AN: HEY GUESS WHAT BITCHES AFTER THREE YEARS AND SOME DAYS WE DECIDED TO TOUCH THIS FIC AGAIN. This chapter isn't that long because it's a DIRECT continuation of chapter 6. Sorry about the late but hey unexpected gifts are the best right? The artist formerly known as AbstractGenocide who was formerly known as Cewkeh is now known as SeductiveFeline.

Anything in Izaya's POV was written by ListlessDark.
Anything in Shizuo's POV was written by SeductiveFeline.

This fic has sexual content and male x male relationships.

Izaya's POV:

I can see a range of emotions creeping across this brat's face. He's finally beginning to realize the truth in what I'm saying, and I can tell that he's getting apprehensive. But that's not all, oh no. If fear was all that I could incite in my prey, things wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable for both parties in my little arrangements, and in my line of business, it really is all about the pleasure. The more pleasure that's being given, the more sexual energy that's released. It's almost a give-and-get situation, if you think about it, although the humans don't know just how much that they're giving. But this boy, he knows what he's about to give. He knows that I'm right. He knows that if he really wanted to leave, he could have kept on walking down this little alley to wherever he was heading and he really could pretend that I was just a bad dream. He could have left me here in this alley and let me be somebody else's problem. But he didn't.

He didn't, and I can see on his face that he's angry at himself for it. He doesn't know why he can't walk away, even now, when all he can do is look at me with contempt. Ahaha, the poor little thing doesn't know that he never really had a chance. It's nice to let them think that, though. I lean close enough to him so that he can feel my breath against his ear and I whisper to him "If you still don't like my proposition, little boy, you can leave right now. Go ahead," I grin, "walk away."

I hear him swallow quietly, but he doesn't make any move to leave. His eyes, however, are downcast, and he's shaking ever so slightly. I can't help but chuckle. He's a feisty one, I'll give him that. He's trying very hard to fight my charms, but even that blond brute from the club couldn't get away from me, and he seemed very adamant that he wasn't going to fuck last night. And after the time that I spent with that bartender, this boy is just superfluous. But, I will admit that I am a creature of habit, and I've gotten into the habit of getting what I want. And right now? I want this boy who reeks of pain and cockiness, of sorrow and arrogance. This human has tasted sin, and now it's my turn to taste him.

One hand is still against the brick of the wall supporting me, but I slide the other underneath that gaudy yellow bandana that he's wearing and drag my nails across the nape of his neck. "That's a good boy," I coo, still making sure to breathe ever so lightly against his ear, "we both know how this is going to end, so why fight it?" I pull his bandana off and, still clutching it, brace my hand against the wall on his other side, trapping him between my arms. I nibble on his ear lightly, which causes his breath to hitch, before I kiss and bite at his neck, marking him. I can feel him slowly losing his tension as he starts to accept what's happening to him, although he doesn't seem like he's going to begin to reciprocate any time soon. That'll change quickly, though. I stop tasting his neck and move to kiss him, and after a moment, he begins to return the favor. I can't help but find myself grinning as my lips meet his. He did put up a very good fight, but there's not a human alive who can—


There's a slight jolt against the back of my head and my vision swims for just a second. "Get the fuck off of the boss, you creep!"

I sigh. So that's what that sound was. Straightening myself from my position, I turn to see that two teenagers have found their way to this brat and myself. I'm a bit surprised at myself, I must have been getting very involved to not notice them. One of them has a pipe in his hand, which I can only assume is what made that awful noise against the back of my skull. "Now, now, that was quite the blow!" I say, leaning my neck side to side to pop it and relieve some of the tension that they brought, "I would take a guess and say that you've probably cracked a few heads that way." I touch where the metal made contact with my head, but it seems that the wound is already healing. "Too bad this time, though! I don't even think I'm bleeding. What a shame. Now tell me, boys, who are you to interrupt my time here with this lovely fellow? I was just beginning to introduce myself."

The one with the pipe seems absolutely taken aback at my lack of injury. Waiting for them to get their wits about them and answer, I look them up and down, noticing that they're both wearing the same awful yellow bandanas as the one that I still have in my hand. I laugh as I make the connection, turning back to the brat I had against the wall, who seems to only now be recovering from my charms.

I lean back towards him, my smirking face only a few inches from his as I make him look me in the eyes. "So you lead one of these colour gangs that I've heard about, ne? How interesting! No wonder you had such a delightful scent lingering around you.." at this, he seems a bit confused, but he can't break my gaze and I don't give him time to question, nor do I offer an explanation. "Now tell me, little boy, do your followers know about your habit of soliciting strange men in alley ways?" He's still off guard by my closeness, and he doesn't seem to want to answer. I kiss him softly again, and lower my voice to a whisper as I ask him, "Do you want to show them?"

