Don't ask where this came from. It's an idea I've had for a while, and hardly original, but I wanted to give it a go. ANOTHER fob watch story, I know. But they are fun, and yeah...the idea is too irresistible.



She ran, just as a friend of hers was doing the same. He was going to the end of the universe, she was headed somewhere more interesting...if her plan worked.

It was a disgusting notion, becoming human, but it was survival, and she needed it.

She ran into the pyramid that was bigger on the inside than the outside, fetching the necessary equipment for the transformation. She wished all the fighters the best for the war, but she knew that it wasn't going to end well.

She had landed, in an area so under his nose that he would never suspect anyone to be there, lest of all her. She was marginally disappointed by the lack of dinosaurs, but it was an inconvenience she would deal with. Her human self wasn't going to be bothered anyway.

She remembered the blinding pain, then an odd sense of blankness as her life ebbed into something more dull…something human.

A teenager blearily woke from a strange dream that she couldn't remember, only that it was something about fire, pyramids, and dinosaurs…but it was hardly important. She had school to worry about.

Rani Chandra rubbed her eyes as she swung out of bed, her silver fob watch clattering to the floor, unnoticed by her.

As she left the room, she never heard the smug laughter of a far more mature woman emit from the watch.

Hehehe, I'm so evil, and I hate to do this to darling Rani, but it's going to be so much fun...*evil laugh*

And I know that it's VERY similar to my Open Your Eyes prologue, but it just seems like such a good way to start!

Please leave a review and let me know what you thought!

-MayFairy :)