A/N: This was originally intended to be the first chapter of another story. But there is a considerable time gap between this and where I intend the other story to begin. So this is going to begin as a prequel.

I disclaim every character and item that is property of J.K. Rowling or other affiliates.

"He's outside again." The less than melodic tone sounded rather disturbed as the words flowed to the ears of another in the room. The speaker was sitting upon her bed, cotton balls stuffed between her toes as the white nail polish dried. The girl had long limbs, with short, well kept dirty blond hair. She was carefully applying nail polish to her long fingers, as white as the color on her toes. Her deep brown eyes were focused on the window admiring her reflection, though her call had come from noticing the dark entity standing outside. Despite the near lack of light that was pouring over the neighborhood. Across from her a sigh came. The tone was much sweeter, yet the sound was one of obvious displeasure.
This girl was younger than the other. Her hair fell down in straight fiery locks around a soft almond shaped face. Her eyes the most beautiful shimmering emeralds. She unlike her sister who was tall and thin, was average in height, but she had developed some more womanly curves. Soft and delicate, yet there was a strength to her that was indelible. She hopped from where she lay, abandoning the book she was reading. Lily Evans was a witch, and though her sister normally despised her, here in this room Lily did her best to avoid anything that would throw a wrench between them. For example performing magic right in front of her. Lily and Petunia had been stretched thin as it was, in fact these were perhaps the first words Petunia had said to Lily all day. Or at least within the first ten. Still it was a far less pressing matter than what she knew was awaiting her outside.

Lily arrived at the window just as the sound of thunder rolled in from over head. Reflexively her eyes scanned the sky. Dark clouds were rolling in but rain had yet to descend. She shook her head and looked down, standing at the sidewalk was him. The boy who at one point had been her best friend in the whole wide world. A tall figure adorned in black. Even from here she could make out the somewhat tussled ebony locks. The pale skin, sallow and almost stretching around his cheek bones. He wasn't eating as well again. She felt the pang of worry fill her, but a moment letter the thing which had torn them apart filled her memories. He was almost a shadow in the darkness, yet that bright skin always was a gave away that it was him. More so, those dark smoldering eyes, like black coal threatening to burst into flames. Severus Snape, the boy who had not only called her a name so foul in the wizarding world that to utter it at all was insulting. But he had spoken it with such contempt, and even added the almost always two words which accompanied it. Her heart throbbed as his voice played in her head. "Filthy little mudblood!"

No matter how much he had apologized, she had not forgiven him. She was not sure she could. Sometimes, she had thought about it, hearing the desperate sorrow in his voice as he attempted to gain her forgiveness. But his words were not as powerful, or convicted as when he had called her such a foul term. No he sounded desperate when he begged. Lily normally would ignore him, but over the summer he had been here nearly every night. Trying to find times to speak to her. Stalking her as he had when they were younger but this time she did not find it somehow charming. No, now it was only disturbing her. She clutched the window, ignoring her sister's newest comment which passed right over her head. Lily slammed it open and stuck nearly half herself out, glaring down at the boy on the sidewalk.
Severus' head snapped to her, locking on, his brows raising a bit as though expecting something. But when he found her bright eyes he saw the same look that had filled them since that day when she scorned him. Since he had made the biggest mistake of his life. Severus lips parted, about to speak but Lily's tongue proved to be the swifter.

"Go home already!" Lily called out. "It's going to rain. More importantly I don't want to talk to you!" Lily cried out, regretting the concern in her tone when she mentioned the rain. Somehow, she could not help but still worry. Regardless of what he had done, she did not wish him death, or even bodily harm. Severus tried to call out her name but she was back in and the window was slammed closed. Lily nearly tore the curtains as she quickly blocked his sight into the bedroom. Lily turned, huffing, nearly stomping back towards her bed.