"Who the fuck do you think you are, man? We said back up!" the second member says. He's pulled a switchblade and seems very confident that he's about to land that knife into my side. He goes to try and knife me in what he probably thinks is a very swift manner, but stops short as I grab his wrist, the blade an inch or two from its intended target. I turn my gaze from the blond brat against the wall to the thug whose wrist I've got. His whole body seems to have tensed up, and I give him the most saccharine smile that I can muster. "Ahhh, that was a very, very bad idea, you know," I tell him, and I can feel the wrist in my hand trying desperately to escape my grasp. He's beginning to shake as he realizes what's happened. While I do love the way the lust lingers in the air from their leader, the scent of fear.. now that's something that ranks very, very high on my list of things I enjoy about these humans, and this poor fool is simply exuding it.

"Aww, are you regretting that decision? The big blond bartender from the club last night couldn't get away when I grabbed him, either, so don't feel too bad."

"Let go of me you fuckin' pervert!" he yells, dropping his blade as he tries to wrench his hand free.

"Now that's not very nice. And here I thought we were getting along pretty well… Ahhhh, maybe you're jealous?" I laugh.

"I'll kill you, you piece of shi-AUUGH" His expletive turns into a scream as I sharply twist the hand that is grasping him, breaking the fragile bones in his wrist with an oh-so-satisfying crack. I keep pushing against his outstretched limb, and he goes down to his knees from the pain, clutching his forearm desperately to try and brace himself. I hear a clang, and from the corner of my eye, I notice the kid who had the pipe has abandoned it and is escorting their leader back down the alleyway, but I decide to let them go. I turn my attention back to the fool who is now beginning to sob. "I didn't necessarily need that bit of fun tonight, it was a bit of gorging on my part... but you just had to meddle, didn't you?" I shake my head, tsking at him, "It's a shame, really. You humans all seem to think you've got it figured out. You find a little niche where you belong – a gang, for instance, - and you become so incredibly loyal to everyone who has anything to do with it!" I laugh, before I pull his wrist sharply in my direction, straightening out his arm, earning another cry of pain from the kid. "I mean, just look at you. You got so defensive over a brat who calls himself your leader, but now he and your 'brother' have left you here."

"You piece of shit, you're not gonna turn me against them, we gotta take care of the boss above ourselves, it's how-"

My grin falls. "I didn't ask," I say bluntly, before stepping down on his forearm that I've got outstretched, shattering those bones as well. He cries out, and I let go of him as he curls in on himself, trying to fight back any more sounds of pain. I bend down and pick up the switchblade that he pulled on me. Experimentally, I open and close it, and find that it feels incredibly natural in my hand. I can hear a steady stream of curses coming from him, and it's incredibly bothersome to me. For some reason, this human kid is getting under my skin tonight.

"What's your fucking problem, man?" he cries out, and I can feel myself getting angrier and angrier. "You come on our turf and try to, I don't know, take advantage of our boss, you barely flinched when Hiro hit you which usually cracks fucking skulls, you stand up and smile as if we didn't hear your fucking head crack like how is that even possible man, and now you're doing all of this shit, and…" he continues to ramble on, and with each word out of his mouth, I'm beginning to lose my temper more and more.

"What a pathetic excuse for a toy," I sneer, and I crouch down in front of him. Flicking the blade out, I put the cool metal under his chin, tilting his eyes to meet mine. When he meets my crimson gaze I see the colour drain out of his face. I know that as my temper and demeanor are slipping further and further, so is my control on my outward guise as a human, and with all of the built up energy that I got from that hulking bartender last night, I'm feeling very much my prime.

"You want to know what my 'problem' is? It's humans like you. So many of you are content with playing the bystander and letting things go by as they will. But then, for some reason or another, you have the handful of you that are either much too brave, or in your case, much too stupid, and you can't leave things alone. I will admit, watching you try and fight back has been oh so entertaining for the most part, I assure you," I sneer, "but you made one very fatal flaw tonight. You see, I was in the middle of 'feeding', if you will, and your little leader had no complaints against it. Oh no, on the contrary, he was about to enjoy himself very much. I am one of the best at what I do, after all. But you, you poor fool, you did something that I have never taken lightly. You interrupted me." I press the edge of the blade against his throat as I lean closer to his face.

"Wh-what the hell man, what are you, some kind of-" I cut him off mid-sentence with a kiss, softly bringing my lips against his as I use the same blade he attacked me with to slit his throat. I don't try to stop him as he slumps down, bleeding out and gasping for breath. He tries to articulate, but is having such a hard time getting out anything other than a stuttering "d-d-d.."

"Some kind of d-d-demon?" I can't help but snicker, standing up and smiling as I reign myself back in, making sure my appearance is returning to that of an average human. I cover his face with his leader's bandana that I had discarded, and slip the knife into the sleeve of my jacket.

"Yes, wouldn't that be something?"

AN: From listlessdark- YEAHHH BOIIII i really wanted to Gently remind you all that izaya is a fucking demon and he gives very few shits. I felt that in our past chapters we didn't really address that other than as an excuse for smut. Shit's gonna start getting real addressed sons.

AN: From SeductiveFeline- izaya is a dickle. that is all