Disclaimer: I do not own Total Drama.

Note: Well, it's been a while since I touched this story, huh? Mainly because it was completed ... mostly. A LOT of things have happened since the last update and, well, long story short I've grown as a person and a fair few things relating to TDL3 have changed, such as the removal of Zephyr (and thus a new ending scene has been added to the previous chapter) and some of the cast being changed around, and the trauma chair thing Kim went through being removed as, looking back, it was just wrong to include it. Now, for this chapter ... this sheds a lot of light onto Kim, the villain of the story. It's always been planned that she will develop a lot in TDL3, but in reflection, this chapter is more than necessary for the finale of the trilogy to work properly. What is this chapter all about exactly? Read, and be informed...

Beauty both inner and outer.

A few hours after Kim's parents let their daughter know about their recent disownment order, when the sun had already set, they lay down in bed with frowns on their faces. The tension in the air could be cut with a butter knife, and the two did not desire to change that after making such an extreme decision.

However, after about a minute, Kim's father turned to his wife and asked, "Honey… do you think we did the right thing?"

Kim's mother cocked her head. "Hmm?"

Kim's father sighed. "I mean… this probably would have happened had Kim come home… I don't think we would have been able to calm her down… it's for the best, right?"

Kim's mother's tone got more intense. "How is betraying our daughter for the best?!"

Kim's father's eyes widened before he nodded and said, "...You're right, honey. But still… what could have caused this? Kim seemed fine after we moved a little while back..."

Kim's mother nodded. "...You're right, dear. And… come to think of it, I think I saw a brief smile from Kim after the guy she blackmailed came back and exposed her."

Kim's father's eyes widened. "Really? ...Come to think of it, I think I saw that too. Maybe it wasn't just me. ...But, the main thing I noticed about Kim were her eyes. They seemed… bloodshot. Did you notice that too, honey?"

Kim's mother gasped. "...Oh no."

Kim's father's tone seemed to get shakier. "W-What is it, honey?"

Kim's mother gulped. "I t-think I know what happened… do you remember what happened a few years ago?"

Kim's father gasped. "She had those same bloodshot eyes after that… no, it can't be!"

Kim's mother nodded. "We have to check her room. We have to!"

With that, Kim's parents frantically got out of bed and entered their daughter's room for the first time in what seemed like an eternity. Then, after a quick search, Kim's father found the jar of pills, gave a hefty sigh, and said, "Honey… it's full…"

Kim's mother gasped. "No… so she really did take herself off her medications… but why? Why would she do that for such a stressful game?"

Kim's father then found Kim's laptop and said, "Honey, there's a video on Kim's laptop. It looks like… our daughter made it, and it was created a week before the show began. Maybe we should watch it?"

Kim's mother sniffed, but nonetheless took a deep breath and said, "Let's."

Subsequently, Kim's father hit the play button, and the video began with Kim on the camera.

Kim sat in front of the webcam on her computer screen, an almost weary look on her face. He looked fairly anxious.

"Hey, guys. So, first off, if you were wondering what I look like, well, here I am. Yes, I'm KimmyWobbles, and Kim is my real name. I know, not the face or the body you'd expect from someone who plays Survivor ORGs all the fucking time, but hey, it's a great stress reliever, and I'm fascinated with the game."

She then sighed. "But, let's cut to the fucking chase. As you may know, I'm one of the 26 contestants who got accepted into Total Drama Letterama, and while, yes, I'm very excited to show off my skill and love for Survivor… I'm also very worried that things may spiral downhill quickly. You remember how in Letterz, both Kasimar and Nakia were portrayed as negatively as fucking possible? Well, I think I've discovered one of the reasons behind that."

Kim proceeded to place the big jar of pills directly to the right of her face and continued, "This is a jar of pills. You may be wondering why I have this, and that's because… well, I'm clinically depressed. Yes, I suffer from depression. And it's pretty fucking serious, so I need some equally serious pills to counteract it."

She then took a deep breath and sniffed before saying, "I'd rather not go into what led me to become depressed, because it's very personal, and I'd relapse if I were to just mention it. But, back to my original point. Notice that this pill jar is full. That's because I've intentionally taken myself off my pills for the last five days… and I'm really feeling the effects. I really wish I didn't have to, but the show requires me to stay off my pills for the duration of my stay. Plus, it's only two days before the game starts, and I've already signed the contract, so I can't back off now, as much as I want to…"

Kim sniffed and sighed before violently shaking her head and continuing, "The good news is, the show also requires me to send them a medical report, so if I start to lose my shit, which sadly has a possibility of happening with all of the stress I'll be dealing with on the show, combined with my desire to play a strategic, cold game, they should be able to dose me up before I actually hurt someone… and I really don't want to hurt anyone that badly…"

She then took a moment to calm herself down and take a few deep breaths before opening her eyes and saying, "But, just to be certain, I'd like to discuss a few things that could happen if I don't get my pills in time, because they do help provide me with the self-control I need to prevent me from… yeah. The first thing is… well, you may have noticed I have a few… undesirable beliefs about other cultures."

Kim sighed. "Look, I've legitimately tried to branch out, but I live in a white upper-class area, and as such, most of the minority groups, including homosexuals, around where I live essentially reinforce the negative stereotypes that I've gotten from music and the media in general. Plus, I personally believe that our huge focus on race and sexual orientation is starting to turn into a bit of an obsession and distracting us from addressing other serious problems, like police brutality and teen pregnancy, for instance. I'm not saying they shouldn't be addressed, but… yeah. Additionally, that experience that led to me becoming depressed? Again… it's too personal for me to divulge, but I will say it relates to these beliefs… oh fuck..."

