I don't own Big Time Rush

Kendall woke up feeling a dull ache in his head, and a funny feeling in his stomach. He knew Logan kept on looking at him; Logan has been since this morning. Kendall woke up late but still felt really tired, he knew that they had to go over to Rocque Records school to do some recordings and learn some dances, so Kendall really didn't want to tell his mom that he felt like puking up everything in his stomach, that's why I could only ate a little bit of my breakfast, but it made my stomach feel worse than ever.

When we learning about some weird hard math problem that Logan is the only one who can solve it, the math problem wasn't really helping my headache it actually made it worse. Kendall started to rub his temple trying to make math less pain full, but it never helped.

Logan kept on looking over at Kendall he was worried about him, he was the last one awake Kendall never sleeps in the only time he did was when he is sick or if they just came back from a tour. Carlos normally wakes up first then Kendall then me and finally James. But when James woke up Kendall was still fast asleep in his bed. When he did wake up he looked really pale and exhausted. He only ate a little bit of his breakfast. And now he kept on rubbing his temple as if he had a really bad headache.

Kendall was glad that school was finally over his stomach hurt even more now and so did his head. But he knew had to go to Rocque Records to do dance rehearsals. James Carlos and Logan were ready to go as Kendall stood up he felt nauseated and dizzy.

"You ok?" James asked as he watched Kendall carefully making sure that he was for sure ok.

"Yea, let's go" Kendall said as he grabbed his backpack.

When they got to Rocque Records we recorded 4 songs and then we had to learn complicated dances for 3 of the felt like Kendall was going to pass out any minute. It was now 7:30 and we have been here 7 hours now. When we finally finished Gustavo came in and he said there not that bad, Kelly then pushed him they were great and there is a limo waiting outside for you guys thank you see you guys later she said.

The boys climbed into the limo, James Carlos and Logan was arguing about something and talking about how they were tired and he over worked us. Kendall's stomach and head hurt like crazy, it hurt to move any muscle it even hurt his chest to breath he wanted to cough but he knew Logan was still watching him. Kendall slowly dozed off and he woke up with a cool hand on his forehead and every one looking at him.

"Dude your Burning up you feeling OK?" Asked Logan

"I'm fine" Kendall said but it came out raspy, his throat was killing him, he then went into a coughing fit.

"Dude you're not OK" said James.

"I agree with James" said Carlos.

"Come on let's get you to the apartment" Logan said. James had to help Kendall walk back to the apartment, Kendall felt so sore and achy. When they got into the lobby he had to empty my stomach in the garbage Kendall could hear everyone yell. But he didn't care; He could feel someone rub his back. When Kendall was done James helped him up to the apartment while Logan and Carlos took the garbage out.

A/N: Ok this is my first story I know it is not the greatest. I will accept criticism and what ever else people have. Please review tell me what you think and if I should continue. Thanks for reading=)