



"So, you ready for this?"

He pulled one sai, twirling it between his fingers. "As I'll ever be."

"And your brothers?"

"In position. Donnie's inside, runnin' surveillance, Mikey and I'll be stayin' down low, casin' the north end. And Leo's up there," he said, pointing to the adjacent rooftop. "Ya can't see 'em, but he's our eye in the sky."

"Well then, I guess it's show time." Detective Morrison snapped a fresh magazine into her pistol with a sharp click and replaced the weapon into her holster. "Alright baby, you be careful down there. I'll see you back here, after we're all through." She gave him a little wink, walking out after that.

Michelangelo stood looking at his brother, an enormous grin plastered on his face.

"What?" Raph asked, not really wanting the answer.

"Nothing, baby. You ready to go help your girlfriend?"

"She ain't my girlfriend, and you're on the way to a punch in the mouth."

Mike busted up laughing. "Oh, okay. So you won't mind if I put the moves on her then? Since she's not your girlfriend or anything. Man, she is hot as hell Raph, especially in her cop gear! I'd let her handcuff me any day of the – OW!"

"I warned ya, Mikey."

Raph didn't really care about the teasing. He didn't care if Mikey had been right from the get-go. Hell, he didn't even know if this would go anywhere. Maybe (likely) he and Detective Morrison – Allie – would never be more than just friends. But it didn't matter. There was something there, a spark between them, and that was something he never thought possible before.

As he and Mike moved into position, ready to keep the Foot from interfering with the NYPD's shakedown of a certain local drug ring, Raphael reflected on the events that had led them here. After he'd gone to see Allie in the hospital, he thought it would be the last time he ever saw her. But he couldn't help himself. Remembering what she'd said about focusing on their cases, he started to linger (out of sight of course) at some of the scenes of their "crimes", watching as the police cleaned up. He saw her several times over that period, but more importantly, he noticed something else – that she too lingered, long after her fellow officers had gone home, looking as if she were waiting for something. Or someone. When he was sure, he dropped down one night and confronted her.

Now, with his brothers at his side, they were working off and on with the police. Overall, it had been a beneficial alliance for everyone; Leo was happy that their activities were for the most part overlooked by the local authorities, and with the brothers keeping the Foot at bay, it meant the cops could get more of the bad guys off of the streets. And Raph? Well, Raph's outlook on certain aspects of their lives had changed somewhat dramatically. He never could've imagined things would turn out so well, given what they'd gone through to get here.

And tonight, as it was every time they met up to assist the cops now, Raphael was in high spirits. Even Mike's relentless teasing couldn't spoil his mood. With his little brother still going on about it, he strategically, but not at all angrily, slugged Mike in the side. As Mike wailed in pain a second time, Raphael smiled to himself. He'd spent too long crafting this brooding, badass image of his, instilling fear into his enemies, even causing his friends and family to take pause when attempting to cross him. He couldn't very well let Mike go on thinking he was happy.

Had to keep up appearances, after all.