After that, Kim stopped and started to cry for a few seconds, but then managed to recover by wiping her eyes and shaking her head. "I bring this up, because without my pills, it's already gotten to the point where just looking at a non-Caucasian person sends a slight chill down my spine, when I could interact with people just fine when I was on my meds, albeit slightly tentatively around some of the minority groups around my school. Fuck, yesterday, I went to the local pool with my parents to get some natural tanning done on my body. It went along just fine, until a rather thuggish looking African-American looked at me. Then, I tensed up, and was about to call him a nig-"

Just then, she caught what she was about to say, gasped, and covered her mouth with her hands, before yelling, with tears in her eyes, "God damn it! Why can't I control myself?! Great, if I can't stop myself from saying shit like that now… fuck! Oh, I'm so fucked, they're going to eat me alive and turn me into Kasimar and Nakia, the racist, slutty version…"

Kim took the next minute to cry in an attempt to catch her breath. Then, she shook her head violently and continued, "...Oh, t-that reminds me. Since flirtation is a major part of my strategy, I'd like to clear up my sexual history too. Now, I may have dated fifty… fifteen, fuck! Why can I not fucking pronounce fifteen correctly?!"

She took a deep breath. "Anyway, yes, I've dated fifteen different guys before... and I'm pretty sure I slept with most to all of them."

Kim then gulped before quickly and nervously adding, "H-However, I define 'slept with' as literally sleeping with them, like cuddling!"

She then blew out a sigh of relief. "Y-Yeah... and I definitely remember I've only had actual sex with three different guys before. And while that is higher than the norm for a sixteen-year-old, I've talked with girls who have a higher 'body count', per se. Trust me, teenage girls are naughty. And even my 'body count' is a bit of a misnomer. After the 'incident' I keep on mentioning, I was a bit of a wreck, honestly. In a little more than a year, I was still experimenting with different pills, and found that having dominance over guys helped me cope with my depression."

Kim sighed. "So… in that time, I dated twelve different guys, and had sex with three of them. And yeah, word did get around, and I was called a slut and a whore many times in my old school. And it did hurt..."

She sniffed and cried for a little bit before taking a deep breath and continuing, "Fortunately, my parents noticed this and moved to where I am now, where I've lived for, again, a little more than a year. After that, I got over that period, and have only dated three guys since then before realizing I wasn't going to have a serious relationship with any of them. Believe it or not, I am looking for the one, but not being on my pills… yeah, that's going to make it difficult, sadly. Maybe the detective contestant will be able to figure all of this out and help me… but then again, he's friends with that Indian gamer. Damn, nothing is fucking sacred, is it?"

Kim took another deep breath. "Alright, one more thing. This may sound strange, but hear me out, because I'll explain this to the best of my ability. I enjoy watching movies, and I was once dared to watch SAW in full. And, surprisingly enough, I wasn't fazed by any of the violence and gore at all. In fact, I kinda found it fascinating. No joke, I probably have a tolerance for gore and violence that matches Uzuri's. So, if I interject violent, gore-filled phrases into my comments, I won't see them as a big deal. I know I haven't done stuff like that before, for the most part, but I'm noticing that some of the thoughts I have in my head without my pills are pretty fucking morbid, so I want to make sure I warn you guys about that."

She seemed to stop for a few seconds before shaking her head violently and adding, "I'll give you an example. Let's say, for instance, that I try to put the moves on that detective, and the Indian gamer steps in and uses her 'natural charm' to sway the detective's heart, you know, like all gamer girls do. They complain about their image, when in actually, they're the ones who end up with the 'good guys'. Such fucking bullshit… oh, sorry. Had experiences like that in school. Anyway, so, in the Confessional, if I'm in a particularly foul mood without my pills, I may say something like: 'Fuck you, you stupid Indian nigger, I'll stick a needle in your chest so fucking hard, your goddamn ribs will crack open.' This actually translates to: 'I don't like this girl, she's ruining my plans, so I want her to go home.' ...I know this sounds stupid and ridiculous, along with suggesting that I've got some serious mental damage, but I'm afraid that's the best way I can explain why I could severely exaggerate violent stuff like that when I get angry."

She then took a few deep breaths and put on the most serious face she could muster before saying, "Before I finish, I want to make a few things very clear. I hate getting angry, and the fact that I'm having these morbid thoughts is honestly scaring the fucking shit out of me. I want to believe that I've gotten past that incident thanks to my pills, but without them… I feel completely exposed. And, since I want to play a strategic game when I get to the island, because that's how I feel the game should be played, I want to assure you that the Kim you're seeing on TV when Letterama occurs is not the real me. This is. Everything I'm saying to you is completely 100% me, but since I don't think the others are going to be as nice to these thoughts, since they barely fucking know me, I have to exaggerate my niceness, which will probably make me even fucking angrier.

Kim sighed. "Hopefully the Confessionals will help me, the producers will give me my pills if things go too far, since I can't quit without my folks suffering a fucking stupid financial penalty, and my parents will see this video along with the full jar of pills clearly on my desk, so they can connect the dots. And as for why I haven't told my parents about this yet… it's too late. I can't opt out of the show, and I don't want to concern them, especially considering those fucking penalties. So… if I do go too far, I just hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from, and that the damage may be mitigated thanks to these precautions. I'll upload this on all of my online accounts so that you can see the true me, and I just hope my worries are unfounded and I'll be able to have a great time competing on Letterama. So… goodbye..."

After a few minutes of Kim practically pouring her heart out on the video and explaining her reasoning regarding most of the issues surrounding some of the things that she was concerned she'd do and ultimately did in Letterama, Kim's parents simply stared at the screen in complete shock. About thirty seconds later, Kim's mother started sobbing, "Oh, Kim! We're so sorry! We never should've quit on you like that! We're horrible parents!"

Kim's father sighed. "...We made a grave mistake. Now, we need to make it right, honey."

Kim's mother kept crying. "B-But how? Kim's never going to trust us again!"

Kim's father embraced his wife and gently whispered. "She will. But we need to act now. It may be starting to get late, but the disownment office is still open. I'm going to call them, repeal the order, and use my old lighter to burn most of the disownment papers."

After about thirty more seconds of wiping her eyes and stopping the tears from falling, Kim's mother nodded more confidently. "Alright. And I'll gather some pictures of all the good times Kim and us have had and write a letter to her. We'll put the burned disownment papers and those pictures in the letter and send it to juvie anonymously, so Kim can read it."

