((A/N: Here's the last chapter. I already had thoughts of writing for the sequel so. Just wait till i place an announcement for it. Once its done i will put it at the end of this chapter letting you all know. Thank you for the reviews. I will do my best to keep Byakuya and Yourichi together while i already know there will be more Byakko x Rukia in it. Please review. ))


Chapter 20: Pride

Byakuya and Yourichi enjoy their last day on their honeymoon. They take a midnight walk hand in hand along the shore line. They walk back to their condo gathering their things getting to depart in an hour. Once they arrive back in the soul society they noticed that neither Byakko nor Rukia are home.

"Ah Byakuya and Yourichi. You're both finally back. Rukia and Byakko are still at the Squad thirteen's training grounds. Both your squad and hers were doing training exercise by Rukia's orders. Maybe you should go and check it out. Rumor has is that Abarai challenged Byakko in a dual." Genrei said patting his grandsons shoulder and walking off deep into the manor.

They look at each other and shunpoed to squad thirteen. They have seen that both Renji and Byakko are standing at opposite sides of the grounds. Rukia senses Byakuya's presence there she looks over to him. They walk over to her; they nod at each other knowing it'll be okay.

"Rukia how did this start?" Byakuya asked.

"The other day I was getting ready to go to your squad and he threw out the word us. Him and I stopped being an 'us' when we entered the academy. So now he wanted to prove to Byakko that he's the better man for me. He made the decision long ago and I won't go back to it." She explained to him.

"He'll be fine, he almost beat me. But him having bankai already he's most likely at captain's level. I don't think he'll be able to hold back with this fight against Renji." Byakuya said putting a hand on her shoulder.

They stand there waiting for the fight to begin. Byakko stands there his hand on his hilt waiting for the first strike against him.

"Howl, Zabimaru!" Renji called out throwing it at the little boy.

He sees it and draws his Zanpakutō hitting it out the way swiftly. Renji throws it again at him he again blocks it away. Now Renji calls out bankai smirking toward him. Byakko hears Bushinomimi talking to him. He listens closely and keeps an eye on Renji's movement.

"Keta, Bushinomimi Kasha!" Byakko called out a large wheel of a saukra flower surrounding and binding him. Renji is bounded nowhere to go. Byakuya watches and smirks at his son's abilities.

"You damn brat!" Renji yelled trying to get out of the binds.

"Ban-kai." Byakko announced calmly as his Zanpakutō changes to maroon color with a black aura flaming out around it.

"Keta, Bushinomimi, Meikyo Shusui!" His Zanpakutō starts to spark, freeze and light up. Byakko looks at Renji and smirks feeling the power within Bushinomimi.

"You'll be lucky if you survive this form of bankai Abarai-fukutaichou." Byakko said shunpoing to him fast making his first strike. Renji is still bounded and unable to get out of his current position.

"Keta, Bushinomimi Gekko!" A spin around of a sonic blast of full moon darkened as it explodes into millions of pebbles puncturing Abarai's bankai that is now on its last ends.

Byakko shunpos striking him where he stands calls at out another attack creating three purplish black orbs; each orb disintegrating Renji's Zanpakutō's the will to keep protecting him from such extreme attacks. Renji tries to get up putting up one knee to trying to stand.

"Byakuya…." Yourichi said watching her son fighting for Rukia.

"I know Yourichi. Abarai needs to give up before he gets killed. At this rate Byakko is ready to kill him if he has too." Byakuya said walking to the field.

Byakko sense someone else that is entering his ground he freezes up seeing is Otou-san walking toward him. He looks up at his Otou as his Zanpakutō is ready to make the final strike.

"No more Byakko you've proved that you better for Rukia. You've also obtained bankai on Bushinomimi's first form." Byakuya said looking at Renji who is still trying to get back on his feet.

"I will not allow Rukia. To be bounded to likes of you." Renji said looking at Byakko.

"Renji I was already bounded to the Kuchiki family when I was adopted in." Rukia added walked over to them.

"You're not going to be with him!" Renji yelled.

"Give up Renji. I will do what I want. What I want just defeated you in a match." Rukia implied.

The Kuchiki's leave squad thirteen once member from squad four got Renji and took him back to the division.

They get back to the manor and going into the dining room; sitting around the table Byakuya at the head, Yourichi on his left then both Byakko and Rukia on his right.

"Since that you made your public announcement for you and Rukia no need to hide it. What you did in the battle just a bit ago was impressive but I am also disappointed too. You lost your composure fighting another fukutaichou. Still have a lot learning to do before you take my position in both of squad six and head of the family." Byakuya explained.

Yourichi sitting beside him was smiling at both Byakko and Rukia paying no attention to her husband scolding their son. She was thinking that they'll be the cutest item throughout the soul society. Now she was thinking of their future once Byakuya retires and hands everything over to their son. Byakko is already powerful he already showed everyone what he's capable of doing and nothing will stand in his way.

((Thank you and keep out an look out for the story title for the sequel : 29th Head of the Kuchiki Clan))