Disclaimer; I don't own charmed or any of its characters

Mitch Nix was not based off of anyone so if you know someone by this name it is by shear happenstance

This story takes place a few mouths after the final battle. So Paige and Henry have been married for 3 1/2 months. Phoebe and Coop have been married a bit over one month, and Leo has been back for close to 3 months.

as always read and review

Henry waited as his newest parolee walked down the hall having finished checking in. He watched him walk down the hall heading for the exit. Henry sighed he tried not to judge his cases he really did but there was something with this one that he didn't like though was not entirely sure what it was.

Mitch Nix had only been on probation for about two week, he had spent 3 years in jail for several cases of breaking and entering and some pity theft. There may have been something in the way he acted, rather boastful or the way he kept talking about a girl he seen and was trying to find get the confidences to speak with her. Normally this wouldn't bother him but he was acting like she was a prize to get like she was a trophy.

'That was probably it' Henry thought as he locked his office door Mitch was the last of parolees schedule for today so he was heading home.

Paige dried the dishes as she removed them from the dishwasher and put them away. As she waited for Henry to come home her mind turned to an unsettling feeling she was being watch, which she'd had for the past couple a days. She had felt this feeling before and then it had turned out to be a demon that had been watching her and her sisters, this time though felt a little different. Paige was almost certain that it wasn't demonic in nature so she had elected not to tell anyone and just figured that it was her imagination.

It wasn't though, someone was watching her.

Henry walked in to the kitchen a little while later and wrapped his arms around Paige's waist hug her from behind. She turned her head to look at him as he leans forward to kiss her.

"Hey, Angel," Henry whispered, he called her by a nickname that he had given to her shortly after she explained the role of a whitelighter to him.

"Hi honey," she said smiling before asking him, "how was work?"

"Fine and how was your day?"

"Pretty good," Paige said not speaking of the strange feeling she had.

She turned around to face him, his arms still around her waist holding her to him. They were so wrapped up in each other's embrace and another fiery kiss that they never noticed the figure concealed in a tree. The figure, male, watched them silently a camera hung around his neck.

'Yes,' he thought himself as he smiled at Paige; he was ready to make his next move.