Yay~ An update! Thanks to everyone who reviewed~ *Ignores the fact I should have written thank you several chapters ago ^-^'* Thanks to all who suggested songs and artists Alfred should play on his iPod. I got several about Justin Bieber, but unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) I couldn't fit him into the chapter. There were a bunch of songs that I wanted to play but sadly couldn't. And a lot of you keep asking for Alfred (and Mattie) to do more militaristic things. Sadly I'm not going to put much of that as this is purely for Alfred's revenge/entertainment. It wouldn't do him well to give all the countries his military secrets, now would it?

And just as extra information, this fic is way different then I had planned it to be. It was originally going to be all military and more serious. Then it kinda went down its own path and got downright silly. In fact, it's really bordering crack at this point…*shot* Isn't it weird how that'll happen? Oh the woes of a writer~ *Dramatically sighs and clutches a rose like France*

On another note, this is technically the last chapter. I apologize to everyone who was expecting more from this. There will be an epilogue, but that's all. I'll try to post that soon enough so you aren't as angry at me~ Thanks for all the support thus far, and enjoy the chapter!

Warning: Meh! Find out for yerself. I'm too lazy to write it here for you!

Disclaimer: Is this really necessary? I mean, come on! Do you honestly think I lied to you for the past three chapters with the other disclaimers? *sigh* I don't own any copyrighted material or any people mentioned in the fic…

(Why do I bother writing these? No one really reads the entire A/N, if they read it at all. They only read it if it's short, which this one is not.)

The nations of the world (or, at least, twenty of them plus Prussia) waited anxiously as America connected his iPod to the speakers. What song could have caused that grin? The music started.

I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan

As the countries started jumping, they listened for a few seconds, confused. They were all expecting some obnoxious, over auto-tuned, uber pro-America nonsensical song. This… wasn't so bad, at least compared to what they were expecting. Then came the chorus.

Got my hands up, they're playing my song

And now I'm gonna be okay

Yeah! It's a party in the USA!

"Of course you would play this song," England sighed. "You're such a narcissist."

"Hey, at least I'm not the one doing jumping jacks," America replied. England glared and continued jumping. When the song ended, another began playing before Alfred had the chance to pick the one he wanted.

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

"Like, that's totes The Climb by Miley Cyrus. OMG, I have this song on my iPod too!" Poland exclaimed excitedly. The other countries gave America a questioning look.

Alfred looked at the floor, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He paused the song. "Uhhh… Don't look at me like that! It's a totally manly song. Er, yeah! It's about persevering and staying strong through tough times in your life and, and … yeah." He quickly changed the song to the one he originally wanted. Or he tried. He accidentally hit the wrong one. Man, what is up with me and technology today?

As Alfred was about to change the song, again, his eyes lit up. I know this song! He then started to dance (read: shuffle) as the nations backed away, thoroughly creeped out be his weirdness.

When I walk on by, girls be looking like damn he fly
I pimp to the beat, walking down the street in my new lafreak, yeah
This is how I roll, animal print, pants out control,
It's RedFoo with the big afro
And like Bruce Lee I've got the claw

Then, to the horror of the other countries, he began to sing along with the chorus.

Girl look at that body (x3)
I work out
Girl look at that body (x3)
I work out

When I walk in the spot, this is what I see
Everybody stops and they staring at me
I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it

"I'm sexy and I know it!" America screamed. After screaming, he remembered where he was and looked around. Everyone, minus Canada, who was used to his brother's *cough* unique vocal abilities, was holding their ears, all in obvious pain.

"U-uhh… Well, onto the actual song," America mumbled sheepishly. He, finally, hit the right song. "Aren't y'all supposed to be jumping?" America asked with a raised eyebrow. The countries reluctantly began jumping. Until they reached the chorus of this song.

Shots shots shots shots shots

shotsshots shots shots shots

shotsshots shots shots shots shots


The fuck?... is probably what all of the countries were thinking. All of the countries, minus Prussia.

"Kesesesese! This song is awesome! You know what would make it awesomer?" Prussia asked.

"Nah, what?" America responded.

"Taking shots while listening," Prussia said while smirking. America mulled this over for a few seconds.

"Sure, why not?" Alfred said, pausing the song. Prussia grinned and ran to get beer. Germany facepalmed.

"I think I shall also partake in the drinking of shots, da?" Russia said while smiling creepily. He took his vodka out of his jacket. Prussia quickly returned. He excitedly poured himself several shots of beer as America pressed play on his iPod. As with all things Hetalia, it did not take long before something went wrong.