Kim's father smiled. "Sounds wonderful, honey. Alright, let's do this… for our beloved daughter."

Directly after the show and her aftermath interview, Kim was taken to juvie and went through their typical procedures, including walking to the prison with a guard, and since Kim had already gone through the show, Total Drama was able to verify her possessions so that she did not have to go through the normal strip search, much to her relief. Then, she was issued a white, rather big jumpsuit for her to wear for the duration of her stay, and a locker to put her old clothes in.

Finally, when all of that was finished, the guard, who appeared to be rather young with unkempt brown hair, brown eyes, and a typical guard uniform, escorted a mumbling, pissed off looking, but physically unharmed Kim to her room.

However, before the two got to this room, Kim slammed her cuffed hands against a wall and yelled, "F*ck this show!"

The guard looked concerned. "What's wrong, Mrs. Rosefelt?"

Kim groaned. "Ugh, my life is ruined! I did everything I could to stop myself, but nothing worked! Nothing! And now I'm going to stay here for the rest of my life because I'm a racist, homophobic slut! And that's all I'll ever f*cking be!"

With that, Kim started to cry against the wall, and after a few seconds, the guard kneeled down next to her and said, in the calmest voice he could, "It's alright, Mrs. Rosefelt. We promise we'll help you through all of this and make sure that you'll be able to recover."

Kim snapped back, with tears still flying from her eyes, "What the f*ck can you assholes do?! Nothing! You just arrest people haphazardly and don't bother to help the people who need it the most!"

The guard sighed. "So… you've had negative experiences with the law in the past, correct?"

Kim groaned. "Yes! And now I'm trapped thanks to the law again because of this show and… I… damn it! Why is this f*cking happening to me?!"

With that, Kim cried for a few more seconds before the guard put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I assure you, Mrs. Rosefelt, you'll be just fine here. We saw your video, acquired your medications, and are working on a plan to give you an unbiased mediator who will listen to and care for you. And we'll see to it that your parents know about all of this. Once they see you're nowhere close to being a monster, I'm absolutely certain they'll welcome you back with open arms."

This seemed to be the key to get Kim to calm down, as about fifteen seconds later, she eased up on the tears, sniffed, and said, "You… you really think so?"

The guard smiled. "Of course. And there's no need to bog yourself down with guilt over your actions on the show. The past is just that, and now that you're here, we'll be certain to help you through this rough patch in your life with all of our resources, Mrs. Rosefelt."

With that, Kim sniffed, took a deep breath, and said, "Good. I wish I wasn't here, but after I got accepted on that f*cking nightmare of a show, I kinda thought I'd end up here in the back of my mind, sadly enough. At least you guys seem nice. Alright, just give me a minute..."

Kim then took about a minute to wipe her eyes, take a few deep breaths, and calm down. Subsequently, she stood up, nodded at the guard, and the two then proceeded to Kim's room. When the guard opened the door, it was clear the room was rather dull, as it only had a bed, a rather old looking bench, and no windows, but it had air conditioning and was comfortable enough.

Once the two were in the room, Kim said, "So, this is it, huh? 'Least it's not as bad as I expected. I mean, f*ck, I thought we'd be in cells."

The guard nodded. "Do not concern yourself, Ms. Rosefelt, we are here to help. However, now that we're here, I'd like to address some of the rules here, if that's alright."

Kim nodded. "Sure. But could ya take these fucking cuffs off?"

The guard shrugged. "I suppose so."

After the guard removed the cuffs, Kim said, "Good, that's much better."

The guard smiled. "Not a problem, Ms. Rosefelt."

Kim chuckled. "Don't worry about formalities, just call me Kim. I mean, you're above me on the f*ckin' totem pole anyway."

The guard shrugged. "Very well. Kim, here are the rules around here. We have a specific schedule for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and we serve it cafeteria style. As in, all of the cellmates in your sector will get in a line with you, and each of you will get a tray filled with food. You will have assigned tables that we may change as we see fit, but you may share food with each other. We do not have big portions, but the diversity and the number of food groups we offer should keep you healthy."

Kim nodded. "That's fine. I don't eat much anyway."

The guard returned the nod. "Excellent. Now then, besides food, we also offer physical activities on very rare occasions, and these are optional, but recommended, considering they are opportunities to meet people in your sector."

Kim cocked her head. "Do you guys play soccer?"

The guard nodded, causing Kim to fistpump and the guard to continue, "As for the bathrooms, each area has two large bathrooms, one male and one female, with many stalls, sinks, and showers, just like a college bathroom. This facility was once a college dormitory, but due to poor conditions, poor advertising, and poor funds, it got shut down, and the construction workers and former employees of the school decided to turn it into a detention centre. Thus far, it has proven to be a profitable decision. But anyway, if you need to use it, you must get a guard to escort you there and back, and you can call for one using this green button to the right of your door. And yes, you can call for a guard for other things as well, but if they are not emergencies or fairly important things, we may disable your button for a certain period of time. Understood?"

Kim nodded. "Yeah, gotcha. And by 'college showers', you mean that there are actually boundaries between showers?!"

The guard nodded, causing Kim to fistpump happily and respond, "Yes! Oh, thank f*ck! Trust me, that really does help. So, anything else I need to know?"

The guard continued, "Yes, one more thing. Regarding your handcuffs, you do not need to wear them at all times, but there's a catch. If you are caught horse-playing or generally disrespecting authority, that privilege will be revoked for a certain period of time. Understood?"

Kim gulped, but then nodded. "Y-Yeah."

The guard smiled. "Excellent. Now then, one more thing…"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of white pill capsules, causing Kim to gasp and chirp, "My pills! Wow, how'd you get 'em?!"

The guard smiled. "I'll tell you after you take them. Come with me, please."

