Okay. So basically I'm obsessed with one-shots and thought it would be a good idea to make a collection of them for Tyler and Caroline, since I love them so much. So I'm open to requests and stuff like, songs and stuff or plot lines you'd like to see? Haha oh I don't know :D Anyways this is just a little one to start off.

Someone like You – Adele


She was back. Why? The answer to that was very simple. Inhaling deeply she took another step towards what was Tyler's new home. A gorgeous, freshly built house just on the brink of the woods not too far from the Lockwood Mansion. Caroline remained in the woods for a couple more seconds before stepping out, revealing herself in the sunshine. Only she didn't because something, a noise, not too far away had caught her attention. She didn't want to put it off anymore she really didn't but the child's laughter was too damn familiar and tugged at something in her chest. Stepping away from the sunlight she began to search for the location of the sound. Honestly, she didn't know why she had to find the noise she just…did. Eventually she stumbled upon a little girl dancing to silence. Caroline smiled slightly. The little tan girl, who must have only been about ten, was twirling clumsily laughing as her dress swirled with her. She broke out into a fit of giggles when she fell over and Caroline couldn't help but giggle with her. That's when the little girl shot up and Caroline's flew up over her mouth. "Hello?" The girl called looking around. Just walk away. She'll think it was an animal or a bird or something if you go right now. Turn around Care. Is what the voices in Caroline's head were commanding, but Caroline had never really been a thinker. She hesitantly stepped into the small clearing where the she had found this little girl dancing. Caroline put on her warmest smile.

"Hey sweetie" Was all she said. The little girl didn't scream or run away. She just stood there, head tilted to one side smiling slightly.

"Hello. Who are you?"

Caroline smiled. Brave little thing. "I'm Caroline. You?" Caroline held out her hand slowly. The girl eyed it for a moment before smiling and taking it.

"I'm Summer" Caroline nodded at the pretty name. Ironic that her name matched her appearance so much, with her waist length dirty blonde hair, shimmering chocolate brown eyes and tan skin.

"So Summer, does your mommy and daddy know you're out here alone?" Caroline said softly, kneeling down so she was eye level with the girl. Summer nodded, her naturally pouting lips curved upwards still smiling.

"My daddy does. Mamma died a while ago now" Caroline's heart sank, her lips dried instantly. Poor thing.

"I'm sorry to hear that" Summer shrugged kicking a big stone deeper into the earths floor. Summer's hands were placed behind her back in such an innocent way as she fiddled with the bow that tied her at the back of her plain white dress. Caroline continued to smile at the little girl. "Where are all your friends then? Surely you need a dance partner right?"

Summer giggled a delicate shade of pink mixing in with the warm colour of her skin.

"My daddy dances with me" Caroline's smile widened as Summer's eyes immediately enlightened at the mention of her father. It was obvious that she absolutely adored him.

"Really? What music do you dance to?"

"Well, sometimes we dance to Barbra Streisand because I really like her but other times we dance to Dolly Parton and sometimes we dance to other stuff too…" An image emerged in Caroline's head suddenly. A vivid scene of this beautiful girl in front of her, being spun around by a tan, blonde man who in Caroline's eyes was her father. It amazed her how old the little girl sounded. Clearly she'd been brought up exceedingly well! Just how Caroline would have liked her daughter to turn out, if such a thing were possible…

"My house is only a couple of minutes away. You wanna come see?" Summer wasn't taking no for an answer as before Caroline could reply she snatched her hand and pulled her through the woods. The blonde vampire couldn't help but smile. This little girl reminded her so much of someone. Who, she couldn't quite put her finger on yet. Maybe Summer belongs to an old friend of hers from school or something. However, Caroline wasn't prepared for what had suddenly wacked her in the face and cocked up her entire plan. Summer pointed at the big house Caroline had only minutes walked away from. "That's my house right there. It's pretty huh?"

And like that it all made sense. The reason why she was so allured by the child, by her laugh and familiar similarities was because…this was Tyler's daughter. Right there Caroline felt her entire world shatter. Tyler had a child. A child. How could she have been such a fool? Of course he wasn't going to wait for her. Of course he had to move on. Caroline bit hard on her lip forcing back the tears. He'd found someone new, and lost her just like he had lost Caroline. Caroline felt helpless in that moment. "You look sad" Summer said. Caroline shook her head, the first of many tears to come falling down her face. Summer comfortingly squeezed Caroline's hand, only making her even more emotional. All she could hear in the girl's voice was Tyler, now that she knew. Then suddenly a figure came into view. A masculine frame was walking towards the vampire and the girl. "Here's daddy. Daddy!" She yelped and disconnected their hands, running towards Tyler. Tyler smiled. A smile Caroline had never seen before. His eyes twinkled with so much love for his baby girl.

"Hey Princess" He said picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Daddy I made a new friend! She's real nice" No. Caroline thought. No.

"You did? Well where is she?" Summer jumped out of her father's arms and ran towards where she had left Caroline in the darkness of the woods.

"She's…I don't know. She was here but, she's not here now" Summer moaned looking around in the abandoned space. Tyler giggled. Something in Caroline's chest ached at how exact it sounded in comparison to Summer's. "Caroline?" Summer shouted. "Carolinneeeeeeeeeee?" She sang saddened when all she got in return was silence. She spun around to her father and shrugged sadly. Tyler smiled apologetically, not even flinching when Caroline's name was mentioned. Had he forgotten all about her? She thought their love was the only real thing in her life, yet here he was not even able to notice that she was leaning against a tree two tree's away from him. Caroline brought her hand up to her eyes wiping away the tears.

"You know…" Tyler began moving towards his daughter, kneeling down on one knee. "I had a friend called Caroline once" Caroline froze completely. What?

"You did?" Summer asked in the most innocent angelic voice Caroline had ever heard.

"Yup. She left me too…"

In a curious, confused voice Summer replied. "Did you love her daddy?"


The only sound was Tyler's deep, relaxed breathing. "Why do you ask Sweetheart?"

Summer shrugged. "Because your eyes have gone all sparkly and pretty"

Caroline giggled silently, in sync with Tyler. "I think you're a little young to understand. But one day I'll explain everyth-"

"Dadddyyyy that doesn't answer my question!" Summer complained with the biggest of grins on her face. Tyler smiled warmly, eyes on the floor now.

"Yes" He simply said.

"Do you still love her?"


Summer laughed amused by the new piece of information. "Okay. And you promise to tell me about her someday?" Tyler narrowed his eyes playfully and dramatically lifted his oversized pinkie.

"Pinkie swear"

Summer latched her pinkie onto his and jumped back into Tyler's arms. Tyler got up from the ground and began to retreat back to the big house.

"You know, maybe it's a Caroline thing. Maybe all Caroline's just up and leave everyone?" Summer suggested. Caroline continued to look at Tyler for as long as possible, and just as he was about to step through the door of his home she's sure he made eye contact with her. Her lips parted.

"Maybe Honey. Maybe…"