"Still fighting with your boyfriend?" Petunia asked nonchalantly as though she didn't care. However she had been following this incident for some time. In fact it was the only reason she was still speaking to Lily as much as she did. After all, it was somewhat reassuring knowing her perfect little sister's perfect little world had its flaws. However these words seemed to set Lily off. The crimson locks swung around as she curved, nearly slapping the air as her green eyes bore down on her sister.

"He is NOT my BOYFRIEND!" Lily snapped, causing Petunia to suddenly jerk, looking up her eyes scanning around as if something were about to happen. Petunia's lower jaw trembled a moment. But when nothing happened she seemed to muster some moxie her half mast gaze showing disapproving orbs.

"Well excuuu-se me." Petunia huffed, rotating her shoulders and trying to brush off her sister's rage despite being rather nervous that it might still flare. Lily just glared at her sister, she hated fighting with her but Petunia was making it difficult to be sisters. Lily turned away, grabbing her book she nearly stormed out of the room, trying to breathe and calm herself. It seemed like everyone close to her was doing their best to antagonize her.

Severus sighed as he pocketed his hands. He was dressed in a long sleeved black shirt, and a pair of his school pants. It was the best he had. His normal home clothes made him stand out in this neighborhood quite a bit. Despite his mother's efforts to fund his teaching, his home clothes had been so insignificant that for the most part the 'scourgify' charm Lily had taught him a year back was used to clean anything that he did not get from suitcase to put on. Though he was fitting into his father's left over clothes much better now, and his mother's almost were starting to become too small. Still Severus felt out of place here. This normally clean, bright little neighborhood. Where he was used to dark and dank places. Still he had been cast from the light, speaking a name so foul that he wasn't sure he would ever be forgiven. Yet, there was still a part of him that stung. Lily had spoken a name so heinous to him, it had been nothing short of soul crushing to hear from her lips. Snivelus.
Though it had not sunk in until later, she had called him the name that had been so fondly bestowed upon him by the marauders. The marauders, oh how Severus hated every one of them.
James Potter the arrogant Quidditch Captain and seeker. Hero of Gryffindor. That putrid Sirius Black, snide and cruel, almost as quick to get at him as James. Remus Lupin, useless git. And Peter Pettigrew, the worthless cowardly rat that would be better off on the bottom of a shoe. He was always at their heels anyway.

The roll of thunder came again. Severus didn't glance back, he didn't really care. He just wanted a chance to speak to Lily, yet she refused over and over and over again. Severus had started to put some things into perspective, why she disliked his friends. But, they at least condoned his efforts. The dark arts, even if they used them for cruel things, Severus could learn them to defend her. Or so, this is how he justified himself. Inside he knew the craving for their knowledge was too great. Severus wanted power, oh so much power. The things he could do with it, Lily would never leave his side. He could protect her, provide for her and no one would stand in his way. Being a Death Eater, perhaps that was just the stepping stone to something greater. Severus reached up, clutching at his arm, the Dark Mark. He knew it was the sign of true minions of Voldemort, it was something he would have to get one day. A key, a brand to his contract for power. Yet would it be enough, would it be enough to not have Lily. Severus felt prying eyes and glanced over his shoulder, an older woman was watering her plants it seemed, but her eyes were on him, it would be raining soon. Severus scowled, watching him, probably worried about the boy who had been here for some time. Severus didn't care, but he did not wish to deal with the police. A lap around a block or two should get the woman to leave him be.

The sun began to fade. Lily found herself reading by lamp light, laying sideways in an arm chair, feet hanging off as she silently let herself fade into her book. Despite their lack of magic, muggles had rather magical ideas. Including information about dragons, wizards, and things they thought were fantasy. Including nightmares. Yet, some of this was so close to the real thing, Lily wondered if any of these were written by wizards living here. A wizard or witch who was muggle born, or half or even just grew up in the muggle world. It didn't really matter, it was just nice to think about. To be able to be happy regardless of who or what you were. Lily had recalled the words of Severus from when they were young. That it did not matter what blood you had. She had so sincerely believed him, but it seemed, even he had lied to her.

