Killerninja123: Hope you like the chapter!

Collage was going well for young Vladimir Todd. He is able pass his classes and he gets to spend time with Snow and Henry. One day when Vald was in his room doing his homework, five books appeared. Vald frowned. He wlkaed up to the books and picked it up. One of the books has a title called 'Eighth Grade Bites.'

"Henry." Vald called. "I need you to see this."

"What is it this time?" Henry asked. "Is it a book about werwolvees again?"

"No, this is different." Vald replied

Vald handed the books to Henry. Henry flip through the pages for a few minutes. Then Henry's eyes widen. He drop the books. Vlad step back a little and then he walked up to Henry slowly.

"Henry, what's wrong?" Vald asked

"Go get, Joss and the girls." Henry said


"Just get them!"

"Alright, alright, jeez."

Vlad stormed outof his dorm. He went in the elevator and press the button. A few minutes later he arrived to the fourth flour. He ran in the hallway and knocked on the door. The door open and there Vald saw his is friend, Meredith Brookstone, Joss, October, and his girlfriend Snow.

"Hey, Vlad." Snow said. "Is there something wrong."

"Henry needs you guys." Vlad replied as he gasped for air. "Just come with me and see."

Five minutes later they were at Vlad's dorm. Henry was still staring into space. The books were still on the floor. Vlad picked them up and flip through some pages. Vald's eyes wide. He saw his name, Nelly's, Otis, Henry, Meredith's, his mom, Tomas, and the other evil vampires. He look at the fith book, 'Twelfth Grade Kills.' Vlad turn some pages and he found all of the name of all the people he knew. Vlad's mouth drop. Then the door open. There he saw his, uncle Otis Otis.

"Hello, everyone," He said. "What's going on?"

"Uncle Otis, look." Vald said as he handed the book to his uncle.

Otis looked at the books. His eyes widen in amazed.

"Where did you get this, Vladimir?" Otis asked

"The books just appeared." Vlad replied

Otis nodded. He closed the door and locked it.

"Everyone sit down." Otis ordered.

Everyone sat down. Otis pass the five books around so everyone can see. Everyone was shock and amazed about these books.

"Isn't these books are about you, Vlad?" Joss asked

Vlad nodded. "Yes, I think so."

"It's in third person." Henry said

"Who should read?" Snow asked

"I think, Vlad should read," Otis replied. "These books are about him."

Everyone nodded. Snow handed the book first book to Vlad. Vald looked at the book. He was cautious. He didn't want anyone to hear his thoughts, but he has no choice. He wonder what would Snow react about Meredith who used to like him. He wonder about Joss. He wondered about almost everything.

Vlad sigh. "Alright, let's read."

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