Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight. I own nothing.







Chapter Nine


"Here are your room keys, check out time is noon tomorrow," the sweet old lady told us as we checked into the Inn. She smiled at me as my head rested on Jasper's shoulder and I returned her smile. I tried not to think of all the things I would be doing to Jasper once we got up to our room, especially with this lady present. It just didn't seem right. But once Jasper had the keys in his hand, I nearly dragged him up the stairs.

"She said it was the last room on the right," he said to himself as we reached the second floor landing, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Wordlessly he unlocked the door and motioned for me to walk in first. Peeking in, I was immediately in love. It was a small inn, and the decorating was simple but elegant. Rich earth tones accented the furnishings and I mental note to make use of the enormous Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom at my earliest convenience.

I was standing by the large king sized bed taking everything in, when I felt Jasper approach. He slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight against his chest. I felt my hair being gathered and thrown over one shoulder and I sighed aloud as Jasper's lips came in contact with the bare skin left in its wake.

"Jasper…," I moaned as I turned myself around in his arms to face him. My hands, resting at the place where his shirt and jeans met, made their way up his chest, taking the fabric with them. When he was free of his shirt, I wound my hands into his hair and brought his lips down to mine in a searing kiss. Somewhere in the back of my mind I registered that he was removing my shirt as well, but I was too far gone to really think too much about it. I relished in the way his back and arm muscles moved and constricted in order to lift me up and wrap my legs around his body.

"The bed," I gasped as I broke the kiss for a moment.

"I was headed there darlin'," Jasper teased, walking a few steps and gently laying me down on top of the soft comforter. He knelt at the bottom of the bed and removed my shoes one by one, then my pants joined the pile. As Jasper crawled back up the length of my body, he paused at my panty line and trailed kisses in a line from there, up my stomach, between my breasts, then finally my lips.

"I love you so much, baby girl," he told me, his voice wavering for a moment with emotion.

"I know, honey, I love you too. More than you know," I whispered, "Make love to me, please."

Jasper smiled before kissing my lips once more, pulling away to remove his pants and boxers leaving him completely naked before me. I made no attempt to hide my blatant ogling of him and when he noticed, he simply smirked at me.

"These need to go," he said huskily of my bra and panties.

"Off," I panted, "Take them off."

Not a moment later, my bra was flying somewhere else in the room and my underwear was being shimmied down my legs.

"So damn beautiful," Jasper murmured as he took in my uncovered form, resting his weight on his arms over me.

"You're not so bad yourself," I smiled, "Touch me, Jasper."

"With pleasure…"

"Oh…," I gasped, as I felt Jasper's fingers graze over my entrance. He stroked me for a few moments, before inserting a finger, then two, effectively turning me into a quivering mess.

"Jasper…," I moaned, "I need you."

"All in due time, darlin'."

Jasper sped up his movements and my breath caught in my throat.

"Oh fuck…," I panted, "Jasper…shit…ohh yeah. I'm gonna come!"

"Yeah?" he asked cockily, applying more pressure on my clit, "Come for me baby, come on my fingers."

"Shit," I moaned, "Yes, I'm…I'm coming!"

"That's it darlin'…," Jasper growled as I rode out my high.

"Shit…," I breathed, gasping for air, "You're so damn good at that."

"Thanks, baby," he chuckled, positioning his rock hard member at my entrance. I needed him so bad. I slid my hand around to the nape of his neck and pulled his lips down to meet mine, swallowing our collective groans as he pushed into me.

"Damn, baby," Jasper groaned as he pulled almost all of the way out of me before pushing back in, "You feel so good."

"Oh fuck," I panted, ghosting my hands over the planes of Jasper's muscled back. The feeling of his back moving beneath my hands was incredibly erotic and sensual, "I'm so close already. Shit…ungh, how can you make me so damn good?"

"Oh yeah baby," Jasper nearly growled, "I love you so fucking much."

"You're going to make me come baby…," I panted.

"Do it," Jasper grunted, "Come on my cock darlin'," he said, speeding up his thrusts.

"Oh!" I gasped as I felt his fingers apply sweet pressure to my clit a moment later, "Oh shit, I'm…I'm coming!"

"Oh Bella!" Jasper exclaiming as my orgasm fueled his own, I moaned at the feeling of his seed filling me. Jasper reluctantly pulled out of me and rolled us over so that I was laying blissfully on his toned stomach. I nestled my head under Jasper's chin and snuggled into his warmth as he lazily ran his hand through my hair.

"I'm the luckiest man alive," he murmured after a moment of silence.

"And why is that?"

"I've got the most beautiful woman in my arms," he replied, kissing the top of my head, "And by some miracle she loves me like I love her."

At his words, I positively melted in his arms and turned my head up to meet his loving gaze, "I've never loved anyone the way that I love you. Not ever. You make it so easy for me to love you Jasper. Breaking down in front of your ranch was the best sort of divine intervention that could have ever happened."