Kim cocked her head for a brief second, but shrugged and followed the guard to the bathroom. Before entering, the guard gave her two capsules, and Kim kissed them in sheer happiness before heading into the bathroom, turning the water on, and using the water to swallow her pills whole. Almost immediately, she felt much more relaxed and took a minute or two to catch her breath before smiling into the mirror and saying, "Damn, it's good to be back… after four horrible weeks… I'm back on my meds!"

Then, she walked out the door where the guard was waiting and said, "Wow, you would not f*cking believe how much better I feel right now. So glad I'm finally back on them!"

The guard smiled before sighing. "I'm glad to hear that, but…"

Kim cocked her head. "But what? Don't worry, I'm a lot calmer now. I don't think I'll get too pissed off at whatever you have to say."

The guard sighed again. "Do you know where I got these pills from?"

Kim chuckled. "That's what I asked earlier."

The guard took a deep breath before saying something that make Kim's expression instantly darken, causing her to say, "...What?"

The guard sighed. "Yes, I'm afraid that's how we were able to give you your medication so quickly."

Kim said nothing, but clearly began to shake and take deep breaths before growling, "Give me a pen and a piece of paper."

The guard scratched his head, unaware as to what Kim was trying to do. "...I only have my notepad."

Kim nodded. "That's fine. Just give them to me. I want to write a note to those f*cking assholes..."

The guard then recognized Kim's objective and quickly pulled the two objects out. Kim snatched them and started to write. She had a nasty scowl on her face, and one could practically see the heat between the pen and paper as she recklessly wrote down what she wanted to say, and she certainly had a lot to say.

Then, after about ninety seconds, she stopped, took a few deep breaths, and handed the notebook and pen back to the officer and said, "S-Sorry for snapping like that and demanding something from you. I feel a lot better now. And thank you so much for holding off on that news until after I took them, because I know I wouldn't have reacted that well otherwise… those pills are the only things that keep me from losing my f*cking mind."

The guard nodded. "Not a problem. Believe me, when I found out the news, I was rather appalled myself."

Kim shook her head. "...Wow. I just… I'm stunned. I'm not saying I don't belong in here after that horrendous game I played, but holy s*it, they call me a monster?"

The guard sighed and nodded in sympathy. About thirty seconds later, Kim said, "Hey, I don't mean to be demanding, but could you send this to the producers? You're clearly in contact with them. I know you're above me in social standing here, but I'd really appreciate that. Besides, it would ring a lot stronger if I was the one… sending this to them."

The guard thought about Kim's proposal for a few seconds before smiling and saying, "Of course. Just allow me to escort you to your room, and I'll send it to them."

Kim's eyes widened. "R-Really? W-Wow, I never thought you guys would actually be this nice to me… if anything, I thought you'd be harsher than the assholes on the island."

The guard smiled. "I know the law gets a negative reception these days, but believe me, first and foremost, we're here to help people, and you're certainly no exception, Kim. In fact, we're planning a rehabilitation project for you right now. It should be ready soon, and if all goes well, you should be able to have much better living conditions and a kind therapist waiting to help you go through a smooth recovery before Letterific."

Kim shook her head and mouthed 'wow' in response, but after a few more moments, for what seemed like the first time in years, she gave a genuine smile and managed to say, "Thanks."

The guard returned the smile and said, "My pleasure. Now then, let's get you back to your room. Feel free to wash up and go to sleep whenever you're ready. But it's pretty late: about 10 PM, in fact, so you may want to do that soon."

With that, the guard returned Kim to her room, and she reclined on her bed and stretched for a few minutes before a tune popped into her head. She started whistling 'Niton' by Eric Prydz and after about thirty seconds, she leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and began to sing, in her very airy voice, "You are the reason why, years fly by and I don't find, the strength I need to grow. I know… I know."

Then, a few tears began to fall from her eyes as she continued to sing, "Enemies, they stand in line. I'm on my knees, and I can't find, the words to let you know. I know… I know… I know!"

Although Kim started to cry, she continued to whistle, as if she was getting all of her emotions out. She bobbed her head to the beat and then sung the lyrics once more. Then, after getting some of her tears out, she decided to take a shower.

After a half an hour of singing and showering, Kim walked into her room, yawned, and got ready for bed.

For a few minutes, everything seemed perfectly fine. However, all good things must come to an end at some point.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and Kim saw four tall angry-looking African-American males. Instantly, she got nervous and said, "U-Uh, h-hi?!"

The first African-American shook his head. "Well, well, well, it's the n*gger hater herself!"

The second African-American smirked. "Yeah, but she's got one hell of a rack on her!"

The third African-American shrugged. "Maybe she'll be less of a heartless bitch once she's knocked down a few pegs!"

Before Kim could react, the fourth African-American grabbed the top part of her uniform and tore it off her body, leaving her with just a skimpy pink bra. Then, she screamed, "Help! Somebody help me, please!"

The first African-American smirked. "Too late for that, ya f*ckin' racist slut! Take this!"

He then punched her in the face…

...This caused Kim to wake up with a start and scream at the top of her lungs. The instant she recognized where she was, she sped over to the button that called the guard and smashed it over and over again, with fear and panic evident in her expression. All the while, she yelled, "Help! Help! Help! Help me, please just f*cking help me!"

After about ten seconds, the same guard who introduced Kim to juvie came rushing in to see her crying a river with a fear-filled expression on her face. He then quickly gave her a warm hug and gently whispered, "It's OK, it's OK, I'm here now. No one's going to hurt you now, I promise."

This managed to help Kim calm down slightly, as she took deep breaths. The guard kept hugging Kim and gently calming her down for about three minutes before Kim said, "O-OK… I feel a little better… what a horrible nightmare… at least it wasn't real..."

The guard cocked his head. "That must have been some nightmare…"

Kim gulped. "I-It was… sorry for being childish…"

The guard smiled. "No need to apologize. It can happen to anyone."

Kim sighed. "I s-still f-feel kind of on edge…"

The guard kept his smile. "Would you like me to stay here for a little while longer?"

Kim nodded. "Yeah…"

After about five minutes of silence, Kim smiled and said, "Thanks. I feel better now. Good night…"

The guard smiled. "Good night, Kim."

