I am in the mood for something really funny with Kahr and Carver. Maybe she's washing her hair again.


Carver stopped in the doorway, hardly daring to take a step in the very real fear that any noise at all would break the spell and stop her from doing what she was doing - like a startled rabbit. He stared for a good minute or so as she twisted and turned, this way, that way, another way, before one of her senses (she had many, and not all of them were enhanced by the spirit within, some of them she'd been born with) told her he was there and she looked up, cursed, and fell over.

"Sodding armour has too many sodding buckles," she said from the floor, green eyes crinkling at the edges as they both dissolved into happy laughter.

Soairse and Anders, right after Chantry Jenga while he's on his broody box.


He sits there, and he looks the same. The same clothes, the same face, the same name, the same spirit inside him, the same hands that have touched her, the same mouth that's kissed her, the same reasons for all he does and all she knew he would do, but he doesn't look at her.

All she wants to say is what she's always said, and so she waits, patiently, for the eyes to turn her way — so she can say it again.

Okay! A three thing prompt for your three sentence fic: Sigrun, a tree, and a very confused bird. 3


"Ancestors preserve us, it's attacking us, Anders kill it with fire!"

The bird put its head on one side and chirruped, blinking a few times before flying away in confusion. Sigrun ducked her head, afraid of additional missiles, and Alim laughed.



It hadn't ever occurred to him that he would be allowed to choose, but he thanked the Maker as he cupped her chin in his hand and lowered his mouth to hers.

It had been so very long, since he'd last done this, but it wasn't something you forgot, and when he lifted his head and the assembled guests finished their obligatory applause, he allowed the smallest of smiles to grace his face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the Princess of Starkhaven!"

(…ok now I have to run off and wash out my mouth with soap :P)

anders, karl, sunlight


It was dangerous for them to be here - they were both missing classes - but their habit had always been to snatch moments when they came, all too aware that they might not come again.

The window was high, and small, but the perfect yellow disc was clearly discernible - all of it, not the tiny sliver that was their normal allotment and as Anders tucked Karl closer under his chin, breathing in the scent of his thick dark hair, he blinked tears from his eyes.

"Don't stare at it for too long," Karl said softly, but it was too late, and the after-image followed him for the rest of the day — burnt into his vision — every time he closed his eyes.

Liesel is ten, and has done something that requires her to be scolded by her parents.


Saoirse glanced at Anders with her "if-you-go-blue-for-this-there-will-be-words" face and he sighed and reigned in Justice, who subsided into his head with a dramatic mental sigh. Both of them turned to the small red-haired mage — present a united front, that's what Saoirse said, always important in these delicate situations.

"Now, Liesel," Saoirse said sternly, and Anders had a sudden image of what his wife had looked like, facing down the Arishok in single combat, "what did mummy and daddy say about teasing the golems with ice spells?"

Liesel in an inappropriate teenage romance


"But muuuuummmm, he's so dreamy!"

"Andraste's tits and arse, girl, don't let your father hear you or…." Saoirse tried unsuccessfully to shield her daughter from the piercing blue gaze of the young man at the tavern bar… but bloody flames, now he was winking at her and Maker damn him if that wink wasn't the splitting image of a certain Chantry Boy Turned Prince…

"This is the last time we come anywhere sodding near Starkhaven," she muttered.



Riley rolled his eyes at him even as Timon and Faren pushed him forward. Stupid country dances, he should never have let them know he thought she was pretty, but if he backed out now he'd look like a coward and he wasn't one no matter what Saoirse had said to him the other day…

He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around, smiling that pretty smile of hers and lifting her hand to cover her mouth as she attempted to look coy.

When she spoke, however, her voice was like the screeching of a thousand geese and he was lucky he was too shocked to react other than stand there with his mouth open, even as he made a mental note to beat the shit out of Faren and Timon, who were busy behind her rolling on the floor in laughter.

Elyssa and Liesel playing together.


Really, the game shouldn't have been so easy and she was confused why the princess seemed so cranky.

"I thought we were supposed to hide!" she said, pouting a little bit and the princess gave a resigned, but fond sigh.

"Yes, Liesel, but you're supposed to trust me to close my eyes, not forcefield me in place while you run, ok?"

Something flattering about Peaches


Carver was sick of being teased about it. After all, he didn't say anything about her boyfriends, except to punch people who said mean things about her and them.

And he wasn't about to tell Saoirse that Peaches had the nicest smile he'd ever seen, or that she made him feel important, or that she never ever expected him to be anything other than what he was.

A drunken moment between Saoirse, Varric, Anders and Izzy. 8D


"I swear, Varric, if you weren't wearing pants I'd be able to see up your skirt, and why are you on the table?" Saoirse was giggling, leaning forward so her head was nearly touching the dwarf's knees and Anders would have been worried she was about to pass out if it wasn't for the fact that he knew she cheated in these little drinking sessions — sometimes he regretted teaching her that spell…

"Pants!" Isabela scoffed, waving her tankard dangerously, "PANTS are for the weak and the uninspired and eventually…" she thumped the table, causing Varric to teeter somewhat and let out a warning woah! Rivaini! "… eventually I will convince you all to do without, even you Anders."

"Isabela," he said, winking and feeling a buzz of warmth somewhere near his belly, "I wrote the book on not wearing pants."

Act I Meribela for SheyBell

"Well aren't you the sweetest thing!" the woman purred, leaning against the wall of the hovel that she insisted on calling a house — maybe if she called it that often enough it would start feeling more like a home.

Merrill blushed, finding herself the subject of the most… intense gaze she'd ever encountered, and looked down, which was almost worse, because in order to look down she had to also look along and she was certain she'd never seen curves like that anywhere not even on one of Master Ilen's most complicated carvings.

