Currently on a break so I wrote this down. The story has a basic plot and you might find it a bit cliché since the whole Klaine fandom has written thousands of fiction already. What I can promise you though is that the story has a lot to offer. I am determined that it will be quite different from the others. I hope so. I like the element of surprise so please don't get upset if something came up. I'll warn you if I think it's appropriate but if not, I just want to say that if you don't like that idea then please do not continue reading. I can only assure you that this fic is angsty and full of drama and romance. This is rated M because I believe that there'll be some adult-action later in the story. Thank you for reading.

I own nothing but the plot and the original characters.

Oh by the way, thank you to my lovely and friendly beta-reader, LindsaylovesPacey. I had to re-upload everything so you guys could read this without any grammatical distraction. Thank you everyone.


The sun is almost at the horizon but as it bids goodbye; it leaves a beautiful purple color to the once blue sky. The wind is chilly and the orange leaves that were slowly falling from the old weary trees of St. Mitchell Street are moving with it. It was a beautiful autumn night and it had been a perfect day to celebrate. Around the corner, stands a beautiful hotel called Le Grande Palace. Known to have been built back in the 1800s, the old but ravishing hotel has beautiful scenery every fall. Though this day, a new kind of scenery can be seen at Le Grande.

The inside of the Palace was carefully decorated with white and purple satin textile with a mixture of exquisite Swarovski gems. There were tulips and Calla everywhere. The tables weren't covered with any fabrics, but their wooden forms show classiness in a room full of colors and lights. At the far end is a stage for the band that plays different renditions of pop songs.

Even if you are a mile away from the Palace, you are still able to hear the music and the cheers of the people celebrating; though it comes up as a whisper. There were 300 people present; most of them were friends and family. There were a few famous people in attendance, some from the music industry and some from Broadway. Drinks were overflowing and several guests had taken more than they could handle.

In the midst of the happy noises, one particular silence can be heard. It isn't so striking that everybody notices but this silence can only be felt once you know the story behind it. It's the kind where no one would understand or care when they're with happy companions. That sound of silence has a sad melody and if anyone tries to listen, eagerly; they'll hear not some sad lyrics, but a life story of what ifs and maybes.

A weary young man wearing a simple black suit tries his best to hide his silence but just can't. His whole body is screaming from it. With a forced smile, he excuses himself and leaves his table. He's quite lucky that it only took so few steps for him to reach the stairs to the second floor. He just wants to get out and breathe. There are a few familiar faces present at the party. However, he feels like a stranger with them even though he has bonded with them before. And so he walks out to get some air for he has never felt so alone in a crowded room.

He's not even sure why he was even at this party in the first place. He doesn't feel that he belongs there anymore. It could be self pity or maybe he was there to bid his goodbye. He thought he could make things right and everything would go back to normal, but it seems like it won't. Sometimes hardship comes to those who don't deserve it and no matter how small or big it is, rather than fighting it; the only way for him to move on is to let go – and by letting go, maybe, he'll be able to see life again.

A lot of people consider goodbyes as a wave of a hand or a hug or even saying the word with a hopeful smile. But for him, for Blaine; a silent look filled with remorse at his first love, is his form of goodbye. There are no words to describe his farewell. He just feels lost and scared seeing Kurt overflowing with genuine happiness. For that one moment, he realizes that he might have lost everything good in his precious life.

So he stands there silently watching Kurt walk gracefully. He isn't angry or jealous. He is just sad; sad to see a new life unfolding right in front of him. He feels as if he is reading a novel; he can see where the story is going and he can feel what the characters are experiencing. Yet, he can't do anything about it since he's just a reader and he's not part of the story. Well, not anymore.

Blaine tosses his sorrow aside and slowly turns his head away. He should be happy because now, at least, he's sure that Kurt is safe and blissful. Also, he can now move on. He knew that someday he'd have to let things go and be happy for a change; he must allow himself to be happy without Kurt. He will, in the end, find happiness. For four years, he had kept holding on to the past and hoping that someday Kurt would come back. Except for, sometimes life can be cruel and time can push people apart.

He was about to leave the balcony when he saw a girl he had been friends with since high school. One that had kept his secrets and pain to herself; sharing all the hardship he'd gone through. She comes up to him and gives him a warm hug. This hug wasn't romantic nor was it joyful. She is holding on to him as if he were fragile. She gently strokes his back with her hands, making him feel comforted and secure. For the last time, he lets himself feel vulnerable.

"Hang in there. You did well." Santana whispered in his ear.

He sadly chuckles as he rests his head on her shoulder. It was then Santana felt him crying. Silent tears that mean he'll get over it; he just needs to release the pain. So, she stands there with him lending him her strength; neither of them speaking. It is their silence that gives off pain and sorrow as joyful cheers are heard downstairs.

Quinn sees everything from the balcony across the way. She makes sure she is well hidden. She knows she is invading the privacy of her friend. She also feels the need to know why he came to this ceremony. While taking in the sight of Blaine and Santana's private moment; she finally understands the reason. Though, Quinn can't help wondering why Blaine has been holding on to Kurt for so long. After all, he was the one who broke Kurt's heart years ago.

She knows then there is more to the story. Something Blaine tried to fight for, but in the end was forced to keep it to himself. She takes one last look at the happy couple downstairs making their way to the car. They joyfully greet their friends and family. It's a beautiful depiction of a happy ending. While she observes them, she can't help wondering if they are really meant to be. Right before the couple enters the limousine, she thinks she sees her friend, Kurt Hummel, sadly gazing at the balcony across from where she is.