A/N: Omg guys I am so sorry this took so long to finish. I just got it back after two weeks of not having it. I wrote the first part on my phone and school computer but I havent had time to work on the last part until today. I have been crazy busy. But anyways, I'll shut up now and let you read this. I hope you enjoy the rest of Panic and please review.

I own nothing.


She wasn't at the precinct when I got there. The boys told me she had made a call saying she was shot at again. I could think of nothing but getting to her. I rushed to her apartment but she was gone. Her window was broken as was the bottle of alcohol on the floor. Pooled around the broken bottle was blood, which worried me and made me want to get to Kate even more.
I asked around but none of the cops on the scene had seen her either. Reaching into my pocket to grab my phone to call her, I discovered it wasn't there. Suddenly I remembered it was still on the floor in the loft where I had dropped it after the boys called me telling me to come to the precinct.
I got to the loft in record speed. I could hear the sobs as soon as I got off the elevator. "Beckett!" I called out the second I saw her slumped against my door, "Kate!"
She didn't say anything; she just looked at me with a scared look in her eyes. I knew she would beat herself up later about breaking down in front of me but for now I knew she just needed a shoulder to cry on.
I sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Shhh, Kate. Its going to be okay."
She pulled away from me and tried to stand up. "I'm fine Castle," she said shakily while wiping away her tears.
"No you're not," I told her, "and that's okay." I moved closer to her again and she didn't pull away this time. "You don't have to be okay right now."
"I hate being weak Castle," she told me with sad eyes, "you know that."
"I do Kate. But you're upset and I'm here for you. Always." I wrapped my arms around her and she shuddered into them.

I kissed the top of her head as I pulled her tighter to me. She was almost hyperventilating and I was afraid she was going to have another panic attack. "It's going to be okay Kate," I told her again. I knew this case would be too much for her.

"Every time I hear a noise or close my eyes all I can see is Montgomery's funeral. The bullet is piercing through my skin and you're above me begging me to stay alive," she whispered with tears in her eyes.

It dawned on me then. That's why this case was affecting her even more than I thought it would: she remembered. "What do you really remember Kate?" I asked her, rearranging her in my arms so I could see her face better.

"Everything," she whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked trying not to sound as upset as I was so I wouldn't upset her more.

"I was scared. What if I go down the rabbit hole again? I don't want to hurt you."

"We will figure it out Kate. We will get this sniper and one day we will get the dragon. Right now all you need to do is trust me." I pressed another kiss into her hair. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," she said looking into my eyes.

"Then we will get through this."

I knew nothing would be okay today, or even tomorrow, but one day it would be and we could dive in together.