Finn who was holding Rachel close. He turned his attention to quelling the jealousy, that Finn and Rachel had each other right now but Kurt was god-knows-where and he was here alone. There were more gunshots, but they grew fainter, farther away. Finn kept looking at him, the silent question. 'can I go look for him now?' Blaine always shook his head, and always felt like it was a betrayal.

No one even came to the classroom until the police arrived and evacuated them. The moment they were outside, amid dozens of other rescued students, Blaine turned his attention to searching through the crowd for Kurt. The whispers got to him almost imminently. "There are still people in there" some sobbed "they haven't caught the shooter yet" others gossiped. He was just looking for Kurt.

"Blaine!" Mercedes found him first. He was surprised to realize she was hugging him. He looked up at her boyfriend, who surprised him again with a weary smile. "Have you seen anyone?" Mercedes asked, and Blaine had to admire the way she nearly pushed the tremor out of her voice.

"I was in class with Finn and Rachel." Blaine reported. "We all got out safe." Her mixed expression told him that they weren't exactly who she'd been asking about, so he knew the answer to his question before he asked. "You?"

Mercedes nodded, following his lead in a way. "Puck and Quinn were both actually in class today."

"Isn't Kurt in that class with you?" he didn't mean to snap at her, but he was scared. Her silence said everything that it could and he left her with a pat on the shoulder and walked on. Students were panicking, held back by a police line. Blaine was struck by how alone he really was. Could Kurt walk by this many people without recognizing anyone? Blaine didn't actually know anyone outside New Directions. He felt guilty that he didn't actually care about anyone in the panicking crowd. All they were to him was obstacles to finding Kurt. Blaine felt a little sickened by his own callousness but if he found his boyfriend everything would...

Not be okay.

The Asian couple was by the ambulance. Mike was holding Tina, trying to comfort her. Blaine ran over. An officer tried to tell him to stay back but was too overwhelmed to offer any real resistance to Blaine's rather lame response of "they're my friends." Blaine pushed past him.

As he approached, Tina whimpered something that made it feel like his blood had frozen in his veins. He tried to ask what had happened, but the words wouldn't quite come and all he managed was a small, shaky sound that was still a thousand times more steady than he felt. Tina was wrapped in a blanket for shock, but he could see the blood on her shirt. Her hair was damp and tell-tale remnants of slushy still clung to some strands. Blaine wanted to hear her story, but didn't actually want to know. Because the single word in her whimper was the last thing he wanted to hear someone in her position say right now.

She'd whimpered "Kurt."