Clouds gently rolled by overhead. It was a solemn day, the sky fogged in a smoky gray hue. The grass did not seem so green under the silvery glow cast from above. The wind a hushed whisper constant in the ears of passerby. People roamed the streets in coats and carried umbrellas, fearing that they would be caught unprepared if a downpour should arrive. The world did not appear dismal, though it was the kind of day in which one would prefer to simply lay in bed and forget time. However that could not be the case. The hum of automobiles filled the streets of the business districts, people off to work. Those adorned in coats and carrying umbrellas walked along the sidewalks, on their way as well. Children and adolescents either slept in, unable to forsake the joy of being able to do so for the next couple of weeks, or were up and about unwilling to give up the spare hours offered to them for this brief period.

Amongst these youths, stirring about in the wee hours of the morning was a young man with shoulder length ebony locks. His eyes though black like the night seemed to shimmer with delight. Though it would be hard for one to notice with the way his lips seemed to slightly curve downward. His skin though pale was much healthier in texture than it had been as of late. Some meat had grown on his bones once more, thanks to hearty meals. His clothes while of low quality were clean and lacked holes and patches. Severus Snape had begun to take care of himself properly, now that he had the concerns of Lily Evan coming to him. A benefit was the meals she would bring him, if he was not directly invited to dinner. Something which usually disturbed Petunia, Lily's sister. Severus' meals from his own home were lacking to say the least and at times may not even exist. But even now, wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, some slightly dingy pants and a pair of scuffed shoes, Severus looked far more exceptional than he had in some time.

This was because his life had finally taken a turn for the better. Something he had finally taken a step towards instead of trying to wait and see if it would work itself out.
As he arrived in Cokesworth, Severus did not seem to mind the usual routine of disapproving stares as he ventured through. His shoes gently tapped the sidewalk below him and his eyes remained fixed ahead as neighbors, up for their morning chores occasionally glanced at him. Their gazes lingered significantly less time than they once had. They had become accustomed to seeing the boy from Spinner's End, making his way down the sidewalks of this neighborhood heading to the home of the sweet Evans girl who lived here in Cokesworth. It had been years of this and even more so this summer. There seemed to be no way to deter the boy, but at least he seemed to no longer linger in the streets as he had earlier during the summer. A relief to those who worried about street crime and property values, which in this area was low to non-existent and high in that order respectively. It did not take him long to come to her home, it was a walk he could make in his sleep at this point. The house stood before him, with its white door and frames. The green grass seemed to glow against the pearly white frames and pale yellow home color.

It had been several days now since Severus and Lily had shared their first kiss. School was only a few weeks away and while things were going magnificently there was still something that had not been accomplished. They were together, and Severus felt as though like him Lily intended and wanted this to be something that lasted longer than eternity would allow, but none of them had confessed to loving one another. In a moment of tension Severus had found the will to actually kiss her. Now he could kiss her whenever the desire came upon him. Each and every one still sent his heart fluttering. It felt like a new kind of magic whenever their lips met. It was truly astonishing what having love reciprocated could do. Of course, Severus still wanted to hear it.
Lily Evans had roused from slumber as well. She was busy sitting in the living room, a cup of hot chocolate at her side as she read 'A Descent into Darkness'. A lovely tale about betrayal and war revolving around a witch forced into a battle against her very own family. It was supposedly based on the life of a real witch who requested the names be changed. On the table beside her laid 'Tales of Dragon Tails: A guide to the use of Dragons' as well as 'Charms of Whimsy' a book about the many uses of basic charms and how they can be applied to the everyday lives of witches and wizards.

Lily like Snape had not yet heard the words I love you, and while it stirred inside of her heart Lily had yet to reveal it herself. What if Severus had a relapse of some kind, would it not hurt even more than it would now if such words were said. Despite the wonderful time they had spent together since that kiss, Lily had to admit she wanted to hear it from him first. Wanted to know that all this was because of a greater feeling he had for her. Yes it was shown to her, but just as a man tells a woman he loves her, he must show her. In this case it was the other way around. Lily had thought about saying it, letting it slip out one of the few times they were kissing just as passionately as they had that first time but Lily for some reason did not. It was not as if she feared the result, or rejection. There was just something holding her back from it. Just as for some reason Severus Snape was doing the same. Regardless Lily was happy, they would still venture to the park together, though they had also made it a habit to actually go out.

