Chapter One-

"I met the happy couple for the first time on the first of September 1971, when they were both just eleven years old," the woman smiled, "And although I cannot describe them as having experience love at first sight, there was certainly something there. From the moment Lily Evans sat down at the Gryffindor table, I knew that her relationship with James Potter would not be a conventional one."


"Gryffindor!" the cry from the hat echoed around the great hall.

Lily removed the Sorting Hat from her head hastily and made her way to the Gryffindor table, where a space was made for her beside a young Sirius Black, she however rejected this seat in favour of one beside a girl who would soon become her closest friend. She glanced behind her to a friend she had met on the train, who was later sorted into Slytherin, and one could see the sadness in her eyes as he gave her a cold look, as though she had chosen to be separated from him.

"Lily Evans," she held out her hand to the boy sitting opposite her once the sorting ceremony was over, "I'm muggle born."

The sandy haired boy took her hand a shook it heartily, "Remus Lupin," he replied, "I'm not," he smiled, "But I've always wondered – how do muggles travel without brooms?"

"Cars," Lily giggled; it clearly seemed odd to her that Remus had never heard of them.

"Cars? Interesting…. Those are the things with the windows that move on wheels?" Sirius Black interrupted the conversation, "I've never been in one, my mum hates muggles… no offence ginger," he smiled at Lily who looked thoroughly offended.

"We've got a car at home!" James Potter piped up from opposite Sirius, "It's so weird, my dad bought it for my mum as a present, and it takes ages to get anywhere in it and-"

"-it clearly makes my friend James here nearly wet himself with excitement," Sirius butted in once more, but the desired response was not received from Lily, who merely scowled at him.

"What kind of car do you have at home James?" she asked sweetly.

"I don't know," he laughed, "Probably a nicer one than yours though."


"Being only eleven, James had not realised the consequences of saying something like this to a volatile and fiery redhead…" the woman laughed at she recalled what had happened next.


"What did you just say?" Lily said sternly, looking at James.

"That we have a nice car," James replied innocently, "It's nicer than everyone's in the village, so I just assumed."

"You are without a doubt the most arrogant and intolerable boy I have ever met," she said frankly.

"That seems a little mean," Remus said to her, but it was too late to do anything, as James had just received a face full of mashed potato.

Wiping the creamy mash from his eyes, James responded by throwing a goblet full of pumpkin juice into Lily Evan's face. Her face turned as red as her hair, she looked ready to murder James Potter, the two sat silently for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Suddenly, and with no warning, Lily lunged at James across the table, scattering golden plates and goblets everywhere, and landing on top of him. By this point the entire Great Hall was staring at the pair, for this was a scene that had never been seen before at a start of term feast – two first years starting a food fight. The hall erupted into chaos, as Sirius Black chucked an entire roast chicken in the direction of Marlene McKinnon, who reacted by throwing a plate of Yorkshire puddings at Frank Longbottom, who began to flick peas at anyone in his vicinity.

Meanwhile, Lily and James remained in a full on brawl. As a small and scrawny boy of eleven, James was an equal match for the feisty Miss Evans, and the two were rolling on the floor, kicking and slapping each other in a way never seen before at meal time. Neither was able to use magic to end the fight, and so, they were locked in battle while the food fight raged around them. It had now spread all the way down to the Slytherin table, where a Prefect hastened to throw gravy at any first years within his reach. The teachers were powerless to stop it, and so, the fight was allowed to continue.

"… I swear, even to this day that I saw Professor Dumbledore chuck a stalk of broccoli in the direction of a student," she glanced at the Headmaster, who merely chuckled and took a sip from his drink, "and so, I was forced to take it into my own hands to put an end to the madness!"


"ENOUGH!" Professor McGonagall cried loudly from the teachers table, and many students stopped mid-throw, letting their ammunition clatter down onto the golden plates below, "You are a disgrace to this school. You are a disgrace to the teachers. You are a disgrace to yourselves. Prefects, please lead the first years back to the common rooms, heads of Houses, please meet them there."

The Gryffindor prefect stood up, and called the first years to follow him out of the hall, forcing Lily and James to break apart from their brawl, neither looking as though a resolution had been made. They followed the Prefect sombrely up the staircases, past the glorious paintings, suits of armour and ghosts, and up to the Gryffindor tower for the first time. None of them gazed around with amazement as they should have done, each too terrified that their time at Hogwarts was already up, that they had had their chance, and blown it already.

"Nogtail," the prefect said pompously to the portrait of the fat lady, who swung away to reveal the portrait hole, and entrance to Gryffindor tower, to the solemn first years. As they walked into the common room for the first time, many of the girls gasped, amazed by how such a vast room could look so cosy and welcoming.

"Welcome, to the Gryffindor Common Room," Professor McGonagall had been waiting for them there, clearly she had taken a short cut so as to be there on their arrival, "I hope that you will come to see this place as home, but one must also remember, that Hogwarts is a school, and that standards must be upheld," she looked sternly at Lily Evans, who turned red once more, and then to James Potter, who grinned proudly, "Boys, your dormitories are up the stairs to your right, Girls, the same on your left. Have a good night's sleep, and let us wake up in the morning fresh enough to forget that ghastly display at dinner. Goodnight."

The first years began to make their way towards their dormitories, "Not so fast," Professor McGonagall continued, "Evans, Potter, remain behind please."

James and Lily turned on their heels and stood quietly in front of their Head of House. James seemed unable to help himself from saying, "Evans started it Professor! She chucked Potato at my head and I did nothing to her and-"

"-did nothing to me?" Lily piped up, "You insulted my family. You were an arrogant twerp and I was just-"

"Enough," Professor McGonagall said quietly, but sternly enough that her voice held authority, "I have taken the decision to place you both in detention. My office, on Saturday night. Now off to bed."

The little first years went their separate ways up the stairs, but not before Lily could aim a good kick in James' direction.


"So, James may try to tell you that his first detention was received in his second week of term, when he and Mr. Black released seventy five stink bombs in Mr. Filch's office, however it has now been proven, that his first ever detention, of which there were many, was spent in the company of his wife, who, may I add, did not receive another detention until her seventh year, but I'm sure we will come to that later… now if I could hand over to the Best Man for some words of wisdom, which should enlighten us," Professor McGonagall sat down, smiling to herself as Sirius Black stood up with a roguish grin on his face.

The idea of doing a story came to me today while I was bored... I hope you liked it, and hopefully there will be many more cute little stories to come, please tell me what you thought: