Ok, so I am back, but I am not back with Buffy, sorry to say I have moved on from that. I will hopefully one day finish off the stories I started there, but until I find a cure for my Buffy-Block I will be writing Castle fics cos seriously Castle is just so much better. *Mentally slaps herself for saying that* You know its true though. Anyway, I ran out of little books to write my stories in so I just started writing in Word and this is what happened.

This is based in season 4 a little after episode 9, Kill Shot, and basically its a one-shot that grew into a story.

"You ready to go, Castle?"

The smile on his face was all the confirmation she needed as they both grabbed their coats and headed towards the elevator. They had closed another case together and now it was time for a celebratory dinner at Remy's, because in the life of a cop and a writer-tag-along-playing-cop a burger and shake at Remy's was an excellent way to celebrate. Castle followed behind the detective with his usual bright smile on his face, he loved this part of a case when they got to sit down to a meal together and stop being a cop and a writer and just be two people having a good time together, just two good friends.

Beckett held the elevator door open for her partner and smiled with humour as he slipped smoothly inside the metal box. She hit the button for the ground floor and stepped back, her coat was draped over her linked hands as they rested against her abdomen, with her bag hanging from her shoulder. She was wearing one of her favourite black turtlenecks with a grey pair of work pants. Her chocolate brown curls were tied back in a bun but she had no doubt that they would come out before the end of dinner. Castle was wearing his usual work style, a nice grey-blue shirt with dark navy pants and jacket, thinly striped in grey. She liked it when he wore blue, it brought out the blue in his eyes so well...not that she had noticed that sort of thing. A faint blush threatened to heat her cheeks so she cleared her throat and tried to start a conversation to keep her mind away from intense blue eyes and ruggedly handsome authors.

"So, is it my turn to pay this time or yours? I can't remember, when was the last time we had dinner at Remy's?" She leaned back against the wall of the elevator and cast her eyes up at the numbers lighting up as they passed by the floor.

"I remember the meal, but I can't remember who paid either, never mind though, my shout."

"Castle, I can afford to pay for a meal at Remy's."

"So then you can pay next time." He gave her a smug smile at his logic and she just rolled her eyes; trying to fight back the smile that wanted to cross her face as well.

She was about to bring up the topic of the holidays that were coming up, when the elevator shuddered to a stop. Shock and fear covered both of their faces when the elevator shuddered again and then it dropped. They were tossed around the metal box as it dropped fast and then stopped suddenly. Beckett groaned, rubbing her neck in pain, she had been thrown against the wall and she was sure that tomorrow she was going to wake up to a nice big bruise on her shoulder, an ache in her neck and a little pain in her ankle as she had twisted it when she fell. It wasn't too bad overall, it was just a twist, it wasn't sprained or anything it would heal soon and she wouldn't have to be assigned to paperwork for a week.

"Ow, hey Castle, are you ok? You hurt?" She asked, her eyes were closed as she tried to fight the pain in her arm, neck and leg. When she didn't hear an immediate response from her partner, she opened her eyes to check on him, but she found that the lights had gone out. "Castle? Are you ok? Can you see anything?"

Silence settled in again and she started to panic. She crawled around on the floor, sweeping her hands from side to side until they bumped into a solid form. She moved closer to him and tried to get his attention. "Castle? Castle, wake up, come on, don't mess with me." She hoped he was just messing with her, but when her hand ran over his head and she felt a hot sticky liquid touch her fingers, she knew it wasn't a joke.

Kate reached around to find her coat and bag and she dug out a torch, she switched it on and pointed it at Rick, gasping at what she saw. He was out cold on the elevator floor with blood trickling down his forehead. He had smacked his head into the wall when he fell, pointing the torch up she could see the smudge of blood on the wall. She dropped the torch on the floor, making sure it was pointed at his head and she tried to examine the wound. It wasn't really that bad, the force had broken the skin and there was a little blood, but it didn't look like there was any other damage. But the sight of the red on his face while his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving horrified her. What if there was more damage that she just couldn't see? What if he had slammed his head harder than she thought? What if he didn't wake up?

"Castle, come on, don't do this, you need to wake up! Come on, give me something, just a word or a sound, come on."

She looked up at the ceiling and yelled as loud as she could. "Help! Anybody? Help please!" She had no idea where the elevator had stopped, whether they were close enough to one of the floors to get out if they could get the doors open or if they would have to wait for the fire department to come and cut them out of here. She pulled out her mobile phone and groaned in annoyance. When she had fallen, she had landed on her phone, breaking the damn thing. This was unbelievable, she tried to turn it on and make it work but it was clear the thing was dead. She threw it violently at the wall, screaming with anger through gritted teeth. She tried to listen out for someone calling to her, there had to be someone still here at this hour.

If it wasn't for her stupid phone...she looked down at Castle and decided it was worth it. She slipped her hand into his jacket and pulled out his phone. Waking it up, she ignored the request for a four digit code and hit 'emergency call'. She typed in the precinct's number and waited for someone to pick up. When she heard a voice on the other end, she sighed with relief as recognition hit her.

"Esposito, hey, can you get maintenance up here? I'm trapped in the elevator." She had thought that he had already gone home, but thankfully she had been wrong.

"Oh, is that what that was? I thought it was a truck or something, sorry, wasn't really paying much attention, I was on the phone with Lanie."

"Look, while I think its ok for now, Castle is trapped in here too, he's out cold with a bump on his forehead and blood on his face, could you please find a way to get us out of here as soon as possible?"

"What? Ok, standby, I'll call it in and get you guys out. Just keep me posted on his condition, ok? How serious is it?" She could hear things clicking and tapping in the background, he was using another phone to make the call to maintenance and possibly an ambulance.

"I have no idea, the lights are out, all I have is a flash light, a broken phone and an unconscious writer on the floor with blood on his face so can you please move it!" She didn't mean to bully him, but every second that her partner failed to wake up was making her more and more terrified.

"I'm moving as fast as I can, calm down. He is gonna be alright, now I gotta hang up on you ok? I'll make sure we get you guys out of there as fast as possible."

"Reckon you could make it a little faster than that? I don't think the elevator is exactly secure, here, it might just be me being paranoid but I think it just moVED! Jeez! This thing is not stable!" She couldn't stop the pitch of her voice jumping up an octave as the elevator dropped a little and stopped again.

"I'm working on it, just hang on tight, I gotta go now." He hung up.

Kate gritted her teeth together as she dropped the phone down by her bag and coat. "Hold on tight to what?"

The next chapter should be up in...a few minutes, so sit tight. Let me know what you think, this is the first Castle fic I have ever published so healthy critisism is welcome.