I pushed myself up with my arms so that I could properly kiss Jasper's mouth and things quickly grew heated once again.

"As good as this feels, do you want to move this into the bath?" Jasper murmured against my lips.

"Mmm, you…naked and wet? I approve."

"Stay here baby, I'll get the water started," he smirked, kissing me once before walking into the en suite bathroom naked as the day he was born. Oh yeah, I stared.

I distantly heard the bath water begin running and I curled up in the blankets until Jasper walked back out into the bedroom.

"Our bath awaits, my dear," he smiled, scooping me up in his arms.

"I can walk you know," I teased him.

"I know," he answered, leaving no room for arguments.

Jasper set me down straight into the deliciously warm water and I stretched my erotically aching muscles in the giant tub.

"Aren't you going to join me?" I asked.

"I wanted this to be about you," he said, kneeling next to the tub. I leaned forward and pulled his lips to mine, nearly yanking him in the tub myself.

"I want to share this with you," I whispered, "I want to feel your body pressed against mine."

"Well, in that case you don't have to ask me twice," he replied, smirking. I scooted forward and relaxed into his body once he was settled behind me.

"Mmm, I love you," I spoke, my words coming out sort of slurred due to my extreme relaxation.

"As I love you baby."

After bathed with only a few less than innocent touches, we dried off and fell back into bed where we made love again slowly and sweetly.










The next morning, Jasper and I reluctantly left our little cocoon as we had to check out of the inn and head back to my parent's house. Our flight back to Texas was leaving this afternoon and we wanted to spend some more time with everyone before we left.

I had already taken our two bags out to the rental car and I sat in the passenger seat, waiting for Jasper to check us out and join me. I smiled from where I was seated as I saw him exit the beautiful inn and make his way towards the car. He was just so perfectly handsome, and all mine. Just before he reached the car, I saw him glance at his phone to check a text message and I saw the same confused expression as the other day in the hospital. I didn't give it much thought at the time, but now I was a little curious.

When Jasper was seated in the driver's seat, I turned towards him.

"What's wrong baby?"

"This text message…I just…don't know what it means. It's from Olivia," he told me, "She sent me another one the other day at the hospital, but I just deleted it and cast it off."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.

"I just didn't want to worry you baby, your nephew was about to get released from the hospital…we had other stuff going on. That's all."

"Well, what did the texts say?"

"They said, Jasper, there's something important that we need to discuss. I'm sorry I haven't reached out sooner, but if you could meet with me, I would really appreciate it."

"What the hell does that even mean?" Jasper sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Do you want to meet with her?" I asked him, hesitantly, unsure of what his answer would be.

"No, I really don't."

"Well, what could she possibly want to speak with you about?" I pondered, "And why now? What could be so important?"

"I have no idea. We've been over for so long, what could she possibly want to speak with me about now of all times?"

"Maybe you should just hear her out?" I suggested, barely believing the words coming out of my mouth.

"I should?" Jasper turned towards me like he couldn't believe it either.

"I trust you and your feelings for me, Jasper. If you want to meet with her, I'm not going to be a bitch about it and try and control you. I can't stand relationships that are like that. I love you and I know that you love me too. If you want to meet with her to put a stop to all of the wondering, it's fine with me."

"You're amazing you know that?" he smiled, kissing my cheek. I watched as he typed out a quick message to Olivia letting her know that they could meet tomorrow at someplace called Southern Comfort to talk. A moment later she replied with her thanks and her confirmation that she would be there.

"All set?" I asked after he stowed his phone back in his pocket.

"Mhmm," he said, grinning lazily over at me as he started the car and maneuvered out of the parking lot. I held our hands together over the center console throughout the duration of our drive back to my parent's house. Every so often at a red light, Jasper would bring our intertwined hands up to his lips for a kiss and I melted further each time. He had no idea how much he owned me completely.

A smile that threatened to split my face in two spread over my face when we pulled into the driveway. Oliver was running around in the front yard and Michael was sitting on the steps of the porch watching him with a smile. When Oliver noticed us in the driveway, he immediately changed course and sprinted in our direction.

"Auntie Bewwa!" he yelled as he came closer. I threw my arms out to try and get him to slow down. His legs were fine, but his arm was still in a cast and if he was anything like his aunt, it was just a matter of time before he tripped and fell on it.

"Hey buddy," I smiled, scooping him up in my arms, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Oliver said, kissing my cheek. I swear sometimes this little boy made my ovaries go into overdrive. Children were definitely in my future. And the idea of children with Jasper was becoming more and more appealing.

"Hey little man!" Jasper called out, walking around from the driver's side.

"Jassy!" Oliver cried out, throwing himself over into Jasper's arms.

Michael laughed aloud as he walked over to where we were standing.

"I've been replaced," I told him.

"What can I say?" Jasper chuckled, "The kids love me."