"Supper is on!" The voice called to the residents of the home. Lily's eyes rushed, quickly scanning her last few sentences before she closed her book and rushed to join her family for dinner. The dining room was warm, a sleek mahogany table spread to fit at least six people. The off white table clothes, with an ornate flower design sewn into it fell to the seats of the chairs. A china cabinet sat to one side, close to the kitchen. The walls were a somewhat pale blond color, with white moldings like the rest of the home. Oh and her room, which she had magically spruced up her second year back. Her father was seated at one side of the long end, he had short fiery red hair, cut neatly and brushed to the side. He had high cheek bones and an almond shaped face with average build. He looked as though he had only recently returned from work, still in shirt and pants that were less than casual.

Lily's mother had shoulder length dirty blond hair, shimmering green eyes, though duller than her daughters whose was a brighter shade. Long willowy limbs, and full hips despite thin form. Her face was long and sweet, with an aquiline nose. Lily's mother was adorned in a off white blouse with a dark green knee length skirt. Her parents had always been proud of her, here or as a witch they were the only people here who did not seem to be out to find a reason to make her dislike them.

"Looks yummy mum." Lily plopped down in her seat, smiling hungrily at the beef and potato stew that sat before her. Chopped carrots floated in the thick broth. Biscuits sat in the center of the table warm and fresh. Lily's stomach suddenly churned with hunger, the fierce growl getting a light snicker from her father. With flushed cheeks Lily apologized, forgetting that her interaction with Severus had forced her to forget herself in the novel she had been reading.

"Go on then, I'll check on your sister." Mum smiled and started away. Lily reached for a biscuit, but just as her mother reached the archway and the warmth of the biscuit dug into her fingers there was a chortling laugh. Lily looked up like a dear in head lights, her father raising his brows as he sought the source. Lily's mother looked around, spotting their eldest daughter coming from down the steps.

"Lily... Lily oh my." Petunia put her fingers to her lips trying to hold back the raucous laughter that threatened to escape her. The crimson haired girl couldn't help but smile, wondering if her sister actually had something good to tell her.

"He... this is brilliant. That boy is still out there. And and..." As Petunia began to laugh their parents turned to the fiery haired girl whose cheeks burned as fury began to form in her expression. "...and Mr. Tuttleman from two blocks over, he drove by, splashing all over the boy." As Petunia finished, there was a flash from outside.

Like a trinity Lily, her mum and dad all looked to one another. The eyes of the parents curious. Lily shrunk back a little, she had not really informed her parents of the trouble with her former best friend. Someone they had kindly allowed visits in the past. This summer he had no returned.
"Severus from Spinner's End? Why don't I go invite him in?" Lily's dad rose from his place, a smirk on his lips at the act of kindness he was about to bestow.
"NO!" Lily suddenly cried, a sound too desperate in her voice. Lily placed her hands over her mouth, not realizing her sister had stopped laughing. Only then, did it occur to her, that a thunderstorm had been raging outside, but she'd been too preoccupied with her reading to remember. Now she had the prying eyes of her parents upon her, and the oh so amused ones of Petunia.

Lily laughed nervously, as her mother's concerned eyes drew towards her.
"Why not Lily dear? Do you not want your friend to come in? Its dreadful outside." She looked to the window as though expecting to see him. Lily looked around, as though trapped in a corner. Petunia relished in this.

"Didn't you know, Lily has been in a lover's quarrel since she returned from her...school." Petunia did not look pleased to say that last word, as though she were holding something back. Lily turned to her, his brows furrowing once more. She didn't snap for fear she would reveal too much and make the situation worse. Before her parents could ask her about it Lily rose from her place. Rushing to the front door she grabbed an umbrella from the bucket and threw on her the slippers by the door, not caring that they would be useless in this weather. Petunia watched this with an arrogant smirk as the concern on Lily's parents faces only grew.

"I'll be back in a moment. You can start without me." Lily called back with such elation in her voice in an effort to hide the obvious frustration. However Petunia knew, and Lily's parents could tell their daughter was concerned. The reason lost on them.