They went window shopping, dining out, or even just relaxing on a sidewalk somewhere and people watching. Severus usually had the funniest things to say about people, though he could be a bit critical. Still Lily enjoyed her time with him, she wouldn't trade it for the world and only wished they'd had more of the summer like this. School was close at hand. In fact she and her parents had to go to Diagon Alley again so that she could purchase the books she would need for this coming year. Their sixth year, just this and one more. Severus and Lily would be full grown adults. Lily's eyes moved along the page but she was not reading. Her mind ventured. They could move in together, they could... get married. Her cheeks flushed as the fantasy filled her mind but it was blasted away by the unpleasant sounds of Petunia.
"Ugh, Snivelus is here again." Petunia complained from the kitchen as she carefully ate a crumpet. Their mother was in the back garden, busy tending to the flowers, keeping her from being a spectator to this. Lily did not like to argue in front of her parents.

"Stop calling him that Tuney. I told you its a disgusting thing." Lily called out as she jumped up from the couch.
"I know but I thought Snivelus was a kinder name than that!" Petunia called cleverly from her place in the kitchen referring to 'disgusting thing'. Lily's eyes darted in that direction, only catching Petunia peeking for a moment. Petunia had seemed even less fond of Severus since she had learned they were together. Lily would like to think it was her being protective, but sadly the red headed sister knew better.

Lily quickly glided her fingers through her hair. She reached down and tugged on the simple pale green sundress she had been wearing. It had buttons all down the front and reached her mid thigh with pockets in their proper place but nearly hidden from sight. Material wrapped around just a few inches below her bosom to hug her curve and thin straps hung from her shoulder. It was simple, cute, and innocent enough. Just enough skin exposure to perhaps be flirty towards Severus. Lily blushed, when had she begun to think about things like that? They had been kissing and affectionate, but Lily did not realize she was dressing for him at times. Though he seemed to look at her with such a softness in his dark gaze regardless. Even if she was just wearing a shirt and shorts.

Lily grabbed the knob and just as she opened the door Severus stumbled in, his hand on the other side. Lily squeaked just as his body collided with hers. Severus' arms went around her, his feet suddenly locked firmly on the ground as Lily's arms clutched his shirt and her own feet seemed anchored the floor. Severus and Lily had locked gazes, cheeks flushed as they held one another. Wide eyes sought one another, and for a moment of holding each other close the world seemed as though it were melting again. Until a familiar voice once again interrupted them.

"Mum! Lily is snogging her boyfriend in the front door for all the neighbors to see!" Petunia bellowed out an open window to the backyard. Lily's parents were not against their relationship, but now that Severus was Lily's boyfriend, and not just the poor boy she had befriended things were different. For example, closing her door to her bedroom had become a taboo idea. Snogging in the home in the sight of the family. Any form of extreme intimacy was forbidden. They were just being parents, but Petunia tried using this to her advantage.
"A moment Sev." Lily turned and made her way to the window. Petunia turned just in time to wince as Lily pinched her. The older sister hopped out of the way as Lily leaned forward, and called out.

"No we're not! Sev is here though!" Lily called out. She spotted her mother's face, rolling her eyes at the conflict of her daughters. She loved them, but honestly it was like they were children. More so than they really were.
Severus stood dumbfounded in the entrance, the door still open at his back, letting the cool air waft behind him. He blinked, taken aback by the scene. Still it was nice to have her calling him Sev again. Severus had for some reason found it unpleasant when she called him Severus during their fight. But well, when Severus kissed her passionately enough she did use his full name in a way that sent chills down his spine and set fire in his gut. Yes it was truly a wonderful sensation, being loved by Lily Evans. Speaking of which Lily was storming back, she caught Severus' hand and started pulling him along. Petunia scowled after them as Severus was led to the second floor and into Lily's bedroom.
"Mum, Lily has taken that boy into her bedroom!" Petunia cried out the window, continuing her tangent. Their mother rolled her eyes again.

"Honestly Petunia dear, must you trouble your sister so? Here come help me in the garden." Mrs. Evans smiled jovially. She could trust Lily, though she also knew girls would be girls and still secretly felt that pang of concern over her daughters actions. Another voice soon joined the fray.
"Door's open mum!" Lily called down happily.
"Hello Mrs. Evans." Severus stood in the window behind Lily, waving nervously with his hand at the level of his stomach.
"Hello Severus. Have you had breakfast?" Mrs. Evans called up as her eldest daughter ventured towards her with hat and gloves. If there was one thing Petunia knew it was how to be normal and how to be a good future wife. Gardening, cleaning, cooking. All these were things she needed to learn. Plus it got you the best gossip.
"Yes ma'am." Severus called back down in his near monotone voice. Mrs. Evans nodded and turned back to her garden, Petunia looked back up at the window in time to see Lily give her a disapproving stare before she snapped the curtains closed and shut the window.

