HI EVERYONE! This is my first time writing a story for Fairy Tail. My very first fanfics that I wrote could be seen in Ouran High School Host Club (I was really addicted to that anime!). I hope you guys would forgive me for the future misspelled words and grammatical errors.

Love, The Author.

"You guys can call me Anya. I like that nickname ."


It's another wonderful morning. But I'm not sure if all this 'wonderful' feeling I'm getting would last until the end of the day. Fairy Tail is just like that Mama, y'know. Even if sometimes I get sick of Natsu and Gray fighting every single day, I still love them. I still love everyone.

And Mama, speaking of love, I found someone that I really love. If you were here right now, you'd probably say things about how your daughter is growing up. I miss you Mama. And I love you.

Lucy of Fairy Tail

Slowly, she folded the paper three times, placed it inside an envelope then sealed it. She was thankful to the Gods today because a certain pink-haired boy had not disturbed her favourite time of the day. She stood up from her seat and slowly opened a cabinet that was above the table. She furrowed her eyebrows. This cabinet's full. What should I do?

She looked around her well-organized apartment, and then fixed her gaze on her bed. I can't hide this letter under the mattress. It'll wrinkle my letter to Mama! Then, she looked at her cabinet full of clothes. I can't put this in here too! She suddenly remembered those times when she was in a hurry and had to literally throw her clothes out of the cabinet so that she could find the one she's looking for. I might accidentally throw the letter and not notice it. She was about to think of going to the kitchen but then immediately stopped her trail of thought. That pink-haired fire-breathing boy might play with his fire then accidentally burn her kitchen. Not an option. She was starting to become frustrated. Where in the world will I put Mama's letter without exposing it to danger? While she was thinking, she hadn't noticed a blue cat open her window, letting in a pink-haired boy giving Lucy his goofy grin.

"Hi Luc –" The pink-haired boy was cut off when he saw the blonde beauty standing with her face in deep thinking.


"EEEEEEEPP!" Her right hand on her heaving chest. "WHAT THE HELL, NATSU?"

He gave her his toothy grin again. "What were you doing?" He was now sitting on Lucy's bed, staring straight at her.

"Jeez Natsu, you almost gave me a heart attack there. At least try knocking on the door!" She reprimanded the dragon slayer, who, in return, just flashed his toothy grin again.

"Sooooooooooo, what were you doing standing there like an old statue?"

A single vein popped in Lucy's forehead. "I wasn't standing like an old statue. I was thinking."

Natsu was now munching on Lucy's sweets that were inside a basket. The blue cat was eating a sugar cane. "No Lucy." The blue cat said. "You really were standing like a statue."

Lucy sighed. "Fine. Maybe I was. But I was really thinking." She started walking towards her desk and grabbed her bag. I'll just put this in here for the moment. Until I find a new space for Mama's letters, I'll put them all here. Just when she was about to place the envelope inside, she suddenly felt warmer, especially at her back. She was getting irritated.

"What're you holding there Luce?" Natsu asked, his hands still full of candy.

The blue cat flew and laid on top of Natsu's head. "Oooooh, I see an envelope. Is that a letter to your 'boyfriend'?" The blue cat snickered.

Suddenly, her head rotated 180 degrees. She was now facing the duo. Natsu and the cat started to cower in fear. They could see Lucy's hair moving on its own, like they were snakes. "THIS. IS. NOT. A. LETTER. TO. MY. BOYFRIEND. I. DON'T. EVEN. HAVE. ONE. SO. SHUT. UP." With that, she closed her bag and bee lined to her apartment door.

Natsu tried to wipe the sweat coming from his forehead. "Was Lucy that scary Happy?"

Happy couldn't say a thing. He was sure to have nightmares later. But his dazed state instantly vanished when he saw something on Lucy's desk. "Oi Natsu, isn't that Lucy's letter?" He pointed his paw towards the envelope with a red seal on it.

"Eh?" Natsu proceeded towards her desk and sat on the chair. "I thought she placed it in her bag earlier." He looked at the envelope and sniffed it. Still smells like Lucy. He noticed the red seal and examined it.

Happy shrugged. "She must've missed the opening; she was looking at us while putting the envelope inside."

Natsu was just looking at the envelope like it was a thing that was different from all the other things he'd encounter everyday. He somehow sensed that opening the envelope would be a super duper terrible mistake. But I wanna read what Lucy wrote! He inwardly whined.

"What're you planning on doing Natsu?" Happy asked, wagging its tail.

". . ." No response from the Fire Breathing Dragon Slayer.


"… HE HE HE." Natsu was laughing evilly. In a matter of seconds, the envelope was gone; it turned into ashes on Lucy's desk. Now Natsu's hands were like snakes, slowly unfolding the envelope. TIME FOR READING!

At the Fairy Tail Guild:

Lucy suddenly feels a bit nervous. What the hell is wrong with me? She looked at her bag that was in front of her and touched it lightly. Then an idea popped inside her head. She slowly opened her bag, being very careful not to squish the very important object inside. She placed her hand inside and …

She instantly stood up from her usual seat, in front of Mira's bar, and looked inside her bag.


She left her bag on the table and ran as fast as she could. I need to get back to the apartment!

Mira and the other guild members looked at the Celestial Mage with confusion and worry.

I'm sorry! I'm always like this; making the very first chapter short and interesting (I guess?). No worries, shall put up the second chapter probably on Saturday