"My name's Isabela, Kitten," the woman continued, "and I think we're going to be such friends."

Something on what Saoirse thinks about the Naked Lady Staff. Why? I don't know.


"Do you have to use that one?" Carver asked, eyeing her staff with something akin to disgust, while Saoirse frowned at him and patted it with a great deal of fondness.

"Father made it, Carver, and it's the most powerful one we have," she smirked at him, "besides, Mother likes it too, don't you Mother?"

Leandra, for her part, blushed, but the smirk on her daughter's face was mirrored on her own.

Alim/Zevran - Zev stops in during Awakening.


(ok this has to be a bit AU because… well, SPOILERS but this is probably a bit how it would go if Zevran DID stop in SO YOU KNOW :D)

Anders knelt down by the unconscious body of the elf, looking shocked and put out and ever-so-slightly bloody terrified. "Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Sodding arsehole," Alim said, studying his fingers and blowing on them to cool, before fixing the other mage with a slightly smirking gaze. "Now be a dear and fuck off, Anders? I have some things to… ah… discuss with this… gentleman."

Alim winked, and Anders fled.

Saoirse and Aveline. Absolutely anything.


Once there's a lull in the darkspawn and the wet blanket that appeared to be masquerading as a Templar had moved out of earshot, Saoirse sidled up to the woman in something akin to awe.

"You know what," she said, fingering the smooth aurum of L'il Leandra and feeling, for some reason, nervous, "the way you killed those darkspawn back there, you know, with your fists…?"

Aveline blinked a few times and cocked her head slightly. "Yes?"

Saoirse grinned. "That was the most awesome thing I've ever seen."

Fenders-y (VERY LOOSELY) for Stripey-Dani

(sorry, kids, my Fenders appreciation is solely from the outside, in my headcanon it doesn't happen - HOWEVER I do not doubt they both think the other is attractive, so here we go…)

Giant spider goo was definitely on his list of things he never wanted to be coated in again, and he cursed the elf and the pirate letting the damn thing get so close to him before his walking bomb had exploded. His only compensation was that the other two were just as covered in muck as he was, although it was small enough when he considered that Saoirse had sat on the bank of the stream and laughed at them, before demanding they all strip and get themselves clean.

He blamed his circle training - the desire never to pass up an opportunity to look almost as ingrained as the desire never to pass up an opportunity to escape and as he gently washed the goo from his own body, he let his eyes trace the pattern of lyrium tattoos on the elf's, not realising, or perhaps not caring, that the elf was doing much the same to him…

When Carver saw Kahrin for the first time. 8D


The bar was crowded, but he knew who he was looking for, Nathaniel had described her well enough and it wasn't as though, with a tattoo like that she would be easy to miss.

What Nathaniel had singularly failed to convey to him was how her nose turned up slightly at the end, how her green eyes twinkled when she smiled, and how she had a fairly loose sense of personal space.

That could have been the drink, but Carver wasn't going to pass up a good thing, not when she was directing that smile to him.

/is not too proud to drop a prompt for KWAnders and Phi. ;P


He appeared in the bar with his usual sigh of relief that tonight would be a night free of dreams of solitary… of darkspawn, but tensed up when he saw the blond head and the white, leaning together, probably discussing everything he'd ever done that was wrong without ever wondering if perhaps somewhere, sometimes, in extreme circumstances (and Justice's voice in the back of his head said that no extreme was more extreme than this) two wrongs were the only possible way to make things right.

Second gen. Any of the babies, pick at least two. What are they doing?


"Maker's breath, why are so many of them red headed… I can't tell which one is which!" Saoirse looked down at the crawling babies, desperately trying to work out which was hers, but the cackling and gurgling and rolling mess that were six or seven babies on the floor of the fade bar resolutely refused to be decoded.

"Just pick one and run," Anders suggested, smirking from where he was leaning against the bar.

Saoirse giving Carver shit about his new Commander. .


He knew that look, knew what was coming, and no matter how hard he scowled there was no way in the void he was going to be able to wrangle out of this discussion.

"What's her naaaaaaame?"

"Andraste wept, sister," he sighed, rubbing his face while Saoirse sodding grinned and kicked her legs over the edge of the table she sat on, "what are you, twelve?"

Saoirse and Malcolm


"Young Lady if you don't come down here right now and apologise to your brother I'll…"

"He's a tit father and I hate him," Saoirse called from the middle of the tree, sulking in the way only a fifteen year old can.

Malcolm's nostrils flared and he briefly considered shooting the errant child with lightning, but then she flashed him that grin that was completely and utterly her mother and he sighed instead, turning to Carver next to him and patting him on his head. Discipline, he was beginning to realise, was not his forte.

Saoirse and Kahrin in a FF setting!


She leaned against the wall of the Garden, looking the new girl over. She was crying, but trying to hide it behind her curtain of brown hair.

"Cheer up," Saoirse said, " if you work hard here, you can end up being a SeeD."

Sigrun and horses


"Oghren it's a darkspawn, get out your axe!"

"Ancestor's hairy nethers, woman, it's a horse, not a darkspawn, haven't you learned to use your warden senses yet?"

Sigrun eyed the animal suspiciously, but sheathed her daggers. "If you say so, Oghren," she said. "Sodding big though."

Saoirse at Anders' clinic.


He wasn't there, but she let herself in any way, hoping to find a scrap of parchment or something to write him a note. As she searched, the scent of elfroot, spindleweed, deep mushroom and… something else that was quintessentially Anders made her smile to herself.

Eventually she found a scrap of paper that had one blank side, but it was the back of some sort of list, and she ran her eyes over it, realising with mounting horror that it was in fact a list of names… names of mages… most of which had been crossed out.