ouyangdan asked: Malcom's reaction when the twins are born. :3

He'd known there were going to be two, of course, any healer worth their salt in the tower could tell something that important, but knowing intellectually was a tiny bit different to actually seeing the two tiny dark haired babies nestling against their mother's breast.

"Da they're all red and squally!" Saoirse said, bouncing up and down on eager feet.

"You were too, pumpkin head," he replied, wondering how many other things the two babies would have in common with their older sister.

uminoko asked: 11. Who, exactly, vetoed Zevran joining in on the Dark Ritual, and how did it go?

Morrigan raised one delicate eyebrow and shook her head. "I would rather see all of us dead and Thedas plunged into an endless blight."

Alim rolled his eyes and shrugged, pushing a protesting Zevran back out the door and saying "your loss, Morrigan, truly."

uminoko asked: 12. I remember Anders mentioning that he specifically would not hook up with Alim in the Circle to make him mad. How, exactly did that trolling go?

"So… uh…. come here often?" Alim Surana, cheeky bastard, top of his class and all around flirtatious little tramp truly needed a taste of his own medicine.

"He does, actually," Karl said, sliding one hand down Anders' back and cocking an eyebrow.

Alim pouted.

uminoko asked: 14. Alim's first love.

He was tall and golden and beautiful and when he didn't come back from his harrowing Alim cried to himself for a week.

He never knew the boy's name, and he never got up the courage to ask, but when he came back to the Tower during the Blight he thought of him as he killed his first Templar.

nightmaredifficulty asked: Anders/Isabela - "They're like kittens... Who want to eat you" (Referring to dragonlings, if you missed the banter in game)

"They're not like kittens in any way."

"I don't know why you're so upset about it, sweetness, it was just a simile — Varric tells me I have to work on them…"

"Kittens are far, far superior and don't you ever forget it."

uminoko asked: 15. Sigrun meets Varric.

"It's so furry! Can I touch it? Can I? Oh go on, let me touch it, please…"

"Bloody flames, you're like Merrill with knives! Nobody touches the hair, nobody."

She fixed him with a twinkling blue eye and he felt something in his chest tighten with an old memory.

Perhaps just this once?

barbeauxbot asked: Give me some behind-the-scenes Laika and Sebastian from Strung Out

He sat in the stall flipping through leaflets and sighing at the lack of traffic. It was the same every year — orientation week was all about beer and parties and not enough people took these things seriously…

"Is this the EU stall?" her voice was beautiful and he looked up into the bluest eyes he'd ever seen to a smile that was like sunlight and roses and everything in between.

Thank you, Jesus.

(Author's note: EU at Sydney University is the Evangelical Union ;) )

tasmen asked: Loghain and Nathaniel meet.

Their eyes locked across the crowded landsmeet chamber, grey eyes on grey, hooked noses raised, dark hair falling in waves around their chiseled features. The archer laid his hand on his bow, following some instinct of self preservation - the Hero, on the hilt of his sword, subtly shifting his hips forwards and pressing his lips together in disapproval.

The archer hesitated, his hand dropping from his weapon and his head bowing slightly in admitted defeat.

Loghain smiled. The young may try to replace the old, some day, but not today.

Not today.

bittersweetdance asked: How about some Sorcha/Anders awkwardness? (from Strung Out, of course :D)

There is an audible crunch as his nose hits the top of my head and I wince, not because it hurt me, but because I have a feeling I know what's going to happen next.

"Ooouch oh my god I think you broke it… is it clicking? I can feel it clicking! You broke it!"

"Grow up you… freakishly tall and hairy baby," I say, slapping him on the shoulder, hard enough to break him out of the frantic babbling as he cradles his precious nose in his hand, "next time look before you decide to kiss me."

stellarvoyage asked: I feel I don't know your characters enought to make a good prompt, but... maybe some (modern) Sorcha and Nate?

He smirks and leans against the wall of the tunnel, against some SUDS graffiti. "Beg me," he says.

I narrow my eyes and bite one lip, but he has me, he knows he does, because if he doesn't do this I know I'm going to have to and once I start doing it everyone will ask me to and that way insanity lies.

"Please be our violist this weekend, Nate? Pretty please?"

The grin he gives is nothing short of smug and it takes a lot of willpower for me not to punch him in his incredibly shapely aristocratic nose.

tasmen asked: Sebastian has a picnic in the sun with cupcakes. Andraste wants some crumbs.

She is soooo beautiful, he has time to think as he carefully arranges the blanket, it's why he keeps her close to him all the time, and here, in the sun he thinks she is more beautiful than ever. He nibbles one cake and gently holds his crumby fingers to his crotch, watching as her delicate pink tongue reaches out to lap his skin and shuddering with pleasure, trying desperately to ignore the voices he can hear floating above him…

"What on Thedas is he doing, Blondie?"

"I think he's feeding his belt buckle."

"Hurry up and heal him, would you? I think I need to get back to the Hanged Man and wash my mouth out with ale…"

uminoko asked: Yusssss more prompts. Saoirse tells Anders he's going to be a father. Justice's reaction? (I know they're supposedly the same person, but I don't quite buy it)

It will be born free, as we wished, and we will protect it and make it a symbol of everything we have worked for.

