Thanks so much Women-Of-The-Night for being my beta reader!

Disclaimer: Don't own Teen Wolf.

Chapter 5: Sleep Over (Stiles' POV)

"What's wrong baby? Well baby, I'll tell you what's wrong!" Just then the door was being shoved opened.

"Hey Stiles I lef-" The intruder stopped in his tracks when he spotted Derek holding me up against the wall, our lips swollen from our heated kiss.

We both turned to see Joe standing there. "Is this Derek?"

I nodded and watched as Joe balled his fist up and connected it to Derek's face.

"Oh my god!" I screamed as Derek fell back, not all expecting the punch. I dropped down to my knees beside him. "Really Joe? You're the one that told me to talk to him."

"Yea I know what I said, but I have been meaning to do that ever since you told me about him." Joe walked around Derek, who was rubbing his cheek, and grabbed his wallet off of the coffee table. "Left my wallet," he walked back over to me and patted me on the back before leaving.

"Who the hell is Joe?" Derek asked as he stood up and sat down on the couch.

"Joe happens to be a very close friend of mine." I sat down next to him, cupping his hurt cheek, "He's been there for most of Bradley's life. Kind of like a second dad to him. Plus, he does all these amazing things for me. Every night before bed we –"

Derek jumped up from the couch and dashed for the door, "I'm going to fucking kill him."

"WAIT!" I looked Derek over; taking in that fact that he was pissed. "You think me and Joe are…" I hit the floor laughing, "That…is…fucking…sick," I said as I pulled myself together. "Joe is one of my best friends, who happens to have a beautiful wife and two kids."

I could feel Derek calming down, "He hasn't touched you, has he?" Derek was back in my face again.

"No," I said still thinking it's funny.

"Has anyone touched you?" Derek barked out.

God, Derek just did it again. He pushed me over the limit…again. "Whoa, you can't just walk up in here and asked if I have had sex with anyone."

Derek yelled, "Have you?"

"To tell you the truth, yes I have. I've had sex with loads of guys. Hot guys at that." I moved to step around Derek but he caught me by the arm.

"Stiles, you're lying," Derek's lips pulled up into a smile. "Have you had sex with anybody since I left?"

"I-I-I-I got to clean," I pulled my arm free and raced out back, Derek close on my heels.

"Have you?"

"No, okay and let me tell you it's Bradley's fault. I had offers when I was pregnant but every time I would go to act on it, my stomach would kill me and I ended up throwing-up on them. After that I was always working to take care of my child. So what about you? Have you had sex?"

"Yes," Derek said like it was nothing. That made my stomach hurt like hell, or well my chest. It felt like my heart was being ripped out.

"Then why come back? Answer me that Derek. You had someone."

"I hurt you Stiles. Do you know how I felt that night in the hospital? I felt like I was dying because I did that to you."

"You left me like I was a piece of trash. You told me that everything you ever told me was a lie. You should have said something. We would have gotten through it together. So no, you don't get to play the 'oh I hurt you, and it killed me' card." I walked back to the house and pulled the door opened. "You hurt me when you left. Derek, I had to leave town because I cried every fucking time I looked out my window."

"Stiles please listen to me. Please."

I was about to say something when we heard a scream coming from upstairs. I don't think I have ever moved as fast as I did then. I opened my bedroom door and dashed over to Bradley. "Hey buddy. Come on little man, it was just a dream."

"No daddy, monster. They wolves." My eyes widen; he just had a dream about werewolves.

"It's okay baby," I told him again and again till he fell back to sleep. I sat down on my bed next to Derek. "That's his first dream about werewolves."

"It's normal. It's a sign that he could be one," Derek said rubbing his hand down my back.

"What does it mean? I mean, I know you had bad dreams about werewolves many of times."

"It's our way of trying to fight off the beast; it is strange that he had them at this age. The first time I had a dream about the wolf I was fourteen and it was a week before I turned."

"Derek you don't think he's turning, do you?" I was scared of the answer. I knew it hurt the first time and you couldn't control yourself. Without thinking, I laid my head down on Derek's shoulder. "Derek I don't think I can handle it if he changes."

"I'll be here. Plus, I know Scott and Jackson are still around, they'll help Stiles," he told me pulling me back. He shifted us so we were laying our heads on my pillows. Derek wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest, thinking back to when we were still kids.

I pulled up to the burnt-down house. This had become my daily routine for about a month now. Every day after school, I would make up some story to feed to Scott and my dad about how I was going to the library to study for the midterms that were coming up. I shut off the engine before pushing my jeep's door opened.

"Derek," I called knowing he could hear me. "Baby," I called again as I eased the front door opened. I looked around the house before calling out again, "Okay come on baby. I'm horny as hell Derek!" I yelled out.

I smiled when I felt a pair of arms being wrapped around me. "I can help you with that," Derek said huskily into my ear. I shivered and turned in his arms, locking my arms around his neck. I pressed my lips to his as Derek ran his hands down my body and cupped my ass.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, rolling my hips into his. I smiled when he groaned. He held on to me as he ran up the stairs. Pushing our way into his room, Derek threw me on the bed and before my body had time to bounce, he was on top of me pulling at my shirt.

After both of our clothes were ripped from our bodies, I pinned Derek to the bed. Slowly, I moved my mouth down his body. I stopped at his nipple, taking it into my mouth. I rolled my tongue over it then bit down on it.

"Fuck Stiles," the man under me groaned. I made my way over to the other one…

My alarm clock started blaring.

I jumped up and slammed my hand down on it and looked over to see Bradley still sound asleep. Taking a deep breath, I looked over my shoulder to the spot where Derek had fallen asleep but he wasn't there. Instead, there was a note. Picking it up, I read the scribble that Derek called handwriting,


I left before Bradley woke up. I know you don't want to give him the wrong idea. I'm staying at the old house if you need anything.


I folded the paper back up and stuck it in my night stand. Standing up, I made my way downstairs to put on some coffee. "Dad?" I asked as I saw him about to walk out the door. "I thought you said you would watch Bradley today?"

"Sorry Bud, something came up at the office," he shook his head, "call Anna and see if she will watch him."

"She has to work. It's okay, I'll figure something out," I told him. He nodded and was out the door. I sat down at the kitchen table and shook my head, thinking about what I could do…then I got it.

"Daddy where we go?" Bradley asked, looking out the window.

"Well baby, you know the man you met last night?"

"PAPA!" the boy yelled.

I laughed, "Yea buddy. See Gramps had to work, so your papa is going to watch you." 'He just doesn't know it yet', I added in my head. We pulled up to the burnt down house.

"This where he lives?" Bradley asked.

"For now baby," I opened my door as Derek opened the front door.


"Derek, I need your help," I told him.

"What do you need?" Derek asked moving closer to me. He went to wrap his arms around my waist when I said, "I need you to..." I waited a minute, "to babysit Bradley."