I don't own anything

A 15 year old Naruto slept in his bed in his apartment. Earlier tonight Naruto stole the forbidden scroll of seals after being tricked by his accademy instructor Mizuki, learning the kagebunshin no jutsu, and learning about the Kyuubi.

As Naruto slept the seal holding the Kyuubi began to glow and before there was a puff of smoke that appeared in the room.

A figure looked down at Naruto before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

The next morning Naruto was walking down the street when a girl about 15 years old with red hair and green eyes walked out of an ally ahead of him and appeared to be looking around when she bumped into Naruto and fell down on the ground backwards.

Naruto who hadn't been paying attention blinked and said "Oh sorry miss, I wasn't paying attention. Are you alright."

The girl looked up and said "Yeah but...could you give me a hand. My dress will shift wrong if I try to get up on my own and show the perverts around here things I don't want them to see." as she held up her hand.

Naruto took her hand and said "No problem miss..." as he pulled her up.

The girl said "Kushina. My name is Kushina. And you are."

Naruto smiled and said "Naruto Uzumaki, future Hokage, believe it." as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

Kushina smiled and said "Thank you Naruto-kun and it wasn't your fault. I wasn't paying attention where I was going...in fact, I'm kind of lost." as she looked sheepish.

Naruto said "Your lost."

Kushina said "I just arrived in Konoha earlier today and I'm trying to find my way around...You wouldn't mind helping me out and show me around. I could use an escort Mr. Future Hokage."

Naruto said "Um, sure. Anywhere you want to go first."

Kushina said "Um...I hate to say this but I spent the last of my money to just get here. I need to find a place to stay and a job to make some money and..."

Naruto scrunched up his nose and said "Then I think you should come with me to see Jiji. He could probably help you. Come on. Follow me." as he took off running and Kushina said "Hey wait."

Naruto was a block away when he looked back and saw Kushina following but at a slower pace and Naruto blinked and when Kushina caught up she said "Wow, your fast."

Naruto said "Sorry, I'm use to running everywhere. I guess that your not use to being around ninja."

Kushina said "Not exactly. My family had wanted me to be a ninja and trained me some but I never like the idea of having to one day kill someone so after they died I quit training."

Naruto nods and said "I'm sorry to hear about your family."

Kushina said "It's OK. They died years ago."

Naruto nods and said "So your trained to be a ninja. What village you from."

Kushina said "My family was originally from the island of Whirlpool but after it was destroyed in the 2nd Shinobi war, my parents fled and went into hiding."

Naruto scrunched his nose and said "I've never heard of Whirlpool."

Kushina said "Like I said, it was destroyed in the 2nd Shinobi war."

Naruto saw Kushina looked sad and said "Well anyways, why don't you come with me to see Jiji and I'll make sure not to run off and leave you."

Kushina smiled and said "Who knew you were such a honorable young man. Your parents must be proud of you." as she hooked his arm with hers.

Naruto frowned and said "I'm an orphan. I don't know anything about my parents."

Kushina smile slipped from her face and said "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Naruto said "It's OK. Like you, I got over it years ago. So, where did you come from." as they walked down the street.

Kushina said "My parents moved around a lot. We didn't stay in one place to much but I've been around to a lot of different places."

Naruto said "Really, that's cool. I've never been anywhere but here in Konoha."

Kushina said "The world is a huge place that can be pretty amazing...and scary. Bad things happen to good people for no reason."

Naruto nods and Kushina said "Wow, is this the Hokage tower. I thought we were going to see your Jiji."

Naruto said "Jiji is old man Hokage. He's really strong and kind but he's really old also."

Kushina giggled and as they made their way up the stairs Kushina kept her arm linked with Naruto while casting a glance around.

A few minutes later the Sandaime's secretary saw Naruto and Kushina and Naruto said "Can I see Jiji."

The secretary said "Yes Naruto-kun but who is this young lady. Is she your girlfriend." as she grinned seeing Kushina arm linked around Naruto's.

Kushina said "Naruto-kuns been kind enough to escort me here...but I bet Naruto-kun has to beat girls off with a stick with as handsome as he is."

Naruto blushed red and Kushina giggled as the secretary smiled and giggled.

Naruto quickly knocked on the Sandaime's door trying to hide his blush and the Sandaime's voice said "Enter."

Naruto opened the door and Kushina said "Opening the door open for me, such a ladies man you are Naruto-kun. Your girlfriend must love bragging about you with her friends." as she walked in.

The Sandaime looked up from his paperwork when he heard the knock and he blinked as he heard a female voice but his eyes grew wide and his breath hitched as he saw the look of the girl who walked in right before Naruto did and Naruto said "Hey Jiji, I want to introduce you to Kushina."

The Sandaime swallowed and thought "It's just a coincidence she looks liker her, it's just a coincidence she has the same name. Calm down." and said "Hello Kushina-san, how may I help you."

Kushina said "Well...Naruto-kun here thought that you might be able to help me. I've just arrived in Konoha today and I was looking for a job and a place to stay but I spent the last of my money on the supplies I used to get here."