"Honestly, I love her but why must she act so miserable towards me." Lily plopped down on her bed, exasperation rushing through her. She laid back and let her arms fall over her eyes as her crimson locks spilled about. She really did not understand why Petunia just did not seem to want to get along with her. Severus honestly did not really care if Petunia and Lily got along. As far as he was concerned Petunia was insignificant, a muggle too envious of others to get along. Lily deserved better than this in his opinion, but he knew she would never turn her back on Petunia. Lily loved the girl, just as you were supposed to love family. Though Severus knew nothing of such a thing. Love had been something forbidden to him for his entire life. Lily was the first sense of care that he had ever felt.

Even at Hogwarts he was given trouble, the marauders were awfully cruel to him. His own friends like him were not the warmest of people. The teachers though occasionally in awe of some of his efforts were not impressed for long thanks to his introverted nature. No, Severus Snape had not truly felt as though love existed for him until a few days ago. Even if the words had not been said his heart was optimistic as it now climbed the steps to truly reveal his feelings. To tell Lily those words that has coiled themselves around his throat and emblazoned her name onto his very heart and soul.
"She's jealous." Severus stated matter of factly as he moved to sit upon the bed beside her. Lily felt his weight join her and she moved her arms to rest upon her stomach so that she could look at him. A smile crossed her lips, Severus was the most handsome man in the world to her. Those dark eyes that seemed to beckon her into the darkness of a candle lit room. Long slender fingers which caressed her so wonderfully. Lily sat up suddenly, leaning closer to him.

"What could perfect princess Petunia have to be jealous of?" Lily joked though she still sounded a bit sweet for her own good to him. Severus did not laugh but a small smile tugged at his lips. It was healthy to tease her sister once in a while, and Lily realized this as she too smiled. Lily reached out and gently her fingers caressed his cheek, brushing his hair a bit as she gave Severus a warm look. He couldn't help but smile a bit wider. If anyone was going to be jealous of anyone they would be jealous of Severus for having Lily. There was silence between them, their eyes locked on one another. Slowly they were drawing closer. Each one could feel the other's breath. Severus was so close, daringly his hand reached out and caressed her knee. Lily shuddered a bit in surprise but she did not halt him. Their lips were so close they could kiss, but instead they kept their stares.

Speaking to one another with only their eyes in this silence, a beckoning wanting moment. Severus' hand slid higher, and Lily could not help but clench her sheets with one hand as the other came up to rest on the back of his as it caressed her. His fingers were warm, as though he'd just been working on a potion. His touch was smooth and precise, Lily found her body heating, her cheeks becoming as red as her hair. Severus own fire began to burn. His mouth dried as he became so bold suddenly. His fingers carefully memorized her flesh, continuing their slow path higher and higher.
Every inch of her skin was like a blessing to him and when Severus could feel the material of her dress easily being guided away by his fingers he knew he was at a gate.

But Lily did not close the doors, instead she seemed to draw closer, a small breath or squeak escaping her as she breathed him in. Severus' eyes roamed from Lily's emeralds to her soft pink lips. None of them realized how long and slow they were breathing. How close he had gotten to her. None of them even knew what had sparked this, just a phrase, a question. As if some part of them wished to discover what someone else could be jealous of between these two. Severus drew closer and he could feel her skin becoming hotter until finally there was contact with the soft material protecting's hand locked up on his, the other clenching the sheet.

Her eyes widened. His index and middle finger touched the material at her hip, but his thumb had rounded on her inner thigh in his hold and Severus had not realized how close he was to tempting her in places meant for marriage. Lily's hand trembled on the back of his, unsure. Her mother was outside, and they knew they could get into trouble. No Lily did not want such a thing to happen, but some burning passion inside called for it, to dare to step further. Her heart was thudding violently in her chest, she could feel it in her ears. Her skin felt as though it was on fire, having turned red and pink with invigoration. Her eyes seemed as though they would never close as she looked into his deep black eyes.

Severus' own mind was racing. His heart was pounding like a million war drums. His palm he was sure was becoming sweaty as nervousness and anxious desire seemed to crawl from his heart into the hand touching her. Bursting through it like electricity through a wire, urging him on. Keeping him magnetically locked to her, his fingers unwilling to release that which had been offered to him. Her wide green eyes beckoned and protested. His own reciprocated and hesitated. Her harsh breathing begged and denied. His own wanted and held concern. Their lips teased and taunted, like a fire and oil, just a fraction apart from igniting what would be an inferno. A moment, what would be wrong with a moment in paradise. They cared greatly for one another. Why not just say it and move onto the euphoric sensation of love that awaited them. Like a potion waiting for the final ingredient. Like a cauldron that just need a spark lit below it. This was that moment.