With that, the guard left and Kim, with a newfound smile on her face, drifted back into slumber with ease. And this time, nothing bothered her.

Two days later, Kim began to get accustomed to the conditions. While they were very basic and rather drab, along with the fact that her uniform made her unable to flirt with anyone, on the whole, she seemed to be in fairly good spirits due to the positive vibes surrounding this detention centre.

And, on this particular day, the guard opened Kim's door a little earlier than usual, causing her to cock her head and say, "Hmm? Seems a bit early for breakfast, right? I mean, f*ck, I just woke up about ten minutes ago."

The guard nodded. "Correct. Actually, I have a letter for you, Kim."

Kim's eyes widened. "A letter? Hmm, weird. Alright, I'll give it a peek."

With that, the guard gave Kim the letter and said, "Breakfast is in half an hour, Kim. I'll see you then."

The flirt nodded before the guard closed the door. Then, she opened the letter and a few scraps of burnt paper and a few photos popped out of it.

Kim cocked her head. "Huh? What's this?"

First off, she picked up the burnt scraps of paper and tried to make sense out of them. About a minute later, her eyes widened as she stuttered, "T-These are… my disownment papers… b-burned? B-But how? Why?"

Kim then shook her head violently before continuing to pick up the contents of the letter. The first thing she picked up was a fairly recent picture. It featured Kim in the middle, her mother to the right of her, and her father to the left of her. They were all wearing birthday hats and smiles, with a banner saying 'Happy 16th Birthday, Kim!' in the background and a fancy cake in front of the birthday girl.

This instantly caused Kim to smile. "Ah, that was a great day. Just about ten months ago too. Still, my 17th birthday probably isn't going to be nearly as great… what else is here?"

She put the birthday picture down on her bed, and picked up the next picture on the ground. This one did not have Kim's parents in it, but it did have Kim herself, along with many other girls. They were crowding around a trophy with a soccer ball next to it, and they were all wearing a tight white shirt with blue highlights and black shorts.

At this, Kim continued to smile. "It's good to see you girls again… Betty, Leah, Ursula… I hope you three saw my video… maybe perhaps you could find it in your heart… yeah, right…"

With a sigh, Kim put the soccer picture down on the bed and found that there was one more picture left. She then shrugged, picked it up, and gasped. "It… it can't be…"

Unlike the others, this picture only contained Kim. Additionally, she looked a little younger than the other pictures, as evidenced by her smaller breasts. However, there were three other noteworthy things about Kim's appearance in the photo. First, she appeared to be wearing a bright red hoodie. Second, she didn't only look happy in the picture, she looked positively ecstatic. It was clear back then, Kim was practically full of energy. But third, and most importantly, the picture appeared to be hung up on a wall, and thanks to the background decoration of the wall, Kim instantly knew where the picture was being held.

Once Kim took all of this in, she warmly said, "...Wow, they still have it. Even after everything… it's still up there in their bedroom. I thought they would have destroyed it after disowning me! That picture… it meant the world to me. Do they still think… I have some of that cheerful girl left in me? ...I need to read the letter."

And so, she did.

Dear Kim,

We're so sorry! We made a terrible mistake by giving up like that, and that's unforgivable for us as your parents. We were stressed, shocked, and thought that we would be unable to calm you down when you returned home. In the back of our minds, we were afraid that this confrontation would lead to you running away regardless in an even worse mood. However, we know that's no excuse, so we quickly repealed the disownment papers.

We saw your video and discovered everything that happened before the show… and we understand why you failed to tell us and acted up like that on Letterama. No matter what happened in the past, we know for certain that you're on the path to recovery now, and from now on, we promise to care for and love you without question. We'll make sure to care for you no matter what and do our best to help give you the strength to show the world that you're anything but a monster next season.

We still love you, Kim, and we'll always love you no matter what happens or happened, because you're our beloved daughter, and on that day, we rekindled the truth that we need you, and our lives would truly be less fulfilled without you here. We hope this letter and these pictures help both you and the guards understand that things will never be hopeless in your situation, and we know you'll be able to fight through juvie. Hopefully now you're on your pills, and with the next season a long way off, just think of this year as a vacation away from the world. Plus, the guards aren't nearly as bad as you think. Just keep this letter and those photos close, and believe us, you can do it, Kim! We love you!


Mum and Dad

After reading the letter once, Kim pinched herself and read it over again to make certain she wasn't dreaming. And, after the second read, she fell down on her bed with a smile and started to sniff, "Thank you… that means so much to me… Mum and Dad… I love you too..."

Then, she started to cry. But, unlike before, these tears were tears of joy, and they were accompanied by a smile that seemed even more genuine than the one she made two days ago. She continued to let the tears out until a few minutes before the guard opened her door and said, "It's breakfast time, Kim. Let's go."

Kim nodded. "You've got it. Want to look at my letter?"

The guard shrugged. "Sure."

With that, Kim handed the guard her letter, and after reading it through, the guard lightly chuckled and said, "You have great parents, Kim."

Kim's eyes widened, but after a few seconds, she sniffed and said, with a warm smile, "Yeah… I really do. And I'm so grateful for that..."

Four days after the detention centre got the letter from Kim's parents, the guard met up with one of the higher-ups while everyone was having a nice, light lunch. The guard had a folder in his right hand, and used his left hand to knock on the office of the higher-up.

A few seconds later, a gruff voice responded, "Come in."

The guard listened and took a seat in front of the higher-up's desk. The higher-up himself appeared to be middle-aged, with short grey hair, brown eyes, a shaved beard and moustache, formal clothing, and a bit of girth on him. Then, the higher-up said, "So, you were the one who pushed for one of our prisoners to go through a recovery plan, correct?"

The guard nodded. "Yes, sir. Based her not taking important medications during the show she competed on for… certain reasons, her nightmare, and her parents sending her a loving, comforting letter, I believe it would suit her well to get better conditions and a therapist before having to compete on the next show a year later, sir."

