No. freaking. way.

I was just going through an old email that I used to use for this website, as well as many others. I found a ton of notifications about people following this story. I didn't forget that I wrote it, but it was so long ago that I forgot what I wrote! I began going over my whole account, reading reviews, and started to re-read my story. Honestly, most of the story is new to me because I forgot about it...I suck.

I keep cringing at my grammar mistakes, misspelling, and parts I noticed that I left out. Thanks, guys, for putting up with all of it! Because I almost can't. After reading all of the reviews again, it reminded me how sweet all of you are/were. Since I have began to re-read it, I go back to the reviews for every chapter, all of you were just as excited and irritated by the cliffhangers as I was! You all were there as part of the process, producing feedback, and some of you I even have messages from talking about it.

I have the urge to go back a re-edit everything, but that would take so long and I just want to leave it how it is since that's how I was at the time.

Though, my fanfic (mind you, a story that was written years ago and has such poor grammatical errors) wasn't amazing, it helped me see more of this website that we all share. We are a great community.

It is crazy jumping back on here. I am on chapter 3 of this story, so... I still may have more comments to post in the end.

Thanks for reading!

-Kirstin xoxo