5 years later…

Leonardo smiled down at the tiny, chubby green hand tightly clasping his as he slowly walked through the palace grounds. His five year-old son Degas was eagerly walking next to his father, trying unsuccessfully to match his father's pace with his chubby little legs. He was wearing white and golden robes tailored perfectly for his small size and like his father one arm was encased in living gold metal. He looked up at his father with a curious look on his father when his father led him away from their usual play place.

"Where we going Papa?" he asked in his soft voice and Leonardo smiled softly down at him.

"We are going to meet someone very special my son." He said and looked forward to the large stone pavilion that was in the center of the gardens next to where his mother's ashes had been spread through her garden. He helped his son up the steps and the both kneeled before a stone plaque surrounded by fresh flowers.

Leo took a deep, calming breath and fought the fresh tears that threatened to spill over his cheeks. He didn't realize how long they were sitting there until his son gently tugged on his sleeve to get his attention.

Leo chuckled and looked down at his son. "Yes my son?" he asked playfully.

"Who is it Papa?" he gestured to the plaque. Leo smiled sadly and stroked the words with his fingers, the texture of the grooves etched in the stone and in his memory.

"Why don't you read it for me my son?" he suggested and the eager child crawled closer to the plaque to read the name inscribed on it.

"His… High…ness…King… Spwinter." He sounded out haltingly and then looked at his father with an eager look on his face. Two missing teeth broke up his smile, and yet it broke Leo's heart every time.

"Very good my son." He praised and patted his lab. The little boy scrambled into his lap eagerly and waited for his father to speak.

"He was a good king. He was just and honest and he took care of his people. He was your grandfather and my father." He said softly and Degas nodded solemnly, gazing at the tombstone of his grandfather.

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes before soft footsteps and a quiet giggle broke their peaceful quiet. Leo turned and found his wife standing in the entrance to the pavilion. Holding her hand was the small form of their two year-old daughter and her other hand rested on her heavily pregnant belly. A gentle smile spread across her face when she saw the special moment that the two boys were having. Leo rose and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. When he went to pull away she stopped him with a hand on his cheek and whispered in his ear, "He would have been so proud my love." She kissed him quickly on the lips and then reached out for her son's hand.

"Let's give Papa a minute alone with Grandpa okay?" her son nodded and waved to the tombstone before trotting off with his sister and mother. Leo watched his small family walk away for a few minutes before turning back to his father's tombstone.

He bowed before it for a second and then took a deep breath. "Much has changed father. I have taken down the walls that separated us from our people and have replaced them with gates that allow for protection and unity. Our people are thriving and so is our family." He gulped down his tears and took a deep breath.

"We miss you very much father." He started, resting his hand against he plaque in an effort to feel his father's spirit. "Sometimes I find myself yearning for your counsel but Raphael has become invaluable as my advisor. He makes me think about my decisions, so that with him around every single thing is thought through completely. Michelangelo flourishes in his position representing the needs of the public in my court, he makes sure that I hear exactly what the people need and want. Donatello's inventions and knowledge have become invaluable in the advancement of our planet's technology. We are advancing in leaps and bounds thanks to him." He chuckled and he felt a warm feeling in his chest at the thought of his brothers' accomplishments and an overwhelming sense of peace filled his being. It was then that he knew that his father was with him and was sending his pride and love for his sons.

After a few minutes the feeling drifted away like leaves in the wind and Leo was left with only a lingering feeling that his father was right next to him. He heard the distant laughter of his children and decided that it was time that he join his family. He stood slowly and with one last glance at his father's memorial he began walking towards the joyful laughter of his family, his heart at peace.

In Loving Memory of Splinter Hamato

May he rest in peace among the kings of the past

And may his spirit ever be in our hearts

A/N: Well that's it guys. I started this story 5 years ago when I was a completely different person and now it's finally finished. I want to thank my loyal readers who have travelled with me on this journey. This story arc is unfortunately done for now and I have no plans for a sequel but I have plenty of new ideas waiting to make their debut. I hope that you continue to read my stories and review them too.