"Yeah yeah, let's go see Mom and Dad…that is, if your giant head can fit through the door," Michael teased. I let out a loud laugh at his words. I was so glad my boyfriend and brother got along so well.

"Jassy doesn't have a big head Daddy. See? It the same as yours," Oliver threw in innocently.

"I know buddy," he laughed as we walked in the front door.

"Hello my babies!" my mom loudly greeted us as we walked into the kitchen where she was making lunch, "I'm making chicken salad, is that alright?"

"Sounds great mom," I smiled, giving her a hug.

"How was your date?" she asked me, smiling at Oliver playing with Michael and Jasper across the room.

"It was perfect, really," I gushed, "I love him so much."

"I could tell from the moment you two walked into the hospital waiting room. Even though you were so worried about Oliver, you still looked at him like I look at your father after all these years."

"Hey there Bells," my dad said as he entered the kitchen. I crossed the room and kissed his cheek, snuggling into his trademark fatherly embrace.

"Hey daddy."

"How was your night?" he asked somewhat awkwardly. I couldn't blame him knowing what Jasper and I were up to after our date.

"It was great," I answered, "I hate that we have to leave you all though."

"Are you sure you can't stay a few more days?" Mom asked hopefully. I shook my head apologetically.

"I left in such a rush that I left a lot of work for my assistant. He's very capable, but I do feel bad for leaving him with so much. I'm sure Jasper and I can work out something soon so that we can come back for a longer visit. Right Jasper?"

"Of course. Or may you all can come down to Texas?" he offered and my mother positively beamed.

"That would be great," she replied.

"What time is your flight?" Dad asked us.

"3:00," I said glancing at the clock over the stove and saw that it was approaching noon, "We'll probably take off for the airport in about an hour so that we can get through security."

"Well lunch is ready, so dig in everyone!" Mom announced, placing a bowl of chicken salad on the kitchen island.

I grabbed the standard croissants from the cupboard and pulled a few out. Without giving it a second thought, I prepared plates for myself and for Jasper.

"Baby, would you like some chips?" I asked.

"Sure, darlin'."

When I handed him his lunch, I heard Michael snickering.


"Already a kept man, Jasper?" Michael teased. I elbowed him in the side and he doubled over laughing and coughing at the same time.

"I don't mind," Jasper said with a smile, "I like that Bella wants to take care of me. I want to take care of her too."

"Yeah," I blurted childishly, sticking my tongue out at my brother, causing Oliver to giggle.

"Come on little man," I said, "Let's get you some lunch."

Oliver slipped his little hand into mine and I helped him get the chicken salad onto his plate. Michael helped him carefully carry the plate to the kitchen table while I went to the fridge and poured him some juice. When I returned to the table, I moved to sit in the chair next to Jasper, but he gently pulled me down to sit on his lap. I blushed but Jasper kissed my cheek and held me close.

Together, we ate with my family with pleasant and companionable conversation. When we got up to wash our dishes, I began to feel more and more reluctant to leave home. Sure, I was an adult with my own life in Texas, but what child didn't love returning to their childhood home?

After I had put my dishes away in the cabinet, my dad followed me up to my room as I went to gather up my things.

"So Bells," Dad began, "Is Jasper really treating you well?"

I rolled my eyes, but smiled and answered, "Yes Daddy. He is amazing to me. I love him."

"Well, you know, if he does anything to hurt you, just say the word…," he trailed off.

"Daddy! I can assure you that you will not need to tap into your cop skills with Jasper. He's a good man."

"Okay, okay," he said, throwing his hands up with a smile. I threw some clothes back into my bag and turned back around to face him.

"I miss you Bells."

"I miss you too Dad. I know you and Mom hoped that I would eventually move back here, but I'm really happy in Austin."

"I see that, I do. It's just not easy having your baby girl living so far away. You'll understand when you have children of your own."

Jasper then poked his head in the room with a sexy grin, "All packed up darlin'?"

"Yep, all set."

"Oliver colored a picture for you, he wants to give to you," he told me and I melted.

"Aw, okay, I'll be right down," I replied as Dad picked up my bag and walked with me downstairs.












Olivia POV

I tried to subdue the butterflies in my stomach as I read Jasper's text message. He actually agreed to meet with me. I was nervous and terrified all at the same time. I sat in my car resting my head against the steering wheel as I sat on Main Street outside of my parent's drug store. They had finally convinced me to do the right thing, but it was so damn scary.

"Don't be a coward, Olivia," I muttered to myself as I typed out a quick response back.

Sighing, I cranked up the car and maneuvered out into traffic. I got my nerves under control as I approached the red stoplight not noticing the truck barreling towards me head on.

I glanced up, and then everything went black.










A/N: Sorry to introduce this new plot line and then leave you hanging, I really am! I have the next chapter mapped out, but it's just a matter of getting the time to sit down and type it out. Being in college sucks sometimes, haha Thanks for reading!