Sorry for the long wait fellas!

Thank You so much for all the reviews [positive|negative|constructive criticism]. I loved it so much!

Thank you for adding me to your subscription|favorites|etcetera|etcetera .. but I would prefer review peeps! :)

Disclaimer: DC|MK|KAI|SHIN|IS|NOT|MINE[UNFORTUNATELY] - I guess that's pretty obvious since this is a fanfiction site :)


"text" - dialogue

'text' - thoughts

- - change of POV


'It's a funny thing, but when a guy asks for your hand in marriage, he wants to hear the actual word yes escape from your lips.

For him, that's the moment when he can celebrate. The longer you sit there speechless, the quicker he'll go into a panic. So say yes, aloud, and then you can start to hyperventilate with joy.

JANIS SPINDEL, How to Date Men



His name was a rough, shaken sound in Shinichi's throat and for just the space of a single heartbeat as he felt Shin stiffen, muscles tautening, he feared the latter was going to draw back, push him away. But then his whole mood changed, Shinichi's lips softening against him, arms enfolding him in a new and very different way as Shinichi gathered him close and returned kiss for kiss, Shin's hands lacing into his messy hair to cup his face and hold Kaito just where he wanted him. Where his hungry mouth could have the most devastating effect.

For several long, heated moments they were oblivious to the storm that raged around them, only aware of the storm of sensation that was building up inside. But then on a long, low moan, another wilder, blistering cold flurry of hail whirl round them, lifting their hair on their heads, making their coats fly up around them and slowly, reluctantly, Shinichi lifted his head, drew back.

"No..." Kaito muttered a protest, reaching for him again, still with his eyes half-closed.

"Kai," Shinichi reproved softly, "we will freeze if we stay out here."

'Freeze?' In the privacy of his own thoughts, Kaito questioned the truth of his comment. He had never felt so hot in his life, so bone-deep, his blood pounding, totally warm from the inside out, and even the twirling wind and the lashing rain having no effect on him.

"No..." he murmured again and felt rather than saw the shake of Shinichi's head as he heard the low laughter that escaped him.

"Yes, darling- you are already soaked... We must make our way back to the house."

Darling, Kaito registered. Shinichi had used that word before but on a blackly ironical note. Now suddenly his tone seemed to have softened, almost as if he meant it, as if he was concerned by Kaito's reaction. As if he truly was calling Kaito darling... His head was spinning with the delight of it.

"Then let's go back." The thickness in Kaito's throat made the words as huskily provocative as he planned them to be. "And get warm."

Was Kaito's heart really thundering hard as heavily as it seemed?

Or was that just the sound of the wind sending heavy branches thudding to the ground or the rain pounding on the cottage roof? Kaito didn't know or care. His only thought was to get back to the cottage, to close the door on the world and shut himself in with Shinichi so that they could be alone together.

He was not even sure if he was walking, if his feet were actually touching the ground as they hurried towards the tiny house. Shinichi had held Kaito close to his side, his grip around Kaito's waist so tight that he was sure he was carrying him part of the way rather than letting him manage it himself.

And in the moment that they stumbled through the front door Shinichi caught Kaito to him and crushed the other's mouth with him before he swung him up into his arms as he had done on the night of the wedding and carried him into the hall, kicking the door behind him as he headed for the stairs.

"First on the left..." Kaito managed against his neck, the slightly salty taste of his skin making his heart skip a couple of ragged beats as he savored it against his tongue.


Kaito's room was dark and shadowy but the curtains were still open at the window and the moon gave enough light for Shinichi to see his way to the bed, taking Kaito with him and tumbling him gently down unto the covers. But when Kaito reached for Shinichi to pull him down with him, Shinichi pulled away from him and turned away.


It was a cry of protest and distress, the loss the heat of Shinichi's body too much to bear.

"What..." Kaito trailed off.

"I was looking for a towel..." the roughness of Shinichi's voice told clearly of the struggle he too was having for control. "You need to dry your..."

"I need no such thing!"

It was impossible to tell if Kaito was breathless with laughter, with the cold, or with the deep frustration of the need that was eating away at him.

