A forward jump in time for the Epilogue. Hope you like it.

Epilogue: The Addition

"It's ok Lois. You're doing fine," Clark muttered feeling absolutely useless. "Just grab my hands and squeeze tight."

"Oh, like that will do any good," came his wife's reply through gritted teeth. "You're supposed to feel and share in the pain," she spat out at him.

"Dig your fingernails in then."

"You won't feel it," she took in a deep, shocked painful breath.

"Yes, I will. I don't feel the pain, but I still feel it, Lois. I'm not numb you know. My nerves still register sensation."

Lois let out a final scream then relaxed. "You know, you can drop the dorky act Clark. There's no-one here."

"I know, but it's just second nature now."

"Emil won't mind if you slip into Superman mode you know. In fact it might be a bit comforting to me too."

Clark raised his hand and cupped his wife's cheek. "I'm here," he smiled deep into her eyes.

"I know," she smiled back. "Oh!" she tensed again.

"Grasp my hand Lois," he ordered and she did.

"This is so unfair," she grimaced. "The woman's supposed to pass on the pain when she squeezes the man's han ... aaaaaaaaah!"

"I know, I know," Clark agreed. "How about I let you tape some kryptonite to my chest for an hour when you come home?" He let her grip at his hand while he stroked her hair with the other.

"That sounds like a good ideaaaaaaaah!" Lois replied, screaming through gritted teeth. "But I think you got the ti – aaaaaaaaa – iming a little wrong, honey." She injected as much sarcasm into the honey as she was able. "Try thirty hours ... and your chest would be a foot too high."

"Ok, Lois. Ok." Clark was willing to say anything to help her through this experience.

As the contraction eased Clark felt Lois's grip on his hand lessen. He reached over for a wet cloth and dabbed her face.

The cool water felt so wonderful against her hot, sweaty skin. Lois closed her eyes and sighed. Just a minute's rest, just one minute. Then the pain will return. I can't keep this up any longer. I can't.

"You're doing great, Lois." She opened her eyes to see Clark smiling down so sincerely. She knew he'd spoken truly and suddenly she felt able to tackle another contraction. Maybe even a thousand more, if that's how many it took. Blinking back hormonally induced tears she smiled up at her husband and knew she'd never in a million years hold him to the kryptonite bargain. She also knew that Clark knew it too.

He lent forwards to touch his lips to hers and she felt her womb begin to contract again. Stupid Kryptonian genes floating around my body counteracting the painkillers, she cursed in her head before taking a deep breath.

She reached out for Clark's hand and grasped tightly then began to squeeze again.

"Ok, just remember your breathing, Lois. And don't be afraid to grip on as tight as you can."

She nodded numbly holding her breath in anticipation of the peak of the pain. It broke over her and she released her scream. "Oh!" she shouted in shock as the pain changed. "I ... I ..." she didn't know what to say, couldn't explain it. Her eyes were wide in confusion.

"What is it Lois," came Dr Emil's low soothing voice. When did he return?

"I ... I think, aaaaah," she gulped. "I want to push."

"Then push, Lois. If that's what your body is telling you, then push."

Two days later Lois found herself strapped into the truck making her way home to the apartment she shared with Clark. And now with ... baby. She turned to look over her shoulder at the tiny person snuggled tightly into the car seat, wrinkled face peering out of a large fluffy hood. Lois looked back when the driver's door opened and Clark slid in. He turned to look at her.


She nodded and he turned the key in the ignition then pulled out of the parking spot. She closed her eyes and rested while the truck swayed gently, making it's slow way along the Metropolis streets. Since the birth she and baby had been through test after test. Emil and Ollie had arranged a private area in the hospital for the birth. She had been assured that everything would be completely normal, but everyone – her included – had felt safer being prepared for privacy and the unexpected.

All tests had returned normal – completely. Did that mean no super-powers? No-one could answer that.

"So, have you decided yet?" Clark asked. Lois opened her eyes to see that they were pulling up at home. She unclipped herself and reached for the door handle before stopping.

"I don't know, Clark. I was so sure ... before." She looked over her shoulder and smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. "But, now ... I look at her, and I just don't see it."

"Lois, you must have some idea. I mean, we went through hundreds of names before you finally settled on Deborah."