Hiruzen said "I see...Well first I would like to welcome you to Konoha Kushina-san...do you have a family name."

Kushina said "I do but my parents were originally survivors of the destruction of Whirlpool and...Are you alright Hokage-sama, you look pale."

Hiruzen coughed and said "Must be something I ate. You said you parents were from Whirlpool."

Kushina said "Yes Hokage-sama. My parents stop using our family name in fear of those who destroyed thier home coming after them. They also told me it wouldn't matter because once I got married I would take my husbands name."

Hiruzen nods and thought "Could she be an Uzumaki. Kushina is a common name of the Uzumaki clan and she does have the genetic triats of them." and said "Are you a ninja Kushina."

Kushina said "I have some training that my parents made me learn but I never really like the idea of maybe having to kill someone so I only use what they taught me to help protect myself or support myself. I'm a quick learner and have skills as a cook, a seamstress, a maid, a carpenter, a teacher, a baby sitter, a receptionist, and a few other things. I've been willing to learn any skills that were required of me in order to help me support myself."

Hiruzen said "I see...Well I can't think of anything right now that I have opened since most job request I get are for ninja but..."

Naruto said "Hey Jiji, what about helping Iruka-sensei. Kushina said she's got skills as a teacher and Iruka-sensei needs help after Mizuki...you know."

Hiruzen said "That would be a good idea Naruto but for security reasons I can't let someone start to work at the accademy without security clearance and unfortinately for your friend here I don't have any reason to give her clearance."

Naruto frowned and Kushina placed her hand on Naruto shoulder and said "It's alright Naruto-kun. I am sure I can find something to do if I keep looking around. I am sure that a village this size has at least some civilian jobs like painting fences or baby sitting, grocery shopping, or things like that I will be able to do. I'll just have to find me a place to stay and I'll be OK."

Kushina turned to the Sandaime and said "Thank you for welcoming me to your village Hokage-sama and in time I hope I will be able to call this place home if the people are as nice as Naruto-kun here. I greatly appreciate you making an opening in your busy schedule for me." as she bowed.

Hiruzen saw Naruto looked upset and he thought "Maybe I might be able to bend the rules slightly just this once for you Naruto." and said "Actually Kushina...The jobs you were talking about are usually D-rank missions given to gennin to teach them teamwork. I might be willing to give you a hand to get started and give you 1 D-rank mission a day at reduced pay until you can get something permenant."

Kushina and Naruto's eyes widen and Kushina said "Thank you Hokage-sama...I'll gladly accept."

Naruto said "But Jiji, how come she would have to work for a reduced pay."

Hiruzen said "Because she's not a ninja of Konoha so I'm treating her like I would a freelance where she would have to pay a small commision from her pay for Konoha giving her a mission."

Naruto scrunched up his nose and Kushina giggled and said "It's alright Naruto-kun. Even at a reduced pay I'll probably make more then you would on the same mission simply because I am working by myself where you would be with a team whose pay would be split between you and them."

Naruto blinked and said "Really."

Kushina nods and Naruto said "I see...well that will help you with getting money for now but you still need a place to stay."

Kushina said "Well once I get my first paycheck I can just rent a hotel room unt..."

Naruto shook his head quickly and said "No, You can stay at my apartment until you get enough to get you a house. The hotel rates are crazy. I tried checking into one once and you wouldn't believe the price they wanted me to pay for a single night. Getting a house will be better for you in the long run."

Kushina frowned and said "But I don't want to be a burden."

Naruto said "Your not. Your a friend. What kind of future Hokage would I be if I didn't help a friend in thier time of need when I could."

Kushina bit her lip and said "Alright...but how much do I owe you for staying with you."

Naruto said "Nothing."

Kushina pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips as she gave Naruto 'the look' and said "Naruto Uzumaki, I will not be staying at your apartment for free. If you won't accept my money then you will accept my services. I'll cook, clean, and shop for you as long as I stay with you. Do you understand me."

Naruto gulped as he saw the look on Kushina face and quickly nods and Hiruzen who was trying to keep from laughing said "Well it appears that everything is going to be fine for you and your friend Kushina, Naruto. Would you like your first mission now Kushina."

Kushina turns and said "Yes Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen nods and took out a scroll and said "This is a job pulling weeds. I'm sorry but it's the only one I have available right now because it's a big yard and most teams I have turned it down."

Kushina said "That's alright Hokage-sama, I'll just use Kagebunshin to help me."

Hiruzens eyes widen and Naruto said "You can make Kagebunshin also Kushina."

Kushina said "It was one of the first jutsu my parents taught me. They said it was safer to teach me seals with a kagebunshin doing it then myself so that way if they screwed up and died I wouldn't be hurt and could learn from it. Especially with the way the information transfer back to me when they are dispelled. Dad always said they were a kage's secret to defeating paperwork. Of coarse I'm sure you already knew that Hokage-sama...Hokage-sama." as both her and Naruto heard a thud sound before turning and seeing the Sandaime hitting his head against the desk saying 'stupid' over and over again.

Naruto grab Kushina hand and said "I think we should go before he remembers we are here."

Kushina nods and allowed Naruto to drag her out of the office.