"Shinichi, all I need is you! You can warm me best!" [aaaarrrghh! cheezy hahaha. ooopss sorry .. read on ...]

For a second Kaito thought that he was going to have to get up and drag Shinichi unto the bed with him but before he could move, Shinichi had swung round again, flinging off his coat and throwing it down to the floor in the same moment as he came down beside Kaito, gathering him up into his arms once more.

If Kaito had ever been cold, then he couldn't remember it now. His whole body was on fire, burning up with need and the heated arousal Shinichi's touch woke up in that heat did not fade as Shinichi stripped Kaito's clothes from him, hungry fingers occasionally fumbling with uncharacteristic clumsiness as he dealt with buttons and zips.

The truth was that every touch of Shinichi's hands, every brush of his fingertips against Kaito's skin made Kaito's pulse kick up another notch, sending more blood throbbing in his veins, molten and hungry,a yearning desire uncoiling low down in Kaito's body,making him damp with pre-cum and aching between his legs.

Kaito's mouth clamped to Shinichi's, Kaito's own fingers were rough with need as he tugged at Shinichi's shirt, sighing his satisfaction as he shrugged it off and tossed it aside. At last Kaito could trail his fingers over the heated satin of Shinichi's skin, tangle his fingers in the soft crispness of Shinichi's hair, inhale the musky scent of his body, a perfume so heady and intoxicating the it made Kaito feel close to swooning in heavy, erotic pleasure.

"I want you," he muttered against Shinichi's chest, letting his tongue slide out and taste him, circling the small nub of his nipple, feeling it harden underneath Kaito's kisses.

"Oh dear heaven, Shinichi, how I..."

The words broke off on a long gasping moan of pleasure as Shinichi matched Kaito's caresses with his own. Taking his chest in one hand, Shinichi stroked them slicking his tongue across the yearning, sensitive tip, then blowing softly on the moistened bud, sending stinging, tingling sensations narrowing along every nerve, tugging at the most sensitive spot at the juncture of Kaito's thighs.

Kaito's jeans felt roughly constricting, far too tight, so that he moved restlessly on the plain white quilt, brushing his slowly growing erection against the swollen, heated evidence of Shinichi's desire until Shinichi groaned a hungry response.

"You witch!" Shinichi muttered thickly. "Tormentor..."

But even as he spoke he was freeing Kaito from the confinements of his clothes, smoothing his hands along the slender lines of Kaito's legs, over the harness between his inner thighs, caressing Kaito intimately.


Shinichi's name was a sigh of surrender and need and Kaito opened himself up to him, clutching his hands in Shinichi's hair and arching his back so that his chest was crushed against the hard wall of Shinichi's chest, Kaito's legs tangling with Shinichi's.

But it still wasn't enough; he needed more. Needed all of him, all of his possession. But the buckle of Shinichi's belt seemed agonizingly stiff, resisting Kaito's attempts to tug it loose, bruising his fingers in frustrating resistance.

Kaito was close to tears of exasperation when Shinichi's hands came over his, stilling his restless movements.

"Let me..." he muttered, Shinichi's voice raw with a need that matched Kaito's own, his movements every bit as urgent and as impatient as Kaito's had been.

But from the moment that Kaito felt the heat of Shinichi's flesh against him he suddenly wanted to slow everything down. He still felt every bit as hungry as before, more so, if that was possible, but in the instant that he felt the warm velvet-over-steel sensation of Shinichi's erection nudging at his entrance he was suddenly painfully aware of the fact that it would never be this way again. Not the first time they had come together, but...

The first time they had made love.

let's cut it right there:) I know it's pretty short but holly cow!

I finally updated it.

I'm soooo sorry people. I just really had a hard time choosing the right words and the right reactions from each of them.

Please tell me what you think about it.

It ain't done yet of course! Shin-chan had yet to fall in looooove :)

So please... hit on review button and tell me what you think.

By the way, I'm sorry for posting the 'yaoi' story here:)

I really intended to compare ...

love you guys...