No, we will love it and not force it to be something it isn't — we do not want to make the same mistakes that were made with me.

….As you wish.

uminoko asked: Alim and Anders commenting on Nathaniel's legs.

They sat dreamily in the sunshine, watching as Nathaniel climbed up the tree to scout.

"They go forever, don't they?" Alim said, sighing lustily.

"Andraste wept, yes. Good thinking of yours, saying we couldn't climb in robes."

"Never say I never do anything for you, Anders."

uminoko asked: Oghren commenting on Nathaniel's legs.

"Stop flashing at me, you hook nosed pansy!"

uminoko asked: Alim and Zevran UST, plz.

"Alim my dear, it appears we are at least twenty minutes ahead of the rest of the party, and I cannot see any darkspawn or werewolves or bandits."

Alim smirked and pushed Zev up against a wall. "Well, good."

bittersweetdance asked: how about some saoirse and fenris banter? since fenris IS saoirse's bro

"I fail to understand your reasoning, Hawke, if we do this will not the mage simply become angry with you? I thought you enjoyed his company…"

"Whether I enjoy his company or not doesn't change the fact that he's a grumpy bastard who could use some laughter — and I asked you along because I thought you'd enjoy this."

Fenris gave her a look which was part indulgent smile, part ferocious scowl, as he dragged the remarkably solid and lifelike statue of the Knight Commander into hers and Anders' bedroom, helped only slightly by her judicious applications of force magic. "I suspect you only asked me here because you find it difficult to shift heavy loads."

"Just shut up and put it over there. When he gets back we can have a good hour or two of fun casting fireballs at it in the courtyard."

Fenris sighed, then smirked. "Be sure to tell me his reaction when he first sees it."

She patted him on the shoulder and winked. "Absolutely."

jancola asked: How about Finn/Anders friendship (or otherwise, I guess) in the Tower? (hi)

The boy clutched the books to his chest like they were a soft toy and shuffled from foot to foot, looking at the floor. Anders smirked at him, "Finn isn't it?"

"Uh.. yes, Anders… uh… Jowan said you could help me with healing spells?"

Anders jerked his head towards the table and nodded. "Come and sit down and I'll see what we can do."

barbeauxbot asked: Saoirse's thoughts when she found out she was pregnant


What do I tell Anders?

Shit shit.

What the hell is Justice going to think?

Shit shit shit.

We don't have anywhere to live.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

… I wonder if it will have his eyes…..?

bellisadinosaur asked: Prompt: You said you loved me

"Did I?" he murmured sleepily.

She poked his ribs. "Yes. So sodding move over, I'm about to fall of the bed here."

"Stop letting that mongrel sleep on the bed and there'd be enough room for both of us."

"Just move you lump. My bed. My rules."

"See, this is mage oppression. Right here."

ouyangdan asked: Carver and Liesel.


"Uncle Carver can cleanse you know, Ghastling, and I'm not afraid to do it."

"Not fair. I'll tell daddy."

"Life isn't fair squirt. And I have no doubt Daddy will say exactly the same thing." Carver folded his arms and muttered under his breath. "At least he will if I have anything to say about it."

Liesel kicked at the floor with one bare, grubby foot and he fixed the seven year old with his best Grey Warden glare. "Stop the ice spells or I'll cleanse your bedroom."

She poked her tongue out at him. "I hate you."

It was very hard not to smile. Even the inflections were Sisi's. "I'm sure I'll live."

barbeauxbot asked: The day after Malcolm's pyre

Bethany and Carver are already out there, sitting on the remains of the tree that had killed him. The woodcutter had offered to chop it up and take it away but Mother had said no — instead they'd used a few branches from it for the pyre and left the rest as a kind of monument to his stupidity.

"I miss him," Bethany said, and Saoirse and Carver nodded, savouring a rare moment of peace and agreement and loss that would stay with all of them for the rest of their lives.

uminoko asked: Alim and Alistair, being bros.

Alistair nudged him with his foot under the table and Alim gave him a look.


Alistair pursed his lips, glancing back over his shoulder at the Orlesian dignitaries who had attempted to convince Alim to give them time with the King and who were now squirming every few seconds, the tendrils of Alim's extremely specific and somewhat embarrassing spell continuing to irritate their most private parts. "Thank you," the king of Ferelden mouthed, grinning.

Alim winked. "Any time."

uminoko asked: So, how did Justice handle Anders and Saoirse's child being born?

There is part of him that is Anders and there is part of him that is Justice and over the years it's gotten harder and harder to tell where one ends and the other begins, if it was ever truly possible in the first place, but when the child starts to breathe again and Finn gasps in relieved surprise there is a surge of such overwhelming protectiveness and joy that he fancies he catches a glimpse of blue crackling across his hands.

As he moves the baby to Saoirse's chest that relief becomes something different - it's not the first child they've seen born, it's not even the hundredth, but it's the first that is his and Anders has to fight back tears that aren't his own for an emotion that isn't wholly human and at the same time completely natural.

uminoko asked: What was Alim and Cullen's relationship like?

"Hey bucket head!"


"You've got something on your face. Oh wait! No! IT'S JUST YOUR NOSE."

…Cullen sighs.