AN: I'm trying it from Nicky's POV this chapter. If I like it I'll go two chapters Nico, two chapters Nicky. Tell me what you think!

I'm going to be completely truthful. Camp was kinda stressing me out. I've been on my own for quite a while now and it's weird to have to help and depend on people again. Before this I was living with my Aunt a drunk. I had to do pretty much everything for us both except get a job. A few weeks ago she died of alcohol poisoning. I didn't really like her but I still felt grief, after all she was the only family I had left. My mom had died years before, caught in a shooting.

Getting back to the point, I was a loner. Most of the people at camp just wanted to be friends, do sports, and sing half the time. It was a little too much for me. Until two weeks ago I was unclaimed, but now that I was the world felt a little brighter. I felt hope that maybe my father wouldn't completely ignore me. That maybe I could look up to a bit of family.

Nico has been a great friend too. He's the only one here that really gets me. I suppose that's only expected seeing as his dad's the god of the underworld and mine's the god of death. We both had some big losses and felt the pain of being alone, and I have to say, we're a pretty good friend.

I feel a great trusting in him, like I can tell him anything. The rational me thinks this is ridiculous I mean I just met the guy, but the other half says otherwise. I can't help but sense that Nico feels that way too. When he was telling me about his sister he gave off a vibe that told me he didn't explain this to many people, let alone strangers.

Back to the present, right now it was just after the campfire and I was walking back my cabin when Nico strolled up.

"Hey" he grinned

"Hey" I echoed

Nico looked around quickly to see if anyone was watching then grabbed my hand and started to jog off in the other direction.

"Nico where are we going?" I whispered

"We'll get there in a second" he whispered in reply

We ran to the woods and sat down on a log. Nico pulled a zip lock bag full of food out of his pocket.

"Now, do you want to tell me what's going on"

Nico grinned and got down on the ground. "All in good time" He started to dig a little hole in the ground, about six inches deep and a few inches wide.

I watched in fascination as he poured the food into the hole and pulled a soda out of the log's hollow middle.

Nico started to chant, his voice giving me chills in the eerie night.

Suddenly a foggy figure erupted from the earth and spun around to meet my gaze.

My breath hitched. "Mom?" I whispered.

The ghost nodded. She looked just like she had my whole life, curly brown hair falling over her shoulders, green eyes glimmering in the moonlight, and pale ghostly skin shimmering in and out of solidity.

"Oh Nicky, you've gotten so big" she murmured, her hand rising to stroke my head.

I felt myself start to tear up and wiped my eyes. "I can't believe it's actually you"

Mom clasped her hands together and looked me over, "You've grown up so fast, I miss you so much…now tell me, how's camp?"

I gave her a watery smile. "It's nice. Nico's been an amazing friend" I looked over at him and his expression brightened

"I'm glad. But I can't stay, I love you Nicky" she said

I nodded and waved. "Bye mom"

She took a deep breath, and was sucked back into the earth. Nico stood and walked up until he was right in front of me.

I felt the tears start to come and I held out my arms for a hug. I cried into Nico's shoulder until all the tears were gone, then I pulled an arm's length away.

"Thank you" I whispered "You have no idea how glad I was to see her one last time"

Nico nodded, his dark eyes gleaming with the reflection of the moon.

We walked back to cabin silently, my arm wrapped around his pulled close. When we got to the door I pulled Nico close and kissed him on the cheek. "Night Nico" I whispered, and closed the door.

AN: I know, another short one. But I couldn't really think of what to add to this one. Seemed complete after the little goodbye scene :D thanks for the favs and a special shout out for Mega-Shifter! THANK YOU ALL AND GOODNIGHT!