Star Wars and the Potter Intervention

Chapter: 5 – Politics; a Necessary Evil

Hello FanFiction. Sorry for that big break from my last story update. I've been super busy these past few weeks between college finals, work, and family deciding my apartment would be the best place for this year's family reuinion… sigh, but here I am. I have part of the next chapter of the HP/GI JOE story started, but not finished yet. I was actually rereading this story (and the reviews) and regained some interest in this story.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Harry Potter and the Star Wars franchises. This story was written purely for the enjoyment of all and no profit was gained.

NOTE: A warning to all readers; I've gotten tired of following canon. That was one thing that made me stop writing this all that time ago. Why write if that's all I'm going to do, so from here on out, most of this will be my own. Some things will be the same, but as a whole, I'm starting from scratch. Hope this doesn't bother anyone although don't worry. A lot of the main events will still be present, just altered a little.

Well, on with the show! Enjoy! And welcome back, Star Wars and the Potter Intervention!

EDIT: Special Thanks to agnar and Tobi the Clinically Insane for catching a rather large mistake I made. In a past chapter, I mentioned that Harry had set spy cameras around Naboo to catch the atrocities against the Nubians. I forgot this fact and steamrolled the Senate meeting. With this in mind, I edited Chapter 5 and have now reposted it. Thanks guys!

Turning towards Harry, Qui-Gon said, "The Council has requested that the three of us join you and the Queen if she decides to return to Naboo. I personally disagree with this idea, but it is not my place to say anything. What about you? What will you do until we are called on to leave?"

"Actually, I was about to leave. The Queen requested my presence when she talks to Senator Palpatine about what to do next. She also wanted me there when she speaks before the Senate."

This confused Qui-Gon as to what connections Harry has with the Queen as stated as much to him.

Harry replied, "I am acting as the Queen's personal protector and advisor at her request."

"Then may the Force be with you," stated Qui-Gon repeated by Obi-wan and then Harry to them. "Until next time."

Back in the Council Chamber room, Master Windu noticed Master Yoda's pensive look. "Is there something bothering you Master Yoda," enquired Master Windu.

"Sense I do, a disturbance in the Force," replied Master Yoda.

"Do you think it is Shadow Potter?" asked Master Mundi.

"No," replied Master Yoda. "Surrounds the Senate, this feeling does. Unsure of who or what causes it I am."

Some members of the Council exchanged looks at this admittance. "Then we will keep an eye out for anything suspicious around the Senate" 'and young Shadow Potter,' Master Windu silently added. He was not the only one.

Arriving at the Senate building, Harry quickly approached one of the red armored guards and asked for the location of Senator Palpatine's office since he had business with him. Ten minutes later, they arrived at the entrance to his office and Harry was admitted in. It did not appear that the meeting had started yet since The Queen was just sitting down when he arrived. Eirtaé and Rabé were standing to either side of her and Palpatine was seated behind his desk.

When the door had opened to admit Harry, everyone turned around to see who had arrived. Harry was surprised to note that Padme's eyes lit up happily that he had arrived. She had almost stood up, but had luckily caught herself before she made that large breach of protocol.

The Senator looked less than pleased. He had obviously hoped that the Shadow would have missed the meeting.

Harry noted all of this in seconds before looking the Queen in the eyes and said, "I'm here at your request, Your Highness."

Padmé, who had caught herself and schooled her features again said, "I'm glad to see you Shadow Potter. We were just about to begin. Please sit to my side… my right side will be fine."

Everyone in the room besides the Queen was surprised. The significance of sitting on the right side of the Queen was not lost on them. They all knew her Majesty knew it as well or else she would not have been that specific.

Harry was surprised, but quickly schooled his features. He knew the seat to the right of any Monarch was an honorary seat for someone respected by the Queen. It was normally reserved for the highest-ranking official after the Person of Royalty. It also signified that the Monarch respected the opinion of the person and the person seated there. Harry swelled with pride that the Queen trusted his input. Looking over at the Senator, Harry could see that he understood the seating position as well; and was furious. A little more than smug, Harry sat to the Queen's right as she turned towards the Senator who quickly wiped the look of fury off of his face and schooled his facial features.