Prussia was trying very hard not to spill his drink. Knowing that Russia was having no problems drinking his did not help. After a few seconds, Prussia finally decided to just go for it. He quickly brought the shot glass to his lips…

…and spilled beer all over himself and the unfortunate country that was standing next to him. That country was, of course, Germany. Germany started to freak out at having his shirt ruined. His previously neat, perfectly pressed shirt. That was now covered in beer. And would probably stain. Cue OCD attack.

As he fell into the fetal position, Prussia wasn't doing any better. He just spilled all of his beer. Perfectly good beer that he will never get back. What kind of Prussian was he to commit such a heinous crime? Cue obsessive beer-lover mental break down.

Everyone else ignored Prussia as he also fell into a fetal position. Many nations started to complain about the jumping jacks.

"All right, all right. You guys can have a five minute break," America complied. Many cheered. "But I'm not going to stop the music." Many whined and booed. America smiled. "Come on guys, I won't put on anything to bad. Promise." No one thought anything of him crossing his fingers.

He scrolled through his playlist. He a huge grin spread across his face as he found the song he was looking for. "Hey, I wanna show you guys something. Come'ere!" Everyone, minus Prussia and Germany for obvious reasons, walked over to him reluctantly.

"Okay, this is an awesome kind of music that's starting to get really popular in my house. It's soooo awesome I don't even… just listen, 'kay?" America said. He pressed play as the countries looked warily at the iPod.

The song started off well enough. It was okay so far. And then…


"AHHHH!" Austria screamed as he fell to the ground, clutching his ears. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Now, Austria is a high-class, very well-mannered, upstanding citizen. It takes a lot to make act even improper in any way, let alone falling to the ground and screaming bloody murder.

Everyone looked in shock at the Austrian "It's only dubstep…" muttered America. He turned down the volume. Alfred finally takes notice of the various states of panic the three Germanic nations were in. He turned to Enland and France.

"These are the people you needed me to save you from in World War 2?" America questioned unsurely. England and France were furious.

"How dare you?"

"Pauvre naze! You insolent little-"

"It's not like we needed you! We j-just didn't want you to feel left out!"

"Exactly. As if Germany really could have lead a successful invasion of moi. Pshh! I let myself get captured so you would have something to do!"

"Please, Frog! You're so pathetic!"

"Excuse me? At least I did not go crying to Amerique." Alfred started at this.

"Oh, like you denied my help? You were so happy I was there to save your ass that you were practically kissing my feet."

"I did no such thing!"

"I wouldn't put it past you, wanker."

The trio continued arguing as the others looked on in amusement. Canada sighed, why couldn't his family be normal? {1}

Matthew calmly walked over to the speakers and turned them off. He walked over and helped Prussia up while he promised to go out drinking with him later, which cheered the Prussia up greatly. Then he walked over to Germany and told him where the extra shirts are in the building so he may change. Lastly, he picked up a random spray bottle and walked over to his family. He proceeded to spray them like misbehaved kittens. All this was done with a straight face.

Canada convinced America to put on some classical, or at least orchestral, music to make Austria feel better. America pouted, but did what he's told. He flipped through his iPod, for the umpteenth time that day, and played a song by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. This appeased Austria enough to not sic Hungary on America.

As all this drama unfolded, no one noticed as a small dispute that had broken out between the Italy brothers.

*`~Skip back to the time when England, France, and America's argument started~`*

"I'm going out to lunch later and you can come with me! America said there's a really good Italian restaurant nearby," Italy excitedly told his brother.

"No," said Romano.

"But it'll be so fun~ I'll be there, and Spain will be there, and Miss Hungary, and Mister Austria, and Prussia, and Germany-"

"I'm not going if Potato Bastard is going! I hate him so much…*insert rant* …And you're not allowed to go either! And you're not allowed to go to his house anymore! He'll probably rape you or force you to eat wurst or some other horrible thing! And you better not sneak off to his hotel room later-" Romano was interrupted mid-rant.

"Ve~ How did you know I was going to Germany's room later?" Italy said, completely oblivious to his brother's rage.

"WHAT?" Romano launched himself at Italy and attacked him.

