Ok, so this is my very first fanfic. If you have any ideas or comments please share, I would love the criticism. Just, please be nice about it. Alright, here goes nothing (cracks his fingers).hope you all enjoy the first of hopefully many chapters to come. By the way, I'm starting off right were the second movie left off so there will be spoilers.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kung fu Panda, DreamWorks does.

Chapter One: The Anonymous Letter

Morning had arrived at the Valley of Peace. The sun had just begun to peek over the mountains surrounding the valley, making the sky go a brilliant shade of red. For once everything seemed to be going just right. It had been about 3 days since China had been saved yet again by the Furious Five and The legendary Dragon Warrior, and all was, well...peaceful. Or so they all thought.

*Mr. Pings Noodle Shop*

"Dad." Po called out to his father, while cleaning up the last food table.

Po and his dad had stayed up the entire night serving customers due to the limited time only 'Noodles all Night' special Mr. Ping had set up as a celebration for Po's return. He hadn't gone home to the Jade Palace since his return a day ago.

"I'm heading back to the palace now. Are you sure you don't need any more help?"

"No thank you my boy, you have helped me enough." Mr. Ping smiled. "Now get going its almost opening time!"

"But dad, how can you work if you just pulled off an all nighter?" The panda questioned.

"Think of the customers Po. Now get going! Also be sure to tell Master Shifu that I said you need the day off. Dragon Warrior or not, your still my growing boy and you need sleep."

He walked up to his son and wrapped his arms around him in a loving hug.

"Ok dad, will do." Po chuckled returning the hug lifting him off his feet. He nervously looked around, hoping that no one had witness the emotional moment they just shared. He turned, waved one last time to his father, and ran for the palace stairs.

*About 30 minutes later…*

"These (pant) steps (pant) are no (more panting…) match for my legs of bodacity." Po managed to wheeze out as he collapsed on his back, "Finally made it! Though, I should'na ate those Dragon Warrior sized dumplings last night, ugh- they're really slowin me down."

"It's about time you decided to show up." Tigress smiled down at the ridiculous looking panda, who had his tongue dangling from his mouth. There she was, the great Master Tigress was standing over him, one arm on her hip. Her outfit a tad bit different than before; She wore a long sleeve version of her usual vest with a golden sash around her waist.

She has such an amazing smile…Po thought dreamingly to himself; unintentionally locked on her in a trance-like gaze.

"Need help?" she leaned down offering her paw.

Po was still staring at her, speechless.

"Ehem, Po?" she arched an eyebrow. "It's usually polite to take help when it is being offered."

Realizing what was happening he sucked his tongue back in. "Oh yeah, right." he chuckled taking her paw. She lifted him to his feet effortlessly.


"No problem." She said coolly.

They stood at the top of the stairs enjoying the view of the valley; it was truly a beautiful sight to witness.

"Let's head back inside. It's a bit drafty out here and, you need some sleep." she said turning around to walk. A bit surprised at her observation he paused and gave her a' how did you know' look. He shrugged and followed her command.

Po rubbed his eyes sleepily which did not go unnoticed by Tigress." So, were you like (yawnnnnn) waiting for me or somethin?" He grinned.

Taken by surprise Tigress replied. "Actually, I was meditating by the palace front entrance. A loud panting sound broke my concentration." She shot the panda a teasing look.

"Oh, um, hehe, sorry about that." Po nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

Tigress lightly chuckled "Its fine. Master has offered to give us the entire week off. I have to say, I have never seen him so…at peace. It seems you're rubbing off on him." her voice soft and soothing.

"Not just him." The panda teased giving his usual grin.

"Well..." There was a mischievous look in her eyes. "Let's test that theory with a sparring match." She countered.

"No no." he pleaded "your still hardcore, Tigress." He chuckled and lightly punched her shoulder.

"Ow! Yup, defiantly still hardcore." He winced, massaging his hand. He turned his attention back to Tigress who was a few feet behind.

Her ears flat on her head.

"Tigress?" he questioned with a worried look.

The striped feline was glaring at the ground with such intensity and bewilderment as if the ground was growing legs. Whatever was on her mind, she seemed to be extremely bothered by it.

They stood there in silence for about a minute. Tigress' ears perked up suddenly. She raised her head and gazed at Po expressionlessly. She began to walk in a different direction.