"MUUUUUUMMMM!" Once again it was the voice of Tuney, breaking through the veil of passion between them. Lily's eyes widened and went to the door where her sister stood with shock and triumph in her gaze. Severus turned to glare, his dark gaze furious. Never had he wanted to hex the girl more than he did right now.
"Tuney don't-"
"Lily and Severus are trying to have sex!" Petunia's voice boomed through the home and tried to even make its way out the windows. Lily pushed back at Severus who seemed to understand and moved away as forcefully and quickly as she pushed him.. Lily ran for Petunia who turned and started running. Lily's heart was thrumming violently. If her parents thought the wrong thing she would never have privacy with Severus outside of Hogwarts. Her school while wonderful is also where she was hunted by Potter. A place where she actually had friends to be with. Petunia's back was the target as it rushed down the stairs as she continued her alarm. Lily could not hear her own voice as she protested, she just chased her. It was a battle drum as their steps hit the stairs quickly like rattles being violently shaken. Severus came to the door, then moved to the stairs, hand planted firmly on the frame. He was just in time. Petunia's was nearing the bottom and Lily anxious to catch her jumped from too high. But she did not plummet, it was like watching her glide. She reached out and caught Petunia just as her foot touched the first floor. Severus watched with bated breath as Lily covered her mouth.

"Petunia! Please!" Lily pleaded but her sister was only struggling. Mrs. Evans emerged from the back door. She eyed her daughters. Lily caught her mother's eyes and reluctantly she released Petunia who stepped away quickly, breathing heavily as she turned on her sister.
"You wretched... how dare you cover my mouth when you were touching him... touching, oh bloody hell did you..." Petunia's eyes were wide, her skin turned paler and it seemed as though she would be sick. Lily glared at her, cheeks red and she followed her older sister's pointing finger to Severus and back. Trying to figure it out, and then it clicked.
"Oh no! Petunia... no no no!" Lily looked as disturbed as Petunia. Severus had to admit, he felt a bit dejected as he realized just what was happening. Despite Lily's protest Petunia rushed away, heading into the kitchen where the sound of rushing water could be heard. Lily's gaze darted towards her mother.
"Mum, we didn't, we haven't. You have to believe me." Lily gazed up with large eyes, hoping that of all people her mother would believe her. Mrs. Evans sighed, reaching a hand up she gently cupped her own cheek. She did not look angry but Lily could see the troubled gaze. This was obviously going to be a problem. Severus was coming down the steps slowly, and as his own eyes met Lily's then found her mother's he knew just what was going on. Not that he couldn't hear it.

"Severus please excuse us. I must speak with my daughters." Mrs. Evans gave him a solid look. The young dark haired man made no action to recognize her request beyond walking to the door and stepping out. Lily watched him step out with a slightly disquieted look. Like the other two she said nothing, knowing that now was no time for romantics. The girls were led into the kitchen by their mother, they were each seated across from one another. Mrs. Evans started to boil some water for tea. The girls did not look at one another, their gazes were focused on the ground. Lily counted the number of imperfections in the kitchen floor, scuffs and what not. Petunia was twiddling her thumbs, and biting her lip. For once hopefully her mother would see reason and realize that at least as a daughter this was wrong.

"Now then-" Mr.s Evans barely spoke before she was interrupted. Both girls began pleading their cases suddenly and it released in a garbled mess of high pitched voices and nonsense. Mrs. Evans looked between the two, and they seemed to stop without any coaxing. It was as if a buzzing in her ear had just suddenly stopped. The woman sighed and pulled a chair up by the table and looked between her two daughters once more, only for her eyes to rest on the red headed one.

"Lily, be honest with me. Were you..."
"No mum! The door was open and everything. As if I would when you are right outside!" Lily confessed, though her words were not quite as defensive as she hoped. They implied that she would under the right circumstance.

"Then why was his hand under your dress. You're not even married. You've only been dating what two weeks if even." Petunia complained hoarsely. To Lily this might have been sweet if her sister were actually showing concern for her rather than just attempting to make her miserable. However these words seemed to catch Lily's mother because once again she was fixed on her youngest.
Lily's cheeks flushed, what Petunia had said was true. But it was not as if they were going to do anything. Lily had stopped him. Though they were both ready to burst the two had held off on the adolescent desire. Mrs. Evans brow rose a bit, expecting an answer. Lily felt her skin starting to become too hot.

"We didn't do anything mum. We both stopped." Lily confessed but her head fell. Petunia had a large pleased smile. Mrs. Evans took in a breath as, she stared at Lily with her eyes shifting around before her breath was released.

