Disclaimer: i don't own Gorillaz

Master Murdoc has told me to keep some form of diary. This is because he says that he will be too "shitfaced" to remember. He also says that it may be worth something one day, now that the drummer, Russel and the real Noodle are back.

Master has commanded that i keep track of "anything even remotely interesting" or he will "fry my cybernetic brains out"...

-Searching for "cybernetic brains"-


-Error! "Cybernetic brains" not found-

*Entry 1*

Master Murdoc has commanded Dullard to go outside tomorrow to get "a tan". Master doesn't want Dullard to turn into a vampire.

...That could be interesting...

I shall look into whether it is possible for humans to turn into vampires if they do not get enough sun. I shall ask permission from Master to see if i can use Dullard as a test subject.

*End of Entry 1*

These entries are only supposed to be short. And i'd like to apologise for not uploading any chapters of "Family" lately. Writer's block sucks.

anyway, i hope you enjoy this! :)

P.S. I would like to thank all of my reviewers. You guys are awesome! :D