The higher-up then put his thumb underneath his chin and asked, "And you believe this sympathetic behaviour to be genuine? You never know when you have a true psychopath on your hands."

The guard nodded. "I do, sir. And besides, we do have the power to take things away if we find out her behaviour is fake."

The higher-up nodded. "Very true, very true. May I see that folder?"

The guard then handed the higher-up the folder, to which the higher-up opened it and looked it through, saying, "Hmm… three different types of medication, now currently on Lamictal, no therapist meetings, and of course, her behaviour on that show… maybe I could call him."

The guard cocked his head. "Him, sir?"

The higher-up nodded. "A friend of mine. ...Yes, perhaps that could work. He retired recently, but I think he could handle one more case. However, I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me: do you think we should give Kim a chance like this? What I am about to propose is definitely special treatment, and if you make me look bad by lying to me, you can kiss your ass goodbye, Ken."

Ken gulped and thought for a few seconds before saying, "...I trust her, sir. What is your proposal?"

The higher-up glared at the guard for a few more seconds. "...Very well. I am going to call my old friend: a therapist who specializes in working with kids with racial prejudices. Then, I'll tell him about Kim and propose to have her stay at his house where he will take care of her for the next year. During that time, she cannot leave the house, and this therapist can call us at any time, at which point we will take her back to juvie where she will stay until the next season."

The guard nodded. "House arrest, sir?"

The higher-up returned the nod. "Essentially. Now, I'll ask this once more: do you think she'll be able to take advantage of this opportunity in a way that doesn't make us look bad?"

Ken looked to be in deep thought for a few more seconds, but eventually, he said, "...I do, sir."

The higher-up nodded. "Good. Then you may go."

And so, Ken left as the higher-up went over to the phone. After pushing a few button numbers, the familiar noise of ringing sounded in the higher-up's ears for a few seconds, then with a click, another voice sounded from the phone: "Hello?"

The higher-up sighed. "Hello. It's Bruce from the Ontario Detention Centre. I have a proposition for you."

Two weeks after Kim first entered juvie, she was beginning to get used to the conditions, even if they were rather drab. But, this morning, when Ken opened Kim's door, instead of the traditional call to breakfast, he said, "Kim, would you mind coming with me?"

Kim cocked her head. "Eh? Am I in trouble? I didn't f*ckin' do anything!"

Ken chuckled slightly, shook his head, and smiled. "We've figured out a recovery plan for you, and I'd like to take you to my higher-up so he can discuss the details with you."

Kim's eyes widened as her expression brightened. "Oh, really? Sweet! Lead the way!"

And lead the way the way Ken did. A few minutes later, he knocked on Bruce's door, to which the higher-up responded, "Come in."

With that, the guard opened the door, allowing the higher-up to say, "So, Kim, yes? Have a seat."

Kim shrugged, but obeyed the higher-up and sat down. Then, the higher-up turned around and faced the flirt before saying, "So, I take it you know why you're here, Kim?"

Kim nodded. "Yes. You wanted to discuss a 'recovery plan' for me, right?"

The higher-up returned the nod. "Correct. Now, before I tell you about this plan, I want to get a few things out of the way. First and foremost, due to your participation on a reality television show being the cause for your 'visit' here, your situation is a very unique one, and thus, something that we haven't dealt with often."

Kim scratched her head. "Err… OK?"

The higher-up continued. "You'll realize why this is important later. Anyway, the second thing about this plan is that for it to work, you'll need to keep your mouth shut and listen to us without question. Because this plan is, in essence, very special treatment."

Kim still seemed confused. "OK, I guess? Could you just tell me the plan, please?"

The higher-up lightly chuckled. "All will become clear soon. Anyway, here is the recovery plan we have for you. We will move you from the detention centre to the house of a friend of mine, who happens to be a recently retired psychologist. You will live there, and he will take custody of you. Additionally, you may never leave the house, and he can call us at any time if you misbehave. If you act up, we will take you back to the detention centre where you will stay until Letterific starts. Is that clear?"

Kim scratched her head. "Alright, so let me make sure I have this down. This recovery plan is going to put me under house arrest to a therapist, and he'll basically become my guardian, right?"

The higher-up nodded. "Correct. And the reason why this is special treatment is because, although you cannot leave until your time is served, you may use whatever belongings he gives you permission to use that he has in his house. To add, the house itself is in decent condition and can shelter at least one more person."

Kim's eyes widened. "W-What? H-Holy sh-crap…"

The higher-up nodded. "After that nightmare, that letter, and Ken's overall faith in you, along with your unique condition of arrest, I found it within my heart to make an agreement with a good friend of mine who has also been a devoted partner of the law for years. However, such a plan is a great privilege, and if you break any of the conditions, you will return here, and you will not get a second chance. Is that clear, Kim?"

Kim gulped. "Y-Yes, sir… I just hope I don't botch it…"

The higher-up sighed. "Believe me, Kim, I wish I did not have to be so blunt. However, with the rise of psychopaths, the fact that this is considered special treatment, meaning we have to keep this a secret, and how unique your situation is, I must make sure you know that we are giving you a great privilege. And you needn't worry; this friend of mine will help you and make sure you can return to the show in the best shape possible."

Kim seemed a bit surprised, but after a few seconds, she smiled and said, "Thank you, sir."

The higher-up nodded. "You're welcome. Now then, you may return to breakfast. However, during lunch, for this plan to work, you must follow this list of directions exactly."

With that, he handed Kim a paper and asked, "Is that clear, Kim?"

Kim nodded. "As crystal, sir."

The higher-up smiled. "Excellent. I hope that this plan works out for you, Kim. And, with that, I wish you a good day."

With a nod and a smile, the guard took Kim back to breakfast.

On that day, while Kim was eating lunch, she put her plan into action. After she finished her meal, she rose her hand to call Ken, and when he was within her hearing range, she asked, "May I use the bathroom?"

