Nobody kill me but I'm writing this out of line from my: 'Phoebe-has-to-decide' story, blah, blah, blah... enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or any of it's characters.

Nico Di Angelo ran a hand through his black hair and tucked his hand in his pocket as he walked past the Apollo cabin. A bunch of Apollo girls giggled as he passed them. It either meant two things: good or bad. Nico would've picked the latter any day- it was getting quite pathetic. Ever since Nico got to the age of sixteen (turning handsome-r than ever), a lot of girls started to notice him, then they started to fall for him.

"Hiya Nico!" A girl from the Aphrodite cabin greeted Nico, stepping in front of him and stopping him in his tracks. She had lush blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Nico recognized her as Alison Evans.

"Um, hi." Nico replied. "So, I was wondering, would you like to accompany me to my cabin? I slightly forgot which way." Alison said smoothly. "Sorry, I've got somewhere to go." Nico said quickly. A crestfallen look appeared on Alison's face but she regained composure quickly. "Where are you going? I can come with you!" Alison said, flashing Nico a smile. Nico zoned out for a few minutes. A small voice in the back of his head said: "Snap out of it! She's trying to charmspeak you!"

"Wha- oh, no thanks. I'll be fine." Nico said as he brushed past Alison, walking towards the War Arena. He just had to get away from Alison. Get away from Aphrodite. Get away from Alison. Get away from Aphr-


Nico bumped in to somebody. They both fell on to the ground, Nico toppling over the person he had bumped in to. He looked down and saw- a girl. She had green eyes and hazel brown hair. He found himself getting lost in her eyes- green meeting black- it was like he was stuck in some kind of trance.

Then he found his mind wandering off to something more important- like he was still on top of her. "Oh gods, I'm so sorry." Nico stuttered, standing up. He felt his face heat up- blushing. A son of Hades was blushing. Nico held out his hand and the girl took it. He pulled her up and managed to take in more of her appearance.

He hadn't seen a girl like this around camp- she was wearing a pair of jeans, a pink shirt that said 'LEARN TO SMILE, LEARN TO LIVE' in light yellow lettering and a Yankees cap. She had a messengers' bag swung over her shoulder and a bracelet with a single bead on her wrist.

"Nah, it's fine. Totally my fault." The girl said shyly, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm Nico Di Angelo." Nico said, sticking out his hand for the girl to shake.

"Andrea Venezia. A pleasure to meet you." Andrea Venezia said, shaking Nico's hand shortly. "Venzee?" Nico asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ven-e-zee-ya." Andrea said slowly, grinning at Nico like it was a common mistake. "Well then Ms. Ven-e-zee-ya, handsome boy from Hades' Cabin at your service." Nico said with a broad grin. Something struck him then- he had played it. He never played the 'I-am-handsome-and-popular' card, yet he had done it now.

He was sure Andrea was going to hate him for it. But he was wrong. Andrea laughed, reminding Nico of tinkling bells. "Well then, it was nice meeting you but I have to bounce. A satyr named Grover is supposed to show me around." Andrea said, taking a few steps back, a smile still on her face. "See you around." Nico said with a small nod.

Andrea gave a short nod, spun around and sprinted away. Nico watched her. She was a fast runner, Nico noted. When she was gone, he grinned. "Venezia." He repeated. It was left running in his head, left hovering in the air. "Venezia." Nico said again. He blinked, like snapping out of a trance.

Get a grip on yourself Nico. You just met the girl. A voice said in Nico's head. "Oh shut up." He muttered to himself before walking in to the War Arena. Hurting people might get Andrea Venezia out of his mind- at least for a while.