"I expected this." Her voice released in an exasperated tone. Petunia seemed bewildered at these words as Lily looked up to her mother with hope.
"You're young, he's a boy even if he is not the most extroverted of sorts. But Petunia is right, you are freshly together, hormones are stirring and you have known one another for some time." Lily read her mother's words as 'you are moving too quickly'. But Lily did not think so, if anything she felt this was long overdo. But she was not rushing into it, things like this simply happened.

"Isn't she going to be punished? She knows its wrong." Petunia's cheeks inflated a bit as she pleaded her case uninvited. Her mother glanced towards her and reached out, gently taking her eldest daughter's hand.
"Petunia dear, I love you very much. But this petty squabbling over..."
"Petty? Petty!" Petunia obviously did not like this wording as she stood up. Mrs. Evans was taken by surprise by her daughter's sudden motion. "She is a... a freak. If' we're not careful she'll bring more of those freak babies into this world with that boy!"

Lily's heart shattered at Petunia's outburst. Her emerald eyes welled with tears at her sister's hatred. Lily truly could not fathom how her sister could hold such disdain for her. Their mother as well was silent, flabbergasted by the outburst of Petunia. It was shocking, upsetting to see one of her children show such scorn for the other. Lily didn't realize that she was clenching the table's edge, her knuckles turning white as she clutched back her fury. All her sorrow was beginning to boil and turn into something worse. Petunia's gaze sought her mother's, hoping that the woman would find some recognition for what Petuna was saying. But it became apparent that she would not. Petunia sighed, and as she did a whistle escaped her. Petunia blinked and touched her face. Her mother's eyes were wide, and Lily herself let go of the table suddenly as if it had burned her. Was she doing this?

Petunia face was swelling, or rather her lips were. The older sister pawed at her face, trying to stop it, pushing and pinching as if she could mold or deflate it but nothing would happen. Petunia's voice became muffled as she tried to plead, glaring at her sister trying to make her halt. Mrs. Evans even turned to Lily.
"Lily dear, I know you're upset but you need to stop this." Mrs. Evans seemed frightened, more so than Petunia. The teapot whistled, causing her to jump. It seemed like Petunia's lips would just grow until they were bulbous bags hanging from her face. Finally they stopped and the older girl was holding up her own lips with her hands. Lily blinked, trying to figure out what she had done when suddenly she spotted him. In the window, her dark haired love looked furious yet held a slight smirk as he eyed her sister. Severus had done this. Why?

Petunia seemed to notice and she looked to the window. Suddenly there was fire in her eyes as she locked onto Severus. The dark haired boy realized he was caught. But that did not stop him from winking before he vanished from the window. Petunia rounded on her sister, mumbling something about forcing Lily to fix her. Lily did not know if she could. Besides now she had to worry whether or not Severus would be in trouble for under aged magic. Petunia's mother had taken the tea off and already had a cold bag of peas. She brought them to her daughter and put it upon her lips. Lily found her mother looking worriedly upon her.

Lily swallowed, Petunia knew who had actually weaved the magic, she would tell her mother no matter what. Lily sighed and rose from her place. Petunia deserved it didn't she. She was so cruel, always calling her names and trying to get her into trouble. Why did Petunia not deserve to suffer a little. Lily felt satisfaction bubbling inside of her, but as she saw tears coming from her desperate sister and the concern in her mother's eyes Lily saw it. This must be what he felt like. Severus, always angry, always abused. A lot of it having to do with someone close to him. Lily felt it, the burning desire to lash out. But she was not Severus and this predicament was not exactly the same. This was where her life differed from his. The bonds of a loving family, and a desire to not be cruel kept her from saying what was lurking there. For she knew it was only retaliation not sincerity. Lily swallowed it down, letting burn in the acid of her stomach.

"I'm going to find Sev." Lily turned and went for the door, ignoring her mother's pleas as she grabbed her shoes and a coat and dashed out into the night. As Lily exited and began adorning her coat she noticed her father rising from his vehicle wearing his suit and carrying his bag.
"Lily dear, off to see Severus?" He asked, though there was a quirk of curiosity there. This was not her usual routine to see him. Lily knew if she lingered she may not get away. So she started walking quickly, her father coming up the drive as she was leaving. Severus was in trouble, but in all her time she had never known him to run. He was caught so why did he leave.

"I'll be back dad. I love you." Lily spoke quickly and pecked his cheek, earning a smile from him as she started down the sidewalk. as soon as she heard the front door close she started sprinting. Moments later Mr. Evans emerged from the front door again. His eyes scanned the night as a groaning Petunia bawled in the kitchen of the Evans home.