The guard nodded, and then the two walked out of the room. When everyone couldn't see them, Kim showed the guard the paper, causing the guard to nod and respond, "I know where we're going."

With that, Ken took a rather twisty path around the detention centre until the two were outside. A police car was in front of the two, and before Kim entered, the guard smiled at her, handed Kim her normal clothes, and said, "Goodbye, Kim. I hope this recovery plan goes smoothly for you."

Kim returned the smile, and then entered the car and lay down in the space between the front seats and the back seats on her front so that no one could see her. Then, the car started patrolling around the city for about five minutes, but fortunately, no one was speeding or was committing any other illegal driving techniques, so they were able to get to the house without much trouble.

Then, the driver said, "Alright, we're here. Sit up and hold out your hands, please."

With a nod, Kim obeyed the driver, who proceeded to cuff and walk her up to the house itself. It only had one floor, but it looked spacious enough to support another person if necessary. Then, after the driver walked her up to the front door, looked around, and took the cuffs off after making sure no one was watching. Finally, the driver said, "Good luck, ma'am."

With that, he returned to the car and drove away. Meanwhile, Kim took a deep breath, gripped the door handle, and whispered, "Here we go…"

She then turned the doorknob and stepped inside her new home.

After two weeks clammed up in a juvenile detention centre, Kim was thrilled to be able to step outside and get some fresh air. Of course, that excitement was short-lived, given that she was put under house arrest, but unlike the detention centre, the house had windows, so it was already a step up.

With those thoughts in mind, Kim opened the door and went into the house. The initial design was fairly simple, with wooden floors, marble walls, about six rooms on one floor, and a door that revealed a stairwell that supposedly led down to the basement. After checking the basement for a brief second, Kim saw that it was fairly spacious. To add, the walls were loaded with all sorts of intriguing, foreign-looking antiques.

This caught Kim's eye, as she went up to a few of the figurines and said, "So, this guy collects antiques, huh? ...They're really nice. Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

With a nod, Kim seemed about ready to continue walking around the house before a voice sounded out. "Kim?"

The flirt turned around and walked in the direction of the voice to find a rather old looking man, appearing to be in his early sixties. He looked to be Caucasian, wore slightly baggy clothes, and was sitting in a rather comfortable leather chair with a desk behind him that contained a fairly new computer and a tablet.

Once Kim saw him, she said, "So… you're the therapist, right?"

The old man nodded. "That's right. My name is Jay Naveen. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kim."

With that, he extended his hand, and Kim walked into the room and shook it. Subsequently, the psychologist gestured to another comfortable leather chair and said, "Please, have a seat."

Kim then took a seat and said, "So… I guess I'm going to be living here for the next ten to eleven months, um… Mr. Naveen?"

The therapist smiled. "You can call me Jay if you want. No need to formalities; I'm here to help you."

Kim nodded. "Thanks. So… what are these sessions like? I haven't had a therapist before. I know it didn't seem like it on the show, but those pills actually really helped me control myself, so my parents saw no need for me to have one. But now…"

Jay continued to smile. "There's nothing wrong with having a psychologist, I assure you. My job is to, in essence, talk with you, and be an unbiased mediator who helps you with things that you'd like to improve on or stop a thought process, as it were."

Kim's eyes widened. "Really? ...You promise you won't judge me?"

Jay smiled. "Of course I won't. I may be retired, but I know from experience the best thing you can offer anyone is a shoulder to lean on, and I'd be more than happy to be that shoulder for you, Kim. Bruce would not have called me if he didn't believe in you 100%, and if he believes in you, I'll believe in you too."

Kim seemed a bit stunned. "T-Thank you… but who's Bruce?"

Jay responded, "The person who briefed you about the details of this experience. He's one of the higher-ups in the detention centre you were cooped in for two weeks, and the two of us are very good friends, Kim."

Kim nodded. "I gotcha. Soooo, is there anything you'd like to start with? I'm not really sure where to begin…"

Jay lightly chuckled. "Well, I received your police report from Bruce and took a week to make preparations for your visit, so, if you don't mind, would you care to explain some of your thought processes during Letterama? I'm well aware you were not on your medications and that some of the memories may be painful for you, but I assure you that I am here to help you, and these sessions are for you. So, whatever you feel comfortable revealing today is what we'll discuss today. We have many sessions in the future, so there's no need to rush nor is there a need for you to feel uncomfortable until we get to know each other more."

Kim couldn't help but smile. "Wow… thanks. If I had known how nice the law could be… just, thank you."

Jay took note of this hesitation in his head, but didn't make any verbal or nonverbal cue in response before saying, "You're welcome. So, whenever you're ready, please feel free to tell me whatever's on your mind."

Kim nodded, and then started to tell the therapist about the other side of her experience on Letterama.

That night, after Kim talked with Jay for about two hours, she said, "And I think that's all you need to know about how I feel about this f*cking horrible show."

Jay's eyes widened. "Yikes. I've heard rumours about how horrible reality TV can be… but wow. Still, thank you for being honest with me. Rest assured, this will truly help both of us out with future meetings."

He then yawned. "But, for now, it's starting to get late, and I'm starting to get hungry."

Kim nodded. "Me too. What do you have to eat?"

Jay responded, "Fish, rice, roasted vegetables…"

Kim smiled. "That sounds perfect. Thank you so much!"

Jay returned the smile. "My pleasure."

With that, he got up, walked over to the kitchen, and started cooking. He deboned the fish with ease, and then put the rice and frozen veggies in a bowl. Afterwards, he started up the pan, and when it was hot enough, he plopped the fish down in the pan, making it sizzle.

Once Kim heard that, she said, "Ah, music to my ears."

Jay then chuckled and smiled before whistling a tune while cooking the fish. Then, he pulled out a pot from underneath the sink and poured the rice and veggies into it before heating it up. About five minutes later, both the fish and the rice/veggie mixture were done, and he went up and placed the two plates on the table.

However, just then, Kim noticed that there were three chairs with three separate plates on the table, causing the flirt to cock her head. "Huh? Why are there three chairs? Aren't we the only two eating?"

