It was a warm, sunny day that found Rika walking down the street towards the bus stop. It had rained the night before making the air clear and the grass, trees, and plants all stand up straight and proud. She always loved the day after a good rain.

After I finish my research at the library, I'll go to the park and take a good long walk. It was then she looked up and noticed her good friends, Yugi and Yami, standing at the bus stop together. She sprinted forward, screaming their names.

"Hey Yugi, Yami!" she shrieked. She ran even faster when Yugi turned away from Yami and looked at her. His face instantly lit up at the sight of their good friend.

"Rika-chan!" She skidded to a stop in front of them, panting like a dog. "You didn't need to run so fast you know," Yami commented. Rika giggled. "I wanted to talk to you guys before you guys left. I haven't seen you guys in forever!"

Yami rolled his eyes. "Rika, it's been two days. That isn't that long. You would've seen us in school anyway."

Rika giggled again." I know, but I wanted to show you what my science project is on."

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot to ask you on Friday. Let's see it!" Yugi exclaimed.

"All right, but it's not done yet. I still need to do some research at the library. I can show you what it's about though." Rika pulled her backpack off her shoulders and reached in. She pulled out a sheet of paper and a dog leash.

"What the hell does a dog leash have to do with your science project?" Yami inquired, now a little bit interested.

"Well, my project is on how leashes and collars may affect a dog's neck after time. So I'm going to record the results from various veterinarians of what they observed of some dogs' necks. They'll I'll test my own dog. And then that's my whole science project!"

"That's cool!" Yugi said. "Yami and I were actually about to go to the library too. We still need to do some research for a history project. Wanna come with us?" Yugi asked.

Rika ignored her urge to glomp some kind of unsuspecting by-stander. "Of course!"

"Alright! I guess we just wait for the bus. Hope it doesn't take too long…"

"The next bus for the library should come in about an hour. We have plenty of time. We should just sit on the bench and wait." Yami interrupted.

Yami plopped down on the bench and motioned for Yugi to sit in his lap. Yugi walked over and plopped down in Yami's lap and snuggled up under his chin. Yami smirked and placed his chin on top of Yugi's head.

Rika blinked at them and smiled. They are so adorable together. Although, she wondered, what would happen I wonder if I kidnapped Yugi? It'd be kind of funny to see. Rika looked down at the leash still in her hand, looked at Yami and Yugi cuddling when she noticed the leather collar around both their necks. She smirked evilly.

"Hey Yami, can I ask you something?" Rika asked. She was finding it difficult to keep a straight face.

Yami looked up from his and Yugi's position and glanced at Rika. "Hmmm?" he looked slightly irritated. "What is it?"

I hope he doesn't kill me for this. Rika thought, noticing the irritated expression. "I was just wondering what you would do if I kidnapped Yugi?"

Yami snapped to attention at the strange question. "What?" He thought he must've heard wrong.

"I was just wondering what you would do if I kidnapped Yugi?" she repeated. So he hadn't heard wrong. Yugi was now looking up at Rika, wondering what brought on the strange and sudden question. Yami carefully searched her features for some sign she was kidding. She looked completely serious. Except for her eyes that held a small glint of mischievousness, but then again, her eyes always had that glint. "I suppose I would chase you and get him back." He said simply. "Really?" She said. She looks suspicious. Extremely suspicious.

"Yes, why wouldn't I? I'd do anything to protect Yugi." Yami smiled down at Yugi and was rewarded with a dazzling smile from Yugi. Rika couldn't help, but coo at the sight. Hmmm, she mused, should I interrupt this adorable couple for my own need to kidnap Yugi just to test Yami? She hesitated. This chance will only come once. So why not?

She smirked evilly. "If you say so. I hope you stay true to your word for his sake." She pointed at Yugi and smiled a very, very evil smile. And before Yami could react, Rika had clicked the dog leash on Yugi's collar and was running, dragging Yugi behind her. Although not hurting Yugi, [she was too sweet to actually hurt someone for fun], he still didn't want her dragging Yugi behind her like some little pet.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going!" Yami started to pound after her. Rika started to run faster. But Yami was gaining fast. Really fast.

Okay. This is not good. This was a horrible idea, she panicked. Rika was really regretting her decision. Yami was going to kill her! "Rika-chan? You're…. kind… of… choking…. me." Yugi gasped. "Oh! Yugi! I'm so sorry. Rika skidded to a stop and turned around. "It's just Yami is really fast and he's going to kill me!" Rika explained. "I didn't mean to pull so hard! I'm sorry!" Rika at Yugi pleadingly and begged. "Please run just a little faster? If we don't, I'm so dead."

Yugi looked at her and his resolve to go back to Yami crumbled. "I guess I can…"

"Great!" Rika interrupted. She immediately turned around and ran, pulling Yugi along with her.

"Where the hell is that insane girl! I will kill her. Or maybe I'll give her to Bakura and Marik to send to the Shadow Realm. I may do it myself, when Yugi isn't looking, of course." Yami muttered to himself. He had been looking for the two, small teenagers for over half an hour. "When I find her…" he growled. It was then he noticed the flash of color. It looked like Yugi's hair. "I found you." He whispered. He quietly crept over behind a tree and waited for Rika and her captive to run past. As he saw her getting closer and closer, he thought of more and more ways to pay her back. But noticing her already frightened expression, he thought scaring her would be enough. So while she was looking back for him, he stepped in front of her and body-slammed her. She hit him so hard she fell to the ground.

"What the…" She looked up and her eyes bugged out of her head as she let out a high-pitched yelp. How did you…? H-how d-did y-you c-catch u-up to u-us?" She was obviously frightened. He smirked. "Don't underestimate the former pharaoh of Egypt, short one." Yugi looked at him, obviously confused, but was reassured when Yami winked at him. Rika was too scared out of her mind to notice. Yugi got up and walked over to Yami and he separated the leash from Yugi's collar.

"Now short one, explain yourself as to why you kidnapped my beloved little one here." He smirked even more when she started to shake even more. He now understood Bakura's weird need to make people fear him. He was certainly enjoying himself.

She saw he had noticed her obvious shaking. So she swallowed the huge lump in her throat and tried to save herself. "I-I have a perfect explanation for this. I…." She had no such explanation."Oh really? I'd love to hear this explanation." Yugi couldn't help but giggle a little at Rika's obvious fear. He knew Yami wouldn't do anything to hurt her except maybe scar her for life.

Rika searched her mind for something to say, but found nothing. She looked at Yami and the looked at the forgotten leash on the ground. A very evil plan came to her mind. She sometimes wondered if she was related to Bakura or something. She looked at Yami with a huge grin on her face. Yami took some step backs at that unexpected reaction as did Yugi. She slowly reached for the leash and then swiftly grabbed it. "Well, I saw your reaction, Yami." She smiled even wider. "But what about Yugi's?" Both boys' eyes widened and before either could react, Rika had clipped the leash on Yami and was running quite swiftly, pulling Yami with her. "You little…" he was immediately silenced by a sharp tug on the leash.

"Come on, boy. It's time to see Yugi react." She smiled back at him with the most demonic face he had seen only Bakura manage. Oh Gods, HELP ME!