When Palpatine heard where Harry was to sit, he was filled with more rage than he had felt in years. Intentional or not, the Queen had just said she respected Harry's opinion. The only opinion the Senator knew Harry gave was on the sacking of the fool Valorum and on what should be done about the Trade Federation attack on Naboo; both of which the Shadow disagreed with Palpatine on. If he couldn't get Valorum removed, then he would not get the chance to become Chancellor for another four years after Valorum's term would end. 'Meddlesome Shadow!' he thought.

For the two handmaidens, this further cemented their belief that their Queen had strong feelings for the Shadow, even if she wouldn't acknowledge them herself.

As for Queen Amidala, she knew what they were most likely thinking. Yes, she put Harry to the right of her on purpose. She honestly agreed with his ideas more than those of the Senator's. Why would she move to remove an ally from a position of office? Especially when she didn't and couldn't know if the replacement would represent her or the Federation more. She also agreed that they would need to secretly sneak in and retake Naboo. Though the idea of having an army backing her was nice, she didn't think it would be practical at the time; mainly considering the fact that the Republic was without one and had been without one for centuries.

She only hoped Harry lived up to his title. Luckily for her, his abilities would become extremely useful in the near future.

Deciding to get the meeting started, the Queen turned to Senator Palpatine and said, "Now that everyone is here, I'd like to begin."

"Of course, Your Majesty," replied Palpatine. "Have you thought about my recommendation for removing the Supreme Chancellor?"

"I have, and I'm afraid I had to disagree with you. Valorum is not only a friend, he actually stands with Naboo and is trying to help. I fear removing him may prove counterproductive if someone who doesn't support Naboo or worse supports the Trade Federation were to become Chancellor."

Palpatine did not looked pleased, but he knew there was nothing he could do. "As you wish, Your Highness. What about the Shadow's rather risky idea to try and sneak back into Naboo? I think the Republic should make moves to create an army. You could set the move in motion, Your Highness," said Palpatine.

Harry noticed that he seemed especially excited about the thought of an army for some reason.

Padme though was ready for this question and responded, "As you know Senator, Naboo is a peaceful planet. If the Queen of the Naboo was seen supporting the creation of an army, then it would go against everything our culture stands for. I'm sorry, but not only do I not want an army, it would also be like a slap in the face to our people who voted me into office expecting me to uphold our beliefs and traditions."

Palpatine nodded his head having expecting this answer, but inside his mind was flying trying to think of ways to fix this mess. He had to be Chancellor and he needed an army, so if the Queen of Naboo wouldn't help him, he would need help from another avenue. This would require extra thought, but he had one more question for the foolish Queen before she left.

"So you've decided then." It was more of a statement than a question. "What if you are captured? How do you expect to win with a handful of guards, one Jedi, and your Handmaidens versus an army of droids made for war," he asked. 'Maybe if she gets herself killed I can get a new leader put in place who will be more willing to follow my advice,' he thought.

The young Queen looked troubled, which Harry noticed, so he put his hand on her shoulder causing her to look towards his direction. Concern yet dedication and a strong resolve were visible in his eyes, which caused her to also perk up with newfound energy.

"We will do what we can and what we must, Senator," she said. Senator Palpatine nodded and then noticed the time. The Senate meeting was to begin in a few minutes.

He looked back at the young Queen and stated, "The time for the Senate meeting is close at hand. I wish you luck in getting the Senate to act, but I personally feel we are wasting our time even asking."

The Queen was only slightly shocked that Senator Palpatine would say something so blasé against the Senate, but didn't show this. Instead she said, "Well then I hope you're wrong and that something works out."

The Queen stood up and everyone else followed suit. She quickly walked out of the room followed by her Handmaidens, the Senator, and the young Jedi. Minutes later they arrived at the Naboo Senate pod and soon after the meeting began.

An unproductive two hours later, the group left the Senate meeting. They walked all the way to the landing pad in silence. Queen Amidala was silently fuming at how correct Senator Palpatine had been about the inaction of the Senate. She had been hopeful, but now it was up to her and her group to save Naboo alone.

Even with actual, live feed from Harry's hidden cameras was not enough to provide much of a difference. Watching her people suffer on the viewing screen tore at the young Queen's heart, but it barely seemed to impact most of the Senators.

