Another boat ride and adventure through Low Town, she FINALLY made it to High Town. Probably the most attractive place in this hellhole, and that was saying a lot. Speaking of attractive…

An elf with tan skin, and elegant, almost Dalish-like tattoos walked past. Upon noticing her, which was hard not too due to her obnoxious armor, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hey you!" she shouted as she jogged up to him. An amazing feat, really, when you're lugging that much weight in metal.

"I have a question-"

"No! I have a girlfriend. For Maker's sake, can't you women leave me alone?" he growled. Before Tabris could respond he took off surprisingly fast for being hunched.

"Well great. Awesome. Fantastic. Not only do I not know where this Hawke is, everyone here has a case of the crazies." Dog woofed in agreement. She looked back down at the note in her hand. Hawke, Hawke... Hawke. Why did that ring a bell? Wasn't that the kid who Alistair traveled all the way here to talk too? Oh yeah. Supposedly really important, powerful, yadda yadda yadda. Okay, well if she's important it shouldn't be too hard to find her, right?


Like they did in Low Town, people refused to answer her. She was actually reduced to knocking on every damn door and hardly any of them answering. By about the sixteenth door, she punched the handle, making it break off and the door to swing violently open. She was met by two very naked people tangled around each other in a fashion that would have made pre-boyfriend Alistair blush 'til he bruised.

"Uuh…" she mumbled.

"Shit!" the woman shouted, a redhead that looked like she was blasted with freckles.

"Maker damn it!" shouted the brunette man.

"Yeaaah," Tabris muttered, grabbing the remnants of the door handle and gently closing the door. Trying to wipe what the hell she just saw from her mind, she continued her search.

Finally, after an hour of knocking on doors (and being sure not to break them in), she found the elusive Hawke's house. How she could have missed the large 'Champion Hawke's Estate," on awning was beyond her. When she knocked, a familiar looking dwarf answered.


"Warden Tabris?"

"…I thought you died."

"…Me too."

It was silent. Before they could say anything else, someone walked up behind them. "Bodahn! You wouldn't believe it, there was a Grey Warden at the Hanged Man who scared the metaphorical shit out of Sebastian! I missed it, but it sounded hilar- oh, who is this?"

Tabris turned around to see a young woman, perhaps a few years younger. And looked almost exactly like herself. What the hell is up with that? "I'm Tabris," the elf introduced. "Are you Hawke?"


Tabris could have cried. "Good! Here, take this," she said, shoving the note from that weird elf mage into the human's hand. Hawke eyed her armor suspiciously but tore open the envelope. Everyone waited in silence as Hawke's eyes frantically read it.

"Oh, no. Meredith-"

"Merebitch more like it," Tabris mumbled.

"-has finally lost it! Orsino wants us to help him kill a shit load of Templars and make a stand! I need to round up the others," she exclaimed. "Hey, you're on the mage's side-"

"I never said that-"

"-and it looks like you can fight! Join us!"

"No!" Tabris shouted. "I'm sick of this place! Done! I'm going home, going to enjoy a nice night with my man-candy, and forget that this trip EVER HAPPENED. Take care of this crap for yourself!" And with that, Tabris sprinted the hell out of there, Dog at her heels.

It was hours later and sundown when the boat finally took off. "Good Maker, that was horrible. Remind me never to return to Kirkwall ever again. I mean, I don't think that place can get any-"

Suddenly a large red laser shot up from the ground somewhere in High Town, quite visible to Tabris. A Templar not to far off on the docks shouted a faint, "I knew it!" The chantry, from the looks of it, broke off in very geometrical pieces before exploding violently. The Grey Warden sat there with a straight face as large chucks of the chantry plopped in the ocean next to her.

"Did I ever tell you that I don't like Kirkwall?" she mentioned offhandedly to her mabari.