A/N This is just something that I came up with, if anyone else is working on it, or anything similar, I apologize, if so let me know and I will take this down.

I do not own anything, and this is purely fictional based off of the characters from Homestuck.

Dreams were meant to be enjoyed, not forgotten. In the ten years since the end of the game, after they had 'reset' it with the scratch and then defeating lord English, the kids had just vanished one by one in front of the trolls. Slowly as the years passed, the four kids had put that entire incident down as dreams. Even though deep down they knew it was oh so much more.

Sometimes the images would come to John, like a dream and in it, Karkat and the others are trapped and trying to get out. At those times, John would wake up in a cold sweat.

If only he knew what had happened to the others, even the ones in the bubbles were there, Vriska, lovely Vriska with her long dark hair now tied up. Karkat with that eternal scowl, even when he was happy, he had a sour look to his sheepishly handsome (Yes John admitted, he was handsome). The others were not as clear, possibly from them not being as bonded to him as Vriska and Karkat.

Sometimes he would hear them right before he woke up, and feel as if they had been right there with him, then he would roll over in bed and imagined he heard Karkat berate him for lollygagging around while they were trapped.

If the others had these dreams, they never mentioned them.

To give a brief detail about what everyone was doing would be simple. They all shared a flat in Chicago. Once they had turned eighteen and graduated they met up in Chicago and formed Skaia, in honor of the time when they were thirteen. Jade played a mean bass riff, Rose was the guitarist, Dave was the heartbeat as the drummer, and John belted out the rough vocals that made them a well known name in the club circuit of Chicago.

The four of them rented a small run down studio large enough for them to have their own corner and a practice area for the band. By the time John was twenty, they had two demos that the local stations would play, by the time John was twenty one, they were being flown to LA to sign a contract with a major label. Now they had just gotten home from a world tour following the release of the bands debut album which went to number twelve on the top one hundred, Dave commenting on how ironic that had been.

Everyone knew that he had been referring to the twelve trolls that had helped them so many years ago. At first, the four of them had assumed that the trolls would keep in touch, yet as the years went by, Rose married twice and divorced twice. Dave claiming that he didn't want or need anyone, yet he was the first to find dates. Jade engaged to the bands manager of all people, he was old enough to be her grandpa, maybe that was the ironic part. John dated on occasion, and last month he met his idol, Nic Cage. Something though was missing for him, and it bothered him.

Sometimes John felt as if someone were still watching him, which he told himself that was crazy, the trolls had most likely made it back to their home world and were living troll life to the fullest. At times when he missed them, he came up with ways they were living, what hurt him the most though was that in his mind, Karkat was now with his matesprit and others from the quadrants.

His memories of that time were beginning to fade, all except Karkat and Vriska were a distant memory. In fact when he had met Nic Cage, he could feel Vriska right there with him, as if she were the one that hugged the actor and nearly got pried off of him when he kissed the actor on the cheek. He had to really suppress the urge to kiss him on the lips, that would not have been good.

Now, living in the studio apartment in downtown Chicago with just Dave, John got up one morning having the urge to talk to Dave about these dreams.

The most recent one was of Karkat and Vriska fighting over something petty. The feeling that he had from that dream made him have the urge to talk to Dave, Rose and Jade. Since Dave was the only one in the apartment, after brewing a pot of coffee, John went over to Dave's section of the apartment.

Instead of walls, they had room dividers, except for where the bathroom was. Now that it was just them two living here, Dave was on one side of the living space and John on the other. Between their rooms was the bathroom, kitchen and the area that the band still practiced, which was suppose to be the living room. The living room though was where Rose used to have her room. And the spot that Dave used to use till last year when Jade moved out, was the study/computer room/library.

Rose and Jade had decorated the place in a myriad of colors, they never could agree what color scheme to go with. Dave would have been happy with sparse colors, where as John didn't care how it looked.

Luckily Dave was alone, no strange girl in the large bed with him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, John nudged his friend awake.

"What time is it?" Dave groggily said.

Looking at the clock, John said, "Almost ten."

"God, I have a headache. Is that coffee I smell?"

""Yeah," John leaned on his right side next to Dave and looked at him, "How much did you drink last night?"

"I cant remember…" Dave put his left hand over his eyes and his right hand reached for John's hand and he squeezed it before saying, "Rose I know drank more than me."

"Need a cup of coffee before we talk?"

"That would help," Dave slowly sat up, still holding John's hand. "What do you want to talk about? Oh that girl that was with Rose likes you."

"What girl?"

"I forget her name."

"Oh well… uh…"

"Fuck Egbert, are you going to be a virgin all your life?"

"I just have not met the right person."

"Are you ever going to?" Dave sighed and a gleam lit his eyes before he said, "I can change that you know…"

John knew that Dave was teasing, taking his hand out from Dave's he too sat up straight, "I am not a homosexual."

"You keep saying that…" Dave grinned, for he liked both male and females.

"If I was a homo, I would have fallen for you, alas, I love you like a brother."

"One can dream…"

"Speaking of dreams," he said as he got up to pour Dave a cup of coffee, "That is what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What do you mean?" Dave pulled on his boxers and sweat pants, for John didn't seem shocked to see the albino naked, yet with the large windows in the apartment Dave didn't like the thought of a peeping tom.

"I think we need to rescue them."

"You mean Terezi and the others?" Dave paused as he was tying the string on his sweat pants.

"Yeah the trolls…"

"I kinda figured that out a while back."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought it was just me that thought that way."

"Do you think the girls feel the same?"

"We should ask them."

"Yeah, what time did they leave last night?"

"After you went to bed, we drank some more and watched that Rocky Horror movie and I want to say that Rose and her friend left at three, and Jade and her fiancé left at four."

"The old man stayed up that late?"

"I know… well he is like a twenty year old according to Jade."

"I did not want to hear that." John covered his ears.

"You, my friend are in need of getting laid," Dave laughed as John handed him a cup of coffee. "I think it is high time you get a girlfriend."

"What about you?"

"You want me to be your girlfriend? Gee I am flattered…"

"You know what I meant Strider." John sighed in exasperation. "Why don't you get a girlfriend?"

"Every girl is my girlfriend." Dave chuckled. "At least I look." Dave said this second part more seriously.

"No one fits what I am looking for." John said, "And this is besides the point."

"What is the point?"

"We were talking about the trolls," John poured his own cup of coffee.

"What about them?" Dave rooted in the fridge for some creamer. "Other than the fact that you and I both have a feeling they need our help."

"What are we going to do about it?"

"Not much we can do is there?"

"We have to try to contact them I think."

"Why don't we just try to go to where they are?"

At Dave's words, John realized that was what they needed to do. The question though was how to transcend space and time? Sure he was a science expert, yet he had never thought about trying to transcend space. "Too bad we can't bend space and walk through a door and be back where we left them on that meteor."

"Who said we can't?"

Once again, John was amazed at how naïve Dave could be about some things… then again, maybe they could at least try… "We would need you to do a program on the computer, and they would need to do the same thing. Chances are that if they do not have the same program up and running, we could end up dead."