Chapter 3

This is a chapter in both Harry's and Edward's POV

Starting with Harry

Classes were normal, well as normal as they ever could be with a bunch of kids staring at you the entire time. For me, this was normal and moving around all the time made us the new kids often and that was never easy. I pushed through it, I had too. I did what I normally did, which was ignoring them till suddenly I wasn't that big news anymore. Unlike Sam, I held my head up high; not in a way that said 'I am better than you' but, that I was proud of whom I was; and I was. Proud. Winchesters were stubborn, they were willful and most importantly we had pride. Why shouldn't we? We gave up our nice and normal lives, to track down things that went bump in to the night and we killed them, preventing them from hurting and killing more innocents. We were heroes, and there was no shame in it.

I looked at my fellow students, and all I saw were kids. Even though I was not as experienced with hunting, I knew the pain, the silent kind, that snuck up on you when you least expected it to. I grew mature way to early; if you saw our family, you would see three men who were extremely protective of their youngest. What most failed to see, was what the youngest did in return. I comforted our family, supported them and accepted them, which is really important, no matter who you are. I also was the one that patched them back up. And you might see this, but if someone hurt my family, I would rip them apart. I was just as protective, I just wasn't suffocating as the rest were.

Then there was two years ago. I still have nightmares that have me screaming bloody murder. This was the one hunt, that pretty much made my family decide that I was not going to hunt…well not hunt like they did; the occasional hunt was good for me as I needed experience. My nightmares consisted of this dark room, there was no light at all. I think that scared me the most, to this day I make sure there is some kind of light that could shine in the room. My brothers never once heckled me for it, either. In this dark room, I was not alone. But I don't want to think about it any further than that.

"Hi, your Sam and Harry Winchester right?" said a male's voice that came out of nowhere which made us stop in our tracks.

"Yeah, and you are?" Sam answered. The voice was attached to this boy who had to be my age, and sort of reminded you of a puppy. I smiled. I liked dogs.

"Mike Newton, and I am a junior here."

"Really," I asked? "Me too; Sam, here, is a Senior this year."

"That's cool. Well I wanted to introduce myself; we don't get a lot of new kids around here. The last people to move here was the Cullens over a year ago." He looked to both of us, and seemed to be nice enough, but I got this creepy feeling that he was staring at me a bit too much. Nah! That's my paranoia kicking in.

"Well nice to meet you, but we have another class starting in a minuet," Sam said politely but it almost sounded forced. I looked at him confused, Mike had done nothing wrong.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Mike. Maybe we have a class together? If we do, I will see you then," I said with a small smile and a wave. He waved back but his eyes were glazed over and I couldn't really tell if he heard me. I mentally shrugged, and started to walk with Sam to our next class.

It seemed like a dam that broke all of a sudden. Once people saw us talking to Mike, and the conversation going smooth, they made an attack. The rest of the day was spent answering questions, most of the time the same questions repeated several times. It was getting tiring, and I was about to snap at the next person who asked why we moved to Forks.

It was the last class of the day, Biology. It was a class I would need to be good at for future reference. I might not be planning to leave for college, but I did want to take online courses and start working on getting a medical degree. If I accomplished this, I was of better use to my family, and could help save them when they got themselves hurt. I came into the class and there was only one seat available, and the teacher sat me there. I really didn't pay attention to the boy that sat next to me, but I could swear I felt him sniff me, and lean closer to me. It made me slightly uncomfortable and I shifted further from him. From a peek, from beneath my bangs, I could see him becoming frustrated and that made me curious as to why.

Here is where we will switch to Edward's POV

Coming back from the forest I was clearer. Finding my mate affected me more than I thought it would, but now I can handle the situation. I got in time for my third class to start. I glided into my seat with vampiric ease and tried to listen to the teacher. Tried being the operative word here. My mind was obsessively thinking over him. I couldn't really put my feelings into words, and that kind of upset me in a way cause a part of me still wants to tell everyone my find. A century of being alone, and bitter and now I had something that made me want to live! Well, in whatever way vampires can live, I guess.

I tried not to listen; listen to the minds of the students surrounding this creature [made just for me]. I kept seeing him through their eyes, his smile, his beautiful green eyes. I could hear them, heard answers to the questions that I was curious too. Like, for instance, he traveled; a lot. Like went to three different schools a year, a lot. I froze. I couldn't let him leave, I had just found him! But I couldn't keep him here either, it was unfair. I just had to make sure to convince him that I was worth staying for. That is what I will do!

"So you have someone special in your life?" Asked a human, named Eric, I straightened up.

"No, no one special; not that I could if I wanted too," the voice that sounded like little bells said.


"Oh, well I have two older brothers and they kind of are a bit over protective. Any potential boyfriends seem to mysteriously not want anything to do with me, and seem scared. Sometimes I am there when Sam and Dean give their 'speech' and it's not pretty." I could see through Eric's mind that Harry was becoming somewhat sad, but tried to hide it with a smile that quite didn't make it to his eyes.

The brothers; I haven't put them in to the equation. The euphoria of having found my mate, made me lose sight of the whole picture. This could be an issue, and I will have to try to win his brothers over in the process.

All too soon, it was the end of the school day, usually it is within a blink of an eye; time moved like that for vampires. Today was unusually slow. Biology; the only class I have with Harry. How did I know? Alice. Some days she was useful.

I got into class before Harry. I took my seat which was pleasantly next to no one. That was how it always was though. No one wanted to partner with the Cullen's…they were too scared to. I could feel every bit of my body tense when he came in. I turned to see him, and he was perfect. There was really no other way to describe him.

The teacher greeted him, but I didn't really hear, as I was too focused. Too focused on Harry. The teacher indicated the space beside mine. The only one available. I bit my lip, a very human thing to do, and I wasn't quite sure why I did that; never mind.

He took the seat beside me, the smell took [if I needed it] my breath away. The monster in me wanted him, badly. Wanted to mark him; claim him. It all but roared inside of me, to kill all the humans in sight that could take him away and then pick up what was mine and hide him away forever. I clenched my fists, and tried to push the demon down. I breathed in, smelling more of my mate, that I had to lean in closer. I saw him look at me from the corner of my eye but I couldn't think of what to say.

A/N: OK apologies for the wait! These last two weeks were hectic! Thanksgiving week was hell and I swear everyone needed to see a movie [I work at a movie theater btw. And a diner. YAY! Two jobs! Sigh]. I double shifted so much and whenever I had free time, I spent it napping or doing anything that didn't require too much thinking. Then the week after my laptop started to crap on me and shuts down like all the time. So I have been writing when I can but in short intervals and that's why the chapter isn't as long as I would have liked. Another example is today. A couple of reviewers asked me about when I would update. I said today...well I guess yesterday, but because my laptop, I couldn't post. There is another chapter [longer I promise!] but I have to post it later.

Thanks for all the reviews! Keep reading!