The darkness of the outside world could only be described in one work: bleak. This darkness, however, is where our story takes place. As the darkness begins to fade, the silhouette of a man in black comes into view, stumbling haphazardly along the pathway towards the castle. He seems sad and looks as if he is dreading something, unbeknownst to us, but continues inside.

As the man in black slowly made his way back to his chambers, he thought of where he was going. He was going home, to HER. His mind, working against him of course, wrote out every possible scenario of what would likely happen once she discovered what he had done. 'I HATE YOU' she would scream as she threw some sort of glass object in the general direction of his head. Part of him thought he deserved it, a large part actually. But the other part just wanted her to be there, for him to hold. Maybe if she was in his arms long enough, the gods would consider his penance paid. 'Not likely" he mused to himself as he approached the door to his chambers. He whispered his password and made his way inside, to be greeted by a pair of whiskey colored eyes he had been dreading seeing since the moment it happened.

"Hello Severus."