The cold rain was beating down on the world. Lily sighed once again, finding it was becoming a pass time of hers this summer. Quickly she popped open the white umbrella, blue clouds played across it. For once, this did not amuse her. Lily took the two steps of her porch in one. Quickly making her way along the walk way her feet were immediately soaked. Her eyes fell to the sidewalk, scanning through the falling silver until she saw Severus. She took to a jog the second she exited her yard, making her way quickly towards him. He noticed, and looked up, but she could not make out his features through the rain. Like a veil to hide him, knowing she could not look clearly into those deep obsidian orbs.

"Go home!" She started, stopping several feet from him. Her slippers were soaked but she could see his clothes clinging to his flesh far too heavily. His hair was curled and darker if at all possible, he had a bit of gray dotting on one sleeve, it must have been from the splash of the vehicle.
"I want to speak to you Lily!" Severus called out past the pouring rain. Lightning flashed above them.
"Go... you'll catch your death out here." Lily called back, hoping to persuade him to leave. The anger in her voice mixed with her concern. Why could she not erase that air of concern.

"Please, hear me out." Severus took a step closer, Lily recoiled gently. Severus stopped, and for a moment she saw the flicker of hurt in his eyes. But she could not waver, he had broken their bond.
"I did! Remember?" Lily called out, her furious gaze recreating the image of that day for him. When she helped him and he snapped. When she asked why she was different and he could not think of anything to say. Severus bit his lip, seeing the fury in her eyes.

"I'm sorry."
"I don't care. You should never have said... it." Lily stumbled on the last word, not wanting to repeated what he had called her. Severus frowned deeply, wishing she would forgive him.

"I didn't mean it I was just..." Severus was cut off.
"Hurt! Upset! I know it must have been painful Severus." Severus, when did she stop using his shorter name. "I can't imagine how you really felt. I just wanted to help you! To take care of you like you did me!" Lily felt tears welling in her eyes. Never had she actually confessed to him exactly how she had felt that day. Severus brows furrowed, as if she had instilled some anger in him. Though there was something else, something she was unsure of.

"But you know what... Severus, the worst, the worst was when you... you said... IT!" Lily cried out, her hands clenched the umbrella so violently she thought it would break. How did it always come to this, her yelling at him while he stood there, searching for an answer. If only, if only he could find one.

"I didn't-" Lily's hand rose to cut him off.
"It wasn't the word so much Severus. I had heard it from your... you friends plenty. What truly bothered me, what really hurt me is that you, the person I believed in. The best friend who taught me what it was to be a witch, the person who let me know, that no matter what others words didn't matter. That my blood would not change anything. For so long, despite the hazing I believed it. But you befriended them, have some crazy ambition to join the hunting party of VOLDEMORT!"

The name did not dissuade her in her rage. Normally she would not dare, but there was nothing holding her back. Severus stared with wide eyes, his hands trembling at his sides. What could he do? Severus felt his will breaking, but he felt something rushing for him. As though Lily were about to unveil a curtain that hid a terror.
"The worst, the worst is that you destroyed what I believed. As long as you were my friend I believed that my blood didn't matter, that nothing they said would change anything. But when you said it... I..." Lily couldn't scream anymore as her words faded from rage to sorrow, Severus saw her shoulders begin to shake. When did it become so that every time he talked to her she cried. Severus had done something horrible, he had said more than a foul name. He had broken something in her. Destroyed perhaps one of the most important things he said to her.

"I don't want to make you filthy Severus. So just... leave me alone. Please." Lily took one tentative step towards him. Severus lips parted, he wanted to say something. Anything but he could not muster the right words. Instead there was suddenly the halt of rain and the drum of it over his head. Lily was holding out the umbrella.
"Keep it, go home before you get sick." Lily let go of the umbrella, making it fall to his head. Severus quickly caught the handle and lifted it, but as he removed it from blocking his view she was already running back into her yard. Severus stood, silent. Just, what had he done?