Jay just smiled. "Oh, I'm not eating with you today. ...They are."

With that, the psychologist snapped his fingers…

And from the other room came Kim's parents.

Kim then pinched herself before gasping and yelling, "Mum! Dad! You're here!"

With that, Kim ran up to her parents and gave them a group hug while crying tears of joy into their clothes. Once there, Jay smiled, nodded, and said, "I'll leave you three to it."

He then left while Kim hugged her parents like she never hugged anyone before, and continued to cry tears of joy into their clothes for what seemed like hours, but was, in actuality, only a few minutes. Then, she finally let go and said, through sniffles, "I-It's so wonderful to see you again… I got your note… I love you so much..."

Kim's father and Kim's mother could only smile for a minute straight before Kim's father said, "Well, shall we go eat?"

Kim nodded. "Y-Yeah…"

With that, the once disjointed family was back in a matter of two weeks, and the three took their spots at the dinner table and started to eat. Not much was said during their meal, but, then again, not much needed to be said.

However, about ten minutes into dinner, Kim sighed and said, "...I'm sorry."

Kim's mother cocked her head. "What are you sorry about, darling?"

Kim sniffed. "For everything. I… haven't been completely honest with you for years, and I was such a horrible bitch on the show, so I can completely understand why you gave up on me like that… I'm a terrible daughter..."

Kim's father's tone became more intense. "Kim, you're a wonderful daughter. We would never give up on you, and if you don't feel like you trust us completely, that's our fault as parents."

Kim's mother nodded. "Your father's absolutely right, Kim. Like we said in the note, we completely understand why you tried to cover up the fact that you took yourself off your medications."

Kim sighed. "It… it's not that. It's something else… something that I screwed up in the past that's ruining me. But, then again, I probably deserve this misery and getting punched in the face and having nightmares for being a racist, homophobic slut..."

Kim's father said, "Kim, look me in the eye. I have something I need to say to you."

Kim sniffed, but nonetheless listened to her father. "You don't deserve to be miserable. You don't deserve to feel like you don't trust us enough to be fair and unbiased parents who will love and care for you no matter what happens. You don't deserve to be labelled as a monster just because of your actions on the show. You don't deserve to be afraid of us and afraid of people in general. And you definitely don't deserve to feel like you have to lie and stretch the truth just to cover up the hurt you feel inside of you, Kim. We love you, Kim, with all our hearts, and if we ever made you even consider the possibility that may not be 100% true, that's our fault, and we sincerely apologize from the bottom of our hearts. I promise you, you can tell us anything you want, and we'll help you find the best way forward, just like we should have always done."

Kim's mother nodded and continued. "Your father is right, Kim. We need you here, with us. Even for the few hours after we signed those papers, there truly was a void in our hearts that only you could fill, and we mean that from the bottom of our hearts. And now, you don't need to worry about living in fear anymore. You're in a place where there are people who want to help you, and people who can help you, so you don't need to be afraid of anything now. The worst is over, we promise, and now you have so many people who want to help you and want to see you recover, Kim. And know that no matter what, we love you."

Kim sniffed, and then started to break out into full out tears for a few minutes while choking, "Thank you…" between breaths.

Finally, Kim managed to catch her breath and say, "Alright. I've… been living in fear… for so long. I tried to gain better perceptions of other cultures, tried to move on and not worry about it, and tried to ride a lie for years to make it seem like it never happened. ...But nothing worked completely, and without my pills, the holes in my psyche were revealed for everyone to see. And now, I've lost so much… but I still have that video, I still have my pills, and I was still able to get here… to recover. So… now, I'm going to tell you the truth, like I always should've done. So…"

With that, Kim revealed the truth, causing her to cry when her story was done. When she finished, her parents hugged her tightly and whispered, "We're so sorry, Kim…"

After a few more minutes, Kim's mother said, "...We're so sorry you felt the need to hide this from us, Kim. But know that we believe you 100% and know that this has never been and will never be your fault. Ever. You're such a strong, brave woman for being able to survive through this for so long and found a way to be honest to yourself so that we could help you. We know that you may have had a hard time trusting the law again because of this, but you can rest easy knowing that the perpetrators have been brought to justice and now, you have almost an entire year to get you the recovery and support that you need, OK?"

Kim sniffed. "Y-Yeah… b-but do you think this psychologist can help me recover?"

Kim's father smiled. "Of course he can. And Kim, we'll help you as well. We'll stay close to you and make sure we're nearby at all times before you get to Letterific, and we'll never even consider leaving you when you need help. We made a terrible mistake by even considering putting that disownment order into motion, even for an hour, but we promise we'll work the rest of our lives to make it up to you, our beloved daughter."

Kim sniffed, almost overwhelmed with joy. Her only response was another tear-filled group hug. Then, about a minute later, the psychologist came back with a smile on his face before saying, "Good evening."

With that, the group hug stopped, and Kim's father asked, "Would you like us to tell him about it?"

Kim thought for a few seconds before nodding, and with that, Kim's parents told Jay the horrible story, causing him to cringe for a few seconds and take a few deep breaths.

However, before things could get awkward, he smiled and said, "...You don't need to worry, Kim. I'll help provide you with the exact recovery plan you need, get you into contact with support groups who have been through similar experiences and will be able to empathize and care for you, and if this plan it takes longer than the show will allow, then I'll make sure you can go to the show in peace whenever you're ready. Just know that this isn't your fault, and you can and will recover from this. And for surviving that long without telling anyone… that's just a testament to how strong you are as a woman. I'm proud of you for being honest with your feelings and managing to gain the courage to reveal a horrifying secret. Rest assured, your life will go up from here. Your parents and I will make certain of that, Kim."

Kim couldn't help but smile. "Thanks. I… I'd really like that."

And that is the true ending of Total Drama Letterama. But, what des this mean for TDL3, and what were the things alluded to and not outright mentioned? Find out ... in June.

A special thank you to DarkShockBro for helping me out with this. Couldn't have done it without ya man.