Lois opened the door and climbed out. As she unbuckled her daughter and gently lifted her out she reconsidered the name again then shook her head. "Nope, I just don't see it. She's not a Deborah, or a Debbie, or a Debs. It's not right."

Clark came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I understand. In fact, I think I agree." He chuckled. As Lois headed off up the stairs and inside the lobby Clark emptied the truck and followed her carrying all the baby and hospital bags.

He caught up to her coming out of the lift, he'd taken the stairs, and they strolled down the corridor to their penthouse apartment together. At the door Lois reached out with a key only to have the door swing open. Her eyes widened when she saw her mother-in-law.


"Lois," the older woman smiled. "I've been waiting for you. Here, I've got some coffee on and I've set up the crib in the corner, here, let me take that bag ..."

"Mom, stop fussing," chided Clark as he stepped in and put down the bags. Everyone stopped and just smiled at each other. Clark's smile turned into a grin when he heard a gurgle.

"Hey," he spoke quietly, "can I have a cuddle with my little Lane-y girl?" He held out his hands and Lois reluctantly handed her over. "Oh!" Clark brightened suddenly. "That's it. Lanie." He grinned down at the beautiful bundle in his arms. She blinked up at him, mouth open.

"Lanie Lane-Kent!" Lois shouted incredulously. "Have you inhaled some wacky pink kryptonite, Smallville?"

He looked back at her suddenly. "What, and none of your suggestions over the last nine months were questionable?"

Lois put her hands on her hips. "Are you saying you didn't like my choices?" Clark tilted his head in worry. "Which of my choices were questionable?" she demanded.

"Well, there was Tra ..." he never got a chance to finish as his mother swept forwards to intervene, removing the little baby from Clark's arms.

"I think it's time I got to meet my little granddaughter," she interjected smoothly, successfully distracting Lois and Clark from their disagreement.

"Oh, sorry, mom. Of course. Time to meet your Grandma." He looked up into his mother's eyes and frowned. "Or is it Gramma ... or Grammy ... or Gran ... or Nanna."

"Let's just wait and see what comes naturally over the next few days," Martha replied, smiling down at the bright blue eyes which were gazing all around. A cute yawn alerted everyone to her tired state and so they all moved further into the room and headed for the basket in the far corner. Lois pulled back the fleecy blanket and Clark removed the fluffy coat before Martha laid her down.

When everyone moved away a tiny abandoned cry drew them back so Lois seated herself nearby and placed her hand over and onto the baby's chest then she settled.

"Have you decided yet?" Martha turned to Lois.

"No, I'm really struggling. Nothing seems to fit her."

"Well, why don't you think about who, if anyone, she reminds you of. Friends, family ... you know ... and see if that leads you anywhere."

Lois turned and gazed at her perfect daughter. A tiny covering of dark blond hair curled around her head. That must be from daddy's side ... and I used to be fairer when I was a toddler. A little wriggle as she yawned made Lois suspect that her new baby had a cheeky and adventurous side.

Clark studied his daughter and the first thing that came to his mind was the fair hair. Must be from my mother. He watched as she sighed and let out a soft breath, falling asleep. The peaceful mood put him in mind of her also.



They both spoke together.



They turned to each other, frowning.

"She reminds you of my cousin?" asked Clark.

"Yes," laughed Lois. "I don't know why, but I just see a cheeky little ... supergirl ... when I look at her."

"But there's already a Kara Kent," pointed out Martha.

Lois looked up at Clark. "Lara Lane, you really want to go with that?" Clark could tell from her tone that she wasn't taken with the idea.

"Lane-Kent," pointed out Clark.

"Well, how about," spoke Martha. She swallowed then nervously continued. "How about you combine both of them? Kara and Lara. Clara."

Lois felt her mouth drop open in shock. She looked at Clark who had an incredulous look on his face.

"Well?" he asked, hopefully.

"I love it."

Clark stood and walked over to the crib and gazed down at his daughter. He reached out for Lois's hand and she grasped it then stood up. She moved close and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Welcome home Clara Lane-Kent."

So, I hope you enjoyed the story. If you did please leave a comment. I really appreciate them. If you want to leave a complete story review I might use it in my profile when I do a more in depth workup of my stories.

Thanks for reading.