"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The team yelled as Hotch opened his door to see everyone with balloons and presents.

"Thank you," he said as he stepped back and let everyone in. "You didn't have to come over."

"Yes we did boss man. It's your birthday," Garcia chimed in happily.

Emily sat the cake down on the counter and then handed Hotch the bag that was resting on her arm. "Here you go Hotch," she beamed as he took the bag.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Not a tie," she laughed, "you have way too many of them." She ran a hand down his arm before heading to JJ to help her finish setting up.

Hotch looked down at the bag in his hand and then back up at the brunette. He sat the bag down and decided it'd be best to open it later. After thirty minutes of hanging with his friends, he quietly excused himself and headed towards his room.

Emily looked around the room in search of her boss and was worried when she didn't see him. Everyone was engrossed in conversations with one another so she got up and went looking for him.

"So is this where the birthday boy hides out when all of his favorite people come over?" Emily smirked as she leaned against the door frame to Hotch's room. Hotch looked over at her from his spot on the bed and arched an eyebrow.

"No, I'm just thinking," he finally responded before turning back and looking straight ahead.

"Hey are you okay?" Emily asked in all seriousness as she moved closer.

"Yeah, I'm just…" he trailed off.


"I miss Jack."

Emily moved farther into the room and stood directly in front of him. "Where is the little guy anyway?"

"At Jessica's. I called him earlier to ask if he wanted to come home, but he said no," Hotch informed her with a sigh.

"Did you tell him it was your birthday?"

Hotch shook his head. "I didn't want to guilt him into coming home if he didn't want to. But I really miss him." Hotch ran a hand over his face. "This may sound dumb, but every year he gives me a birthday kiss and it's the best present I could ask for." He dropped his head, "I'm not going to get that this year."

Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you kidding me?" she asked as she bent over to his eye level. "Look at me," Hotch turned his gaze to her. "I don't want you to sit up here feeling sorry for yourself. Jack loves you so much and he was probably playing a game at the time so he didn't want to come home. That does not mean he didn't want to be with you." As she stared into his eyes she knew what she had to do. "Now I know I'm not Jack, but hopefully it'll be enough to hold you over until you see him."

Hotch arched an eyebrow not understanding what she meant. But as she leaned forward and placed her soft lips against his it all fell into place. Hotch closed his eyes and relaxed against her mouth. Emily started to pull away then went back in for more before pulling back completely and waited for him to open his eyes.

"Happy birthday Hotch," she smiled lightly before standing up straight. "Now, I will give you five minutes to finish this moping you're doing before I come back in here and drag your ass out there. So prepare yourself sir," she chuckled as she walked away.

"Hey Emily?" Hotch called before she could walk out of the room.

"Yeah?" she asked as she turned back around.

"Thank you."

"Anytime," she smirked then winked as she walked out of the room fully expecting Hotch to come back and join the party in less than five minutes. In fact, she could almost guarantee that.

Here's just a short little story that came to me a while ago.