"Tigress where are y-"

"To train..." She interrupted.

"Think fast!" But before Po could even turn, he was tackled by monkey and the rest of the five in a group hug.

"Hey Po." Said Monkey

"Were did you go last night?" questioned Mantis."I was starving!"

"Mantis, you ate threes plates of takeout last night" Viper slapped the back of his head with her tail. He raised his'things'up defensively.

She turned to Po and gave him a sweet smile."Good morning Po." To her surprise Po's face was turning red from the force of their group hug.

"Oops. Sorry." Viper giggled, while climbing off her friend. The rest followed her in suit.

"Hey guys" he smiled back at his friends.

"So what's up?" Crane asked coolly.

"Nothin' much, just glad Shifu decided to give us a break." said Po, brushing himself off.

"Yea, I know right. Lately he's been ac- wait, how did you know?" Monkey questioned

"Oh Tigress had-"He paused looking in the direction the troubled tiger went. I wonder if she's alright…Po thought to himself.

Suddenly the entrance to the palace began to move, both massive green doors opening slowly.

"Po there is something I would like to discuss with you." Said a familiar voice that belonged to none other than master Shifu. He stood at the front entrance, his arms hidden within his long sleeves. He wore his original brown robe with a green sash that crossed his torso. His face was serious as usual.

Po leaned towards the five. "I thought he was in a good mood." He whispered taking his eyes off Shifu briefly. They all shrugged in unison and exchanged puzzled looks.

"We have to talk about this…" Shifu pulled a letter from within his sleeve.

"Ok and what is, this?" The panda raised an eyebrow and pointed to the object in the masters hand, "I mean, uhh that- there in your hand."

Master Shifu raised his eyebrow as well and, exchanged worried glances at Po and the five.

" Yeah, that." Po pointed to the letter chuckling. Master Shifu stared blankly at the panda's gibberish.

"Let's discuss this after dinner, shall we? Now, Dragon Warrior, it seems that you are in need of rest, judging by the smell of your breath."

"Hey!" Po raised his paw over his mouth and breathed on it,"... yeah, you're right. I just need a quick nap."

Shifu muttered something inaudible that sounded like "And perhaps, a good brush of your teeth."

Po ignored that and made his way to his room to turn in. His silhouette could be seen from her room a he made his way into his.

Little did he know that he was being watched from behind by a pair of very moist red eyes.

* The dinner table around 7pm*

"So, you wanted to talk to me about that letter?" Po called over his shoulder to his master while, finishing up the last few dishes.

"Yes. Now would be a good time."

Dinner time had just passed. All the others had just left shortly after Shifu ordered them to leave.

Whatever is on that note must be really private Po thought.

"Come. Sit." The grandmaster gestured

He turned and made his way over to the empty seat across from Shifu.

"Po this letter is for you." Shifu began as he slid the letter across to the other panda."I know I should not have read it but my curiosity got the best of me. My apologies..."

Po shrugged "No its fine, I mean it must be important right?

"Correct, Po. Do you know who it could have been from by any chance?"

"No, I mean-" he chuckled "I don't have much family."

Master Shifu stroked his chin "I see. Well go on read it."

Po grabbed the envelope, opened it and began to read.

Dragon Warrior.

I hear you have defeated Lord Shen. This is amazing news. I am happy to hear that you have avenged your species. Come to your ancestral ground were the pandas were last seen. I'm here waiting for you. I bet your dying to know who this is. Well come find out for yourself. Meet me here, I'll be waiting for your you. Remember 3 is a crowd and I'm not ready to be discovered yet. None of us are.

See you soon- Anonymous

"WHOA!" Po gasped "There's got to be other pandas out there, like me! So can I go?" Po said excitedly.

Master Shifu sighed "Dragon Warrior-" He looked at the paper as if he were trying to decode something. "This could be a trap…" he continued

"No way." Po countered "This, could totally be a chance for me to meet others who probably knew my parents, master! I have to go n-

"No, Dragon Warrior." Shifu interrupted "You cannot go...well at least not alone."

"He won't be going alone."

They both turned to see master Tigress standing in the doorway.

A/N: I hope you liked it. Please review and tell me what you all think. Thanks for your time.