*`~Present time~`*

America, no longer distracted by his "parents", walked over and separated the Italians. Man, America thought. There're just as bad as the guys on the Jersey Shore. I guess it's really an Italian thing after all. Sweet! That means it's not totally my fault for all the weirdoes in my country. {2}

After separating them, America said, "You guys have to do 5 laps for fighting."

"Veee~ But I don't want to do laps! Germany has me do enough of those at home as is!" Italy complained. {3}

"Ya know, I have some pizza that I was saving for lunch. But I suppose I go get it after you're done with your laps," America said slyly. Italy ran faster than he did when he was chased by the British Army in WW2.

Romano cast one more glare at his brother before turning to leave. America stepped in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going?" America asked.

"To my hotel room. You only need one Italy here anyway," Romano said. He side-stepped Alfred and walked past him.

"Wait! I didn't dismiss you yet!" He was given the middle finger. He turned towards Spain. "Dude, you're friends with him or something, right? Go bring him back here," America demanded. Spain look very hesitant.

"Uh, lo siento, but I don't want to get involved in this. Lovi looks angry enough," The Spaniard replied. He had learned the hard way not to mess with Romano when Pota-Germany was involved. It was a lesson he knew all too well.

"Do you want a reenactment of the Spanish-American War? Go get him," America demanded, harsher this time. Spain looked furious.

"Hey, if Lovi hadn't taken my battle axe from me, I would have won," Spain said.

"Sure, whatever. Just go," America said. Spain reluctantly turned to get Romano. America turned to the other nations. "Okay! No more jumping jacks! Now we're onto stretching." America points to a ballet bar that suddenly appeared. France lights up.

"We are doing ballet? Je suis tellement excite!" France exclaimed. He ripped off his clothes. What was left was a pink leotard, tutu, and tights. {4}

Everyone walked over to the bar and began to stretch. Only France, Austria, Germany, and Russia did this with ease.

"I told you that learning the art of ballet would benefit you later on, Germany," Austria said to the blushing German.

"And I told you that you'd regret not taking ballet lessons from moi, Angleterre," France gloated.

"Oh, shut up you," England muttered in embarrassment.


"NON! I invented ballet, not you!" France screamed.

"Actually, I invented bal-" Italy had just returned, and was cut-off. {5}

"YOU LIE!" France screamed dramatically.

France went back to arguing with Korea until China calmly walked over and Bitch-slapped both of them. "Both of you are so immature, aru."

Italy walked over to America, who had just picked up his aforementioned slice of pizza.

"Ve~ I did the five laps like you said. Can I have some pizza now?" Italy politely asked.

"What are you talking about?" America asked.

"You said if I did the five laps, I could have pizza," Italy said.

"Noooo. I said I had a slice of pizza. I never said that I would give it to you; you just assumed," America said slyly. He bit into his pizza.

Italy looked shocked. He was motionless. His face twitched slightly, then a little more. His eyes grew dark. "…No pizza?... You lied?..."

"I didn't lie; you a- AHHHH!" America screamed as he was suddenly tackled to the ground. Italy was swearing and hitting him viciously until Romano ran over and picked him up off of Alfred. He hugged him tightly so he wouldn't escape.

"Stupid fratello… Remember hug therapy, God dammit!" Romano told his brother. {6}

"I don't care about hug therapy! Let me go!" Italy screamed. Germany looked at them curiously. This seemed so familiar…

America got up and dusted himself off. "Didn't need to tackle me…" Alfred muttered to himself. "Besides, it's lunchtime. Everyone can go eat now." He turned and walked back to the building with his brother.

SCENE! End of this really long chapter. Seriously, there's like over 2,000 words. And that's not including the author's notes and lyrics.

Soooo, how did you like this chapter? Please leave me a review with your thoughts. Also, as I said in the author's note above, there is only an epilogue after this. Sooo, yeah. Thanks for everyone's support thus far and I'll see you next chapter.

(P.S. Sorry for any mistakes with the languages. I got them from, surprise, surprise, Google Translate and the internet)

Extra Notes:

{1} I LOVE the FACE family. It's just so-so awesome and cute and (insert rambling on FACE family here)

{2} America just wants someone to share the blame with him.

{3} Even though the war is long since over, Germany still trains Italy. Someone has to keep him in shape ;)

{4} France would wear a ballet outfit under his clothes. Creep…

{5} Fun Fact Time! Did you know that ballet actually originated in Italy? It's true! The early form of ballet originated there in the 1400's. But it quickly moved to France, where it was perfected.

{6} Never thought their roles would be reversed, did you?