Thanks to Harry's camera, the Senate body agreed that something had to be done. They had put the motion to get involved up to a vote. With a 67% victory, something was going to be done.

Amidala's frustration was mainly due to the next part of the meeting. The Senators could not agree about what should be done for Naboo. Some felt, a grand army should be built, but that would take way too long and where would they get the troops? Another group felt that the Trade Federation should be taxed more till they left. One Senator had the gall to say the Naboo deserved it since they couldn't defend themselves!

Queen Amidala had been sorely tempted to punch the Senator representing the Banking Clans.

It took the Senate another hour to finally decide that they were too divided and a motion was called to resume the meeting in another week to give them time to think about the options. Chancellor Valorum's efforts to stop this motion were halted when the Representative from Geonosis seconded the motion and it was agreed upon by a majority vote.

The meeting had ended ten minutes ago and upon arriving at the landing pad, the Queen turned to Harry and asked, "Shadow Potter, do you truly believe we can succeed?" She sounded regal as always, but Harry could see the concern and doubt in her eyes.

Sighing, Harry said, "Your Majesty, this won't be easy I admit, but I feel that if we plan this properly, we can succeed. I have faith in you and the people of Naboo."

The Queen nodded her head, feeling better already. She didn't know why, but for some reason Harry saying they could succeed made her feel better. Her cheeks pinked a little bit, remembering her Handmaidens' comments about falling for the kind, attractive, and slightly older man, but she knew they couldn't be together. Sighing, she realized their air taxi was already at the landing platform and the same Jedi from before were waiting.

Luckily her Handmaidens had already told her who each of them were since she was supposed to have gone with them from Naboo to Tatooine to Coruscant beforehand, even though that had been Sabé in disguise. She saw a hand offered to her, and turning she realized it was Shadow Potter offering her his hand to help her out of the taxi. She smiled in thanks taking his hand. She pretended to not hear Eirtaé or Rabé giggle behind her as she held her head up regally and stepped out of the taxi.

Harry though must have heard as well because he then offered his hand to each of the Handmaidens as well. Padme was surprised to note that each time Harry held another one of her Handmaidens a hand, she was slightly jealous. This thought caused her to blush again. Luckily her makeup hid this from Shadow Potter, but her Handmaidens knew her enough to notice she was blushing. Eirtaé smirked at her, but quickly schooled her features when Shadow Potter entered the taxi as well.

After a quick, polite meeting with the Jedi, Queen Amidala and her entourage were on their way back to Naboo. Ready to fight for her planet and her people.

A stealth ship silently followed the Nubian Cruiser at a distance, continuously checking for possible threats as the two droids on board remained in contact with their Master.

Back on Coruscant, a Shadowy figure began making new plans to adjust to the current situation. Things hadn't worked out for the man, but he was patient. All Sith were and he was no different.

The Queen had ignored his ideas. That would have to be rectified in the future. As would his little Jedi Shadow problem. He would have to be careful with that one. If Potter was truly trained as a Shadow, the Sith's normal techniques of attack and assassination would not work. This would take some thought.

A comm beeped to his left, so he answered it. "This is he." The voice on the other side responded, "This be she." The Sith rolled his eyes at the other person's paranoia and use of code phrases, but the woman was the best at what she did and the Sith Lord only worked with the best.

He continued, "I have a very important mission for you, Bounty Hunter. I've been informed that a Cruise Liner is living Coruscant in three days time at the thirteenth hour and will have a very important Republic Official on board. Blow up the shuttle, and kill the Official. Your money will be in the normal account."

The Sith Lord cut the transmission as he always did in the past. With the Queen not following his lead, he had to take matters into his own hands. 'Soon, the Jedi shall fall and the Sith will rule as it ought to be,' he thought.

And that is the end of this chapter. I've changed some things and left others the same as you can see. Chancellor Valorum has not been voted out, nothing gets done by asking for aid from the Senate, and the Queen is on her way back to Naboo with the Jedi plus one.

That last bit alludes to a certain Sith's new plans to get what he wants. Should be interesting and it actually partially follows canon.

Please provide feedback! Thank you!