Chapter 1: Welcome to La Push

Seth's POV

It was Saturday. Sam had just let the pack off of duty after a long week of tracking a vampire that had come into our territory. Sam was in a rush to get home and none of us could figure out why.

It had been five years since we had vampire's in the area. The Cullens had left for Canada shortly after the Volturi had their visit and Jacob left with them, temporarily handing his pack over to Sam.

I phased back to my human form when Jared and I got near the diner that Kim worked at. She was a waitress there so we got a discount on the food when we ate there after patrols.

When I walked in, I noticed that all the usual people were there but the smell was unusual. The diner smelled like vanilla and lilies. I glanced toward the counter where Jared and I usually sat and saw two girls in our usual seats. Both of the girls were talking to Kim. The one with blonde hair was talking while the girl next to her, who I assumed was her sister, had black hair and looked bored. Both girls had a light tan and as the one with black hair looked at Jared and me I saw that she had icy blue eyes.

Jared jumped over the counter and hugged Kim, "Hey, baby. Who are you talking to?"

"Hey, Jared and Seth." Kim said "I'm talking to some friends."

I nodded my greeting and looked at the ground as I leaned against the counter and faced the girls. The blonde was currently talking.

"So, Kim can you give us directions to Sam's?" She asked.

"Seth could take you in your car. He has to head over to Sam's anyway in a little while." Jared answered.

I cut him a look, then nodded "Sure. I can to that. I was going to leave now."

"You know Sam Uley?" She asked.

"Yes I do." I glanced up in to a pair of dark blue eyes and gasped. I felt a pull and gravity wasn't holding me any longer. She was. I had imprinted.

Jared hit me and Kim and the girls giggled.

"How do you know our brother?" The black haired girl asked.

"Your brother?" I asked. Oh shit! My imprints Sam's sister! He is going to kill me!

"Yes. Sam's our brother."

"Oh. He's my friend and my sister's ex-boyfriend. Do you want to head to his place now?"

"Yes, please." The blonde replied before her sister could. "I am Athena, by the way, and this is my sister, Aphrodite."

"I'm Seth Clearwater. You were named after Greek Goddesses?"

"Yeah our mom is a Mythology teacher and she loved the names."

"Oh, well maybe she would love to here the Quileute's myths." I walked out of the diner with the girls following me.

"I'm sure Sam could tell her about it." Athena said handing me her keys.

"How are you related to Sam?"

"We share the same father."

"Oh. Joshua."


"Did he just up and leave your mom too?"

She didn't respond right away. She got into the car and waited until I pulled out of the parking lot and was on the road before she answered.

"No. He married my mother." Athena said glancing out the window.

"He did?" I was shocked.

Sam's father left him and his mother and had an affair with Embry's mom. It was only two years ago when we found out that Embry was Sam's brother.

"Yes. My father isn't as bad of a guy as you all think he is." She scoffed.

"Well he did cheat on Sam's mom and leave her."

"That was his past. He loves my mother."

"Did he tell you he has another son?"


"He has two sons. Both from different women."

"He only said he had Sam. I've known Sam since we were little kids. There is no other."

"There is. His name is Embry Call."

Athena laughed. "Embry Call? No way. I used to hang out with him and Jacob, when dad would bring us here to visit his mother." She turned to look at her sister. "Can you believe that?"

"Nope. Not at all." Aphrodite said dryly.

"Oh cheer up Diva!" Athena said.

"I want to go back to LA"

"Well we can't. Dad sent us here for a reason."

"Why did he send you here?" I asked.

"Sam didn't tell you?"


"Oh. Well-" Athena's phone rang to she answered it. "Hey."

I couldn't hear who was on the other end, but Athena didn't look too happy.

"Look she your daughter, you should be able to spend time with her… No. I'm headed to Sam's right now… Just bring her there… She's two, David… I don't care. She has a right to have you in her live… Bring her to Sam's… Fine. See you there. Bye, asshole." Athena threw her phone in her bag and kicked the floor of the car.

"What did he want?" Aphrodite asked.

"He's dropping Lyn off at Sam's. He'll meet us there."

"Who?" I asked.

Athena looked at me. "Ashlyn is my daughter and David is her father. He's the dumbass who just called."

"How old are you two?"

"I'm 20 and Aphrodite is 16."

"I'm only 20. You already have a kid?"

"Got knocked up in high school, you know." She shrugged.

We pulled into Sam's drive way and there was a guy with a little girl in his arms standing next to a truck.

Athena got out of the car when we parked and walked up to the man, taking the little girl and handing her to Aphrodite.

"You can leave and don't bother coming back." Athena said.

"I wasn't planning on it. I didn't even want her. She was just a huge mistake. Just like you." David replied.

That pissed me off. The next thing I knew I had David pinned against his truck and Sam was outside and trying to pull me off of him.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that again!" I said before I let go.

David scrambled back into his truck and drove off.

"Are you crazy? What would have happened if you phased?" Sam asked.

"Sam not in front of the girls." I said through clenched teeth.

"We know." Aphrodite said. "About you Quileute boys being wolves."

"How?" I asked.

"Aphrodite phases too. That's why our dad sent us here." Athena said.

I couldn't believe that standing right in front of me was the second known female werewolf and she was my imprints sister.

"What about you?" I asked Athena.

"No. I got lucky. I got the gypsy blood from my mom." Athena replied.



"Like a witch?"

"Yeah. Your imprint is a witch." Aphrodite said rolling her eyes.

This was just too shocking for me. They knew I was a wolf and that I imprinted on Athena. My imprint was a gypsy and her sister was the second known female werewolf in history. My life was just getting weirder.